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endpoints4s.openapi.model.OpenApi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package endpoints4s.openapi.model
import endpoints4s.{Encoder, Hashing}
import endpoints4s.algebra.{ExternalDocumentationObject, Tag}
import scala.collection.mutable
* @see [[]]
* @note Throws an exception on creation if several tags have the same name but not the same other attributes.
final class OpenApi private (
val info: Info,
val paths: Map[String, PathItem],
val components: Components
) extends Serializable {
override def toString =
s"OpenApi($info, $paths, $components)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: OpenApi =>
info == && paths == that.paths && components == that.components
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = Hashing.hash(info, paths, components)
val tags: Set[Tag] = OpenApi.extractTags(paths)
private[this] def copy(
info: Info = info,
paths: Map[String, PathItem] = paths,
components: Components = components
): OpenApi =
new OpenApi(info, paths, components)
def withInfo(info: Info): OpenApi =
copy(info = info)
def withPaths(paths: Map[String, PathItem]): OpenApi =
copy(paths = paths)
def withComponents(components: Components): OpenApi =
copy(components = components)
object OpenApi {
val openApiVersion = "3.0.0"
def apply(info: Info, paths: Map[String, PathItem], components: Components) =
new OpenApi(info, paths, components)
private def mapJson[A](map: Map[String, A])(f: A => ujson.Value): ujson.Obj =
new ujson.Obj(mutable.LinkedHashMap( {
case (k, v) => (k, f(v))
}.toSeq: _*))
private[openapi] def schemaJson(schema: Schema): ujson.Obj = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[String, ujson.Value]
schema match {
case primitive: Schema.Primitive =>
fields += "type" -> ujson.Str(
primitive.format.foreach(s => fields += "format" -> ujson.Str(s))
case obj: Schema.Object =>
fields ++= List(
"type" -> "object",
"properties" -> new ujson.Obj(
mutable.LinkedHashMap( => -> schemaJson(
): _*
val required =
if (required.nonEmpty) {
fields += "required" -> ujson.Arr( _*)
obj.additionalProperties.foreach(p => fields += "additionalProperties" -> schemaJson(p))
case array: Schema.Array =>
val itemsSchema = array.elementType match {
case Left(value) => schemaJson(value)
case Right(value) => ujson.Arr( _*)
fields ++= List(
"type" -> "array",
"items" -> itemsSchema
case enm: Schema.Enum =>
fields ++= schemaJson(
fields += "enum" -> ujson.Arr(enm.values: _*)
case oneOf: Schema.OneOf =>
fields ++=
(oneOf.alternatives match {
case discAlternatives: Schema.DiscriminatedAlternatives =>
val mappingFields: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
mutable.LinkedHashMap(discAlternatives.alternatives.collect {
case (tag, ref: Schema.Reference) =>
tag -> ujson.Str(Schema.Reference.toRefPath(
}: _*)
val discFields = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[String, ujson.Value]
discFields += "propertyName" -> ujson.Str(
if (mappingFields.nonEmpty) {
discFields += "mapping" -> new ujson.Obj(mappingFields)
"oneOf" -> ujson
.map(kv => schemaJson(kv._2)): _*
"discriminator" -> ujson.Obj(discFields)
case enumAlternatives: Schema.EnumeratedAlternatives =>
"oneOf" -> ujson
.Arr( _*)
case allOf: Schema.AllOf =>
fields += "allOf" -> ujson.Arr( _*)
case reference: Schema.Reference =>
fields += "$ref" -> ujson.Str(
for (description <- schema.description) {
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
for (example <- schema.example) {
fields += "example" -> example
for (title <- schema.title) {
fields += "title" -> title
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def securitySchemeJson(securityScheme: SecurityScheme): ujson.Obj = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"type" -> ujson.Str(securityScheme.`type`)
for (description <- securityScheme.description) {
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
for (name <- {
fields += "name" -> ujson.Str(name)
for (in <- {
fields += "in" -> ujson.Str(in)
for (scheme <- securityScheme.scheme) {
fields += "scheme" -> ujson.Str(scheme)
for (bearerFormat <- securityScheme.bearerFormat) {
fields += "bearerFormat" -> ujson.Str(bearerFormat)
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def infoJson(info: Info): ujson.Obj = {
val fields: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
"title" -> ujson.Str(info.title),
"version" -> ujson.Str(info.version)
info.description.foreach(description => fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description))
private def componentsJson(components: Components): ujson.Obj =
"schemas" -> mapJson(components.schemas)(schemaJson),
"securitySchemes" -> mapJson(components.securitySchemes)(
private def responseJson(response: Response): ujson.Obj = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"description" -> ujson.Str(response.description)
if (response.headers.nonEmpty) {
fields += "headers" -> mapJson(response.headers)(responseHeaderJson)
if (response.content.nonEmpty) {
fields += "content" -> mapJson(response.content)(mediaTypeJson)
new ujson.Obj(fields)
def responseHeaderJson(responseHeader: ResponseHeader): ujson.Value = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"schema" -> schemaJson(responseHeader.schema)
if (responseHeader.required) {
fields += "required" -> ujson.True
responseHeader.description.foreach { description =>
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
new ujson.Obj(fields)
def mediaTypeJson(mediaType: MediaType): ujson.Value =
mediaType.schema match {
case Some(schema) => ujson.Obj("schema" -> schemaJson(schema))
case None => ujson.Obj()
private def operationJson(operation: Operation): ujson.Obj = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"responses" -> mapJson(operation.responses)(responseJson)
operation.operationId.foreach { id =>
fields += "operationId" -> ujson.Str(id)
operation.summary.foreach { summary =>
fields += "summary" -> ujson.Str(summary)
operation.description.foreach { description =>
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
if (operation.parameters.nonEmpty) {
fields += "parameters" -> ujson.Arr( _*
operation.requestBody.foreach { requestBody =>
fields += "requestBody" -> requestBodyJson(requestBody)
if (operation.tags.nonEmpty) {
fields += "tags" -> ujson.Arr( => ujson.Str( _*
if ( {
fields += "security" -> ujson.Arr( _*
if (operation.callbacks.nonEmpty) {
fields += "callbacks" -> mapJson(operation.callbacks)(pathsJson)
if (operation.deprecated) {
fields += "deprecated" -> ujson.True
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def parameterJson(parameter: Parameter): ujson.Value = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"name" -> ujson.Str(,
"in" -> inJson(,
"schema" -> schemaJson(parameter.schema)
parameter.description.foreach { description =>
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
if (parameter.required) {
fields += "required" -> ujson.True
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def inJson(in: In): ujson.Value =
in match {
case In.Query => ujson.Str("query")
case In.Path => ujson.Str("path")
case In.Header => ujson.Str("header")
case In.Cookie => ujson.Str("cookie")
private def requestBodyJson(body: RequestBody): ujson.Value = {
val fields = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value](
"content" -> mapJson(body.content)(mediaTypeJson)
body.description.foreach { description =>
fields += "description" -> ujson.Str(description)
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def tagJson(tag: Tag): ujson.Value = {
val fields: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
"name" -> ujson.Str(
if (tag.description.nonEmpty) {
fields += "description" -> tag.description.get
if (tag.externalDocs.nonEmpty) {
fields += "externalDocs" -> externalDocumentationObjectJson(
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def externalDocumentationObjectJson(
externalDoc: ExternalDocumentationObject
): ujson.Value = {
val fields: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
"url" -> ujson.Str(externalDoc.url)
if (externalDoc.description.nonEmpty)
fields += "description" -> externalDoc.description.get
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def securityRequirementJson(
securityRequirement: SecurityRequirement
): ujson.Value =
ujson.Obj( -> ujson.Arr( _*
private def pathsJson(paths: Map[String, PathItem]): ujson.Obj =
mapJson(paths)(pathItem => mapJson(pathItem.operations)(operationJson))
private val jsonEncoder: Encoder[OpenApi, ujson.Value] =
openApi => {
val fields: mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
"openapi" -> ujson.Str(openApiVersion),
"info" -> infoJson(,
"paths" -> pathsJson(openApi.paths)
if (openApi.tags.nonEmpty) {
val tagsAsJson = => tagJson(tag)).toList
fields += "tags" -> ujson.Arr(tagsAsJson: _*)
if (openApi.components.schemas.nonEmpty || openApi.components.securitySchemes.nonEmpty) {
fields += "components" -> componentsJson(openApi.components)
new ujson.Obj(fields)
private def extractTags(paths: Map[String, PathItem]): Set[Tag] = {
val allTags = paths.flatMap {
case (_, pathItem) => {
case (_, operation) =>
val tagsByName = allTags.groupBy(
tagsByName.foreach {
case (_, listOfTags) =>
val set = listOfTags.toSet
if (set.size > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Found tags with the same name but different values: $set"
// Note that tags without any additional information will still be shown. However there is no
// reason to add these tags to the root since tags with only names can and will be defined at
// the moment they will be used in the endpoint descriptions themselves.
.filter(tag => tag.description.nonEmpty || tag.externalDocs.nonEmpty)
implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[OpenApi, String] =
openApi => jsonEncoder.encode(openApi).transform(ujson.StringRenderer()).toString
final class Info private (
val title: String,
val version: String,
val description: Option[String]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Info($title, $version, $description)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Info =>
title == that.title && version == that.version && description == that.description
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(title, version, description)
private[this] def copy(
title: String = title,
version: String = version,
description: Option[String] = description
): Info =
new Info(title, version, description)
def withTitle(title: String): Info =
copy(title = title)
def withVersion(version: String): Info =
copy(version = version)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Info =
copy(description = description)
object Info {
def apply(title: String, version: String): Info =
new Info(title, version, None)
final class PathItem private (
val operations: Map[String, Operation]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString =
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: PathItem => operations == that.operations
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
def withOperations(operations: Map[String, Operation]): PathItem =
object PathItem {
def apply(operations: Map[String, Operation]): PathItem =
new PathItem(operations)
final class Components private (
val schemas: Map[String, Schema],
val securitySchemes: Map[String, SecurityScheme]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Components($schemas, $securitySchemes)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Components =>
schemas == that.schemas && securitySchemes == that.securitySchemes
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(schemas, securitySchemes)
private[this] def copy(
schemas: Map[String, Schema] = schemas,
securitySchemes: Map[String, SecurityScheme] = securitySchemes
) = new Components(schemas, securitySchemes)
def withSchemas(schemas: Map[String, Schema]): Components =
copy(schemas = schemas)
def withSecuritySchemas(
securitySchemes: Map[String, SecurityScheme]
): Components =
copy(securitySchemes = securitySchemes)
object Components {
def apply(
schemas: Map[String, Schema],
securitySchemes: Map[String, SecurityScheme]
): Components =
new Components(schemas, securitySchemes)
final class Operation private (
val operationId: Option[String],
val summary: Option[String],
val description: Option[String],
val parameters: List[Parameter],
val requestBody: Option[RequestBody],
val responses: Map[String, Response],
val tags: List[Tag],
val security: List[SecurityRequirement],
val callbacks: Map[String, Map[String, PathItem]],
val deprecated: Boolean
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Operation($operationId, $summary, $description, $parameters, $requestBody, $responses, $tags, $security, $callbacks, $deprecated)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Operation =>
operationId == that.operationId && summary == that.summary && description == that.description && parameters == that.parameters &&
requestBody == that.requestBody && responses == that.responses && tags == that.tags &&
security == && callbacks == that.callbacks && deprecated == that.deprecated
override def hashCode(): Int =
private[this] def copy(
id: Option[String] = operationId,
summary: Option[String] = summary,
description: Option[String] = description,
parameters: List[Parameter] = parameters,
requestBody: Option[RequestBody] = requestBody,
responses: Map[String, Response] = responses,
tags: List[Tag] = tags,
security: List[SecurityRequirement] = security,
callbacks: Map[String, Map[String, PathItem]] = callbacks,
deprecated: Boolean = deprecated
): Operation =
def withOperationId(operationId: Option[String]): Operation =
copy(id = operationId)
def withSummary(summary: Option[String]): Operation =
copy(summary = summary)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Operation =
copy(description = description)
def withParameters(parameters: List[Parameter]): Operation =
copy(parameters = parameters)
def withRequestBody(requestBody: Option[RequestBody]): Operation =
copy(requestBody = requestBody)
def withResponses(responses: Map[String, Response]): Operation =
copy(responses = responses)
def withTags(tags: List[Tag]): Operation =
copy(tags = tags)
def withSecurity(security: List[SecurityRequirement]): Operation =
copy(security = security)
def withCallbacks(callbacks: Map[String, Map[String, PathItem]]): Operation =
copy(callbacks = callbacks)
def withDeprecated(deprecated: Boolean): Operation =
copy(deprecated = deprecated)
object Operation {
def apply(
id: Option[String],
summary: Option[String],
description: Option[String],
parameters: List[Parameter],
requestBody: Option[RequestBody],
responses: Map[String, Response],
tags: List[Tag],
security: List[SecurityRequirement],
callbacks: Map[String, Map[String, PathItem]],
deprecated: Boolean
): Operation =
new Operation(
final class SecurityRequirement private (
val name: String,
val scheme: SecurityScheme,
val scopes: List[String]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"SecurityRequirement($name, $scheme, $scopes)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: SecurityRequirement =>
name == && scheme == that.scheme && scopes == that.scopes
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(name, scheme, scopes)
private[this] def copy(
name: String = name,
scheme: SecurityScheme = scheme,
scopes: List[String] = scopes
): SecurityRequirement =
new SecurityRequirement(name, scheme, scopes)
def withName(name: String): SecurityRequirement =
copy(name = name)
def withScheme(scheme: SecurityScheme): SecurityRequirement =
copy(scheme = scheme)
def withScopes(scopes: List[String]): SecurityRequirement =
copy(scopes = scopes)
object SecurityRequirement {
def apply(
name: String,
scheme: SecurityScheme
): SecurityRequirement =
new SecurityRequirement(name, scheme, Nil)
"Use `SecurityRequirement().withScopes(...)` instead of `SecurityRequirement(scopes = ...)`",
def apply(
name: String,
scheme: SecurityScheme,
scopes: List[String] = Nil
): SecurityRequirement =
new SecurityRequirement(name, scheme, scopes)
final class RequestBody private (
val description: Option[String],
val content: Map[String, MediaType]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"RequestBody($description, $content)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: RequestBody =>
description == that.description && content == that.content
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(description, content)
private[this] def copy(
description: Option[String] = description,
content: Map[String, MediaType] = content
): RequestBody =
new RequestBody(description, content)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): RequestBody =
copy(description = description)
def withContent(content: Map[String, MediaType]): RequestBody =
copy(content = content)
object RequestBody {
def apply(description: Option[String], content: Map[String, MediaType]) =
new RequestBody(description, content)
final class Response private (
val description: String,
val headers: Map[String, ResponseHeader],
val content: Map[String, MediaType]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Response($description, $headers, $content)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Response =>
description == that.description && headers == that.headers && content == that.content
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(description, headers, content)
private[this] def copy(
description: String = description,
headers: Map[String, ResponseHeader] = headers,
content: Map[String, MediaType] = content
): Response =
new Response(description, headers, content)
def withDescription(description: String): Response =
copy(description = description)
def withHeaders(headers: Map[String, ResponseHeader]): Response =
copy(headers = headers)
def withContent(content: Map[String, MediaType]): Response =
copy(content = content)
object Response {
def apply(
description: String,
headers: Map[String, ResponseHeader],
content: Map[String, MediaType]
): Response =
new Response(description, headers, content)
// Note: request headers don’t need a dedicated class because they are modeled as `Parameter`s
final class ResponseHeader private (
val required: Boolean,
val description: Option[String],
val schema: Schema
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"ResponseHeader($required, $description, $schema)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: ResponseHeader =>
required == that.required && description == that.description && schema == that.schema
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(required, description, schema)
private def copy(
required: Boolean = required,
description: Option[String] = description,
schema: Schema = schema
): ResponseHeader =
new ResponseHeader(required, description, schema)
def withRequired(required: Boolean): ResponseHeader =
copy(required = required)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): ResponseHeader =
copy(description = description)
def withSchema(schema: Schema): ResponseHeader =
copy(schema = schema)
object ResponseHeader {
def apply(
required: Boolean,
description: Option[String],
schema: Schema
): ResponseHeader =
new ResponseHeader(required, description, schema)
final class Parameter private (
val name: String,
val in: In,
val required: Boolean,
val description: Option[String],
val schema: Schema // not specified in openapi spec but swagger-editor breaks without it for path parameters
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Parameter($name, $in, $required, $description, $schema)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Parameter =>
name == && in == && required == that.required &&
description == that.description && schema == that.schema
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(name, in, required, description, schema)
private[this] def copy(
name: String = name,
in: In = in,
required: Boolean = required,
description: Option[String] = description,
schema: Schema = schema
): Parameter =
new Parameter(name, in, required, description, schema)
def withName(name: String): Parameter =
copy(name = name)
def withIn(in: In): Parameter =
copy(in = in)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Parameter =
copy(description = description)
def withSchema(schema: Schema): Parameter =
copy(schema = schema)
object Parameter {
def apply(
name: String,
in: In,
required: Boolean,
description: Option[String],
schema: Schema
): Parameter =
new Parameter(name, in, required, description, schema)
sealed trait In
object In {
case object Query extends In
case object Path extends In
case object Header extends In
case object Cookie extends In
// All the possible values.
val values: Seq[In] = Query :: Path :: Header :: Cookie :: Nil
final class MediaType private (val schema: Option[Schema]) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: MediaType => schema == that.schema
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
def withSchema(schema: Option[Schema]): MediaType = new MediaType(schema)
object MediaType {
def apply(schema: Option[Schema]): MediaType = new MediaType(schema)
sealed trait Schema {
def description: Option[String]
def example: Option[ujson.Value]
def title: Option[String]
* @return The same schema with its description overridden by the given `description`,
* or stay unchanged if this one is empty.
def withDefinedDescription(description: Option[String]): Schema =
this match {
case s: Schema.Object =>
case s: Schema.Array =>
case s: Schema.Enum =>
case s: Schema.Primitive =>
case s: Schema.OneOf =>
case s: Schema.AllOf =>
case s: Schema.Reference =>
object Schema {
final class Object private (
val properties: List[Property],
val additionalProperties: Option[Schema],
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Object($properties, $additionalProperties, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Object =>
properties == && additionalProperties == that.additionalProperties &&
description == that.description && example == that.example &&
title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
private[this] def copy(
properties: List[Property] = properties,
additionalProperties: Option[Schema] = additionalProperties,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): Object =
new Object(properties, additionalProperties, description, example, title)
def withProperty(properties: List[Property]): Object =
copy(properties = properties)
def withAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties: Option[Schema]): Object =
copy(additionalProperties = additionalProperties)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Object =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): Object =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): Object =
copy(title = title)
object Object {
def apply(
properties: List[Property],
additionalProperties: Option[Schema],
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): Object =
new Object(properties, additionalProperties, description, example, title)
final class Array private (
val elementType: Either[Schema, List[Schema]],
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Array($elementType, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Array =>
elementType == that.elementType && description == that.description && example == that.example && title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(elementType, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
elementType: Either[Schema, List[Schema]] = elementType,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): Array =
new Array(elementType, description, example, title)
def withElementType(elementType: Either[Schema, List[Schema]]): Array =
copy(elementType = elementType)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Array =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): Array =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): Array =
copy(title = title)
object Array {
def apply(
elementType: Either[Schema, List[Schema]],
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): Array =
new Array(elementType, description, example, title)
final class Enum private (
val elementType: Schema,
val values: List[ujson.Value],
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Enum($elementType, $values, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Enum =>
elementType == that.elementType && values == that.values && description == that.description &&
example == that.example && title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(elementType, values, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
elementType: Schema = elementType,
values: List[ujson.Value] = values,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): Enum =
new Enum(elementType, values, description, example, title)
def withElementType(elementType: Schema): Enum =
copy(elementType = elementType)
def withValues(values: List[ujson.Value]): Enum =
copy(values = values)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Enum =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): Enum =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): Enum =
copy(title = title)
object Enum {
def apply(
elementType: Schema,
values: List[ujson.Value],
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): Enum = new Enum(elementType, values, description, example, title)
final class Property private (
val name: String,
val schema: Schema,
val isRequired: Boolean,
val description: Option[String]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Property($name, $schema, $isRequired, $description)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Property =>
name == && schema == that.schema && isRequired == that.isRequired &&
description == that.description
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(name, schema, isRequired, description)
private[this] def copy(
name: String = name,
schema: Schema = schema,
isRequired: Boolean = isRequired,
description: Option[String] = description
): Property =
new Property(name, schema, isRequired, description)
def withName(name: String): Property =
copy(name = name)
def withSchema(schema: Schema): Property =
copy(schema = schema)
def withIsRequired(isRequired: Boolean): Property =
copy(isRequired = isRequired)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Property =
copy(description = description)
object Property {
def apply(
name: String,
schema: Schema,
isRequired: Boolean,
description: Option[String]
): Property = new Property(name, schema, isRequired, description)
final class Primitive private (
val name: String,
val format: Option[String],
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"Primitive($name, $format, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Primitive =>
name == && format == that.format && description == that.description &&
example == that.example && title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(name, format, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
name: String = name,
format: Option[String] = format,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): Primitive =
new Primitive(name, format, description, example, title)
def withName(name: String): Primitive =
copy(name = name)
def withFormat(format: Option[String]): Primitive =
copy(format = format)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Primitive =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): Primitive =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): Primitive =
copy(title = title)
object Primitive {
def apply(
name: String,
format: Option[String],
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): Primitive =
new Primitive(name, format, description, example, title)
final class OneOf private (
val alternatives: Alternatives,
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"OneOf($alternatives, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: OneOf =>
alternatives == that.alternatives && description == that.description &&
example == that.example && title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(alternatives, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
alternatives: Alternatives = alternatives,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): OneOf =
new OneOf(alternatives, description, example, title)
def withAlternatives(alternatives: Alternatives): OneOf =
copy(alternatives = alternatives)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): OneOf =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): OneOf =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): OneOf =
copy(title = title)
object OneOf {
def apply(
alternatives: Alternatives,
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): OneOf = new OneOf(alternatives, description, example, title)
sealed trait Alternatives
final class DiscriminatedAlternatives private (
val discriminatorFieldName: String,
val alternatives: List[(String, Schema)]
) extends Alternatives
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"DiscriminatedAlternatives($discriminatorFieldName, $alternatives)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: DiscriminatedAlternatives =>
discriminatorFieldName == that.discriminatorFieldName && alternatives == that.alternatives
case _ =>
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(discriminatorFieldName, alternatives)
private[this] def copy(
discriminatorFieldName: String = discriminatorFieldName,
alternatives: List[(String, Schema)] = alternatives
): DiscriminatedAlternatives =
new DiscriminatedAlternatives(discriminatorFieldName, alternatives)
def withDiscriminatorFieldName(
discriminiatorFieldName: String
): DiscriminatedAlternatives =
copy(discriminatorFieldName = discriminiatorFieldName)
def withAlternatives(
alternatives: List[(String, Schema)]
): DiscriminatedAlternatives =
copy(alternatives = alternatives)
object DiscriminatedAlternatives {
def apply(
discriminatorFieldName: String,
alternatives: List[(String, Schema)]
): DiscriminatedAlternatives =
new DiscriminatedAlternatives(discriminatorFieldName, alternatives)
final class EnumeratedAlternatives private (
val alternatives: List[Schema]
) extends Alternatives
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: EnumeratedAlternatives => alternatives == that.alternatives
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
def withAlternatives(alternatives: List[Schema]): EnumeratedAlternatives =
new EnumeratedAlternatives(alternatives)
object EnumeratedAlternatives {
def apply(alternatives: List[Schema]): EnumeratedAlternatives =
new EnumeratedAlternatives(alternatives)
final class AllOf private (
val schemas: List[Schema],
val description: Option[String],
val example: Option[ujson.Value],
val title: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"AllOf($schemas, $description, $example, $title)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: AllOf =>
schemas == that.schemas && description == that.description &&
example == that.example && title == that.title
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(schemas, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
schemas: List[Schema] = schemas,
description: Option[String] = description,
example: Option[ujson.Value] = example,
title: Option[String] = title
): AllOf =
new AllOf(schemas, description, example, title)
def withSchemas(schemas: List[Schema]): AllOf =
copy(schemas = schemas)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): AllOf =
copy(description = description)
def withExample(example: Option[ujson.Value]): AllOf =
copy(example = example)
def withTitle(title: Option[String]): AllOf =
copy(title = title)
object AllOf {
def apply(
schemas: List[Schema],
description: Option[String],
example: Option[ujson.Value],
title: Option[String]
): AllOf = new AllOf(schemas, description, example, title)
final class Reference private (
val name: String,
val original: Option[Schema],
val description: Option[String]
) extends Schema
with Serializable {
override val example: None.type = None // Reference objects can’t have examples
override val title: None.type = None // Reference objects can’t have a title
override def toString: String =
s"Reference($name, $original, $description)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Reference =>
name == && original == that.original && description == that.description
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(name, original, description, example, title)
private[this] def copy(
name: String = name,
original: Option[Schema] = original,
description: Option[String] = description
) = new Reference(name, original, description)
def withName(name: String): Reference = copy(name = name)
def withOriginal(original: Option[Schema]): Reference =
copy(original = original)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): Reference =
copy(description = description)
object Reference {
def apply(
name: String,
original: Option[Schema],
description: Option[String]
): Reference = new Reference(name, original, description)
def toRefPath(name: String): String =
val simpleUUID = Primitive("string", format = Some("uuid"), None, None, None)
val simpleString = Primitive("string", None, None, None, None)
val simpleInteger = Primitive("integer", None, None, None, None)
val simpleBoolean = Primitive("boolean", None, None, None, None)
val simpleNumber = Primitive("number", None, None, None, None)
final class SecurityScheme private (
val `type`: String, // TODO This should be a sealed trait, the `type` field should only exist in the JSON representation
val description: Option[String],
val name: Option[String],
val in: Option[String], // TODO Create a typed enumeration
val scheme: Option[String],
val bearerFormat: Option[String]
) extends Serializable {
override def toString: String =
s"SecurityScheme(${`type`}, $description, $name, $in, $scheme, $bearerFormat)"
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: SecurityScheme =>
`type` == that.`type` && description == that.description && name == &&
in == && scheme == that.scheme && bearerFormat == that.bearerFormat
case _ =>
override def hashCode(): Int =
Hashing.hash(`type`, description, name, in, scheme, bearerFormat)
private[this] def copy(
`type`: String = `type`,
description: Option[String] = description,
name: Option[String] = name,
in: Option[String] = in,
scheme: Option[String] = scheme,
bearerFormat: Option[String] = bearerFormat
) = new SecurityScheme(`type`, description, name, in, scheme, bearerFormat)
def withType(tpe: String): SecurityScheme =
copy(`type` = tpe)
def withDescription(description: Option[String]): SecurityScheme =
copy(description = description)
def withName(name: Option[String]): SecurityScheme =
copy(name = name)
def withIn(in: Option[String]): SecurityScheme =
copy(in = in)
def withScheme(scheme: Option[String]): SecurityScheme =
copy(scheme = scheme)
def withBearerFormat(bearerFormat: Option[String]): SecurityScheme =
copy(bearerFormat = bearerFormat)
object SecurityScheme {
def apply(
`type`: String,
description: Option[String],
name: Option[String],
in: Option[String],
scheme: Option[String],
bearerFormat: Option[String]
): SecurityScheme =
new SecurityScheme(`type`, description, name, in, scheme, bearerFormat)
def httpBasic: SecurityScheme =
`type` = "http",
description = Some("Http Basic Authentication"),
name = None,
in = None,
scheme = Some("basic"),
bearerFormat = None