endpoints4s.openapi.Urls.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package endpoints4s.openapi
import java.util.UUID
import endpoints4s.{ujson => _, _}
import endpoints4s.algebra.Documentation
import endpoints4s.openapi.model.Schema
import scala.collection.compat.Factory
/** Interpreter for [[algebra.Urls]]
* @group interpreters
trait Urls extends algebra.Urls {
type QueryString[A] = DocumentedQueryString
/** @param parameters List of query string parameters
case class DocumentedQueryString(parameters: List[DocumentedParameter])
/** @param name Name of the parameter
* @param required Whether this parameter is required or not (MUST be true for path parameters)
case class DocumentedParameter(
name: String,
required: Boolean,
description: Option[String],
schema: Schema
def combineQueryStrings[A, B](first: QueryString[A], second: QueryString[B])(implicit
tupler: Tupler[A, B]
): QueryString[tupler.Out] =
DocumentedQueryString(first.parameters ++ second.parameters)
def qs[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit
value: QueryStringParam[A]
): QueryString[A] =
required = value.isRequired,
type WithDefault[A] = A
override def optQsWithDefault[A](name: String, default: A, docs: Documentation = None)(implicit
value: QueryStringParam[A]
): QueryString[WithDefault[A]] =
required = false,
schema = {
val defaultJson = value.encoder.encode(default)
/** A query string parameter documentation description for type `A`
* @param schema Schema that corresponds to type `A`
* @param isRequired Whether the query string parameter is required
* @param encoder JSON encoder for query string parameter value, primarily
* used for encoding of the parameter's default value.
* Result of the encoding is optional since the empty value of optional
* query string parameter should result in the empty encoded value.
case class DocumentedQueryStringParam[A](
schema: Schema,
isRequired: Boolean,
encoder: Encoder[A, Option[ujson.Value]]
type QueryStringParam[A] = DocumentedQueryStringParam[A]
implicit def optionalQueryStringParam[A](implicit
param: QueryStringParam[A]
): QueryStringParam[Option[A]] =
isRequired = false,
encoder = _.flatMap(param.encoder.encode)
implicit def repeatedQueryStringParam[A, CC[X] <: Iterable[X]](implicit
param: QueryStringParam[A],
factory: Factory[A, CC[A]]
): QueryStringParam[CC[A]] =
description = None,
example = None,
title = None
isRequired = false,
encoder = cc => Some(ujson.Arr(cc.flatMap(param.encoder.encode)))
implicit lazy val queryStringPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryString] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryString] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: QueryString[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): QueryString[B] = fa
implicit lazy val queryStringParamPartialInvariantFunctor
: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryStringParam] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryStringParam] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: QueryStringParam[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): QueryStringParam[B] = new DocumentedQueryStringParam[B](
schema = fa.schema,
isRequired = fa.isRequired,
encoder = b => fa.encoder.encode(g(b))
def stringQueryString: QueryStringParam[String] =
DocumentedQueryStringParam(Schema.simpleString, isRequired = true, a => Some(ujson.Str(a)))
override def uuidQueryString: QueryStringParam[UUID] =
isRequired = true,
u => Some(ujson.Str(u.toString))
override def intQueryString: QueryStringParam[Int] =
isRequired = true,
n => Some(ujson.Num(n.toDouble))
override def longQueryString: QueryStringParam[Long] =
isRequired = true,
n => Some(ujson.Num(n.toDouble))
override def booleanQueryString: QueryStringParam[Boolean] =
DocumentedQueryStringParam(Schema.simpleBoolean, isRequired = true, a => Some(ujson.Bool(a)))
override def doubleQueryString: QueryStringParam[Double] =
DocumentedQueryStringParam(Schema.simpleNumber, isRequired = true, a => Some(ujson.Num(a)))
type Segment[A] = Schema
implicit lazy val segmentPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Segment] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[Segment] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: Segment[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): Segment[B] = fa
def stringSegment: Segment[String] = Schema.simpleString
override def uuidSegment: Segment[UUID] = Schema.simpleUUID
override def intSegment: Segment[Int] = Schema.simpleInteger
override def longSegment: Segment[Long] = Schema.simpleLong
override def doubleSegment: Segment[Double] = Schema.simpleNumber
type Path[A] = DocumentedUrl
implicit lazy val pathPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Path] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[Path] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: Path[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): Path[B] = fa
def staticPathSegment(segment: String): Path[Unit] =
DocumentedUrl(Left(segment) :: Nil, Nil)
def chainPaths[A, B](first: Path[A], second: Path[B])(implicit
tupler: Tupler[A, B]
): Path[tupler.Out] =
first.path ++ second.path,
first.queryParameters ++ second.queryParameters // (In practice this should be empty…)
def segment[A](name: String, docs: Documentation)(implicit
A: Segment[A]
): Path[A] = {
Right(DocumentedParameter(name, required = true, docs, A)) :: Nil,
def remainingSegments(name: String, docs: Documentation): Path[String] = {
// The OpenAPI specification does not support path parameters containing slashes
// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/1459
// Consequently, we *incorrectly* document it as a *single* string segment
// TODO We should at least show a warning, but the error can only be detected
// at runtime (when one uses the `remainingSegments` method *and* the openapi
// interpreter). So, the best we could do is to log a warning.
segment(name, docs)(stringSegment)
type Url[A] = DocumentedUrl
implicit lazy val urlPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Url] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[Url] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: Url[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): Url[B] = fa
/** @param path List of path segments. Left is a static segment, right is a path parameter
* @param queryParameters Query string parameters
case class DocumentedUrl(
path: List[Either[String, DocumentedParameter]],
queryParameters: List[DocumentedParameter]
def urlWithQueryString[A, B](path: Path[A], qs: QueryString[B])(implicit
tupler: Tupler[A, B]
): Url[tupler.Out] =
path.copy(queryParameters = path.queryParameters ++ qs.parameters)