org.epics.pvmanager.SourceDesiredRateDecoupler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2010-14 pvmanager developers. See COPYRIGHT.TXT
* All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. See LICENSE.TXT
package org.epics.pvmanager;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.epics.util.time.TimeDuration;
* Represent a strategy to decouple desired rate events from source rate
* events.
* @author carcassi
abstract class SourceDesiredRateDecoupler {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SourceDesiredRateDecoupler.class.getName());
private final DesiredRateEventListener listener;
private final ScheduledExecutorService scannerExecutor;
private final TimeDuration maxDuration;
protected final Object lock = new Object();
private boolean eventProcessing = false;
private boolean paused = false;
private boolean stopped = false;
* Creates a new rate decoupler that will send the events to the
* given listener.
* @param scannerExecutor executor for the scanner tasks
* @param maxDuration max interval between notifications
* @param listener the event callback
public SourceDesiredRateDecoupler(ScheduledExecutorService scannerExecutor, TimeDuration maxDuration,
DesiredRateEventListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
this.scannerExecutor = scannerExecutor;
this.maxDuration = maxDuration;
public ScheduledExecutorService getScannerExecutor() {
return scannerExecutor;
public TimeDuration getMaxDuration() {
return maxDuration;
* Starts the scanning. From this moment on, source rate events
* may trigger desired rate events.
final void start() {
* Initialization to be done when the pv is started.
* Empty implementation to be overridden.
void onStart() {
* Pause the scanning. Events will be collected and delayed until a resume.
final void pause() {
synchronized(lock) {
if (paused) {
log.warning("Pausing an already paused scanner");
paused = true;
* Resumes the scanning. If events were collected during the pause,
* they will be sent right away.
final void resume() {
synchronized(lock) {
if (!paused) {
log.warning("Resuming a non paused scanner");
paused = false;
* Task to be executed on pv resume.
* Empty task to be overridden.
void onResume() {
* Stops the scanning. From this moment on, the pv will no longer be
* notified. Can't be restarted.
final void stop() {
synchronized(lock) {
stopped = true;
* Cleanup to be done when the pv is stopped.
* Empty implementation to be overridden.
void onStop() {
* Called when a read connection state changes.
abstract void newReadConnectionEvent();
* Called when a write connection state changes.
abstract void newWriteConnectionEvent();
* Called when a new read value is available.
abstract void newValueEvent();
* Called when a reader error is encountered.
abstract void newReadExceptionEvent();
* Called when a writer error is encountered.
abstract void newWriteExceptionEvent();
* Called when a write operation terminated successfully.
abstract void newWriteSuccededEvent();
* Called when a write operation terminated unsuccessfully.
abstract void newWriteFailedEvent(Exception ex);
* Call when a new event should be triggered at the desired rate.
* After calling this method, one should wait for the next {@link #readyForNextEvent() }
* before calling it again.
final void sendDesiredRateEvent(DesiredRateEvent event) {
synchronized(lock) {
if (isEventProcessing()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Previous event still in flight");
eventProcessing = true;
* Called after a pv is notified. Once {@link #sendDesiredRateEvent() }
* is called, it should not be called again before this method is called.
final void readyForNextEvent() {
synchronized(lock) {
if (!isEventProcessing()) {
log.warning("Event processing is done, but no event was in flight");
eventProcessing = false;
* Called after an event was successfully processed.
* Empty implementation to be overridden.
void onDesiredEventProcessed() {
* True if an event was sent, but the ready for next event wasn't receiced.
* @return ture if there is still an event in-flight
public boolean isEventProcessing() {
synchronized(lock) {
return eventProcessing;
* Whether the scanning is currently paused.
* @return true if paused
public boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
* Whether the scanning is currently stopped.
* @return true if stopped
public boolean isStopped() {
return stopped;