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main schemae-service developersCen TC278 WG3 SG7 TeamEuropeDrafted for version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG7 Editor Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:[email protected]2004-03-052004-10-062005-05-112005-11-152007-03-292008-11-13
Correct Cardinalities on SIRI DESTINATION REF Structure
siri_journey-v2.0.xsd (l.1015). FramedVehicleJourneyRef isn't mandatory in MonitoredCall SIRI-SM answer accourding to CEN TS (prCEN/TS 15531-3:2006 (E) p.56). Make optional. RV
SIRI 2.0
[VDV] Add EarliestExpectedArrivalTimeForVehicle to Arrival Times Group
[VDV] Add ProvisionalExpectedDepartureTime to Departure Times Group
[VDV] Add LatestExpectedArrivalTimeForVehicle to Departure Times Group
[VDV] Add ViaPriority to ViaNames using a new ViaNameStructure SIRI-PT, SIRI-ET, SIRI-SM. SIRI-VM
[VDV] Add Velocity to MonitoredVehicleJourney SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[VDV] Add Public and Contact Details to JourneyInfo : SIRI-PT, SIRI-ET, SIRI-SM. SIRI-VM
[VDV] at DirectionAtOrigin name to JourneyInfo SIRI-PT, SIRI-ET, SIRI-SM. SIRI-VM
[MTA] Add ArrivalProximityText to Arrival Times on MonitoredCall and OnwardsCall : SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[MTA] Add ArrivalProximityText to Departure Times on MonitoredCall and OnwardsCall : SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[FR] Add AimedLatestPassengerAccessTime to TargetedCall : SIRI-ST
[FR] Add AimedLatestPassengerAccessTime to MonitoredCall and OnwardsCall : SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[FR] Add ExpectedLatestPassengerAccessTime to MonitoredCall and OnwardsCall : SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[FR] add ArrivalOperatorRefs and DepartureOperatorRefs to Call arrival and Departure
[Fr] Add FirstOrLastJourney to JourneyTimesGroup : SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM
[DE] Add Driver Name
SIRI 2.0
[MTA] Add DistanceFromSTop and NumberOFStops away to MonitoredCall and OnwardsCall : SIRI-SM and SIRI-ET
[NeTEx] Add Driver/Crew Ref
[DE] Add ExpectedDeparturePredictionQuality to OnwardVehicleDepartureTimes
WB: elements LowerTimeLimit and UpperTimeLimit optional in prediction quality
ArrivalStopAssignment and DepartureStopAssignment added to DatedCall: SIRI:PT
Correction: DestinationDisplay unbounded to allow multiple languages
[ch] Add origin display wherever destination display as per Cologne meeting (siri-Journey-v2.0.xsd
* [xh[ Add OriginAtDestination wherever destination display as per Cologne meeting (siri-Journey-v2.0.xsd)
SIRI is a European CEN technical standard for the exchange of real-time information .
Derived from the VDV, RTIG CML and Trident standards.
Version 2.0 DraftArts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
Air transport, Airports,
Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
Business and industry, Transport, Air transport, Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
Rail transport, Roads and road transport
CEN TC278 WG3 SG7SIRI XML schema. Service Interface for Real-time Information relating to Public Transport Operations. Subschema of common Journey elementsStandardSIRI Common Journey Model.Elements describing a VEHICLE JOURNEY. Values for these elements can be specified on an annual schedule and will be inherited, unless overriden, onto the production timetable and then onto the individul DATED VEHICLE JOURNEYs of the timetable. Each real-time journey (e.g. ESTIMATED VEHICLE JOURNEY or MONITORED VEHICLE JORUNEY) takes its values from the DATED VEHICLE JOURNEY that it follows. The absence of a value on an entity at a given level indicates that the value should be inherited (i) from any recent preceding update message for the same entity, or if there is no previous override, (ii) from its immediate parent entity.For train services with named journeys. Train name, e.g. “West Coast Express”. If omitted: No train name. Inherited property. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Contact details for use by members of public. +SIRI v2.0Contact details for use by operational staff. +SIRI v2.0Type for Simple Contact Details.Phone number +SIRI v2.0Url for contact +SIRI v2.0Common information about a VEHICLE JOURNEY. (Similar to VDV TripInfo)End names for journey.Name of the origin of the journey. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Short name of the origin of the journey; used to help identify the VEHICLE JOURNEY on arrival boards. If absent, same as Origin Name.DIRECTION name shown for jurney at the origin. +SIRI v2.0Names of VIA points, used to help identify the LINE, for example, Luton to Luton via Sutton. Currently 3 in VDV. Should only be included if the detail level was requested.Reference to a DESTINATION.Description of the destination stop (vehicle signage), Can be overwritten for a journey, and then also section by section by the entry in an individual CALl. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Short name of the DESTINATION.of the journey; used to help identify the VEHICLE JOURNEY on arrival boards. If absent, same as DestinationName. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Origin name shown for jourey at the destination +SIRI v2.0Type for VIA NAMes structure.Relative priority to give to VIA name in displays. 1=high. Default is 2. +SIRI v2.0Type for Information about a DESTINATION.Identifer of DestinatioinName of DestinationThe name of the origin of the journey; used to help identify the VEHICLE JOURNEY on arrival boards.Names of VIA points, used to help identify the LINEfor example, Luton to Luton via Sutton. Currently 3 in VDV. Should only be included if the detail level was requested.The name of the DESTINATION of the journey; used to help identify the VEHICLE to the public. Note when used in a CALL, this is the Dynamic Destination Display: since vehicles can change their destination during a journey, the destination included here should be what the VEHICLE will display when it reaches the stop.Call times for journey.Whether this is a Headway Service, that is shown as operating at a prescribed interval rather than to a fixed timetable. Default is 'false'.Timetabled departure time from Origin.Timetabled arrival time at Destination.Whether journey is first or last journey of day. +SIRI v2.0Additional descriptive text associated with journey. Inherited property.Description of a DIRECTION.Type for DIRECTION.Identifer of DIRECTION,Description of DIRECTION. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Operational information about the monitored VEHICLE JOURNEY.Refercence to other VEHICLE Journeys (+SIRI v2.0)A reference to the DRIVER or Crew currently logged in to operate a monitored VEHICLE. May be omitted if real-time data is not available - i.e. it is timetabled data. +SIRI v2.0The name oo the Driver or Crew +SIRI v2.0Operational information about the monitored VEHICLE JOURNEY.BLOCK that VEHICLE is running.COURSE OF JOURNEY ('Run') that VEHICLE is running.Type for Progress between stops.The total distance in metres between the previous stop and the next stop.Percentage along link that VEHICLE has travelled.Type for Abstract CALL at stop.Elements describing the the targeted CALL of a VEHICLE at a stop.Elements describing the the arrival of a VEHICLE at a stop.Assignment of arrival of Scheduled STOP POINT to a phsyical QUAY (platform). If not given, assume same as for departure +SIRI v2.0.OPERATORs of of servcie up until arrival.. May change for departure. +SIRI v2.0.Elements describing the the departure of a VEHICLE from a stop.OPERATORs of of service for departure and onwards.. May change from that for arrival. +SIRI v2.0.Type for Abstract CALL at stop.Elements describing the the arrival status of a VEHICLE at a stop.Bay or platform (QUAY) name to show passenger i.e. expected platform for vehicel to arrive at.Inheritable property. Can be omitted if the same as the DeparturePlatformName If there no arrival platform name separate from the departure platform name, the precedence is
(i) any arrival platform on any related dated timetable element,
(ii) any departure platform name on this estimated element;
(iii) any departure platform name on any related dated timetable CALL.Nature of boarding and alighting allowed at stop. Default is 'Alighting'.Assignment of arrival of Scheduled STOP POINT to a phsyical QUAY (platform). If not given, assume same as for departure +SIRI v2.0.OPERATORs of of servcie up until arrival.. May change for departure. +SIRI v2.0.Elements describing the the departure status of a VEHICLE from a stop.Departure QUAY ( Bay or platform) name. Defaulted taken from from planned timetable..Assignments of departure platfiorm for Scheduled STOP POINT to a physical QUAY. +SIRI v2.0.OPERATORs of of service for departure and onwards.. May change from that for arrival. +SIRI v2.0.Elements describing the CALL Properties Values for these elements can be specified on an production VEHICLE JOURNEY CALL. Each real-time journey CALL takes its values from the corresponding dated VEHICLE JOURNEY CALL. The absence of a value on an real-time CALL l indicates that the value should be inherited (i) from any recent preceding update message for the same entity, or if there is no previous override, (ii) from its immediate parent entity.Whether this is a Hail and Ride Stop. Default is 'false'.Whether Vehicle stops only if requested explicitly by passenger. Default is 'false'.Origin to show for the VEHICLE at the specific stop (vehicle signage), if different to the Origin Name for the full journey. (+Siri 2.0)Destination to show for the VEHICLE at the specific stop (vehicle signage), if different to the Destination Name for the full journey.Annotations of the CALL.Text annotation that applies to this CALL.Type for CALLing pattern for JOURNEY PATTERN.Type Onwards CALLs at stop.Elements describing the CALL. Values for these elements can be specified on an production VEHICLE JOURNEY CALL. Each real-time journey CALL takes its values from the corresponding dated VEHICLE JOURNEY CALL. The absence of a value on an real-time CALL l indicates that the value should be inherited (i) from any recent preceding update message for the same entity, or if there is no previous override, (ii) from its immediate parent entity.Elements for Arrival in onward CALl.Prediction quality, either as approximate level, or more quantitayive percentile range of predictions will fall within a given range of times. +SIRI v2.0 Elements for departure in ONWARD CALL.Target departure time of VEHICLE according to latest working timetable.Estimated time of departure of VEHICLE, most likely taking into account all control actions such as waiting.Expected departure time of VEHICLE without waiting time due to operational actions. For people at stop this would normally be shown if different from Expected departure time. So if servcie decides not to wait may leave earler than expected departure time +SIRI v2.0.Earliest time at which VEHICLE may leave the stop. Used to secure connections. Used for passenger announcements. Passengers must be at boarding point by this time to be sure of catching VEHICLE. i.e. "Vehicle will not leave before this time" - may be revised from original aimed time. +SIRI v2.0Prediction quality, either as approximate level, or more quantitayive percentile range of predictions will fall within a given range of times. +SIRI v2.0 Elements describing the HEADWAY INTERVALs.Elements describing the distance from the stop of a VEHICLE. +SIRI v2.0.Distance of VEHICLE from stop of CALL as measured along ROUTE track. Only shown if detail level is 'calls' or higher. Positive value denotes distance before stop. +SIRI v2.0.Count of stops along SERVICE PATTERN between current position of VEHICLE and stop of CALL as measured along ROUTE track. Only shown if detail level is 'calls' or higher. +SIRI v2.0.Type for Prediction Quality quantifcation.An approxiimate characterisation of prediction quality as one of five values . +SIRI v2.0Percentile associated with range as specified by lower and upper bound +SIRI v2.0Lower bound on time of for prediction for confidence level if different from defaults +SIRI v2.0Upper bound on time of for predictios for confidence level if different from defaults +SIRI v2.0Type for assignment of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT to a specific QUAY or platform +SIRI v2.0.Physical QUAY to use according to the planned timetable. +SIRI v2.0Scheduled Platform name. Can be used to indicate platfrom change. +SIRI v2.0Physical QUAY to use accoring to the real-time prediction. +SIRI v2.0Physical QUAY actually used. +SIRI v2.0Type for assignment of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT to a specific QUAY or platform +SIRI v2.0.Physical QUAY to use according to the planned timetable. +SIRI v2.0Scheduled Platform name. +SIRI v2.0Target arrival time of VEHICLE at stop according to latest working timetable.Observed time of arrival of VEHICLE at stop.Estimated time of arriival of VEHICLE at stop .Classification of the timeliness of the visit according to a fixed list of values. If not specified, same as DepartureStatus.Arbitrary text string to show to indicate the status of the departure of the VEHICLE for example, “Enroute”, “5 Km”, “Approaching”. May depend on the policy of the OPERATOR, for example show “Approaching” if less than 200metres away from stop. +SIRI v2.0Bay or platform name. Inheritable property. Can be omitted if the same as the DeparturePlatformName If there no arrival platform name separate from the departure platform name, the precedence is (i) any arrival platform on any related dated timetable element, (ii) any departure platform name on this estimated element; (iii) any departure platform name on any related dated timetable CALL.Type of boarding and alighting allowed at stop. Default is 'Alighting'.Arrival times for CALL.Target arrival time of VEHICLE according to latest working timetable.Observed time of arrival of VEHICLE.Estimated time of arriival of VEHICLE.Target departure time of VEHICLE from stop according to latest working timetable.Observed time of departure of VEHICLE from stop.Estimated time of departure of VEHICLE from stop.Latest target time at which a PASSENGER should aim to arrive at the STOP PLACE containing the stop. This time may be earlier than the VEHICLE departure times and may include time for processes such as checkin, security, etc.(As specified by CHECK CONSTRAINT DELAYs in the underlying data) If absent assume to be the same as Earliest expected departure time, +SIRI 2.0Latest expected time at which a PASSENGER should aim to arrive at the STOP PLACE containing the stop. This time may be earlier than the VEHICLE departure times and may include time for processes such as checkin, security, etc.(As specified by CHECK CONSTRAINT DELAYs in the underlying data) If absent assume to be the same as Earliest expected departure time, +SIRI 2.0Classification of the timeliness of the departure part of the CALL, according to a fixed list of values. This may reflect a presentation policy, for example CALLs less than one minute behind target time are still classified as on-time. Applications may use this to guide their own presentation of times.Arbitrary text string to show to indicate the status of the departure of the vehicle, for example, “Boarding”, “GatesClosed”. +SIRI v2.0Departure QUAY ( Bay or platform) name. Inheritable property.Nature of boarding allowed at stop. Default is 'Boarding'.Departure times for CALL.Target departure time of VEHICLE according to latest working timetable.Observed time of departure of VEHICLE from stop.Estimated time of departure of VEHICLE from stop. May include waiting time. For people on a VEHICLE this is the time that would normally be shown.Passenget arrivel times at STOP PLACE in order to meet VEHICLEdeparture times for CALL.Target Latest time at which a PASSENGER should aim to arrive at the STOP PLACE containing the stop. This time may be earlier than the VEHICLE departure times as itmay include time for processes such as checkin, security, etc.(As specified by CHECK CONSTRAINT DELAYs in the underlying data) If absent assume to be the same as Earliest expected departure time, +SIRI v2.0Expected Latest time at which a PASSENGER should aim to arrive at the STOP PLACE containing the stop. This time may be earlier than the VEHICLE departure times as it may include time for processes such as checkin, security, etc.(As specified by CHECK CONSTRAINT DELAYs in the underlying data) If absent assume to be the same as Earliest expected departure time, +SIRI v2.0For frequency based services, target interval between vehicles at stop.For frequency based services, expected interval between vehicles at stop.For frequency based services, observed interval between vehicles at stop.