org.ensime.jerk.JerkFormats.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright: 2010 - 2016 https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server/graphs
// Licence: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
package org.ensime.jerk
import spray.json._
import fommil.sjs._
import shapeless._
import org.ensime.api._
import org.ensime.util.file._
private object JerkConversions extends DefaultJsonProtocol with FamilyFormats {
// This part of the code is brought to you by the words "accidental"
// and "complexity".
// Lack of definition in scalac's implicit resolution rules means
// that we have to redefine some things here.
implicit override def eitherFormat[A: JsonFormat, B: JsonFormat]: JsonFormat[Either[A, B]] = super.eitherFormat[A, B]
// Note that its not possible to override an object in scala, so we
// just define a new one that wins the race.
implicit val symbolFormat: SymbolJsonFormat.type = SymbolJsonFormat
// move to somewhere more general
implicit object FileFormat extends JsonFormat[File] {
def read(j: JsValue): File = j match {
case JsString(path) => File(path)
case other => unexpectedJson[File](other)
def write(f: File): JsValue = JsString(f.getPath)
// keeps the JSON a little bit cleaner
implicit object DebugThreadIdFormat extends JsonFormat[DebugThreadId] {
def read(j: JsValue): DebugThreadId = j match {
case JsNumber(id) => new DebugThreadId(id.longValue)
case other => unexpectedJson[DebugThreadId](other)
def write(dtid: DebugThreadId): JsValue = JsNumber(dtid.id)
// some of the case classes use the keyword `type`, so we need a better default
override implicit def coproductHint[T: Typeable]: CoproductHint[T] = new FlatCoproductHint[T]("typehint")
val RpcRequestFormat: RootJsonFormat[RpcRequest] = cachedImplicit
val EnsimeServerMessageFormat: RootJsonFormat[EnsimeServerMessage] = cachedImplicit
object JerkFormats {
implicit val RpcRequestFormat: RootJsonFormat[RpcRequest] =
implicit val EnsimeServerMessageFormat: RootJsonFormat[EnsimeServerMessage] =
object JerkEnvelopeFormats {
import JerkFormats._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
// for the transitional SWANK (avoid derivations)
implicit val RpcRequestEnvelopeFormat: RootJsonFormat[RpcRequestEnvelope] = jsonFormat2(RpcRequestEnvelope)
implicit val RpcResponseEnvelopeFormat: RootJsonFormat[RpcResponseEnvelope] = jsonFormat2(RpcResponseEnvelope)
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