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main schemae-service developersCEN TC278 WG3 SG7 TeamEuropeDrafted for version 1.1 CEN TC278 WG3 SG7 Editor Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:[email protected]
Drafted for version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG7 Editor Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:[email protected]2008-01-222008-01-222009-04-17
Name Space changes
IFOPT and Datex2 compatibility changes
Allow zero sized SITUATIONs
-- Add StatusFilterGroup to SIRI-SX request with Verification, Progerss and Reality
-- Change caridinality on LineRef and CONNECTION link filters to allow many rather than just one.
-- Corret predictability filter values to be an enum.
-- Add a place and Road filter.
-- Revise to support substitution groups
+SIRI v2.0
- Change to use DatexII V2.0
-[FR] Add Extensions tag to SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest
- [VDV] Change caridinality on StopPointRef filter to allow many rather than just one.
-[FR] Add Extensions tag to SituationExchangeSubscriptionRequest
* [de] Add temporal filter to request in siri_situationExchange_service.xsd.
* [de] Add IncludeOnly-IfInPublicationWindow to situation request temporal filter siri_situationExchange_service.xsd.
* [doc/fx] Correct capability Matrix siri_situationExchange_service.xsd.
* [fx] StopPlaceFilterGroup: add missing component ref and facility that was in doc but missing from schema
SIRI is a European CEN standard for the exchange of Public Transport real-time information.
This sub-schema describes the Situation Exchange Service.
Derived from the VDV, RTIG XML and Trident standards.
categories from TPEG
Version 2.0 DraftArts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
Air transport, Airports,
Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
Business and industry, Transport, Air transport, Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
Rail transport, Roads and road transport
CEN TC278 WG3 SG7SIRI-SX XML schema. Service Interface for Real-time Information relating to Public Transport Operations. Situation Exchange Service Subschema StandardSIRI-SX Situation Exchange Service.Convenience artifact to pick out main elements of the Situation Exchange Service.Request for information about Facilities status.Type for Functional Service Request for Situation Exchange Service.Version number of request. Fixed
Parameters that specify the content to be returned. Logically ANDed with other values.Parameters to control time for which subscription applies.Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the time. Logically ANDed with other values. Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Road. Logically ANDed with other values.Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on specific needs .Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Status. Logically ANDed with other values.Forward duration for which SITUATIONs should be included, that is, only SITUATIONs that start before the end of this window time will be included.Start time for selecting SITUATIONs to be sent. Only SITUATIONs or updates created after this time will be sent. This enables a restart without resending everything.Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Status. Logically ANDed with other values.Temporal scope of Situations be included in response. The Situations must be valid within the specified period of time. (+SIRI 2.0)Only incidents that are currently within their publication window shouldbe included. Otherwose all incidents will be included. Default is falseParameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Status. Logically ANDed with other values.Whether incident has been verified or not If not specified return all.Workflow Progress Status. One of a specified set of overall processing states assigned to SITUATION. For example, 'Draft' for not yet published; 'Published' for live SITUATIONs; 'Closed' indicates a completed SITUATION. If not specified return open, published closing and closed. l.Whether SITUATION is real or a test. If not specified return all.Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Network. Logically ANDed with other values.Referance to an OPERATOR. If unspecified, all OPERATOR.s.OPERATIONAL UNIT responsible for managing services.Reference to a NETWORK.Filter the results to include only the given line. Filter the results to include only situations along the given LINEs.Filter the results to include only the given line. and directionParameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the STOP PLACEs affected SITUATIONs. Logically ANDed with other values.Reference to a STOP PLACE.Reference to part of a STOP PLACE. (+SIRI 2.0)Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the VEHICLE JOURNEYs affected by the SITUATION. Logically ANDed with other values.Use of simple reference is deprecated Refercence to a VEHICLE JOURNEY framed by the day. SIRI 2.0 Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Classifiers. Logically ANDed with other values.Severity filter value to apply: only SITUATIONs with a severity greater than or equal to the specified value will be returned. See TPEG severities. Default is 'all'.Types of SITUATION to include.Whether just planned, unplanned or both SITUATIONs will be returned.Arbitrary application specific classifiers. Only SITUATIONs that match these keywords will be returned.Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Place. Logically ANDed with other values.Reference to a COUNTRY where incident takes place If specified only incidents that affect this place country will be returned.Reference to a TOPOGRAPHIC PLACE. Only incidents which are deemed to affect this place will be returned.Bounding box of an arbitrary area. Only incidents geocoded as falling within area will be included.Type for Parameters to filter Situation Exchange Service requests, based on the SITUATION Road, Logically ANDed with other values.Identifier or number of the road on which the reference POINT is located.The DIRECTION at the reference point in terms of general destination DIRECTION. If absent both.Road reference POINT identifier, unique on the specified road.Parameters that affect the request processing.Preferred language in which to return text values.The maximum number of SITUATION elements to return in a given delivery. The most recent n Events within the look ahead window are included.Request for a subscription to the Situation Exchange Service.Parameters that affect the subscription publishing and notification processing.Whether the producer will return the complete set of current data, or only provide updates to this data, i.e. additions, modifications and deletions.
If false or omitted, each subscription response will contain the full information as specified in this request.Type for Subscription Request for Situation Exchange Service.Delivery for Situation Exchange Service.Delivery of Situation Exchange Service included as supplement to main functional service delivery.Payload part of Situation Exchange Service delivery.Default context for common properties of SITUATIONs, Values specified apply to all SITUATIONs unless overridden. Can be used optionally to reduce file bulk.SITUATIONs in Delivery.Description of a SITUATION.Type for Delivery for Situation Exchange Service. Provides information about one or more vehicles; each has its own VEHICLE activity element.Payload part of Situation Exchange Service delivery.Version number of response. Fixed
Common parameters for all SITUATIONs.Reference to a Country of a Participant who published SITUATION.Reference to a system publishing SITUATIONs. If SITUATIONs from other participants are included in delivery, then ParticipantRef of immediate publisher must be given here.Refrence to a TOPOGRAPHIC PLACE (locality). Also Derivable from an individual StopRef.Name of locality in which SITUATIONs apply. Derivable from LocalityRef. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Default language of text.Default context for common properties of Public Transport SITUATIONs.Actions that apply to all SITUATIONs unless overridden.Type for shared context.Default OPERATOR for SITUATIONs.Default Network of affected LINEs. These values apply to all SITUATIONs unless overridden on individual instances.Type for Deliveries for Situation Exchange Service. Used in WSDL.Delivery for Vehicle Activity Service.Request for information about Situation Exchange Service Capabilities. Answered with a VehicleMontoringCapabilitiesResponse.Capabilities for Situation Exchange Service. Answers a VehicleMontoringCapabilitiesRequest.Type for Delivery for Situation Exchange Service.Version number of response. Fixed
Capabilities of Situation Exchange Service. Answers a SituationExchangeCapabilitiesRequest.Type for SItuation Exchange Service Capabilities.Filtering Capabilities.Default preview interval. Default is 60 minutes.Whether results can be filtered by location. Fixed as 'true'.Whether results can be filtered by MODE. Default is true.. (+SIRI v2.0)Whether results can be filtered by NETWORKs. Default is 'true'. (+SIRI v2.0)Whether results can be filtered by STOP PLACE identifvier. Default is 'false'. (+SIRI v2.0)Whether results can be filtered by Specific Needs. Default is 'true'.Whether results can be filtered by Keywords. Default is 'false'Request Policy capabilities.Subscription Policy capabilities.Optional Access control capabilities.Optional Response capabilities.Elements for volume control.Whether a maximum number ofSITUATIONS to include can be specified. Default is 'false'.Participant's permissions to use the service.Type for Situation Exchange Service Permissions.