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main schemae-service developersAdd names Europe>Drafted for version 1.0 Kizoom Incident Schema Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:[email protected]2004-09-292004-10-012005-02-142007-05-142008-07-05
split out classifiers
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+SIRI v2.0
add Holiday and PoliceActivity rsubeasons to Miscellaneous
Correct Reason codes to match spec.
SIRI-SX is an XML schema for the exchange of structured incidents. This subschema describes reason codes
Schema derived Derived from the Kizoom XTIS schema
Derived from the TPEG Categories schema
Version 2.0 DraftArts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
Air transport, Airports,
Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
Business and industry, Transport, Air transport, Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
Rail transport, Roads and road transport
CEN TC278 WG3 SG7SIRI-SX Xml Schema for PT Incidents. Reasons subschemaStandardStructured Classification Elements. Corresponds to TPEG 18 Event Reason.Personnel reason.Environment reason.Structured Classification Elements. Corresponds to TPEG 18 Event Reason.Personnel reason.Environment reason.TPEG Pti18_0/TPEG unknown event reason.TPEG Pti18_1/TPEG Pti_19 miscellaneous event reason.Values for Miscellaneous incident reason types TPEG Pti18_1/TPEG Pti_19.TPEG Pti_19_0 unknown.19:0_1 Previous disturbances - alias to TPEG Pti_19_0 unknownTPEG Pti_19_1 incident.Near Miss - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.Near Miss - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.Signal passed at danger - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.Station overrun - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.trainDoor- alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.Unspecified emergency service visit. Alias to pti19TPEG Pti_19_2 bomb explosion.TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.pti19_3_1 request of the police Alias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.pti19_3_2 fire brigade safety checksAlias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.pti19_3_3 an unattended bag Talias to PEG Pti_19_3 security alert.telephoned threat TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.telephoned threat TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.civilEmergency alias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.civilEmergency alias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.sabotage alias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.TPEG Pti_19_4 fire.linesideFire alias to TPEG Pti_19_4 fire.TPEG Pti_19_5 vandalism.passengerActionAlias to pti19Assault on stafft.Alias to pti19Railway Crime Alias to pti19Assault Alias to pti19Theft Alias to pti19altercation . Alias to pti19illVehicleOccupants . Alias to pti19TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.fatality alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.a person under a train - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.a person hit by a train - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.person ill On Vehicle -Alias to pti19_6emergencyServices - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.Collision - Alias to pti19_6TPEG Pti_19_7 overcrowded.TPEG Pti_19_8 insufficient demand.TPEG Pti_19_9 lighting failure.TPEG Pti_19_10 leader board failure.TPEG Pti_19_11 service indicator failure.TPEG Pti_19_12 service failure.TPEG Pti_19_13 OPERATOR ceased trading.TPEG Pti_19_14 OPERATOR suspended.TPEG Pti_19_15 congestion.TPEG Pti_19_16 route blockage.TPEG Pti_19_17 person on the line.TPEG Pti_19_18 VEHICLE on the line.Level Crossing Incident - alias to TPEG Pti_19_18 VEHICLE on the line.TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.fallen tree on line- alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.vegetation - alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.Train struck animal alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.Train struck object alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.TPEG Pti_19_20 animal on the line.TPEG Pti_19_21 route diversion.TPEG Pti_19_22 road closed.TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks.19:23_1 sewerageMaintenance - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_2 roadMaintenance - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_3 asphalting - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_4 paving - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..TPEG Pti_19_24 special event.TPEG Pti_19_25 bridge strike.19:25_1 viaductFailure - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 bridgeStrikeTPEG Pti_19_26 overhead obstruction.TPEG Pti_19_255 undefined problem.19:255_1 speedRestrictions alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 unknown19:255_2 logisticProblems alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 unknownAdditional refinements TPEG miscellaneous event reason.Values for Miscellaneous incident sub reason types.TPEG Pti_19_0 unknown19:0_1 Previous disturbances - alias to TPEG Pti_19_0 unknownTPEG Pti_19_1 incident.19:1_1 Near Miss - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.19:1_2 Near Miss - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.19:1_3 Signal passed at danger - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.19:1_4 Station overrun - alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.19:1_5 trainDoor- alias to TPEG Pti_19_1 incident.TPEG Pti_19_2 bomb explosion.TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:1_6 Unspecified emergency service visit. Alias to pti1919:3_1 Request of the police Alias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:3_2 Fire brigade safety checksAlias to TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:3_3 An unattended bag TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:3_4 Telephoned threat TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:3_5 telephoned threat TPEG Pti_19_3 security alert.19:3_6 Civil Emergency Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_7 Air Raid Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_8 Sabotage Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_9 Bomb alert Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_10 Attack Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_11 EvacuationPti_19_3 security alert19:3_12 terrorist Incident Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_14 Explosion Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_15 explosion Hazard Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_16 security Incident Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_17 terrorist Incident Pti_19_3 security alert19:3_18 terrorist Incident Pti_19_3 security alertTPEG Pti_19_4 firelinesideFire alias to TPEG Pti_19_4 fire.TPEG Pti_19_5 vandalism19:5_1 passengerActionAlias to pti19_5 vandalism19:5_2 Assault on staft.Alias to pti19_5 vandalism19:5_3 Railway Crime Alias to pti19_5 vandalism19:5_4 theft to pti19_5 vandalism19:1_7Railway Crime Alias to pti19_1 incident19:1_8 Railway Crime Alias to pti19_1 incidentPEG Pti_19_6 accident19:6_1 fatality alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.19:6_2 a person under a train - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.19:6_3 a person hit by a train - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.19:6_4 person ill On Vehicle -Alias to pti19_6 accident.19:6_5 emergencyServices - alias to TPEG Pti_19_6 accident.19:6_6 Collision - Alias to pti19_6 accident.TPEG Pti_19_07 overcrowdedTPEG Pti_19_08 insufficientDemandTPEG Pti_19_09 lightingFailureTPEG Pti_19_10 leaderBoardFailureTPEG Pti_19_11 serviceIndicatorFailureTPEG Pti_19_12 serviceFailureTPEG Pti_19_13 operatorCeasedTradingTPEG Pti_19_14 operatorSuspendedTPEG Pti_19_15 congestionTPEG Pti_19_16 routeBlockageTPEG Pti_19_17 personOnTheLineTPEG Pti_19_18 vehicleOnTheLineTPEG Pti_19_19 objectOnTheLine19:19_1 fallen tree on line- alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.19:19_2 Vegetation - alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.19:19_3 Train struck animal alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.19:19_4 Train struck object alias to TPEG Pti_19_19 object on the line.19:18_1 Level Crossing Incident - alias to TPEG Pti_19_18 VEHICLE on the line.TPEG Pti_19_20 animal on the line.TPEG Pti_19_21 route diversion.TPEG Pti_19_22 road closed.TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks.19:23_1 sewerageMaintenance - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_2 roadMaintenance - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_3 asphalting - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..19:23_4 paving - alias to TPEG Pti_19_23 roadworks..TPEG Pti_19_24 special event.19:24_1 march - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_2 procession - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_3 demonstration - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_4 publicDisturbance - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_5 filterBlockade - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_6 sightseersObstructingAccess - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEvent19:24_7 sightseersObstructingAccess - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 specialEventTPEG Pti_19_25 bridge strike.19:25_1 viaductFailure - alias to TPEG Pti_19_24 bridgeStrikeTPEG Pti_19_26 overhead obstruction.TPEG Pti_19_255 undefined problem.19:15_1 problemsAtBorderPost - alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 congestion.19:15_2 problemsAtCustomsPost alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 congestion.19:15_3 problemsOnLocalRoad alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 congestion.19:255_1 speedRestrictions alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 unknown19:255_2 logisticProblems alias to TPEG Pti_19_15 unknownTPEG Pti18_2/TPEG Pti_20 personnel event reason.Values for Personnel incident reason types TPEG Pti18_2/TPEG Pti_20.TPEG Pti20_0 unknown.TPEG Pti20_1 staff sickness. staff injury alias to TPEG Pti20_1 staff sickness.contractor staff injury alias to TPEG Pti20_1 staff sickness.TPEG Pti20_2 staff absence.TPEG Pti20_3 staff in wrong place.TPEG Pti20_4 staff shortage.TPEG Pti20_5 industrial action.Unofffical action - alias to TPEG Pti20_5 industrial action.TPEG Pti20_6 work to rule.TPEG Pti20_255 undefined personnel problem.Additional refinements TPEG Personnelevent reason.Values for Personnel incident sub reason types.TPEG Pti20_0 unknown.contractor staff injury alias to TPEG Pti20_1 staff sickness.TPEG Pti20_2 staff absence.TPEG Pti20_3 staff in wrong place.TPEG Pti20_4 staff shortage.TPEG Pti20_5 industrial action.TPEG Pti20_6 work to rule.TPEG Pti20_255 undefined personnel problem.TPEG Pti18_3/TPEG Pti_21 equipment event reason.Values for Equipment incident reason types TPEG Pti18_3/TPEG Pti_21.TPEG Pti21_0 unknown.TPEG Pti21_1 points problem.TPEG Pti21_2 points failure.TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.Train warning system eg TPWSAlias to TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.Track circuit alias to TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.TPEG Pti21_4 signal failure.TPEG Pti21_4 signal failure.TPEG Pti21_5 derailment.TPEG Pti21_6 engine failure.traction failure alais to TPEG Pti21_6 engine failure.TPEG Pti21_7 break down.TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.Broken rail - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.poor rail conditions - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.Wheel Impact Load detectedi by trackside equipment alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.late lack of operational stock - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective fire alarm equipment - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective PEDs (platform edge doors) - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective CCTV - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective PA - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.ticketing facility unavailable - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.ticketing facility unavailable - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.TPEG Pti21_9 repair work.TPEG Pti21_10 construction work.TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.emergency engineering work - alias to TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.late finish to engineering work - alias to TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.TPEG Pti21_12 power problem.TPEG Pti21_12 power problem.TPEG Pti21_13 fuel problem.TPEG Pti21_14 swing bridge failure.TPEG Pti21_15 escalator failure.TPEG Pti21_16 lift failure.TPEG Pti21_17 gangway problem.TPEG Pti21_18 closed for maintenance.TPEG Pti21_19 fuel shortage.TPEG Pti21_20 de-icing work.TPEG Pti21_21 wheel problem.TPEG Pti21_21 wheel problem.TPEG Pti21_22 luggage carousel problem.TPEG Pti21_255 undefined equipment problem.Additional refinements TPEG Equipment event reason.Values for Equipment incident sub reason types.TPEG Pti21_0 unknown.TPEG Pti21_1 points problem.TPEG Pti21_2 points failure.TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.Train warning system eg TPWSAlias to TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.Track circuit alias to TPEG Pti21_3 signal problem.TPEG Pti21_4 signal failure.TPEG Pti21_4 signal failure.TPEG Pti21_5 derailment.TPEG Pti21_6 engine failure.traction failure alais to TPEG Pti21_6 engine failure.TPEG Pti21_7 break down.TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.Broken rail - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.poor rail conditions - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.Wheel Impact Load detectedi by trackside equipment alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.late lack of operational stock - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective fire alarm equipment - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective PEDs (platform edge doors) - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective CCTV - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.defective PA - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.ticketing facility unavailable - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.ticketing facility unavailable - alias to TPEG Pti21_8 technical problem.TPEG Pti21_9 repair work.TPEG Pti21_10 construction work.TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.emergency engineering work - alias to TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.late finish to engineering work - alias to TPEG Pti21_11 maintenance work.TPEG Pti21_12 power problem.TPEG Pti21_12 power problem.TPEG Pti21_13 fuel problem.TPEG Pti21_14 swing bridge failure.TPEG Pti21_15 escalator failure.TPEG Pti21_16 lift failure.TPEG Pti21_17 gangway problem.TPEG Pti21_18 closed for maintenance.TPEG Pti21_19 fuel shortage.TPEG Pti21_20 de-icing work.TPEG Pti21_21 wheel problem.TPEG Pti21_21 wheel problem.TPEG Pti21_22 luggage carousel problem.TPEG Pti21_255 undefined equipment problem.TPEG Pti18_4/TPEG Pti_22 environment event reason.Values for Environment incident reason types TPEG Pti18_4/TPEG Pti_22.TPEG Pti22_0 unknown.TPEG Pti22_1 fog.TPEG Pti22_2 rough sea.TPEG Pti22_3 heavy snow fall.drifting snow - Alias to TPEG Pti22_3 heavySnowFall.Blizzard Conditions - Alias to TPEG Pti22_3 heavySnowFall.TPEG Pti22_4 heavy rain.TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.stormConditions alias to TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.storm damage alias to TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.TPEG Pti22_6 tidal restrictions.TPEG Pti22_7 high tide.TPEG Pti22_8 low tide.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_10 frozen.TPEG Pti22_11 hail.Sleet Alias to TPEG Pti22_11 hail.TPEG Pti22_12 high temperatures.TPEG Pti22_13 flooding.TPEG Pti22_14 waterlogged.TPEG Pti22_15 low water level.TPEG Pti22_16 high water level.TPEG Pti22_17 fallen leaves.TPEG Pti22_18 fallen tree.TPEG Pti22_19 landslide.TPEG Pti22_255 undefined environmental problem.lightningStrike alias to TPEG Pti22_255 undefined environmental problem.Additional refinements TPEG Environmentevent reason.Values for Environment incident subreason types.TPEG Pti22_0 unknown.TPEG Pti22_1 fog.TPEG Pti22_2 rough sea.drifting snow - Alias to TPEG Pti22_3 heavySnowFall.TPEG Pti22_4 heavy rain.Blizzard Conditions - Alias to TPEG Pti22_3 heavySnowFall.TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.stormConditions alias to TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.storm damage alias to TPEG Pti22_5 strong winds.TPEG Pti22_6 tidal restrictions.TPEG Pti22_7 high tide.TPEG Pti22_8 low tide.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_9 ice.TPEG Pti22_10 frozen.TPEG Pti22_11 hail.Sleet Alias to TPEG Pti22_11 hail.TPEG Pti22_12 high temperatures.TPEG Pti22_13 flooding.TPEG Pti22_14 waterlogged.TPEG Pti22_15 low water level.TPEG Pti22_16 high water level.TPEG Pti22_17 fallen leaves.TPEG Pti22_18 fallen tree.TPEG Pti22_19 landslide.TPEG Pti22_255 undefined environmental problem.TPEG Pti18_255/TPEG Pti_22 undefined event reason.