org.rutebanken.netex.model.Timetable_VersionFrameStructure Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11
// See
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2017.09.21 at 10:53:23 AM CEST
package org.rutebanken.netex.model;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlList;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.rutebanken.netex.OmitNullsToStringStyle;
* Java class for Timetable_VersionFrameStructure complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* <complexType name="Timetable_VersionFrameStructure">
* <complexContent>
* <extension base="{}Common_VersionFrameStructure">
* <sequence>
* <group ref="{}TimetableFrameGroup"/>
* </sequence>
* </extension>
* </complexContent>
* </complexType>
@XmlType(name = "Timetable_VersionFrameStructure", propOrder = {
public class Timetable_VersionFrameStructure
extends Common_VersionFrameStructure
@XmlElement(name = "VehicleModes")
protected List vehicleModes;
@XmlElement(name = "HeadwayService")
protected Boolean headwayService;
@XmlElement(name = "Monitored", defaultValue = "true")
protected Boolean monitored;
@XmlElement(name = "NetworkView")
protected NetworkView networkView;
@XmlElement(name = "LineView")
protected LineView lineView;
@XmlElement(name = "OperatorView")
protected OperatorView operatorView;
@XmlElement(name = "ServiceCalendarFrameRef")
protected ServiceCalendarFrameRef serviceCalendarFrameRef;
@XmlElement(name = "DefaultMode")
@XmlSchemaType(name = "NMTOKEN")
protected VehicleModeEnumeration defaultMode;
@XmlElement(name = "JourneyAccountingRef")
protected JourneyAccountingRefStructure journeyAccountingRef;
protected ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure bookingTimes;
@XmlElement(name = "AccessibilityAssessment")
protected AccessibilityAssessment accessibilityAssessment;
@XmlElementRef(name = "VehicleTypeRef", namespace = "", type = JAXBElement.class, required = false)
protected JAXBElement extends VehicleTypeRefStructure> vehicleTypeRef;
protected TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure timeDemandTypes;
protected TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure timeDemandTypeAssignments;
protected GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure timingLinkGroups;
protected JourneysInFrame_RelStructure vehicleJourneys;
protected FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure frequencyGroups;
protected GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure groupsOfServices;
protected TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure trainNumbers;
protected JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure journeyPartCouples;
protected CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure coupledJourneys;
protected ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure serviceFacilitySets;
protected TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure typesOfService;
protected FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure flexibleServiceProperties;
protected NoticesInFrame_RelStructure notices;
protected NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure noticeAssignments;
protected JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure journeyMeetings;
protected JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure journeyInterchanges;
protected DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure defaultInterchanges;
protected InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure interchangeRules;
protected VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure vehicleTypes;
protected JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure journeyAccountings;
* Gets the value of the vehicleModes property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
* This is why there is not a set
method for the vehicleModes property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getVehicleModes().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link VehicleModeEnumeration }
public List getVehicleModes() {
if (vehicleModes == null) {
vehicleModes = new ArrayList();
return this.vehicleModes;
* Gets the value of the headwayService property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Boolean }
public Boolean isHeadwayService() {
return headwayService;
* Sets the value of the headwayService property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Boolean }
public void setHeadwayService(Boolean value) {
this.headwayService = value;
* Gets the value of the monitored property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link Boolean }
public Boolean isMonitored() {
return monitored;
* Sets the value of the monitored property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link Boolean }
public void setMonitored(Boolean value) {
this.monitored = value;
* Gets the value of the networkView property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link NetworkView }
public NetworkView getNetworkView() {
return networkView;
* Sets the value of the networkView property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link NetworkView }
public void setNetworkView(NetworkView value) {
this.networkView = value;
* Gets the value of the lineView property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link LineView }
public LineView getLineView() {
return lineView;
* Sets the value of the lineView property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link LineView }
public void setLineView(LineView value) {
this.lineView = value;
* Gets the value of the operatorView property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link OperatorView }
public OperatorView getOperatorView() {
return operatorView;
* Sets the value of the operatorView property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link OperatorView }
public void setOperatorView(OperatorView value) {
this.operatorView = value;
* Gets the value of the serviceCalendarFrameRef property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link ServiceCalendarFrameRef }
public ServiceCalendarFrameRef getServiceCalendarFrameRef() {
return serviceCalendarFrameRef;
* Sets the value of the serviceCalendarFrameRef property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link ServiceCalendarFrameRef }
public void setServiceCalendarFrameRef(ServiceCalendarFrameRef value) {
this.serviceCalendarFrameRef = value;
* Gets the value of the defaultMode property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link VehicleModeEnumeration }
public VehicleModeEnumeration getDefaultMode() {
return defaultMode;
* Sets the value of the defaultMode property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link VehicleModeEnumeration }
public void setDefaultMode(VehicleModeEnumeration value) {
this.defaultMode = value;
* Gets the value of the journeyAccountingRef property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneyAccountingRefStructure }
public JourneyAccountingRefStructure getJourneyAccountingRef() {
return journeyAccountingRef;
* Sets the value of the journeyAccountingRef property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneyAccountingRefStructure }
public void setJourneyAccountingRef(JourneyAccountingRefStructure value) {
this.journeyAccountingRef = value;
* Gets the value of the bookingTimes property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure }
public ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure getBookingTimes() {
return bookingTimes;
* Sets the value of the bookingTimes property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure }
public void setBookingTimes(ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure value) {
this.bookingTimes = value;
* Gets the value of the accessibilityAssessment property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link AccessibilityAssessment }
public AccessibilityAssessment getAccessibilityAssessment() {
return accessibilityAssessment;
* Sets the value of the accessibilityAssessment property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link AccessibilityAssessment }
public void setAccessibilityAssessment(AccessibilityAssessment value) {
this.accessibilityAssessment = value;
* Gets the value of the vehicleTypeRef property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CompoundTrainRef }{@code >}
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TrainRefStructure }{@code >}
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VehicleTypeRefStructure }{@code >}
public JAXBElement extends VehicleTypeRefStructure> getVehicleTypeRef() {
return vehicleTypeRef;
* Sets the value of the vehicleTypeRef property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CompoundTrainRef }{@code >}
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TrainRefStructure }{@code >}
* {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link VehicleTypeRefStructure }{@code >}
public void setVehicleTypeRef(JAXBElement extends VehicleTypeRefStructure> value) {
this.vehicleTypeRef = value;
* Gets the value of the timeDemandTypes property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure }
public TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure getTimeDemandTypes() {
return timeDemandTypes;
* Sets the value of the timeDemandTypes property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setTimeDemandTypes(TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.timeDemandTypes = value;
* Gets the value of the timeDemandTypeAssignments property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure }
public TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure getTimeDemandTypeAssignments() {
return timeDemandTypeAssignments;
* Sets the value of the timeDemandTypeAssignments property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setTimeDemandTypeAssignments(TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.timeDemandTypeAssignments = value;
* Gets the value of the timingLinkGroups property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure }
public GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure getTimingLinkGroups() {
return timingLinkGroups;
* Sets the value of the timingLinkGroups property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setTimingLinkGroups(GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.timingLinkGroups = value;
* Gets the value of the vehicleJourneys property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneysInFrame_RelStructure }
public JourneysInFrame_RelStructure getVehicleJourneys() {
return vehicleJourneys;
* Sets the value of the vehicleJourneys property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneysInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setVehicleJourneys(JourneysInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.vehicleJourneys = value;
* Gets the value of the frequencyGroups property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure }
public FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure getFrequencyGroups() {
return frequencyGroups;
* Sets the value of the frequencyGroups property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setFrequencyGroups(FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.frequencyGroups = value;
* Gets the value of the groupsOfServices property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure }
public GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure getGroupsOfServices() {
return groupsOfServices;
* Sets the value of the groupsOfServices property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setGroupsOfServices(GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.groupsOfServices = value;
* Gets the value of the trainNumbers property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure }
public TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure getTrainNumbers() {
return trainNumbers;
* Sets the value of the trainNumbers property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setTrainNumbers(TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.trainNumbers = value;
* Gets the value of the journeyPartCouples property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure }
public JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure getJourneyPartCouples() {
return journeyPartCouples;
* Sets the value of the journeyPartCouples property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setJourneyPartCouples(JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.journeyPartCouples = value;
* Gets the value of the coupledJourneys property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure }
public CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure getCoupledJourneys() {
return coupledJourneys;
* Sets the value of the coupledJourneys property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setCoupledJourneys(CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.coupledJourneys = value;
* Gets the value of the serviceFacilitySets property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure }
public ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure getServiceFacilitySets() {
return serviceFacilitySets;
* Sets the value of the serviceFacilitySets property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setServiceFacilitySets(ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.serviceFacilitySets = value;
* Gets the value of the typesOfService property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure }
public TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure getTypesOfService() {
return typesOfService;
* Sets the value of the typesOfService property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setTypesOfService(TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.typesOfService = value;
* Gets the value of the flexibleServiceProperties property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure }
public FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure getFlexibleServiceProperties() {
return flexibleServiceProperties;
* Sets the value of the flexibleServiceProperties property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setFlexibleServiceProperties(FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.flexibleServiceProperties = value;
* Gets the value of the notices property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link NoticesInFrame_RelStructure }
public NoticesInFrame_RelStructure getNotices() {
return notices;
* Sets the value of the notices property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link NoticesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setNotices(NoticesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.notices = value;
* Gets the value of the noticeAssignments property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure }
public NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure getNoticeAssignments() {
return noticeAssignments;
* Sets the value of the noticeAssignments property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setNoticeAssignments(NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.noticeAssignments = value;
* Gets the value of the journeyMeetings property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure }
public JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure getJourneyMeetings() {
return journeyMeetings;
* Sets the value of the journeyMeetings property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setJourneyMeetings(JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.journeyMeetings = value;
* Gets the value of the journeyInterchanges property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure }
public JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure getJourneyInterchanges() {
return journeyInterchanges;
* Sets the value of the journeyInterchanges property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setJourneyInterchanges(JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.journeyInterchanges = value;
* Gets the value of the defaultInterchanges property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure }
public DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure getDefaultInterchanges() {
return defaultInterchanges;
* Sets the value of the defaultInterchanges property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setDefaultInterchanges(DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.defaultInterchanges = value;
* Gets the value of the interchangeRules property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure }
public InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure getInterchangeRules() {
return interchangeRules;
* Sets the value of the interchangeRules property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setInterchangeRules(InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.interchangeRules = value;
* Gets the value of the vehicleTypes property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure }
public VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure getVehicleTypes() {
return vehicleTypes;
* Sets the value of the vehicleTypes property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setVehicleTypes(VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.vehicleTypes = value;
* Gets the value of the journeyAccountings property.
* @return
* possible object is
* {@link JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure }
public JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure getJourneyAccountings() {
return journeyAccountings;
* Sets the value of the journeyAccountings property.
* @param value
* allowed object is
* {@link JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure }
public void setJourneyAccountings(JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
this.journeyAccountings = value;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVehicleModes(VehicleModeEnumeration... values) {
if (values!= null) {
for (VehicleModeEnumeration value: values) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVehicleModes(Collection values) {
if (values!= null) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withHeadwayService(Boolean value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withMonitored(Boolean value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withNetworkView(NetworkView value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withLineView(LineView value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withOperatorView(OperatorView value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withServiceCalendarFrameRef(ServiceCalendarFrameRef value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDefaultMode(VehicleModeEnumeration value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withJourneyAccountingRef(JourneyAccountingRefStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withBookingTimes(ContainedAvailabilityConditions_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withAccessibilityAssessment(AccessibilityAssessment value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVehicleTypeRef(JAXBElement extends VehicleTypeRefStructure> value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTimeDemandTypes(TimeDemandTypesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTimeDemandTypeAssignments(TimeDemandTypeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTimingLinkGroups(GroupOfLinksInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVehicleJourneys(JourneysInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withFrequencyGroups(FrequencyGroupsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withGroupsOfServices(GroupsOfServicesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTrainNumbers(TrainNumbersInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withJourneyPartCouples(JourneyPartCouplesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withCoupledJourneys(CoupledJourneysInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withServiceFacilitySets(ServiceFacilitySetsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTypesOfService(TypesOfServiceInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withFlexibleServiceProperties(FlexibleServicePropertiesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withNotices(NoticesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withNoticeAssignments(NoticeAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withJourneyMeetings(JourneyMeetingsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withJourneyInterchanges(JourneyInterchangesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDefaultInterchanges(DefaultInterchangseInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withInterchangeRules(InterchangeRulesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVehicleTypes(VehicleTypesInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withJourneyAccountings(JourneyAccountingsInFrame_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withName(MultilingualString value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDescription(MultilingualString value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTypeOfFrameRef(TypeOfFrameRefStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withBaselineVersionFrameRef(VersionRefStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withCodespaces(Codespaces_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withFrameDefaults(VersionFrameDefaultsStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVersions(Versions_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withTraces(Traces_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withContentValidityConditions(ValidityConditions_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withKeyList(KeyListStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withExtensions(ExtensionsStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withBrandingRef(BrandingRefStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withAlternativeTexts(AlternativeTexts_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withResponsibilitySetRef(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withValidityConditions(ValidityConditions_RelStructure value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withValidBetween(ValidBetween... values) {
if (values!= null) {
for (ValidBetween value: values) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withValidBetween(Collection values) {
if (values!= null) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDataSourceRef(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withCreated(OffsetDateTime value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withChanged(OffsetDateTime value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withModification(ModificationEnumeration value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withVersion(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withStatus_BasicModificationDetailsGroup(StatusEnumeration value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDerivedFromVersionRef_BasicModificationDetailsGroup(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withCompatibleWithVersionFrameVersionRef(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withDerivedFromObjectRef(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withNameOfClass(String value) {
return this;
public Timetable_VersionFrameStructure withId(String value) {
return this;
* Generates a String representation of the contents of this type.
* This is an extension method, produced by the 'ts' xjc plugin
public String toString() {
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, OmitNullsToStringStyle.INSTANCE);