endpoints4s.pekkohttp.server.Endpoints.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package endpoints4s.pekkohttp.server
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpEntity, HttpHeader, HttpRequest, MediaTypes, Uri}
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server._
import org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling._
import endpoints4s.algebra.Documentation
import endpoints4s._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
/** Interpreter for [[algebra.Endpoints]] that performs routing using Pekko-HTTP and uses [[algebra.BuiltInErrors]]
* to model client and server errors.
* @group interpreters
trait Endpoints extends algebra.Endpoints with EndpointsWithCustomErrors with BuiltInErrors
/** Interpreter for [[algebra.Endpoints]] that performs routing using Pekko-HTTP.
* @group interpreters
trait EndpointsWithCustomErrors
extends algebra.EndpointsWithCustomErrors
with Urls
with Methods
with StatusCodes {
trait RequestHeaders[A] {
def decode(httpRequest: HttpRequest): Validated[A]
trait Request[A] {
/** Information extracted from the URL and the headers */
type UrlAndHeaders
/** Directive matching and parsing the content of an incoming request.
* First, it checks whether the incoming request matches the request URL
* and method. If this is the case, it parses the request headers and
* proceeds to the second step.
* If there were no validation errors when parsing the request URL and
* headers, it parses the request entity.
* The directive can produce:
* - a ''rejection'' to signal that the incoming request does not
* match this request description,
* - a ''completion'' containing an error response (e.g., in case
* of validation errors),
* - a value of type `A` parsed from the request content (URL, headers,
* and entity).
final lazy val directive: Directive1[A] =
matchAndParseHeadersDirective.flatMap {
case invalid: Invalid => handleClientErrors(invalid)
case Valid(urlAndHeaders) => parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders)
/** Checks whether the incoming request matches this request description, and
* if this is the case, parses its URL parameters and headers.
* The directive produces:
* - a ''rejection'' to signal that the incoming request does not match
* this request description,
* - a ''completion'' to immediately return a custom response (e.g. 401),
* - a value `Valid(urlAndHeadersData)` in case the URL and headers were
* successfully parsed,
* - a value `Invalid(errors)` in case the URL and headers had validation
* errors.
def matchAndParseHeadersDirective: Directive1[Validated[UrlAndHeaders]]
/** Parses the request entity.
* The directive produces:
* - a ''completion'' to immediately return a custom response,
* - or, a value of type `A` containing all the information extracted
* from the request (including URL, headers, and entity).
def parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders: UrlAndHeaders): Directive1[A]
/** The URI of a request carrying the given `a` parameter */
def uri(a: A): Uri
// Default implementation for `matchAndParseHeadersDirective`, which always
// provides the parsed URL and headers, if the incoming request matches
// the request description (otherwise, the directive produces a rejection).
private[server] final def matchAndProvideParsedUrlAndHeadersData[U, H](
method: Method,
url: Url[U],
headers: RequestHeaders[H]
): Directive1[Validated[(U, H)]] = {
val methodDirective = convToDirective1(Directives.method(method))
val headersDirective = Directives.extractRequest.map(headers.decode)
(methodDirective & url.directive)
.tflatMap { case (_, validatedQuery) =>
headersDirective.flatMap { validatedHeaders =>
type RequestEntity[A] = Directive1[A]
type ResponseEntity[A] = ToEntityMarshaller[A]
type ResponseHeaders[A] = A => collection.immutable.Seq[HttpHeader]
type Response[A] = A => Route
implicit lazy val responseInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[Response] =
new InvariantFunctor[Response] {
def xmap[A, B](
fa: Response[A],
f: A => B,
g: B => A
): Response[B] =
fa compose g
implicit lazy val responseEntityInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[ResponseEntity] =
new InvariantFunctor[ResponseEntity] {
def xmap[A, B](
fa: ResponseEntity[A],
f: A => B,
g: B => A
): ResponseEntity[B] = fa compose g
private[server] val endpointsExceptionHandler =
ExceptionHandler { case NonFatal(t) => handleServerError(t) }
case class Endpoint[A, B](request: Request[A], response: Response[B]) {
/** @return An Pekko HTTP `Route` for this endpoint
* @param implementation Function that transforms the `A` value carried in
* the request into a `B` value to send in the response.
def implementedBy(implementation: A => B): Route =
Directives.handleExceptions(endpointsExceptionHandler) {
request.directive { arguments =>
Directives.encodeResponse {
/** @return An Pekko HTTP `Route` for this endpoint
* @param implementation Asynchronous function that transforms the `A` value
* carried in the request into a `B` value to send in
* the response.
def implementedByAsync(implementation: A => Future[B]): Route =
Directives.handleExceptions(endpointsExceptionHandler) {
request.directive { arguments =>
Directives.onComplete(implementation(arguments)) {
case Success(result) => Directives.encodeResponse(response(result))
case Failure(ex) => throw ex
/** @return The `Uri` of this endpoint, for a request carrying the
* given `a` value.
def uri(a: A): Uri = request.uri(a)
/* ************************
************************* */
implicit def requestPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Request] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[Request] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](fa: Request[A], f: A => Validated[B], g: B => A): Request[B] =
new Request[B] {
type UrlAndHeaders = fa.UrlAndHeaders
def matchAndParseHeadersDirective: Directive1[Validated[UrlAndHeaders]] =
def parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders: UrlAndHeaders): Directive1[B] =
fa.parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders).flatMap { a =>
f(a) match {
case Valid(b) => Directives.provide(b)
case invalid: Invalid => handleClientErrors(invalid)
def uri(b: B): Uri = fa.uri(g(b))
def emptyRequest: RequestEntity[Unit] = convToDirective1(Directives.pass)
def textRequest: RequestEntity[String] = {
implicit val um: FromEntityUnmarshaller[String] =
def choiceRequestEntity[A, B](
requestEntityA: Directive1[A],
requestEntityB: Directive1[B]
): Directive1[Either[A, B]] = {
val requestEntityAAsEither = requestEntityA.map(Left(_): Either[A, B])
val requestEntityBAsEither = requestEntityB.map(Right(_): Either[A, B])
requestEntityAAsEither | requestEntityBAsEither
implicit lazy val requestEntityPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestEntity] =
/* ************************
************************* */
def emptyRequestHeaders: RequestHeaders[Unit] =
_ => Valid(())
def requestHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation): RequestHeaders[String] =
httpRequest =>
httpRequest.headers.find(_.lowercaseName() == name.toLowerCase) match {
case Some(header) => Valid(header.value())
case None => Invalid(s"Missing header $name")
def optRequestHeader(
name: String,
docs: Documentation
): RequestHeaders[Option[String]] =
httpRequest =>
httpRequest.headers.find(_.lowercaseName() == name.toLowerCase) match {
case Some(header) => Valid(Some(header.value()))
case None => Valid(None)
implicit lazy val requestHeadersPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestHeaders] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestHeaders] {
def xmapPartial[A, B](
fa: RequestHeaders[A],
f: A => Validated[B],
g: B => A
): RequestHeaders[B] =
headers => fa.decode(headers).flatMap(f)
implicit lazy val requestHeadersSemigroupal: Semigroupal[RequestHeaders] =
new Semigroupal[RequestHeaders] {
def product[A, B](fa: RequestHeaders[A], fb: RequestHeaders[B])(implicit
tupler: Tupler[A, B]
): RequestHeaders[tupler.Out] =
(httpRequest: HttpRequest) => fa.decode(httpRequest).zip(fb.decode(httpRequest))(tupler)
/* ************************
************************* */
implicit def responseHeadersSemigroupal: Semigroupal[ResponseHeaders] =
new Semigroupal[ResponseHeaders] {
def product[A, B](fa: ResponseHeaders[A], fb: ResponseHeaders[B])(implicit
tupler: Tupler[A, B]
): ResponseHeaders[tupler.Out] =
out => {
val (a, b) = tupler.unapply(out)
fa(a) ++ fb(b)
implicit def responseHeadersInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[ResponseHeaders] =
new InvariantFunctor[ResponseHeaders] {
def xmap[A, B](
fa: ResponseHeaders[A],
f: A => B,
g: B => A
): ResponseHeaders[B] =
fa compose g
def emptyResponseHeaders: ResponseHeaders[Unit] = _ => Nil
def responseHeader(
name: String,
docs: Documentation = None
): ResponseHeaders[String] =
value => RawHeader(name, value) :: Nil
def optResponseHeader(
name: String,
docs: Documentation = None
): ResponseHeaders[Option[String]] = {
case Some(value) => RawHeader(name, value) :: Nil
case None => Nil
def emptyResponse: ResponseEntity[Unit] =
Marshaller.opaque(_ => HttpEntity.Empty)
def textResponse: ResponseEntity[String] = implicitly
def response[A, B, R](
statusCode: StatusCode,
entity: ResponseEntity[A],
docs: Documentation = None,
headers: ResponseHeaders[B] = emptyResponseHeaders
tupler: Tupler.Aux[A, B, R]
): Response[R] =
r => {
val (a, b) = tupler.unapply(r)
val httpHeaders = headers(b)
implicit val marshaller: ToResponseMarshaller[A] =
Marshaller.fromToEntityMarshaller(statusCode, httpHeaders)(entity)
def choiceResponse[A, B](
responseA: Response[A],
responseB: Response[B]
): Response[Either[A, B]] = {
case Left(a) => responseA(a)
case Right(b) => responseB(b)
def request[A, B, C, AB, Out](
method: Method,
url: Url[A],
entity: RequestEntity[B] = emptyRequest,
docs: Documentation = None,
headers: RequestHeaders[C] = emptyRequestHeaders
tuplerAB: Tupler.Aux[A, B, AB],
tuplerABC: Tupler.Aux[AB, C, Out]
): Request[Out] = {
new Request[Out] {
type UrlAndHeaders = (A, C)
lazy val matchAndParseHeadersDirective: Directive1[Validated[UrlAndHeaders]] =
matchAndProvideParsedUrlAndHeadersData(method, url, headers)
def parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders: UrlAndHeaders): Directive1[Out] =
entity.map { b =>
val (a, c) = urlAndHeaders
tuplerABC(tuplerAB(a, b), c)
def uri(out: Out): Uri = {
val (ab, _) = tuplerABC.unapply(out)
val (a, _) = tuplerAB.unapply(ab)
def endpoint[A, B](
request: Request[A],
response: Response[B],
docs: EndpointDocs = EndpointDocs()
): Endpoint[A, B] = Endpoint(request, response)
lazy val directive1InvFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Directive1] =
new PartialInvariantFunctor[Directive1] {
def xmapPartial[From, To](
f: Directive1[From],
map: From => Validated[To],
contramap: To => From
): Directive1[To] =
f.flatMap(from =>
map(from) match {
case Valid(value) => Directives.provide(value)
case invalid: Invalid => handleClientErrors(invalid)
/** This method is called by ''endpoints'' when an exception is thrown during
* request processing.
* The provided implementation uses [[serverErrorResponse]] to complete
* with a response containing the error message.
* This method can be overridden to customize the error reporting logic.
def handleServerError(throwable: Throwable): StandardRoute =
override def mapEndpointRequest[A, B, C](
endpoint: Endpoint[A, B],
f: Request[A] => Request[C]
): Endpoint[C, B] =
endpoint.copy(request = f(endpoint.request))
override def mapEndpointResponse[A, B, C](
endpoint: Endpoint[A, B],
f: Response[B] => Response[C]
): Endpoint[A, C] =
endpoint.copy(response = f(endpoint.response))
override def mapEndpointDocs[A, B](
endpoint: Endpoint[A, B],
f: EndpointDocs => EndpointDocs
): Endpoint[A, B] =
override def addRequestHeaders[A, H](
currentRequest: Request[A],
heads: RequestHeaders[H]
)(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, H]): Request[tupler.Out] =
new Request[tupler.Out] {
type UrlAndHeaders = (currentRequest.UrlAndHeaders, H)
lazy val matchAndParseHeadersDirective: Directive1[Validated[UrlAndHeaders]] =
currentRequest.matchAndParseHeadersDirective.flatMap { validatedUrlAndHeaders =>
Directives.extractRequest.map(heads.decode).map { validatedHeader =>
def parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders: UrlAndHeaders): Directive1[tupler.Out] =
.map(a => tupler(a, urlAndHeaders._2))
def uri(out: tupler.Out): Uri =
override def addRequestQueryString[A, Q](
request: Request[A],
qs: QueryString[Q]
)(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, Q]): Request[tupler.Out] =
new Request[tupler.Out] {
type UrlAndHeaders = (request.UrlAndHeaders, Q)
lazy val matchAndParseHeadersDirective: Directive1[Validated[UrlAndHeaders]] =
request.matchAndParseHeadersDirective.flatMap { validatedUrlAndHeaders =>
Directives.parameterMultiMap.map(qs.validate).map { validatedQuery =>
def parseEntityDirective(urlAndHeaders: (request.UrlAndHeaders, Q)): Directive1[tupler.Out] =
.map(a => tupler(a, urlAndHeaders._2))
def uri(out: tupler.Out): Uri = {
val (a, q) = tupler.unapply(out)
val outerUri = request.uri(a)
outerUri.withQuery(Uri.Query(outerUri.query() ++ qs.encode(q): _*))
override def addResponseHeaders[A, H](
response: Response[A],
headers: ResponseHeaders[H]
)(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, H]): Response[tupler.Out] =
o => {
val (a, h) = tupler.unapply(o)
val httpHeaders = headers(h)
val route = response(a)
requestContext => {
implicit val ec = requestContext.executionContext
route(requestContext).map {
case RouteResult.Complete(response) =>
RouteResult.Complete(response.withHeaders(response.headers ++ httpHeaders))
case r: RouteResult.Rejected => r
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