org.fcrepo.http.api.ContentExposingResource Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
* detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
* tree.
package org.fcrepo.http.api;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
import static org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.WebContent.contentTypeSPARQLUpdate;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.WebContent.ctSPARQLUpdate;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.WebContent.ctTextCSV;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.WebContent.ctTextPlain;
import static org.apache.jena.riot.WebContent.matchContentType;
import static org.fcrepo.http.api.FedoraVersioning.MEMENTO_DATETIME_HEADER;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.JSON_LD;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.N3;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.N3_ALT2;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.NTRIPLES;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.RDF_XML;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.RDFMediaType.TURTLE;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.session.TransactionConstants.ATOMIC_ID_HEADER;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.session.TransactionConstants.TX_ENDPOINT_REL;
import static org.fcrepo.http.commons.session.TransactionConstants.TX_PREFIX;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.FedoraTypes.FCR_ACL;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.FedoraTypes.FCR_METADATA;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.FedoraTypes.FEDORA_ID_PREFIX;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.ExternalContent.COPY;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.ExternalContent.PROXY;
import static org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.ExternalContent.REDIRECT;
import static;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import static;
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import static;
import static java.text.MessageFormat.format;
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.fcrepo.config.DigestAlgorithm;
import org.fcrepo.config.OcflPropsConfig;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.api.rdf.HttpTripleUtil;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.MultiPrefer;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.PreferTag;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.Range;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.domain.ldp.LdpPreferTag;
import org.fcrepo.http.commons.responses.RdfNamespacedStream;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.RdfStream;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.Transaction;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.InsufficientStorageException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.InvalidChecksumException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.PathNotFoundException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.PathNotFoundRuntimeException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.PreconditionException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.RepositoryRuntimeException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.ServerManagedTypeException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.TombstoneException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.exception.UnsupportedAlgorithmException;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.identifiers.FedoraId;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.Binary;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.Container;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.FedoraResource;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.NonRdfSourceDescription;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.TimeMap;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.Tombstone;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.models.WebacAcl;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.rdf.DefaultRdfStream;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.rdf.RdfNamespaceRegistry;
import org.fcrepo.kernel.api.utils.ContentDigest;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPatch;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.ContentType;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Optional;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.http.ContentDisposition;
* An abstract class that sits between AbstractResource and any resource that
* wishes to share the routines for building responses containing binary
* content.
* @author Mike Durbin
* @author ajs6f
public abstract class ContentExposingResource extends FedoraBaseResource {
private static final Logger LOGGER = getLogger(ContentExposingResource.class);
private static final List VARY_HEADERS = Arrays.asList("Accept", "Range", "Accept-Encoding",
static final String INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_IDENTIFYING_MESSAGE = "No space left on device";
public static final String ACCEPT_DATETIME = "Accept-Datetime";
static final String ACCEPT_EXTERNAL_CONTENT = "Accept-External-Content-Handling";
static final String HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_PATCH = "Accept-Patch";
public static final String HTTP_HEADER_OVERWRITE_TOMBSTONE = "Overwrite-Tombstone";
private static final String HTTP_OCFL_PATH = "Fedora-Ocfl-Path";
private static final String FCR_PREFIX = "fcr:";
private static final Set ALLOWED_FCR_PARTS = Set.of(FCR_METADATA, FCR_ACL);
@Context protected Request request;
@Context protected HttpServletResponse servletResponse;
@Context protected ServletContext context;
private HttpTripleUtil httpTripleUtil;
protected MultiPrefer prefer;
private FedoraResource fedoraResource;
protected ExternalContentHandlerFactory extContentHandlerFactory;
protected RdfNamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry;
protected CreateResourceService createResourceService;
protected DeleteResourceService deleteResourceService;
protected ReplacePropertiesService replacePropertiesService;
protected UpdatePropertiesService updatePropertiesService;
protected EtagService etagService;
protected HttpRdfService httpRdfService;
protected ResourceTripleService resourceTripleService;
protected OcflPropsConfig ocflPropsConfig;
protected abstract String externalPath();
protected static final Splitter.MapSplitter RFC3230_SPLITTER =
* This method returns an HTTP response with content body appropriate to the following arguments.
* @param limit is the number of child resources returned in the response, -1 for all
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @return HTTP response
* @throws IOException in case of error extracting content
protected Response getContent(final int limit, final FedoraResource resource) throws IOException {
final RdfStream rdfStream = httpRdfService.bodyToExternalStream(getUri(resource).toString(),
getResourceTriples(limit, resource), identifierConverter());
final var outputStream = new RdfNamespacedStream(
rdfStream, namespaceRegistry.getNamespaces());
setVaryAndPreferenceAppliedHeaders(servletResponse, prefer, resource);
return ok(outputStream).build();
protected void setVaryAndPreferenceAppliedHeaders(final HttpServletResponse servletResponse,
final MultiPrefer prefer, final FedoraResource resource) {
if (prefer != null) {
// add vary headers
final List varyValues = new ArrayList<>(VARY_HEADERS);
if (resource.isOriginalResource()) {
varyValues.forEach(x -> servletResponse.addHeader("Vary", x));
* Utility to check if the Prefer header contains handling="lenient"
* @return True if handling="lenient" was sent.
protected boolean hasLenientPreferHeader() {
return (prefer.hasHandling() && prefer.getHandling().getValue().equals("lenient"));
protected RdfStream getResourceTriples(final FedoraResource resource) {
return getResourceTriples(-1, resource);
* This method returns a stream of RDF triples associated with this target resource
* @param limit is the number of child resources returned in the response, -1 for all
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @return {@link RdfStream}
private RdfStream getResourceTriples(final int limit, final FedoraResource resource) {
final LdpPreferTag ldpPreferences = getLdpPreferTag();
final List> embedStreams = new ArrayList<>();
try {
transaction(), resource, ldpPreferences, limit));
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
if (resource instanceof Tombstone && ((Tombstone) resource).getDeletedObject().isMemento()) {
// There is a version created when the object is deleted.
// This memento has no content file so an ItemNotFound is thrown. Generate a new 410 Gone response.
final var orig_resource = ((Tombstone) resource).getDeletedObject();
final var timeMap = identifierConverter().toExternalId(
final var tombstone = identifierConverter().toExternalId(
throw new TombstoneException(orig_resource, tombstone, timeMap);
throw e;
// Embed the children of this object
if (ldpPreferences.displayEmbed()) {
final var containedResources = resourceFactory.getChildren(
embedStreams.add(containedResources.flatMap(child -> resourceTripleService.getResourceTriples(
transaction(), child, ldpPreferences, limit)));
final var rdfStream = new DefaultRdfStream(
asNode(resource),, Stream::concat)
if (httpTripleUtil != null && ldpPreferences.displayServerManaged()) {
// Adds fixity service triple to all resources and transaction triple to repo root.
return httpTripleUtil.addHttpComponentModelsForResourceToStream(rdfStream, resource, uriInfo);
return rdfStream;
private LdpPreferTag getLdpPreferTag() {
final PreferTag returnPreference;
if (prefer != null && prefer.hasReturn()) {
returnPreference = prefer.getReturn();
} else if (prefer != null && prefer.hasHandling()) {
returnPreference = prefer.getHandling();
} else {
returnPreference = PreferTag.emptyTag();
return new LdpPreferTag(returnPreference);
* Get the binary content of a datastream
* @param rangeValue the range value
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @return Binary blob
* @throws IOException if io exception occurred
protected Response getBinaryContent(final String rangeValue, final FedoraResource resource)
throws IOException {
final Binary binary = (Binary)resource;
final CacheControl cc = new CacheControl();
final Response.ResponseBuilder builder;
if (rangeValue != null && rangeValue.startsWith("bytes")) {
final Range range = Range.convert(rangeValue);
final long contentSize = binary.getContentSize();
final var rangeOfLength = range.rangeOfLength(contentSize);
final String contentRangeValue =
String.format("bytes %s-%s/%s", rangeOfLength.startAsString(),
rangeOfLength.endAsString(), contentSize);
if (
) {
.header("Content-Range", contentRangeValue);
} else {
final var rangeContent = binary.getRange(rangeOfLength.start(), rangeOfLength.end());
builder = status(PARTIAL_CONTENT).entity(rangeContent)
.header("Content-Range", contentRangeValue)
.header(CONTENT_LENGTH, rangeOfLength.size());
} else {
final InputStream content = binary.getContent();
builder = ok(content);
// we set the content-type explicitly to avoid content-negotiation from getting in the way
// getBinaryResourceMediaType will try to use the mime type on the resource, falling back on
// 'application/octet-stream' if the mime type is syntactically invalid
return builder.type(getBinaryResourceMediaType(resource).toString())
protected URI getUri(final FedoraResource resource) {
try {
final String uri = identifierConverter()
return new URI(uri);
} catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e);
protected FedoraResource resource(final boolean canReturnTombstone) {
if (fedoraResource == null) {
try {
fedoraResource = getResourceFromPath(externalPath(), canReturnTombstone);
} catch (TombstoneException e) {
// We now want to display Mementos for a deleted object, so catch the Tombstone exception.
fedoraResource = e.getFedoraResource();
if (! fedoraResource.isMemento()) {
// Rethrow the exception if we are not requesting a Memento.
throw e;
return fedoraResource;
protected FedoraResource resource() {
return resource(false);
protected FedoraResource reloadResource() {
this.fedoraResource = null;
return resource();
* Add the standard Accept-Post header, for reuse.
private void addAcceptPostHeader() {
final String rdfTypes = TURTLE + "," + N3 + "," + N3_ALT2 + "," + RDF_XML + "," + NTRIPLES + "," + JSON_LD;
servletResponse.addHeader("Accept-Post", rdfTypes);
* Add the standard Accept-External-Content-Handling header, for reuse.
private void addAcceptExternalHeader() {
servletResponse.addHeader(ACCEPT_EXTERNAL_CONTENT, COPY + "," + REDIRECT + "," + PROXY);
private void addMementoHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
if (resource.isMemento()) {
final Instant mementoInstant = resource.getMementoDatetime();
if (mementoInstant != null) {
final String mementoDatetime = MEMENTO_RFC_1123_FORMATTER
servletResponse.addHeader(MEMENTO_DATETIME_HEADER, mementoDatetime);
private void addArchiveGroupLinkHeader(final FedoraResource resource) {
resource.getArchivalGroupId().ifPresent(agFedoraId -> {
try {
final var uri = new URI(identifierConverter().toExternalId(agFedoraId.getFullId()));
final var link = buildLink(uri, "archival-group");
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, link);
} catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e);
protected void addExternalContentHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
if (resource instanceof Binary) {
final Binary binary = (Binary)resource;
if (binary.isProxy() || binary.isRedirect()) {
servletResponse.addHeader(CONTENT_LOCATION, binary.getExternalURL());
private void addAclHeader(final FedoraResource resource) {
if (!(resource instanceof WebacAcl) && !resource.isMemento()) {
final FedoraResource resourceForAcl = resource instanceof TimeMap ?
resource.getOriginalResource().getDescribedResource() : resource.getDescribedResource();
final String resourceUri = getUri(resourceForAcl).toString();
final String aclLocation = resourceUri + (resourceUri.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + FCR_ACL;
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(aclLocation, "acl"));
private void addResourceLinkHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
addResourceLinkHeaders(resource, false);
private void addResourceLinkHeaders(final FedoraResource resource, final boolean includeAnchor) {
if (resource instanceof NonRdfSourceDescription) {
// Link to the original described resource
final FedoraResource described = resource.getOriginalResource().getDescribedResource();
final URI uri = getUri(described);
final Link link = Link.fromUri(uri).rel("describes").build();
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, link.toString());
} else if (resource instanceof Binary) {
// Link to the original description
final FedoraResource description = resource.getOriginalResource().getDescription();
final URI uri = getUri(description);
final Link.Builder builder = Link.fromUri(uri).rel("describedby");
if (includeAnchor) {
builder.param("anchor", getUri(resource).toString());
if (resource.isMemento()) {
final URI mementoDescription = getUri(resource.getDescription());
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(mementoDescription, "describedby"));
final boolean isOriginal = resource.isOriginalResource();
// Add versioning headers for versioned originals and mementos
if (isOriginal || resource.isMemento() || resource instanceof TimeMap) {
final URI originalUri = getUri(resource.getOriginalResource());
try {
final URI timemapUri = getUri(resource.getTimeMap());
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(originalUri, "timegate"));
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(originalUri, "original"));
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(timemapUri, "timemap"));
} catch (final PathNotFoundRuntimeException e) {
LOGGER.debug("TimeMap not found for {}, resource not versioned", getUri(resource));
// Add all system and user types as Link headers.
for (final var type : resource.getTypes()) {
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, buildLink(type, "type"));
* Add Link and Option headers
* @param resource the resource to generate headers for
protected void addLinkAndOptionsHttpHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
// Add Link headers
// Add Options headers
final String options;
if (resource.isMemento()) {
options = "GET,HEAD,OPTIONS";
} else if (resource instanceof TimeMap) {
options = (resource.getOriginalResource() instanceof Tombstone ? "HEAD,GET,OPTIONS" :
} else if (resource instanceof Binary) {
} else if (resource instanceof NonRdfSourceDescription) {
servletResponse.addHeader(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_PATCH, contentTypeSPARQLUpdate);
} else if (resource instanceof Container) {
servletResponse.addHeader(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_PATCH, contentTypeSPARQLUpdate);
} else {
options = "";
servletResponse.addHeader("Allow", options);
protected void addTransactionHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
final var tx = transaction();
if (!tx.isShortLived()) {
final var externalId = identifierConverter()
.toExternalId(FEDORA_ID_PREFIX + "/" + TX_PREFIX + tx.getId());
servletResponse.addHeader(ATOMIC_ID_HEADER, externalId);
if (resource.getFedoraId().isRepositoryRoot()) {
final var txEndpointUri = identifierConverter()
.toExternalId(FEDORA_ID_PREFIX + "/" + TX_PREFIX);
final Link link = Link.fromUri(txEndpointUri).rel(TX_ENDPOINT_REL).build();
servletResponse.addHeader(LINK, link.toString());
* Utility function for building a Link.
* @param linkUri String of URI for the link.
* @param relation the relation string.
* @return the string version of the link.
protected static String buildLink(final String linkUri, final String relation) {
return buildLink(create(linkUri), relation);
* Utility function for building a Link.
* @param linkUri The URI for the link.
* @param relation the relation string.
* @return the string version of the link.
private static String buildLink(final URI linkUri, final String relation) {
return Link.fromUri(linkUri).rel(relation).build().toString();
* Multi-value Link header values parsed by the are not split out by the framework Therefore we
* must do this ourselves.
* @param rawLinks the list of unprocessed links
* @return List of strings containing one link value per string.
protected List unpackLinks(final List rawLinks) {
if (rawLinks == null) {
return null;
.flatMap(x ->",")))
protected void addResourceHttpHeaders(final FedoraResource resource) {
addResourceHttpHeaders(resource, false);
protected void addResourceHttpHeaders(final FedoraResource resource, final boolean dispositionInline) {
addResourceHttpHeaders(resource, dispositionInline, false);
* Add any resource-specific headers to the response
* @param resource the resource
* @param dispositionInline whether to return a binary as Content-Disposition inline
protected void addResourceHttpHeaders(final FedoraResource resource,
final boolean dispositionInline,
final boolean isRedirect) {
if (resource instanceof Binary) {
final Binary binary = (Binary)resource;
final ContentDisposition.Builder dispositionBuilder = (dispositionInline ? ContentDisposition.inline() :
// TODO: Size, created-date and modification-date have been deprecated by Spring and the RFC-6266 Appendix B
if (binary.getCreatedDate() != null) {
if (binary.getLastModifiedDate() != null) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(binary.getFilename())) {
final var encoder = StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1.newEncoder();
if (encoder.canEncode(binary.getFilename())) {
} else {
dispositionBuilder.filename(binary.getFilename(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
servletResponse.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, binary.getMimeType());
// Returning content-length > 0 causes the client to wait for additional data before following the redirect.
// final var responseIsRedirect = servletResponse.getStatus() >= 300 && servletResponse.getStatus() < 400;
if (!binary.isRedirect() && !isRedirect) {
servletResponse.addHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(binary.getContentSize()));
servletResponse.addHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
// Add ocflPath header if desired
if (ocflPropsConfig.isShowPath()) {
final var contentPath = resource.getStorageRelativePath();
if (contentPath != null) {
servletResponse.addHeader(HTTP_OCFL_PATH, contentPath.toString());
* Evaluate the cache control headers for the request to see if it can be served from
* the cache.
* @param request the request
* @param servletResponse the servlet response
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @param transaction the transaction
protected void checkCacheControlHeaders(final Request request,
final HttpServletResponse servletResponse,
final FedoraResource resource,
final Transaction transaction) {
evaluateRequestPreconditions(request, servletResponse, resource, transaction, true);
addCacheControlHeaders(servletResponse, resource, transaction);
* Add ETag and Last-Modified cache control headers to the response
* Note: In this implementation, the HTTP headers for ETags and Last-Modified dates are swapped
* for fedora:Binary resources and their descriptions. Here, we are drawing a distinction between
* the HTTP resource and the LDP resource. As an HTTP resource, the last-modified header should
* reflect when the resource at the given URL was last changed. With fedora:Binary resources and
* their descriptions, this is a little complicated, for the descriptions have, as their subjects,
* the binary itself. And the fedora:lastModified property produced by that NonRdfSourceDescription
* refers to the last-modified date of the binary -- not the last-modified date of the
* NonRdfSourceDescription.
* @param servletResponse the servlet response
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @param transaction the transaction
protected void addCacheControlHeaders(final HttpServletResponse servletResponse,
final FedoraResource resource,
final Transaction transaction) {
final EntityTag etag;
final Instant date;
// See note about this code in the javadoc above.
if (resource instanceof Binary) {
// Use a strong ETag for LDP-NR
etag = new EntityTag(resource.getEtagValue());
} else {
// Use a weak ETag for the LDP-RS
etag = new EntityTag(etagService.getRdfResourceEtag(transaction, resource, getLdpPreferTag(),
headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes()), true);
date = resource.getLastModifiedDate();
if (!etag.getValue().isEmpty()) {
servletResponse.addHeader("ETag", etag.toString());
if (resource.getStateToken() != null && !resource.getStateToken().isEmpty()) {
//State Tokens, while not used for caching per se, nevertheless belong
//here since we can conveniently reuse the value of the etag for
//our state token
servletResponse.addHeader("X-State-Token", resource.getStateToken());
if (date != null) {
servletResponse.addDateHeader("Last-Modified", date.toEpochMilli());
* Evaluate request preconditions to ensure the resource is the expected state
* @param request the request
* @param servletResponse the servlet response
* @param resource the resource
* @param transaction the transaction
protected void evaluateRequestPreconditions(final Request request,
final HttpServletResponse servletResponse,
final FedoraResource resource,
final Transaction transaction) {
// The resource must be locked prior to applying pre-conditions for the optimistic locking to be effective
evaluateRequestPreconditions(request, servletResponse, resource, transaction, false);
void evaluateRequestPreconditions(final Request request,
final HttpServletResponse servletResponse,
final FedoraResource resource,
final Transaction transaction,
final boolean cacheControl) {
if (!transaction.isShortLived()) {
// Force cache revalidation if in a transaction
servletResponse.addHeader(CACHE_CONTROL, "must-revalidate");
servletResponse.addHeader(CACHE_CONTROL, "max-age=0");
final EntityTag etag;
final Instant date;
Instant roundedDate =;
// See the related note about the next block of code in the
// ContentExposingResource::addCacheControlHeaders method
if (resource instanceof Binary) {
// Use a strong ETag for the LDP-NR
etag = new EntityTag(resource.getEtagValue());
} else {
// Use a strong ETag for the LDP-RS when validating If-(None)-Match headers
etag = new EntityTag(etagService.getRdfResourceEtag(transaction, resource, getLdpPreferTag(),
headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes()), false);
date = resource.getLastModifiedDate();
if (date != null) {
roundedDate = date.minusMillis(date.toEpochMilli() % 1000);
Response.ResponseBuilder builder = request.evaluatePreconditions(etag);
if ( builder == null ) {
builder = request.evaluatePreconditions(Date.from(roundedDate));
if (builder != null && cacheControl ) {
final CacheControl cc = new CacheControl();
// here we are implicitly emitting a 304
// the exception is not an error, it's genuinely
// an exceptional condition
builder = builder.cacheControl(cc).lastModified(Date.from(roundedDate)).tag(etag);
if (builder != null) {
final Response response =;
final Object message = response.getEntity();
throw new PreconditionException(message != null ? message.toString()
: "Request failed due to unspecified failed precondition.", response.getStatus());
final String method = request.getMethod();
if (method.equals(HttpPut.METHOD_NAME) || method.equals(HttpPatch.METHOD_NAME)) {
final String stateToken = resource.getStateToken();
final String clientSuppliedStateToken = headers.getHeaderString("X-If-State-Token");
if (clientSuppliedStateToken != null && !stateToken.equals(clientSuppliedStateToken)) {
throw new PreconditionException(format(
"The client-supplied value ({0}) does not match the current state token ({1}).",
clientSuppliedStateToken, stateToken), 412);
* Returns an acceptable plain text media type if possible, or null if not.
* @return an acceptable plain-text media type, or null
private MediaType acceptablePlainTextMediaType() {
final List acceptable = headers.getAcceptableMediaTypes();
if (acceptable == null || acceptable.size() == 0) {
for (final MediaType type : acceptable) {
if (type.isWildcardType() || (type.isCompatible(TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE) && type.isWildcardSubtype())) {
} else if (type.isCompatible(TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE)) {
return type;
return null;
* Create the appropriate response after a create or update request is processed. When a resource is created,
* examine the Prefer and Accept headers to determine whether to include a representation. By default, the URI for
* the created resource is return as plain text. If a minimal response is requested, then no body is returned. If a
* non-minimal return is requested, return the RDF for the created resource in the appropriate RDF serialization.
* @param resource The created or updated Fedora resource.
* @param created True for a newly-created resource, false for an updated resource.
* @return 204 No Content (for updated resources), 201 Created (for created resources) including the resource URI or
* content depending on Prefer headers.
protected Response createUpdateResponse(final FedoraResource resource, final boolean created) {
addCacheControlHeaders(servletResponse, resource, transaction());
addResourceLinkHeaders(resource, created);
if (!created) {
return noContent().build();
final URI location = getUri(resource);
final Response.ResponseBuilder builder = created(location);
if (prefer == null || !prefer.hasReturn()) {
final MediaType acceptablePlainText = acceptablePlainTextMediaType();
if (acceptablePlainText != null) {
return builder.type(acceptablePlainText).entity(location.toString()).build();
return notAcceptable(mediaTypes(TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE).build()).build();
} else if (prefer.getReturn().getValue().equals("minimal")) {
} else {
final RdfNamespacedStream rdfStream = new RdfNamespacedStream(
new DefaultRdfStream(asNode(resource), getResourceTriples(resource)),
return builder.entity(rdfStream).build();
protected static String getSimpleContentType(final MediaType requestContentType) {
return requestContentType != null ?
requestContentType.getType() + "/" + requestContentType.getSubtype()
: null;
protected static boolean isRdfContentType(final String contentTypeString) {
final ContentType requestContentType = ContentType.create(contentTypeString);
if (requestContentType == null || matchContentType(requestContentType, ctTextPlain) ||
matchContentType(requestContentType, ctTextCSV)) {
// Text files and CSV files are not considered RDF to Fedora, though CSV is a valid
// RDF type to Jena (although deprecated).
return false;
return (contentTypeToLang(contentTypeString) != null) || matchContentType(requestContentType, ctSPARQLUpdate);
protected void patchResourcewithSparql(final FedoraResource resource,
final String requestBody) {
* This method returns a MediaType for a binary resource.
* If the resource's media type is syntactically incorrect, it will
* return 'application/octet-stream' as the media type.
* @param resource the fedora resource
* @return the media type of of a binary resource
protected MediaType getBinaryResourceMediaType(final FedoraResource resource) {
try {
return MediaType.valueOf(((Binary) resource).getMimeType());
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Syntactically incorrect MediaType encountered on resource {}: '{}'",
resource.getId(), ((Binary)resource).getMimeType());
* Create a checksum URI object.
* @param checksum the checksum
* @return the new URI, or null
protected static URI checksumURI( final String checksum ) {
if (!isBlank(checksum)) {
return create(checksum);
return null;
* Calculate the max number of children to display at once.
* @return the limit of children to display.
protected int getChildrenLimit() {
final List acceptHeaders = headers.getRequestHeader(ACCEPT);
if (acceptHeaders != null && acceptHeaders.size() > 0) {
final List accept = Arrays.asList(acceptHeaders.get(0).split(","));
if (accept.contains(TEXT_HTML)) {
// Magic number '100' is tied to common-metadata.vsl display of ellipses
return 100;
final List limits = headers.getRequestHeader("Limit");
if (null != limits && limits.size() > 0) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(limits.get(0));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Invalid 'Limit' header value: {}", limits.get(0));
throw new ClientErrorException("Invalid 'Limit' header value: " + limits.get(0), SC_BAD_REQUEST, e);
return -1;
* Check if a path has a segment prefixed with fcr: that is not fcr:metadata or fcr:acl
* @param externalPath the path.
protected static void hasRestrictedPath(final String externalPath) {
final String[] pathSegments = externalPath.split("/");
for (final var part : pathSegments) {
if (part.startsWith(FCR_PREFIX) && !ALLOWED_FCR_PARTS.contains(part)) {
throw new ServerManagedTypeException("Path cannot contain a fcr: prefixed segment.");
* Parse the RFC-3230 Digest response header value. Look for a sha1 checksum and return it as a urn, if missing or
* malformed an empty string is returned.
* @param digest The Digest header value
* @return the sha1 checksum value
* @throws UnsupportedAlgorithmException if an unsupported digest is used
protected static Collection parseDigestHeader(final String digest) throws UnsupportedAlgorithmException {
try {
final var digestPairs = RFC3230_SPLITTER.split(nullToEmpty(digest));
final var unsupportedAlgs = digestPairs.keySet().stream()
// If you have one or more digests that are all valid or no digests.
if (digestPairs.isEmpty() || unsupportedAlgs.isEmpty()) {
return digestPairs.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> ContentDigest.asURI(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
} else {
throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException(String.format("Unsupported Digest Algorithm%1$s: %2$s",
unsupportedAlgs.size() > 1 ? 's' : "", String.join(",", unsupportedAlgs)));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ClientErrorException("Invalid Digest header: " + digest + "\n", BAD_REQUEST);
* @param rootThrowable The original throwable
* @param throwable The throwable under direct scrutiny.
* @throws InvalidChecksumException in case there was a checksum mismatch
protected void checkForInsufficientStorageException(final Throwable rootThrowable, final Throwable throwable)
throws InvalidChecksumException {
final String message = throwable.getMessage();
if (throwable instanceof IOException && message != null && message.contains(
throw new InsufficientStorageException(throwable.getMessage(), rootThrowable);
if (throwable.getCause() != null) {
checkForInsufficientStorageException(rootThrowable, throwable.getCause());
if (rootThrowable instanceof InvalidChecksumException) {
throw (InvalidChecksumException) rootThrowable;
} else if (rootThrowable instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) rootThrowable;
} else {
throw new RepositoryRuntimeException(rootThrowable.getMessage(), rootThrowable);
* This is a helper method for using the idTranslator to convert this resource into an associated Jena Node.
* @param resource to be converted into a Jena Node
* @return the Jena node
protected Node asNode(final FedoraResource resource) {
return createURI(resource.getFedoraId().getFullId());
* Get the FedoraResource for the resource at the external path
* @param externalPath the external path
* @return the fedora resource at the external path
private FedoraResource getResourceFromPath(final String externalPath) {
return getResourceFromPath(externalPath, false);
* Get the FedoraResource for the resource at the external path
* @param externalPath the external path
* @param canReturnTombstone if tombstones can be returned
* @return the fedora resource at the external path
private FedoraResource getResourceFromPath(final String externalPath, final boolean canReturnTombstone) {
final FedoraId fedoraId = identifierConverter().pathToInternalId(externalPath);
try {
final FedoraResource fedoraResource = resourceFactory.getResource(transaction(), fedoraId);
final FedoraResource originalResource;
if (fedoraId.isMemento()) {
originalResource = fedoraResource.getOriginalResource();
} else {
originalResource = fedoraResource;
if (originalResource instanceof Tombstone && !canReturnTombstone) {
final String tombstoneUri = identifierConverter().toExternalId(
final String timemapUri = identifierConverter().toExternalId(
throw new TombstoneException(fedoraResource, tombstoneUri, timemapUri);
return fedoraResource;
} catch (final PathNotFoundException exc) {
throw new PathNotFoundRuntimeException(exc.getMessage(), exc);
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