org.ensime.api.config.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright: 2010 - 2016 https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server/graphs
// Licence: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package org.ensime.api
import java.io.File
import scalariform.formatter.preferences.FormattingPreferences
// there is quite a lot of code in this file, when we clean up the
// config file format so that a lot of these hacks are no longer
// needed, we should move the functionality into a higher layer
// RichConfig to keep the API clean.
final case class EnsimeConfig(
rootDir: File,
cacheDir: File,
javaHome: File,
name: String,
scalaVersion: String,
compilerArgs: List[String],
referenceSourceRoots: List[File],
subprojects: List[EnsimeModule],
formattingPrefs: FormattingPreferences,
sourceMode: Boolean,
javaLibs: List[File],
// WORKAROUND: https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server/issues/1042
disableSourceMonitoring: Boolean = false,
disableClassMonitoring: Boolean = false
) {
(rootDir :: cacheDir :: javaHome :: referenceSourceRoots ::: javaLibs).foreach { f =>
require(f.exists, "" + f + " is required but does not exist")
/* Proposed alternatives to the legacy wire format field names */
def root = rootDir
val referenceSourceJars =
(referenceSourceRoots ++ subprojects.flatMap(_.referenceSourceRoots)).toSet
// some marshalling libs (e.g. spray-json) might not like extra vals
val modules = subprojects.map { module => (module.name, module) }.toMap
def compileClasspath: Set[File] = modules.values.toSet.flatMap {
m: EnsimeModule => m.compileDeps ++ m.testDeps
} ++ (if (sourceMode) List.empty else targetClasspath)
def targetClasspath: Set[File] = modules.values.toSet.flatMap {
m: EnsimeModule => m.targets ++ m.testTargets
def allJars: Set[File] = {
modules.values.flatMap { m =>
m.compileDeps ::: m.testDeps
} ++ javaLibs
val allTargets: Set[File] =
subprojects.flatMap(sm => sm.targets ::: sm.testTargets).toSet
def allDocJars: Set[File] = modules.values.flatMap(_.docJars).toSet
def scalaLibrary: Option[File] = allJars.find(_.getName.startsWith("scala-library"))
final case class EnsimeModule(
name: String,
targets: List[File],
testTargets: List[File],
dependsOnModules: List[String],
compileDeps: List[File],
testDeps: List[File],
sourceRoots: List[File],
docJars: List[File],
referenceSourceRoots: List[File]
) {
// only check the files, not the directories, see below
(compileDeps ::: testDeps ::: referenceSourceRoots).foreach { f =>
require(f.exists, "" + f + " is required but does not exist")
Proposed alternatives to the legacy wire format field names:
def compileJars = compileDeps
def testJars = testDeps
def referenceSourceJars = referenceSourceRoots
def dependencies(implicit config: EnsimeConfig): List[EnsimeModule] =
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