org.fisco.bcos.web3j.crypto.MnemonicUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.fisco.bcos.web3j.crypto;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.util.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA512Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators.PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
* Provides utility methods to generate random mnemonics and also generate seeds from mnemonics.
* @see Mnemonic code for
* generating deterministic keys
public class MnemonicUtils {
private static final int SEED_ITERATIONS = 2048;
private static final int SEED_KEY_SIZE = 512;
private static List WORD_LIST = null;
* The mnemonic must encode entropy in a multiple of 32 bits. With more entropy security is
* improved but the sentence length increases. We refer to the initial entropy length as ENT. The
* allowed size of ENT is 128-256 bits.
* Mnemonic generation algorithm
* Given a randomly generated initial entropy of size ENT, first a checksum is generated by taking
* the first {@code ENT / 32} bits of its SHA256 hash. This checksum is appended to the end of the
* initial entropy. Next, these concatenated bits are split into groups of 11 bits, each encoding
* a number from 0-2047, serving as an index into a wordlist. Finally, we convert these numbers
* into words and use the joined words as a mnemonic sentence.
* @param initialEntropy The initial entropy to generate mnemonic from
* @return The generated mnemonic
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given entropy is invalid
* @throws IllegalStateException If the word list has not been loaded
public static String generateMnemonic(byte[] initialEntropy) {
if (WORD_LIST == null) {
WORD_LIST = populateWordList();
int ent = initialEntropy.length * 8;
int checksumLength = ent / 32;
byte checksum = calculateChecksum(initialEntropy);
boolean[] bits = convertToBits(initialEntropy, checksum);
int iterations = (ent + checksumLength) / 11;
StringBuilder mnemonicBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
int index = toInt(nextElevenBits(bits, i));
boolean notLastIteration = i < iterations - 1;
if (notLastIteration) {
mnemonicBuilder.append(" ");
return mnemonicBuilder.toString();
* Create entropy from the mnemonic.
* @param mnemonic The input mnemonic which should be 128-160 bits in length containing only valid
* words
* @return Byte array representation of the entropy
public static byte[] generateEntropy(String mnemonic) {
if (WORD_LIST == null) {
WORD_LIST = populateWordList();
final BitSet bits = new BitSet();
final int size = mnemonicToBits(mnemonic, bits);
if (size == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty mnemonic");
final int ent = 32 * size / 33;
if (ent % 8 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong mnemonic size");
final byte[] entropy = new byte[ent / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < entropy.length; i++) {
entropy[i] = readByte(bits, i);
final byte expectedChecksum = calculateChecksum(entropy);
final byte actualChecksum = readByte(bits, entropy.length);
if (expectedChecksum != actualChecksum) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong checksum");
return entropy;
* To create a binary seed from the mnemonic, we use the PBKDF2 function with a mnemonic sentence
* (in UTF-8 NFKD) used as the password and the string "mnemonic" + passphrase (again in UTF-8
* NFKD) used as the salt. The iteration count is set to 2048 and HMAC-SHA512 is used as the
* pseudo-random function. The length of the derived key is 512 bits (= 64 bytes).
* @param mnemonic The input mnemonic which should be 128-160 bits in length containing only valid
* words
* @param passphrase The passphrase which will be used as part of salt for PBKDF2 function
* @return Byte array representation of the generated seed
public static byte[] generateSeed(String mnemonic, String passphrase) {
if (isMnemonicEmpty(mnemonic)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mnemonic is required to generate a seed");
passphrase = passphrase == null ? "" : passphrase;
String salt = String.format("mnemonic%s", passphrase);
PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator gen = new PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator(new SHA512Digest());
gen.init(mnemonic.getBytes(UTF_8), salt.getBytes(UTF_8), SEED_ITERATIONS);
return ((KeyParameter) gen.generateDerivedParameters(SEED_KEY_SIZE)).getKey();
public static boolean validateMnemonic(String mnemonic) {
try {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
private static boolean isMnemonicEmpty(String mnemonic) {
return mnemonic == null || mnemonic.trim().isEmpty();
private static boolean[] nextElevenBits(boolean[] bits, int i) {
int from = i * 11;
int to = from + 11;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(bits, from, to);
private static void validateEntropy(byte[] entropy) {
if (entropy == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entropy is required");
int ent = entropy.length * 8;
if (ent < 128 || ent > 256 || ent % 32 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The allowed size of ENT is 128-256 bits of " + "multiples of 32");
private static boolean[] convertToBits(byte[] initialEntropy, byte checksum) {
int ent = initialEntropy.length * 8;
int checksumLength = ent / 32;
int totalLength = ent + checksumLength;
boolean[] bits = new boolean[totalLength];
for (int i = 0; i < initialEntropy.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
byte b = initialEntropy[i];
bits[8 * i + j] = toBit(b, j);
for (int i = 0; i < checksumLength; i++) {
bits[ent + i] = toBit(checksum, i);
return bits;
private static boolean toBit(byte value, int index) {
return ((value >>> (7 - index)) & 1) > 0;
private static int toInt(boolean[] bits) {
int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
boolean isSet = bits[i];
if (isSet) {
value += 1 << bits.length - i - 1;
return value;
private static int mnemonicToBits(String mnemonic, BitSet bits) {
int bit = 0;
final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(mnemonic, " ");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String word = tokenizer.nextToken();
final int index = WORD_LIST.indexOf(word);
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal word: " + word);
for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
bits.set(bit++, isBitSet(index, 10 - k));
return bit;
private static byte readByte(BitSet bits, int startByte) {
byte res = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (bits.get(startByte * 8 + k)) {
res = (byte) ((res & 0xff) | (1 << (7 - k)));
return res;
private static boolean isBitSet(int n, int k) {
return ((n >> k) & 1) == 1;
private static byte calculateChecksum(byte[] initialEntropy) {
int ent = initialEntropy.length * 8;
byte mask = (byte) (0xff << 8 - ent / 32);
byte[] bytes = Hash.sha256(initialEntropy);
return (byte) (bytes[0] & mask);
private static List populateWordList() {
InputStream inputStream =
try {
return readAllLines(inputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private static List readAllLines(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
List data = new ArrayList<>();
for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) {
return data;
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