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org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.PostgresWireProtocol Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor
 * license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.  Crate licenses
 * this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement
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package org.finos.legend.engine.postgres;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer;
import io.opentelemetry.context.Scope;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.auth.AuthenticationMethod;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.auth.AuthenticationMethodType;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.auth.AuthenticationProvider;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.auth.KerberosIdentityProvider;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.config.GSSConfig;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.handler.PostgresResultSetMetaData;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.types.PGType;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.types.PGTypes;
import org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.utils.OpenTelemetryUtil;
import org.finos.legend.engine.shared.core.identity.Identity;
import org.finos.legend.engine.shared.core.kerberos.SubjectTools;
import org.finos.legend.engine.shared.core.operational.Assert;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSName;
import org.ietf.jgss.Oid;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.MDC;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static org.finos.legend.engine.postgres.FormatCodes.getFormatCode;

 * Netty Handler/FrameDecoder for the Postgres wire protocol.
This class handles the message * flow and dispatching *



 *      Client                              Server
 *  (optional ssl negotiation)
 *          |    SSLRequest                    |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |     'S' | 'N' | error            |   (supported in Enterprise version)
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *  startup:
 *  The authentication flow is handled by implementations of {@link AuthenticationMethod}.
 *          |                                  |
 *          |      StartupMessage              |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |      Authentication Method      |
 *          |      or                          |
 *          |      AuthenticationOK            |
 *          |      or                          |
 *          |      ErrorResponse               |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |       ParameterStatus            |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |       ReadyForQuery              |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 * Simple Query:
 *          +                                  +
 *          |   Q (query)                      |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |     RowDescription               |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |     DataRow                      |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |     DataRow                      |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |     CommandComplete              |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |     ReadyForQuery                |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 * Extended Query
 *          +                                  +
 *          |  Parse                           |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  ParseComplete or ErrorResponse  |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  Describe Statement (optional)   |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  ParameterDescription (optional) |
 *          |<-------------------------------- |
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  RowDescription (optional)       |
 *          |<-------------------------------- |
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  Bind                            |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  BindComplete or ErrorResponse   |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  Describe Portal (optional)      |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  RowDescription (optional)       |
 *          |<-------------------------------- |
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  Execute                         |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  DataRow |                       |
 *          |  CommandComplete |               |
 *          |  EmptyQueryResponse |            |
 *          |  ErrorResponse                   |
 *          |<---------------------------------|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  Sync                            |
 *          |--------------------------------->|
 *          |                                  |
 *          |  ReadyForQuery                   |
 *          |<---------------------------------|

* Take a look at {@link Messages} to see how the messages are structured. *

* See postgresql docs for a more detailed * description of the message flow */ public class PostgresWireProtocol { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( PostgresWireProtocol.class); public static int SERVER_VERSION_NUM = 100500; public static String PG_SERVER_VERSION = "10.5"; final PgDecoder decoder; final MessageHandler handler; private final SessionsFactory sessions; /* private final Function getAccessControl;*/ private final AuthenticationProvider authService; private final GSSConfig gssConfig; /* private final Consumer addTransportHandler; */ private DelayableWriteChannel channel; Session session; private boolean ignoreTillSync = false; private AuthenticationContext authContext; private Properties properties; private Messages messages; public PostgresWireProtocol(SessionsFactory sessions, /*Function getAcessControl,*/ /*Consumer addTransportHandler,*/ AuthenticationProvider authService, GSSConfig gssConfig, Supplier getSslContext, Messages messages) { this.sessions = sessions; //this.getAccessControl = getAcessControl; //this.addTransportHandler = addTransportHandler; this.authService = authService; this.decoder = new PgDecoder(getSslContext); this.handler = new MessageHandler(); this.gssConfig = gssConfig; this.messages = messages; } static String readCString(ByteBuf buffer) { byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.bytesBefore((byte) 0) + 1]; if (bytes.length == 0) { return null; } buffer.readBytes(bytes); return new String(bytes, 0, bytes.length - 1, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static char[] readCharArray(ByteBuf buffer) { byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.bytesBefore((byte) 0) + 1]; if (bytes.length == 0) { return null; } buffer.readBytes(bytes); return StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)).array(); } private static byte[] readByteArray(ByteBuf buffer, int payloadLength) { if (payloadLength == 0) { return null; } byte[] bytes = new byte[payloadLength]; buffer.readBytes(bytes); return bytes; } private Properties readStartupMessage(ByteBuf buffer) { Properties properties = new Properties(); while (true) { String key = readCString(buffer); if (key == null) { break; } String value = readCString(buffer); LOGGER.trace("payload: key={} value={}", key, value); if (!"".equals(key) && !"".equals(value)) { properties.setProperty(key, value); } } return properties; } private static class ReadyForQueryCallback implements BiConsumer { private final Channel channel; private final Messages messages; private ReadyForQueryCallback(Channel channel, Messages messages) { = channel; this.messages = messages; } @Override public void accept(Object result, Throwable t) { if (t instanceof CompletionException) { Throwable actualCause = t.getCause(); PostgresServerException postgresServerException = PostgresServerException.wrapException(actualCause); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, postgresServerException); } boolean clientInterrupted = t instanceof ClientInterrupted || (t != null && t.getCause() instanceof ClientInterrupted); if (!clientInterrupted) { messages.sendReadyForQuery(channel); } } } private class MessageHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler { @Override public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { channel = new DelayableWriteChannel(; } @Override public boolean acceptInboundMessage(Object msg) throws Exception { return true; } @Override public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(channel != null, () -> "Channel must be initialized"); try { dispatchState(buffer, channel); } catch (Throwable t) { ignoreTillSync = true; try { /*AccessControl accessControl = session == null ? AccessControl.DISABLED : getAccessControl.apply(session.sessionSettings()); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, accessControl, t); */ LOGGER.error("Unable to handle query", t); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, t); } catch (Throwable ti) { LOGGER.error("Error trying to send error to client: {}", t, ti); } } } private void dispatchState(ByteBuf buffer, DelayableWriteChannel channel) throws Exception { switch (decoder.state()) { case STARTUP_PARAMETERS: handleStartupBody(buffer, channel); decoder.startupDone(); return; case CANCEL: handleCancelRequestBody(buffer, channel); return; case MSG: LOGGER.trace("msg={} msgLength={} readableBytes={}", ((char) decoder.msgType()), decoder.payloadLength(), buffer.readableBytes()); if (ignoreTillSync && decoder.msgType() != 'S') { buffer.skipBytes(decoder.payloadLength()); return; } dispatchMessage(buffer, channel); return; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state: " + decoder.state()); } } private void dispatchMessage(ByteBuf buffer, DelayableWriteChannel channel) throws Exception { switch (decoder.msgType()) { case 'Q': // Query (simple) LOGGER.trace("Dispatching simple query"); handleSimpleQuery(buffer, channel); return; case 'P': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching parse"); handleParseMessage(buffer, channel); return; case 'p': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching password"); handlePassword(buffer, channel, decoder.payloadLength()); return; case 'B': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching bind"); handleBindMessage(buffer, channel); return; case 'D': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching describe"); handleDescribeMessage(buffer, channel); return; case 'E': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching execute"); handleExecute(buffer, channel); return; case 'H': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching flush"); handleFlush(channel); return; case 'S': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching sync"); handleSync(channel); return; case 'C': LOGGER.trace("Dispatching close "); handleClose(buffer, channel); return; case 'X': // Terminate (called when jdbc connection is closed) LOGGER.trace("Dispatching close session"); closeSession(); channel.close(); return; default: /* messages.sendErrorResponse( channel, session == null ? AccessControl.DISABLED : getAccessControl.apply(session.sessionSettings()), new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported messageType: " + decoder.msgType()));*/ messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported messageType: " + decoder.msgType())); } } private void closeSession() { if (session != null) { session.close(); session = null; } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { if (cause instanceof SocketException && cause.getMessage().equals("Connection reset")) {"Connection reset. Client likely terminated connection"); closeSession(); } else { LOGGER.error("Uncaught exception: ", cause); } } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { LOGGER.trace("channelDisconnected"); channel = null; closeSession(); super.channelUnregistered(ctx); } } private void handleStartupBody(ByteBuf buffer, Channel channel) { properties = readStartupMessage(buffer); initAuthentication(channel); } public static InetAddress getRemoteAddress(Channel channel) { if (channel.remoteAddress() instanceof InetSocketAddress) { return ((InetSocketAddress) channel.remoteAddress()).getAddress(); } // In certain cases the channel is an EmbeddedChannel (e.g. in tests) // and this type of channel has an EmbeddedSocketAddress instance as remoteAddress // which does not have an address. // An embedded socket address is handled like a local connection via loopback. return InetAddresses.forString(""); } public static SSLSession getSession(Channel channel) { SslHandler sslHandler = channel.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class); if (sslHandler != null) { return sslHandler.engine().getSession(); } return null; } private void initAuthentication(Channel channel) { String userName = properties.getProperty("user"); InetAddress address = getRemoteAddress(channel); SSLSession sslSession = getSession(channel); ConnectionProperties connProperties = new ConnectionProperties(address, sslSession); AuthenticationMethod authMethod = authService.resolveAuthenticationType(userName, connProperties); if (authMethod == null) { String errorMessage = String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "No valid auth.host_based entry found for host \"%s\", user \"%s\". Did you enable TLS in your client?", address.getHostAddress(), userName ); messages.sendAuthenticationError(channel, errorMessage); } else { authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authMethod, connProperties, userName, LOGGER); if ( == AuthenticationMethodType.PASSWORD) { messages.sendAuthenticationCleartextPassword(channel); return; } if ( == AuthenticationMethodType.GSS) { if (gssConfig == null) { messages.sendAuthenticationError(channel, "GSS Auth not configured in this server"); return; } messages.sendAuthenticationKerberos(channel); return; } finishAuthentication(channel); } } private void finishAuthentication(Channel channel) { Assert.assertTrue(authContext != null, () -> "finishAuthentication() requires an authContext instance"); try { Identity authenticatedUser = authContext.authenticate(); handleAuthSuccess(channel, authenticatedUser); } catch (Exception e) { messages.sendAuthenticationError(channel, e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Auth Error", e); } finally { authContext.close(); authContext = null; } } private void finishAuthentication(Channel channel, Subject delegSubject) { Assert.assertTrue(authContext != null, () -> "finishAuthentication() requires an authContext instance"); try { Identity authenticatedUser = KerberosIdentityProvider.getIdentityForSubject(delegSubject); handleAuthSuccess(channel, authenticatedUser); } catch (Exception e) { messages.sendAuthenticationError(channel, e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Auth Error", e); } finally { authContext.close(); authContext = null; } } private void handleAuthSuccess(Channel channel, Identity authenticatedUser) throws Exception { String database = properties.getProperty("database"); session = sessions.createSession(database, authenticatedUser); MDC.put("user", authenticatedUser.getName()); messages.sendAuthenticationOK(channel) .addListener(f -> sendParams(channel)) //.addListener(f -> messages.sendKeyData(channel,, session.secret())) .addListener(f -> { messages.sendReadyForQuery(channel); /*if (properties.containsKey("CrateDBTransport")) { switchToTransportProtocol(channel); }*/ }); } /* private void switchToTransportProtocol(Channel channel) { var pipeline = channel.pipeline(); pipeline.remove("frame-decoder"); pipeline.remove("handler"); // SSL is already done via PostgreSQL handshake/auth addTransportHandler.accept(pipeline); }*/ private void sendParams(Channel channel) { /* messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "crate_version", Version.CURRENT.externalNumber()); */ messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "server_version", PG_SERVER_VERSION); messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "server_encoding", "UTF8"); messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "client_encoding", "UTF8"); messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "datestyle", "ISO"); messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "TimeZone", "UTC"); messages.sendParameterStatus(channel, "integer_datetimes", "on"); } /** * Flush Message | 'H' | int32 len *

* Flush forces the backend to deliver any data pending in it's output buffers. */ private void handleFlush(Channel channel) { try { /* // If we have deferred any executions we need to trigger a sync now because the client is expecting data // (That we've been holding back, as we don't eager react to `execute` requests. (We do that to optimize batch inserts)) // The sync will also trigger a flush eventually if there are deferred executions. if (session.hasDeferredExecutions()) { session.flush(); } else { channel.flush(); }*/ //since we don't handle buffering we should flash right away //TODO understand when this is called session.sync(); } catch (Throwable t) { //messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, getAccessControl.apply(session.sessionSettings()), t); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, t); } } /** * Parse Message header: | 'P' | int32 len *

* body: | string statementName | string query | int16 numParamTypes | foreach param: | int32 * type_oid (zero = unspecified) */ private void handleParseMessage(ByteBuf buffer, final Channel channel) { String statementName = readCString(buffer); final String query = readCString(buffer); short numParams = buffer.readShort(); List paramTypes = new ArrayList<>(numParams); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { int oid = buffer.readInt(); int dataType = PGTypes.fromOID(oid); /* if (dataType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Can't map PGType with oid=%d to Crate type", oid)); }*/ paramTypes.add(dataType); } CompletableFuture parseCompletionFuture = session.parseAsync(statementName, query, paramTypes); CompletableFuture parseMsgSentFuture = parseCompletionFuture.thenRun(() -> messages.sendParseComplete(channel)); session.setActiveExecution(parseMsgSentFuture); } private void handlePassword(ByteBuf buffer, final Channel channel, int payloadLength) { switch (authContext.getAuthenticationMethodType()) { case GSS: byte[] inputToken = readByteArray(buffer, payloadLength); if (inputToken == null) { messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, new IllegalStateException("GSS Token cannot be empty")); return; } Subject serverSubject = SubjectTools.getSubjectFromKeytab(gssConfig.getKerberosKeytabFile(), gssConfig.getKerberosUserPrincipal(), false); GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance(); try { GSSCredential gssCredential = Subject.doAs(serverSubject, new AcceptorCreator(manager, gssConfig.getKerberosUserPrincipal())); GSSContext gssContext = manager.createContext(gssCredential); gssContext.requestCredDeleg(true); gssContext.requestMutualAuth(true); byte[] outputToken; if (!gssContext.isEstablished()) { outputToken = gssContext.acceptSecContext(inputToken, 0, inputToken.length); if (outputToken != null) { messages.sendGssOutToken(channel, outputToken); } } Subject delegatedSubject = GSSUtil.createSubject(gssContext.getSrcName(), gssContext.getDelegCred()); finishAuthentication(channel, delegatedSubject); } catch (PrivilegedActionException | GSSException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } break; case PASSWORD: default: char[] passwd = readCharArray(buffer); if (passwd != null) { authContext.setSecurePassword(passwd); } finishAuthentication(channel); } } /** * Bind Message Header: | 'B' | int32 len *

* Body: *

     * | string portalName | string statementName
     * | int16 numFormatCodes
     *      foreach
     *      | int16 formatCode
     * | int16 numParams
     *      foreach
     *      | int32 valueLength
     *      | byteN value
     * | int16 numResultColumnFormatCodes
     *      foreach
     *      | int16 formatCode
*/ private void handleBindMessage(ByteBuf buffer, Channel channel) { String portalName = readCString(buffer); String statementName = readCString(buffer); FormatCodes.FormatCode[] formatCodes = FormatCodes.fromBuffer(buffer); short numParams = buffer.readShort(); List params = createList(numParams); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { int valueLength = buffer.readInt(); if (valueLength == -1) { params.add(null); } else { int paramType = session.getParamType(statementName, i); PGType pgType = PGTypes.get(paramType, 0); FormatCodes.FormatCode formatCode = getFormatCode(formatCodes, i); switch (formatCode) { case TEXT: params.add(pgType.readTextValue(buffer, valueLength)); break; case BINARY: params.add(pgType.readBinaryValue(buffer, valueLength)); break; default: /* messages.sendErrorResponse( channel, getAccessControl.apply(session.sessionSettings()), new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "Unsupported format code '%d' for param '%s'", formatCode.ordinal(), paramType.getName()) ) );*/ messages.sendErrorResponse( channel, new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format( Locale.ENGLISH, "Unsupported format code '%d' for param '%s'", formatCode.ordinal(), paramType) ) ); return; } } } FormatCodes.FormatCode[] resultFormatCodes = FormatCodes.fromBuffer(buffer); CompletableFuture bindCompletionFuture = session.bindAsync(portalName, statementName, params, resultFormatCodes); CompletableFuture bindMsgSentFuture = bindCompletionFuture.thenRun(() -> messages.sendBindComplete(channel)); session.setActiveExecution(bindMsgSentFuture); } private List createList(short size) { return size == 0 ? Collections.emptyList() : new ArrayList(size); } /** * Describe Message Header: | 'D' | int32 len *

* Body: | 'S' = prepared statement or 'P' = portal | string nameOfPortalOrStatement */ private void handleDescribeMessage(ByteBuf buffer, Channel channel) throws Exception { OpenTelemetryUtil.TOTAL_METADATA.add(1); OpenTelemetryUtil.ACTIVE_METADATA.add(1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetryUtil.getTracer(); Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("WireProtocol Handle Describe Message").startSpan(); try (Scope ignored = span.makeCurrent()) { byte type = buffer.readByte(); String portalOrStatement = readCString(buffer); CompletableFuture describeResultFuture = session.describeAsync((char) type, portalOrStatement); CompletableFuture describeMsgSentFuture = describeResultFuture.thenAccept(describeResult -> { try { PostgresResultSetMetaData fields = describeResult.getFields(); if (type == 'S') { ParameterMetaData parameters = describeResult.getParameters(); messages.sendParameterDescription(channel, parameters); } if (fields == null) { messages.sendNoData(channel); } else { FormatCodes.FormatCode[] resultFormatCodes = type == 'P' ? session.getResultFormatCodes(portalOrStatement) : null; messages.sendRowDescription(channel, fields, resultFormatCodes); } OpenTelemetryUtil.TOTAL_SUCCESS_METADATA.add(1); OpenTelemetryUtil.METADATA_DURATION.record(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } catch (Exception e) { span.setStatus(StatusCode.ERROR, "Failed to handle describe message"); span.recordException(e); OpenTelemetryUtil.TOTAL_FAILURE_METADATA.add(1); throw PostgresServerException.wrapException(e); } finally { OpenTelemetryUtil.ACTIVE_METADATA.add(-1); span.end(); } }); session.setActiveExecution(describeMsgSentFuture); } } /** * Execute Message Header: | 'E' | int32 len *

* Body: | string portalName | int32 maxRows (0 = unlimited) */ private void handleExecute(ByteBuf buffer, DelayableWriteChannel channel) { Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetryUtil.getTracer(); Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("WireProtocol Handle Execute").startSpan(); try (Scope ignored = span.makeCurrent()) { String portalName = readCString(buffer); int maxRows = buffer.readInt(); // .execute is going async and may execute the query in another thread-pool. // The results are later sent to the clients via the `ResultReceiver` created // above, The `channel.write` calls - which the `ResultReceiver` makes - may // happen in a thread which is *not* a netty thread. // If that is the case, netty schedules the writes instead of running them // immediately. A consequence of that is that *this* thread can continue // processing other messages from the client, and if this thread then sends messages to the // client, these are sent immediately, overtaking the result messages of the // execute that is triggered here. // // This would lead to out-of-order messages. For example, we could send a // `parseComplete` before the `commandComplete` of the previous statement has // been transmitted. // // To ensure clients receive messages in the correct order we delay all writes // The "finish" logic of the ResultReceivers writes out all pending writes/unblocks the channel session.executeAsync(portalName, maxRows, q -> new ResultSetReceiver(q, channel, false, null, messages)); } catch (Exception e) { span.setStatus(StatusCode.ERROR, "Failed to execute"); span.recordException(e); throw PostgresServerException.wrapException(e); } finally { span.end(); } } private void handleSync(DelayableWriteChannel channel) { if (ignoreTillSync) { ignoreTillSync = false; /* // If an error happens all sub-sequent messages can be ignored until the client sends a sync message // We need to discard any deferred executions to make sure that the *next* sync isn't executing // something we had previously deferred. // E.g. JDBC client: // 1) `addBatch` -> success (results in bind+execute -> we defer execution) // 2) `addBatch` -> failure (ignoreTillSync=true; we stop after bind, no execute, etc..) // 3) `sync` -> sendReadyForQuery (this if branch) // 4) p, b, e -> We've a new query deferred. // 5) `sync` -> We must execute the query from 4, but not 1) //session.resetDeferredExecutions(); channel.writePendingMessages();*/ session.clearState(); messages.sendReadyForQuery(channel); return; } try { ReadyForQueryCallback readyForQueryCallback = new ReadyForQueryCallback(channel, messages); session.sync().whenComplete(readyForQueryCallback); } catch (Throwable t) { channel.discardDelayedWrites(); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, t); messages.sendReadyForQuery(channel); } } /** * | 'C' | int32 len | byte portalOrStatement | string portalOrStatementName | */ private void handleClose(ByteBuf buffer, Channel channel) { byte b = buffer.readByte(); String portalOrStatementName = readCString(buffer); session.close((char) b, portalOrStatementName); messages.sendCloseComplete(channel); } /* void handleSimpleQuery(ByteBuf buffer, final DelayableWriteChannel channel) { String queryString = readCString(buffer); assert queryString != null : "query must not be nulL"; if (queryString.isEmpty() || ";".equals(queryString)) { messages.sendEmptyQueryResponse(channel); sendReadyForQuery(channel, TransactionState.IDLE); return; } List statements; try { statements = SqlParser.createStatements(queryString); } catch (Exception ex) { messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, getAccessControl.apply(session.sessionSettings()), ex); sendReadyForQuery(channel, TransactionState.IDLE); return; } CompletableFuture composedFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); for (var statement : statements) { composedFuture = composedFuture.thenCompose(result -> handleSingleQuery(statement, channel)); } composedFuture.whenComplete(new ReadyForQueryCallback(channel, TransactionState.IDLE)); }*/ void handleSimpleQuery(ByteBuf buffer, final DelayableWriteChannel channel) { Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetryUtil.getTracer(); Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("WireProtocol Handle Simple Query").startSpan(); try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) { String queryString = readCString(buffer); Assert.assertTrue(queryString != null, () -> "query must not be nulL"); span.setAttribute("query", queryString); if (queryString.isEmpty() || ";".equals(queryString)) { messages.sendEmptyQueryResponse(channel); messages.sendReadyForQuery(channel); return; } List queries = QueryStringSplitter.splitQuery(queryString); CompletableFuture composedFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); for (String query : queries) { composedFuture = composedFuture.thenCompose(result -> handleSingleQuery(query, channel)); } composedFuture.whenComplete(new ReadyForQueryCallback(channel, messages)); } catch (Exception e) { span.setStatus(StatusCode.ERROR, "Failed to handle simple query"); span.recordException(e); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } private CompletableFuture handleSingleQuery(String query, DelayableWriteChannel channel) { Tracer tracer = OpenTelemetryUtil.getTracer(); Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("WireProtocol Handle Simple Query").startSpan(); try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) { CompletableFuture result = new CompletableFuture<>(); if (query.isEmpty() || ";".equals(query)) { messages.sendEmptyQueryResponse(channel); result.complete(null); return result; } try { session.executeSimple(query, () -> new ResultSetReceiver(query, channel, true, null, messages)); return session.sync(); } catch (Throwable t) { //TODO need to understand this usecase LOGGER.warn("Error processing single query", t); session.clearState(); messages.sendErrorResponse(channel, t); result.completeExceptionally(t); return result; } } finally { span.end(); } } private void handleCancelRequestBody(ByteBuf buffer, Channel channel) { /* var keyData = KeyData.of(buffer); sessions.cancel(keyData);*/ // Cancel request is sent by the client over a new connection. // This closes the new connection, not the one running the query. handler.closeSession(); channel.close(); } private static class AcceptorCreator implements PrivilegedExceptionAction { private final GSSManager manager; private final String accountPrincipal; public AcceptorCreator(GSSManager manager, String accountPrincipal) { this.manager = manager; this.accountPrincipal = accountPrincipal; } @Override public GSSCredential run() throws Exception { final GSSName gssName = manager.createName(this.accountPrincipal, GSSName.NT_USER_NAME); return manager .createCredential(gssName, GSSCredential.DEFAULT_LIFETIME, new Oid[]{ new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2"), // Kerberos v5 new Oid("") // SPNEGO }, GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY); } } }