org.bcos.web3j.tx.Contract Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.bcos.web3j.tx;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.EventEncoder;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.EventValues;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.FunctionEncoder;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.FunctionReturnDecoder;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.TypeReference;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.datatypes.Event;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.datatypes.Function;
import org.bcos.web3j.abi.datatypes.Type;
import org.bcos.web3j.crypto.Credentials;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.Web3j;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.DefaultBlockParameterName;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.methods.request.Transaction;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.EthGetCode;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.Log;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.TransactionReceipt;
import org.bcos.web3j.protocol.exceptions.TransactionTimeoutException;
import org.bcos.web3j.utils.Async;
import org.bcos.web3j.utils.Numeric;
import static org.bcos.web3j.tx.TransactionConstant.*;
* Solidity contract type abstraction for interacting with smart contracts via native Java types.
public abstract class Contract extends ManagedTransaction {
public static final BigInteger GAS_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(4_300_000);
private String contractBinary;
private String contractAddress;
private String contractName;
private boolean isInitByName = false;
private final BigInteger gasPrice;
private final BigInteger gasLimit;
private TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt;
//update contract binary according to crypto type
public void setContractBinary(String contractBinary)
this.contractBinary = contractBinary;
protected Contract(String contractBinary, String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit, Boolean isInitByName) {
super(web3j, transactionManager);
this.contractBinary = contractBinary;
if (isInitByName)
this.contractName = contractAddress;
this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
this.isInitByName = isInitByName;
this.gasPrice = gasPrice;
this.gasLimit = gasLimit;
protected Contract(String contractBinary, String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit) {
super(web3j, transactionManager);
this.isInitByName = false;
this.contractBinary = contractBinary;
/*if (isInitByName)
this.contractName = contractAddress;
this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
this.gasPrice = gasPrice;
this.gasLimit = gasLimit;
protected Contract(String contractBinary, String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit, boolean isInitByName) {
this(contractBinary, contractAddress, web3j, new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials),
gasPrice, gasLimit,isInitByName);
protected Contract(String contractBinary, String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit) {
this(contractBinary, contractAddress, web3j, new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials),
gasPrice, gasLimit,false);
protected Contract(String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit, boolean isInitByName) {
this("", contractAddress, web3j, transactionManager, gasPrice, gasLimit,isInitByName);
protected Contract(String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit) {
this("", contractAddress, web3j, transactionManager, gasPrice, gasLimit,false);
protected Contract(String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit, boolean isInitByName) {
this("", contractAddress, web3j, new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials),
gasPrice, gasLimit, isInitByName);
protected Contract(String contractAddress,
Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit) {
this("", contractAddress, web3j, new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials),
gasPrice, gasLimit, false);
public void setContractAddress(String contractAddress) {
this.contractAddress = contractAddress;
public String getContractAddress() {
return contractAddress;
public void setContractName(String contractName) {
this.contractName = contractName;
public String getContractName() {
return contractName;
public void setTransactionReceipt(TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt) {
this.transactionReceipt = transactionReceipt;
public String getContractBinary() {
return contractBinary;
* Check that the contract deployed at the address associated with this smart contract wrapper
* is in fact the contract you believe it is.
* This method uses the
* eth_getCode method
* to get the contract byte code and validates it against the byte code stored in this smart
* contract wrapper.
* @return true if the contract is valid
* @throws IOException if unable to connect to web3j node
public boolean isValid() throws IOException {
if (contractName.equals("")) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Contract binary not present, you will need to regenerate your smart "
+ "contract wrapper with web3j v2.2.0+");
if (contractAddress.equals("")) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Contract binary not present, you will need to regenerate your smart "
+ "contract wrapper with web3j v2.2.0+");
EthGetCode ethGetCode;
if (isInitByName)
ethGetCode = web3j
.ethGetCodeCNS(contractName, DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST)
ethGetCode = web3j
.ethGetCode(contractAddress, DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST)
if (ethGetCode.hasError()) {
return false;
String code = Numeric.cleanHexPrefix(ethGetCode.getCode());
// There may be multiple contracts in the Solidity bytecode, hence we only check for a
// match with a subset
return !code.isEmpty() && contractBinary.contains(code);
* If this Contract instance was created at deployment, the TransactionReceipt associated
* with the initial creation will be provided, e.g. via a deploy method. This will
* not persist for Contracts instances constructed via a load method.
* @return the TransactionReceipt generated at contract deployment
public Optional getTransactionReceipt() {
return Optional.ofNullable(transactionReceipt);
* Execute constant function call - i.e. a call that does not change state of the contract
* @param function to call
* @return {@link List} of values returned by function call
* @throws InterruptedException if async call is interrupted
* @throws ExecutionException if async call throws an exception
private List executeCall(
Function function) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
String encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function);
org.bcos.web3j.protocol.core.methods.response.EthCall ethCall = web3j.ethCall(
transactionManager.getFromAddress(), isInitByName?contractName:contractAddress, encodedFunction, callType,isInitByName),
String value = ethCall.getValue();
return FunctionReturnDecoder.decode(value, function.getOutputParameters());
protected CompletableFuture executeCallSingleValueReturnAsync(
Function function) {
return -> executeCallSingleValueReturn(function));
protected CompletableFuture> executeCallMultipleValueReturnAsync(
Function function) {
return -> executeCallMultipleValueReturn(function));
protected T executeCallSingleValueReturn(
Function function) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
List values = executeCall(function);
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
return (T) values.get(0);
} else {
return null;
protected List executeCallMultipleValueReturn(
Function function) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
return executeCall(function);
protected TransactionReceipt executeTransaction(Function function) throws InterruptedException,
IOException, TransactionTimeoutException {
return executeTransaction(FunctionEncoder.encode(function), BigInteger.ZERO, callType);
* Given the duration required to execute a transaction, asyncronous execution is strongly
* recommended via {@link Contract#executeTransactionAsync}.
* @param data to send in transaction
* @param weiValue in Wei to send in transaction
* @return {@link Optional} containing our transaction receipt
* @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted
* while waiting
* @throws IOException if the call to the node fails
* @throws TransactionTimeoutException if the transaction was not mined while waiting
protected TransactionReceipt executeTransaction(
String data, BigInteger weiValue, BigInteger type)
throws InterruptedException, IOException, TransactionTimeoutException {
if (isInitByName) {
return send(contractName, data, weiValue, gasPrice, gasLimit,type,isInitByName);
return send(contractAddress, data, weiValue, gasPrice, gasLimit,type,isInitByName);
* Execute the provided function as a transaction asynchronously.
* @param function to transact with
* @return {@link Future} containing executing transaction
protected CompletableFuture executeTransactionAsync(Function function) {
return -> executeTransaction(function));
* @author tabsu
* @param function
* @param callback to get transaction receipt message.
* @return void
protected void executeTransactionAsync(Function function, TransactionSucCallback callback) {
try {
if (isInitByName) {
send(contractName, FunctionEncoder.encode(function), BigInteger.ZERO, gasPrice, gasLimit, callType,isInitByName,callback);
send(contractAddress, FunctionEncoder.encode(function), BigInteger.ZERO, gasPrice, gasLimit, callType,isInitByName,callback);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (TransactionTimeoutException e) {
* Execute the provided payable function as a transaction asynchronously.
* @param function to transact with
* @param weiValue in Wei to send in transaction
* @return {@link Future} containing executing transaction
protected CompletableFuture executeTransactionAsync(
Function function, BigInteger weiValue) {
return -> executeTransaction(FunctionEncoder.encode(function), weiValue, callType));
* @desc 为了能在sol实例化出来的java类里面用到static的方法,而不需要实例化这个java类(load方法,用了name service,屏蔽了自身address)
protected static EventValues extractEventParameters(
Event event, Log log) {
List topics = log.getTopics();
String encodedEventSignature = EventEncoder.encode(event);
if (!topics.get(0).equals(encodedEventSignature)) {
return null;
List indexedValues = new ArrayList<>();
List nonIndexedValues = FunctionReturnDecoder.decode(
log.getData(), event.getNonIndexedParameters());
List> indexedParameters = event.getIndexedParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < indexedParameters.size(); i++) {
Type value = FunctionReturnDecoder.decodeIndexedValue(
topics.get(i + 1), indexedParameters.get(i));
return new EventValues(indexedValues, nonIndexedValues);
protected static List extractEventParameters(
Event event, TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt) {
List logs = transactionReceipt.getLogs();
List values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Log log : logs) {
EventValues eventValues = extractEventParameters(event, log);
if (eventValues != null) {
return values;
protected static T deploy(
Class type,
Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit,
String binary, String encodedConstructor, BigInteger value) throws Exception {
Constructor constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor(
Web3j.class, Credentials.class,
BigInteger.class, BigInteger.class);
// we want to use null here to ensure that "to" parameter on message is not populated
T contract = constructor.newInstance(null, web3j, credentials, gasPrice, gasLimit);
return create(contract, binary, encodedConstructor, value);
protected static T deploy(
Class type,
Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit,
String binary, String encodedConstructor, BigInteger value) throws Exception {
Constructor constructor = type.getDeclaredConstructor(
Web3j.class, TransactionManager.class,
BigInteger.class, BigInteger.class);
// we want to use null here to ensure that "to" parameter on message is not populated
T contract = constructor.newInstance(null, web3j, transactionManager, gasPrice, gasLimit);
return create(contract, binary, encodedConstructor, value);
private static T create(
T contract, String binary, String encodedConstructor, BigInteger value)
throws InterruptedException, IOException, TransactionTimeoutException {
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt =
contract.executeTransaction(binary + encodedConstructor, value, creatType);
String contractAddress = transactionReceipt.getContractAddress();
if (contractAddress == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Empty contract address returned");
return contract;
protected static CompletableFuture deployAsync(
Class type, Web3j web3j, Credentials credentials,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit,
String binary, String encodedConstructor, BigInteger initialWeiValue) {
return -> deploy(type, web3j, credentials, gasPrice, gasLimit,
binary, encodedConstructor, initialWeiValue));
protected static CompletableFuture deployAsync(
Class type, Web3j web3j, TransactionManager transactionManager,
BigInteger gasPrice, BigInteger gasLimit,
String binary, String encodedConstructor, BigInteger initialWeiValue) {
return -> deploy(type, web3j, transactionManager, gasPrice, gasLimit,
binary, encodedConstructor, initialWeiValue));