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package endpoints4s.algebra
import endpoints4s.Tupler
import endpoints4s.algebra.BasicAuthentication.Credentials
/** Provides vocabulary to describe endpoints that use Basic HTTP authentication.
* This trait works fine, but developers are likely to implement their own
* authentication mechanism, specific to their application.
* @group algebras
trait BasicAuthentication extends EndpointsWithCustomErrors {
/** A response that can either be Forbidden (403) or the given `Response[A]`.
* The returned `Response[Option[A]]` signals “forbidden” with a `None` value.
* @param responseA Inner response (in case the authentication succeeds)
* @param docs Description of the authentication error
private[endpoints4s] final def authenticated[A](
responseA: Response[A],
docs: Documentation = None
): Response[
] = // FIXME Use an extensible type to model authentication failure
.orElse(response(Forbidden, emptyResponse, docs))
.xmap(_.fold[Option[A]](Some(_), _ => None))(_.toLeft(()))
/** A request with the given `method`, `url`, `entity` and `headers`, but
* which also contains the Basic Authentication credentials in its
* “Authorization” header.
* The `Out` type aggregates together the URL information `U`, the entity
* information `E`, the headers information `H`, and the `Credentials`.
* In case the authentication credentials are missing from the request,
* servers reject the request with an Unauthorized (401) status code.
private[endpoints4s] def authenticatedRequest[U, E, H, UE, HCred, Out](
method: Method,
url: Url[U],
entity: RequestEntity[E],
headers: RequestHeaders[H],
requestDocs: Documentation
tuplerUE: Tupler.Aux[U, E, UE],
tuplerHCred: Tupler.Aux[H, Credentials, HCred],
tuplerUEHCred: Tupler.Aux[UE, HCred, Out]
): Request[Out]
/** Describes an endpoint protected by Basic HTTP authentication
* @group operations
def authenticatedEndpoint[U, E, R, H, UE, HCred, Out](
method: Method,
url: Url[U],
response: Response[R],
requestEntity: RequestEntity[E] = emptyRequest,
requestHeaders: RequestHeaders[H] = emptyRequestHeaders,
unauthenticatedDocs: Documentation = None,
requestDocs: Documentation = None,
endpointDocs: EndpointDocs = EndpointDocs()
tuplerUE: Tupler.Aux[U, E, UE],
tuplerHCred: Tupler.Aux[H, Credentials, HCred],
tuplerUEHCred: Tupler.Aux[UE, HCred, Out]
): Endpoint[Out, Option[R]] =
authenticated(response, unauthenticatedDocs),
object BasicAuthentication {
case class Credentials(username: String, password: String)