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com.epam.deltix.util.vsocket.VSClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 EPAM Systems, Inc
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. Licensed under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.epam.deltix.util.vsocket;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.epam.deltix.util.ContextContainer;
import com.epam.deltix.util.io.GUID;
import com.epam.deltix.util.io.IOUtil;
import com.epam.deltix.util.io.aeron.DXAeron;
import com.epam.deltix.util.io.offheap.OffHeap;
import com.epam.deltix.util.lang.Disposable;
import com.epam.deltix.util.concurrent.QuickExecutor;
import com.epam.deltix.qsrv.hf.spi.conn.DisconnectEventListener;
import com.epam.deltix.util.lang.DisposableListener;
import com.epam.deltix.util.time.GlobalTimer;
import com.epam.deltix.util.time.TimeKeeper;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class VSClient extends ConnectionStateListener implements Disposable, DisposableListener {
public static final int MIN_COMP_SERVER_VERSION = VSProtocol.VERSION;
public static final int MAX_COMP_SERVER_VERSION = VSProtocol.VERSION;
//private static final int MAX_TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = Integer.getInteger("TimeBase.network.VSClient.maxTransportReconnectAttempts", 5);
private static final int TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL = Integer.getInteger("TimeBase.network.VSClient.transportReconnectAttemptInterval", 1000);
private static final int RE_ATTEMPT_EXTRA_DELAY = 10; // Extra delay to avoid situation when we re-schedule task due to timer jitter
private String host;
private int port;
private int numTransportChannels = 3;
private volatile VSDispatcher dispatcher;
// Protects "dispatcher" field and interactions with quick executor
private final Object dispatcherLock = new Object();
private final String clientId;
private long serverTime = -1;
private volatile DisconnectEventListener listener;
private int reconnectInterval;
private VSCompression serverCompression;
private int soTimeout = Integer.getInteger("TimeBase.network.VSClient.soTimeout", 5000);
private int timeout = Integer.getInteger("TimeBase.network.VSClient.timeout", 5000);
private boolean enableSSL = false;
private int sslPort = 0;
private SSLContext sslContext;
private boolean aeronEnabled = false;
private final ContextContainer contextContainer;
private volatile boolean closed = false;
// Elements should be sorted (when possible) by time of last reconnection attempt however there is no strict enforcement for this.
// New broken sockets should be added to the head of the queue
private final ConcurrentLinkedDeque broken = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>();
private final QuickExecutor.QuickTask reconnector;
private QuickExecutor.QuickTask createReconnectorTask(final QuickExecutor quickExecutor) {
return new QuickExecutor.QuickTask(quickExecutor) {
public void run() {
for (;;) {
long currentTime = TimeKeeper.currentTime;
VSocketRecoveryInfo socketRecovery = broken.peek();
if (dispatcher == null || socketRecovery == null)
long lastReconnectAttemptTs = socketRecovery.getLastReconnectAttemptTs();
if (lastReconnectAttemptTs > currentTime - TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL) {
// It's too early to recover this socket
boolean recoveryAttemptEnded = false;
synchronized (socketRecovery) {
if (!socketRecovery.startRecoveryAttempt()) {
if (socketRecovery.isRecoveryAttemptInProgress()) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
// Recovery for that socket already ended
try {
if (!broken.remove(socketRecovery)) {
// The socket just was removed from broken list by other thread
VSocket socket = socketRecovery.getSocket();
// Start reconnect attempt
int attemptNumber = socketRecovery.addReconnectAttempt(currentTime);
boolean success = false;
boolean transportLost = false;
try {
VSocket vSocket = openTransport(socket);
if (vSocket != null) {
success = true;
synchronized (socketRecovery) {
if (!socketRecovery.isRecoveryEnded()) {
} else {
VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Reconnect succeeded but recovery process is already cancelled");
VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Reconnect success, connection " + socket.getSocketIdStr() + ", address " + socket.getRemoteAddress() + " after " + attemptNumber + " attempts");
} else {
VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Reconnect failed (no error), connection " + socket.getSocketIdStr() + ", address " + socket.getRemoteAddress() + ", attempt " + attemptNumber);
} catch (IOException e) {
VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Reconnect failed (" + e.getMessage() + "), connection " + socket.getSocketIdStr() + ", address " + socket.getRemoteAddress() + ", attempt " + attemptNumber);
} catch (TransportRecoveryFailre transportRecoveryFailre) {
transportLost = true;
if (!success) {
if (currentTime > socketRecovery.getDisconnectTs() + reconnectInterval) {
// At this time socket is discarded on the server side so we should give up now
VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Transport " + socket.getSocketIdStr() + " was not recovered after " + attemptNumber + " attempts (timeout reached)");
transportLost = true;
if (transportLost) {
// We failed to recover the connection so we have to disconnect entire transport because we might loss some data
synchronized (socketRecovery) {
recoveryAttemptEnded = true;
//VSProtocol.LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Disconnecting client due to failure to recover transport channel " + socket.getSocketIdStr() + " after " + attemptNumber + " attempts");
} else {
// We failed to recover but we can try again later
// Add to the last position so it will be last to try
} finally {
if (!recoveryAttemptEnded) {
synchronized (socketRecovery) {
protected boolean killSupported() {
return true;
private void scheduleReconnectAttempt(long nextAttemptTimestamp) {
GlobalTimer.INSTANCE.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, new Date(nextAttemptTimestamp));
@VisibleForTesting // Should by used in tests ONLY. TODO: Delete?
public VSClient (String host, int port, String ownerID) throws IOException {
this(host, port, ownerID, false, ContextContainer.getContextContainerForClientTests());
@VisibleForTesting // Should by used in tests ONLY. TODO: Create a factory method with name like "createClientForTests"
public VSClient (String host, int port) throws IOException {
this(host, port, null, false, ContextContainer.getContextContainerForClientTests());
public VSClient(String host, int port, String ownerID, boolean enableSSL, ContextContainer contextContainer) throws IOException {
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.enableSSL = enableSSL;
this.contextContainer = contextContainer;
this.reconnector = createReconnectorTask(contextContainer.getQuickExecutor());
if (ownerID == null)
this.clientId = new GUID().toStringWithPrefix (InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() + ":");
this.clientId = new GUID().toStringWithPrefix(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() + ":" + ownerID + ":");
VSProtocol.LOGGER.warning("Reconnect interval (" + TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL + ") should not be less than socket open timeout (" + soTimeout + ")");
public int getSoTimeout () {
return soTimeout;
public void setSoTimeout (int soTimeout) {
this.soTimeout = soTimeout;
public int getTimeout() {
return timeout;
public void setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
public String getHost () {
return host;
public void setHost (String host) {
this.host = host;
public int getNumTransportChannels () {
return numTransportChannels;
public void setNumTransportChannels (int numChannels) {
numTransportChannels = numChannels;
public int getPort () {
return port;
public void setPort (int port) {
this.port = port;
public void setSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) {
this.sslContext = sslContext;
public long getServerStartTime() {
return serverTime;
public int getReconnectInterval() {
return reconnectInterval;
public boolean isConnected() {
return dispatcher != null && dispatcher.hasAvailableTransport();
public void connect () throws IOException {
if (dispatcher != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected");
VSocket socket = openTransport(); // try to connect
synchronized (dispatcherLock) {
dispatcher = new VSDispatcher(clientId, true, contextContainer);
dispatcher.addTransportChannel (socket);
for (int ii = 1; ii < numTransportChannels; ii++)
dispatcher.addTransportChannel (openTransport());
public VSDispatcher getDispatcher() {
return dispatcher;
public void increaseNumTransportChannels() throws IOException {
if (dispatcher != null)
dispatcher.addTransportChannel (openTransport ());
private Socket processSSLHandshake(Socket socket) throws IOException {
InputStream is = socket.getInputStream();
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
os.write(0); //first byte of VS protocol
int serverResponse = is.read();
if (serverResponse == VSProtocol.CONN_RESP_SSL_NOT_SUPPORTED)
throw new IOException("Server not supported SSL.");
int serverHeader = is.read();
if (serverHeader == VSProtocol.SSL_HEADER) {
socket = sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket(
socket, socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), socket.getPort(), false);
((SSLSocket) socket).setUseClientMode(true);
((SSLSocket) socket).startHandshake();
enableSSL = true;
VSProtocol.LOGGER.info("Socket upgraded to SSL socket! Now connection is secured.");
} else {
if (enableSSL)
VSProtocol.LOGGER.info("Connection isn't secured.");
enableSSL = false;
return socket;
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UNENCRYPTED_SOCKET", justification = "Timebase ports should be protected from public access by SSL-terminating NLB")
private VSocket openTransport (VSocket stopped) throws IOException, TransportRecoveryFailre {
Socket s = new Socket();
boolean ok = false;
try {
s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
s = processSSLHandshake(s);
ClientConnection cc = new ClientConnection(s);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (cc.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream (cc.getBufferedInputStream());
//check version compatibility
dos.writeInt (VSProtocol.VERSION);
int spv = dis.readInt ();
String sid = dis.readUTF ();
throw new IncompatibleClientException (sid, spv);
sslPort = dis.readInt();
//send other sync data
dos.writeBoolean(false); // restore
dos.writeInt (stopped.getCode()); // socket id
dos.writeLong(stopped.getInputStream().getBytesRead()); // number of read bytes
dos.flush ();
int resp = dis.readByte ();
if (resp != VSProtocol.CONN_RESP_OK) {
throw new ConnectionRejectedException (sid, resp);
} else {
long time = dis.readLong();
if (serverTime != -1 && serverTime != time)
throw new ServerRestartedException(sid, time);
serverTime = time;
this.reconnectInterval = dis.readInt();
String compression = dis.readUTF();
this.serverCompression = Enum.valueOf(VSCompression.class, compression);
long numBytesRecieved = dis.readLong(); // number of bytes recieved by remote side
ok = numBytesRecieved != -1;
if (ok) {
return VSocketFactory.get(cc, stopped);
} else {
// TODO: We have to close client here
if (VSProtocol.LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
boolean hadUnconfirmedData = stopped.getOutputStream().hasUnconfirmedData();
String transportTag = stopped.getCode() + " / " + Integer.toHexString(stopped.getCode());
VSProtocol.LOGGER.warning("Failed to restore transport " + transportTag + ". Data loss: " + (hadUnconfirmedData ? "yes" : "uncertain"));
throw new TransportRecoveryFailre();
} finally {
if (!ok)
IOUtil.close (s);
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UNENCRYPTED_SOCKET", justification = "Timebase ports should be protected from public access by SSL-terminating NLB")
VSocket openTransport () throws IOException {
Socket s = new Socket();
boolean ok = false;
TransportType transportType;
ClientConnection cc;
try {
s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
s = processSSLHandshake(s);
cc = new ClientConnection(s);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream (cc.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream (cc.getBufferedInputStream());
//check version compatibility
dos.writeInt (VSProtocol.VERSION);
dos.flush ();
int spv = dis.readInt ();
String sid = dis.readUTF ();
throw new IncompatibleClientException (sid, spv);
sslPort = dis.readInt();
transportType = processTransportHandshake(dis);
//send other sync data
dos.writeInt(s.hashCode()); // socket id
dos.writeLong(0L); // number of read bytes
dos.flush ();
s.setSoTimeout (0);
int resp = dis.readByte ();
if (resp != VSProtocol.CONN_RESP_OK) {
throw new ConnectionRejectedException (sid, resp);
} else {
long time = dis.readLong();
if (serverTime != -1 && serverTime != time)
throw new ServerRestartedException(sid, time);
serverTime = time;
this.reconnectInterval = dis.readInt();
String compression = dis.readUTF();
long numBytesRecieved = dis.readLong();
assert numBytesRecieved == 0; // new connections should have = 0;
this.serverCompression = Enum.valueOf(VSCompression.class, compression);
ok = true;
} finally {
if (!ok)
IOUtil.close (s);
return VSocketFactory.get(cc, transportType);
private TransportType processTransportHandshake(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
TransportType transportType = TransportType.values()[dis.readInt()];
if (transportType == TransportType.AERON_IPC) {
String aeronDir = dis.readUTF();
if (!aeronEnabled) {
DXAeron.start(aeronDir, false);
aeronEnabled = true;
} else if (transportType == TransportType.OFFHEAP_IPC) {
OffHeap.start(dis.readUTF(), false);
return transportType;
public VSChannel openChannel () throws IOException {
return openChannel(VSProtocol.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE, VSProtocol.CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE, false);
public VSChannel openChannel (int inCapacity, int outCapacity, boolean compressed) throws IOException {
if (serverCompression == VSCompression.OFF)
compressed = false;
else if (serverCompression == VSCompression.ON)
compressed = true;
VSChannelImpl vsc = dispatcher.newChannel (inCapacity, outCapacity, compressed);
try {
vsc.sendConnect ();
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
throw new InterruptedIOException ();
return (vsc);
public void close () {
private void close(boolean waitForChannelsToFinish) {
synchronized (dispatcherLock) {
closed = true;
if (aeronEnabled)
VSDispatcher d = dispatcher;
if (d != null) {
dispatcher = null;
public void setDisconnectedListener(DisconnectEventListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
boolean onTransportStopped(VSocketRecoveryInfo recoveryInfo) {
if (dispatcher != null) {
// TODO: Ensure that we can't get duplicate instance of socket in the broken list
return false;
} else {
return true;
boolean onTransportBroken(VSocketRecoveryInfo recoveryInfo) {
try {
synchronized (recoveryInfo) {
while (recoveryInfo.isRecoveryAttemptInProgress()) {
if (!recoveryInfo.isRecoveryEnded()) {
boolean removed = broken.remove(recoveryInfo);
if (!removed && !recoveryInfo.isRecoverySucceeded()) {
VSProtocol.LOGGER.warning("Transport for " + recoveryInfo.getSocket().getCode() + " is missing from broken transport list");
boolean recoveryFailed = recoveryInfo.isRecoveryFailed();
if (recoveryFailed) {
if (VSProtocol.LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
VSProtocol.LOGGER.fine("Transport for " + recoveryInfo.getSocket().getCode() + " was permanently lost");
return recoveryFailed || (!removed && !recoveryInfo.isRecoverySucceeded());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
void onReconnected() {
if (listener != null)
void onDisconnected() {
if (listener != null)
public long getLatency() {
return dispatcher != null ? dispatcher.getLatency() : Long.MAX_VALUE;
public void disposed (VSDispatcher d) {
synchronized (dispatcherLock) {
closed = true;
if (aeronEnabled)
if (d == dispatcher) {
dispatcher = null;
public boolean isSSLEnabled() {
return enableSSL;
public int getSSLPort() {
return sslPort;
public String toString () {
return ("VSClient (" + host + ":" + port + ")");
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