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main schemae-service developersCEN TC278 WG3 SG7 TeamEuropeDrafted for version 1.0 CEN TC278 WG3 SG7 Editor Nicholas Knowles, Kizoom. mailto:[email protected]2004-09-292004-10-012005-02-142005-02-202005-05-112007-04-17
Name Space changes
Drop separate flatten structure on response for stopVisit
(a) Correct missing type on FeatureRef
(b) Add optional MonitoringRef on response so that can return the identfiier even if there are no stop visits.
This allows client to be stateless -
(a) Add a StopMonitoringMultipleRequest and othe elements top support multiple stops on single request
Drop redundant groups
Revise to support substitution groups
On SiriRequest change the element type of MaximumNumberOfCalls and MaximumNumberOfCallsOnwards from xsd:positiveInteger to xsd:nonNegativeInteger
+SIRI v2.0
[VDV] Add Minimum-StopVisits�PerVia to STopMonitoringRequestPolicy
[VDV] Add HasMinimum-StopVisits�Via to STopMonitoringCapabilities
[VDV] Revise MonitoredVehicleJourney to include additioanl result files
[FR] Add Servcie Exception element
[VDV] Add delivery variant to LineNote
[SIRI-LITE] Allow a monitoring name in results.
[SIRI-LITE] Whether any related Situations should be included in the ServiceDelivery. Default is 'false'. +SIRI v2.0
+SIRI v2.0
[VDV] Add ValidUntil Time to MonitoredStopVisit
Correct comment on MaximumNumberOfCalls elements
+SIRI v2.0
[VDV] Add normal realtiem service Time to MonitoredStopVisit
Geeneral update permissions to include has SItuations
Correction: ServiceExceptionStatus is optional
enumeration value realtmeDataAvailable corrected
StopNotice and StopNoticeCancellation added
SIRI is a European CEN standard for the exchange of Public Transport real-time information.
This sub-schema describes the Stop Monitoring Service.
Derived from the VDV, RTIG XML and Trident standards.
Version 2.0 DraftArts, recreation and travel, Tourism, Travel (tourism), Transport,
Air transport, Airports,
Ports and maritime transport, Ferries (marine),
Public transport, Bus services, Coach services, Bus stops and stations,
Rail transport, Railway stations and track, Train services, Underground trains,
Business and industry, Transport, Air transport, Ports and maritime transport, Public transport,
Rail transport, Roads and road transport
CEN TC278 WG3 SG7SIRI-SM XML schema. Service Interface for Real-time Information. Subschema for Stop Monitoring Service.StandardSIRI-SM Stop Monitoring Service.Convenience artifact to pick out main elements of the Stop Monitoring Service.Request for information about Stop Visits, i.e. arrivals and departures at multiple stops.Request for information about Stop Visits, i.e. arrivals and departures at a stop.Parameters that specify the content to be returned.Forward duration for which Visits should be included, that is, interval before predicted arrival at the stop for which to include Visits: only journeys which will arrive or depart within this time span will be returned.Start time for PreviewInterval. If absent, then current time is assumed.Reference to Monitoring Point(s) about which data is requested. May be a STOP POINT, timing point, or a group of points under a single reference.Filter the results to include only Stop Visits for VEHICLEs run by the specified OPERATOR.Filter the results to include only Stop Visits for VEHICLEs for the given LINE.Filter the results to include only Stop Visits for vehicles running in a specific relative DIRECTION, for example, "inbound" or "outbound". (Direction does not specify a destination.)Filter the results to include only journeys to the DESTINATION of the journey.Whether to include arrival Visits, departure Visits, or all. Default is 'all'.Parameters that affect the request processing. Mostly act to reduce the number of stops returned.Preferred language in which to return text values.The maximum number of Stop Visits to include in a given delivery. The first n Stop Visits within the look ahead window are included. Only Visits within the Lookahead Interval are returned. The MinimumStopVisits parameter can be used to reduce the the number of entries for each LINE within the total returned.The minimum number of Stop Visits for a given LINE to include in a given delivery. If there are more Visits within the LookAheadInterval than allowed by MaximumStopVisits and a MinimumStopVisits value is specified, then at least the minimum number will be delivered for each LINE. I.e Stop Visits will be included even if the Stop Visits are later than those for some other LINE for which the minimum number of Stop Visits has already been supplied. This allows the Consumer to obtain at least one entry for every available LINE with vehicles approaching the stop. Only STOP Visits within the Look ahead Interval are returned.The minimum number of Stop Visits for a given LINE and VIA combination to include in a given delivery. As for MinimumStopVisitsPerLine but with Via also taken into account. SIRI+v2.0Maximum length of text to return for text elements. Default is 30.Level of detail to include in response. Default is 'normal'.Whether any related SITUATIONs should be included in the ServiceDelivery. Default is 'false'. +SIRI v2.0If calls are to be returned, maximum number of calls to include in response. If absent, exclude all calls.Maximum number of ONWARDS CALLs to include in results. Only applies if StopMonitoringDetailLevel of 'calls' specified. Zero for none. If StopMonitoringDetailLevel of 'calls' specified but MaximumNumberOfCalls.Previous absent, include all ONWARDS CALLs.Maximum number of ONWARDS CALLs to include in results. Zero for none. Only applies if StopMonitoringDetailLevel of 'calls'specified. Zero for none. If StopMonitoringDetailLevel of 'calls' specified but MaximumNumberOfCalls.Onwards absent, include all ONWARDS CALLs.Detail Levels for Stop Monitoring Request.Return only the minimum amount of optional data for each Stop Visit to provide a display, A time at stop, LINE name and destination name.Return minimum and other available basic details for each Stop Visit. Do not include data on times at next stop or destination.Return all basic data, and also origin VIA points and destination.Return in addition to normal data, the CALL data for each Stop Visit, including PREVIOUS and ONWARD CALLs with passing times.Return all available data for each Stop Visit, including calls.Type for Functional Service Request for Stop Monitoring Service.Version number of request.
Request for information about Stop Visits, i.e. arrivals and departures at multiple stops stop. SIRI 1.3Type for Functional Service Request for Stop Monitoring Service on multiple stops.Request particulars for an individual stop as part of a list of multiple= requests.Type for an individual Stop Monitoring a Multiple Request.Request for a subscription to Stop Monitoring Service.Parameters that affect the subscription publishing and notification processing.Whether the producer should return the complete set of current data, or only provide updates to the last data returned, i.e. additions, modifications and deletions.
If false each subscription response will contain the full information as specified in this request.The amount of change to the arrival or departure time that can happen before an update is sent (i.e. if ChangeBeforeUpdate is set to 2 minutes, the subscriber will not be told that a bus is 30 seconds delayed - an update will only be sent when the bus is at least 2 minutes delayed). Default is zero - all changes will be sent regardless.Type for Subscription Request for Stop Monitoring Service.Parameters that affect the subscription publishing and notification processing.Delivery for Stop Monitoring Service.Type for Delivery for Stop Monitoring Service.Text associated with whole delivery. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)Version number of response. Fixed
Payload part of Stop Monitoring Service delivery.Reference to a stop monitoring point (LOGICAL DISPLAY that was requested. This can a be used to return the reference to the requested Monitoring Point if there are no stop visits for the stop. Normally tere will only be one. SIRI v1.3Name to use to describe monitoring point (Stop or display). Normally Consumer will already have access to this in its reference data but may be included to increase utility of delivery data i to devices that do not hold reference data, e.g. for SIRI LITE services(+SIRI v2.0).Notice for stop. (SIRI 2.0++)Reference to an previously communicated Notice which should now be removed from the arrival/departure board for the stop. (SIRI 2.0++)Information about unavailablilty of some or all services at the SIRI 2.0External identifiers of Stop Visit.Reference to a stop monitoring point to which Stop Visit applies.Identifier associated with Stop Visit for use in direct wireless communication between bus and stop display. Cleardown codes are short arbitrary identifiers suitable for radio transmission.A visit to a stop by a VEHICLE as an arrival and /or departure.Type for Visit of a VEHICLE to a stop monitoring point. May provide information about the arrival, the departure or both.Time until when data is valid. +SIRI 2.0Provides real-time information about the VEHICLE JOURNEY along which a VEHICLE is running.Text associated with Stop Visit.Facility associated with stop visitVisit Types to Return.Return all Stop Visits.Return only arrival Stop Visits.Return only departure Stop Visits.Reference to an previously communicated Stop Visit which should now be removed from the arrival/departure board for the stop.Type for Cancellation of an earlier Stop Visit.Cleardown identifier of Stop Visit that is being deleted.Reason for cancellation. (Unbounded since SIRI 2.0)External identifiers of Cancelled Stop Visit.Reference to a stop monitoring point to which cancellation applies.VEHICLE JOURNEY of Stop Visit that is being cancelled.LINE notice for stop.Type for a Stop Line Notice.Reference to a stop monitoring point to which LINE notice applies.Name or Number by which the LINE is known to the public. +SIRI v2.0Special text associated with LINE.Variant of a notice for use in a particular media channel. +SIRI v2.0Type for Delviery Variant +SIRI v2.0Classification of DELIVERY VARIANT +SIRI v2.0.Variant text. SIRI v".0Reference to an previously communicated LINE notice which should now be removed from the arrival/departure board for the stop.Type for Cancellation of an earlier Stop Line Notice.Reference to a stop monitoring point to which LINE notice applies.Notice for stop.Type for Notice for stopReference to a stop monitoring point to which SITUATION applies.Text associated with Stop Notice ed since SIRI 2.0)Reference to an previously communicated Notice which should now be removed from the arrival/departure board for the stop.Type for Cancellation of an earlier Stop Notice.Reference to a stop monitoring point to which Notice applies.In case of a delayed cancellation this time tells from when the cancellation applies.Exceptions to service availability for all or some services SIRI 2.0Type for whether service is unavailable for all or some services SIRI 2.0Reference to a LINE DIRECTION to which exception applies. Status of service, Service not yet started, Service ended for day, no service today, etc.Text explanation of service exception. Reference to a SITUATION providing further information about exceptionClassification of the service exceptionNo transport services returned because currently before first journey of day.No transport services returned because currently after first journey of day.No transport services returned because no services today.No transport services returned because services currently suspended.No transport services returned because prolonged suspension of services.Transport services returned subject to severe disruptions.No transport services returned because real-time services not available. Type for Deliveries for Stop Monitoring Service. Used in WSDL.Delivery for Stop Event service.Request for information about Stop Monitoring Service Capabilities. Answered with StopMonitoringCapabilitiesResponse.Capabilities for Stop Monitoring Service. Answers a StopMonitoringCapabilitiesRequest.Type for Delivery for Stop Monitoring Service.Version number of response. Fixed
Capabilities of StopMonitoring Service.Type for Stop Monitoring Capabilities.Available Filtering Capabilities.Default preview interval. Default is 60 minutes.Whether a start time other than now can be specified for preview interval. Default is 'truet.Whether results can be filtered by VistitType, e.g. arrivals, departures. Default True.Available Request Policy capabilities.Available Subscription Policy capabilities.Available Optional Access control capabilities.Available Optional Response capabilities.Whether result supports LINE events. Default is 'true'.Whether result supports SITUATION REFERENCESs. Default is 'false'. +SIRI v2.0Type for Monitoring Service Capability Request Policy.Whether results can return references for stops. Default is 'true'.Whether results can return names for stop.Participants permissions to use the service, Only returned if requested.Permission for a single participant or all participants to use an aspect of the service.Elements for volume control.Whether Detail level filtering is supported. Default is ' false'.Default Detail level if non specified on request. Default Normal.Whether results can be limited to a maximum number. Default is 'true'.Whether results can be limited to include a minimum number per LINE. Default is 'true'.Whether results can be limited to include a minimum numVIA (i.e. per JOURNEY PATTERN). +SIRI v2.0.
default is 'false'.
If system can return detailed calling pattern, whether a number of onwards calls to include can be specified. Default is 'false'.If system can return detailed calling pattern, whether a number of previouscalls to include can be specified. Default is 'false'.Type for Monitoring Service Permission.The monitoring points that the participant may access.Participant's permission for this Monitoring Point (LOGICAL DISPLAY)