org.apache.flinkx.api.DataStream.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.flinkx.api
import org.apache.flink.annotation.{Internal, Public, PublicEvolving}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig
import org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.{TimestampAssigner, WatermarkGenerator, WatermarkStrategy}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.{FilterFunction, FlatMapFunction, MapFunction, Partitioner}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.operators.{ResourceSpec, SlotSharingGroup}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SerializationSchema
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.MapStateDescriptor
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.sink2.Sink
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.{
AllWindowedStream => JavaAllWindowedStream,
DataStream => JavaStream,
KeyedStream => JavaKeyedStream
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.timestamps.AscendingTimestampExtractor
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.ProcessFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.OneInputStreamOperator
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners._
import{GlobalWindow, TimeWindow, Window}
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector
import{Tuple => JavaTuple}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import ScalaStreamOps._
class DataStream[T](stream: JavaStream[T]) {
/** Returns the [[StreamExecutionEnvironment]] associated with the current [[DataStream]].
* @return
* associated execution environment
* @deprecated
* Use [[executionEnvironment]] instead
def getExecutionEnvironment: StreamExecutionEnvironment =
new StreamExecutionEnvironment(stream.getExecutionEnvironment)
/** Returns the TypeInformation for the elements of this DataStream.
* @deprecated
* Use [[dataType]] instead.
def getType(): TypeInformation[T] = stream.getType()
/** Returns the parallelism of this operation.
* @deprecated
* Use [[parallelism]] instead.
def getParallelism = stream.getParallelism
/** Returns the execution config.
* @deprecated
* Use [[executionConfig]] instead.
def getExecutionConfig = stream.getExecutionConfig
/** Returns the ID of the DataStream.
private[flinkx] def getId = stream.getId()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scalaesk accessors
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Gets the underlying java DataStream object.
def javaStream: JavaStream[T] = stream
/** Returns the TypeInformation for the elements of this DataStream.
def dataType: TypeInformation[T] = stream.getType()
/** Returns the execution config.
def executionConfig: ExecutionConfig = stream.getExecutionConfig()
/** Returns the [[StreamExecutionEnvironment]] associated with this data stream
def executionEnvironment: StreamExecutionEnvironment =
new StreamExecutionEnvironment(stream.getExecutionEnvironment())
/** Returns the parallelism of this operation.
def parallelism: Int = stream.getParallelism()
/** Sets the parallelism of this operation. This must be at least 1.
def setParallelism(parallelism: Int): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.setParallelism(parallelism)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operator " + stream + " cannot set the parallelism.")
def setMaxParallelism(maxParallelism: Int): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.setMaxParallelism(maxParallelism)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Operator " + stream + " cannot set the maximum" +
/** Returns the minimum resources of this operation.
def minResources: ResourceSpec = stream.getMinResources()
/** Returns the preferred resources of this operation.
def preferredResources: ResourceSpec = stream.getPreferredResources()
/** Gets the name of the current data stream. This name is used by the visualization and logging during runtime.
* @return
* Name of the stream.
* @deprecated
* Use [[name]] instead
def getName: String = name
/** Gets the name of the current data stream. This name is used by the visualization and logging during runtime.
* @return
* Name of the stream.
def name: String = stream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => stream.getName
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the name of the current data stream. This name is used by the visualization and logging during runtime.
* @return
* The named operator
def name(name: String): DataStream[T] = stream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => asScalaStream(
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Sets an ID for this operator.
* The specified ID is used to assign the same operator ID across job submissions (for example when starting a job
* from a savepoint).
* Important: this ID needs to be unique per transformation and job. Otherwise, job submission will
* fail.
* @param uid
* The unique user-specified ID of this transformation.
* @return
* The operator with the specified ID.
def uid(uid: String): DataStream[T] = javaStream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => asScalaStream(stream.uid(uid))
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
def getSideOutput[X: TypeInformation](tag: OutputTag[X]): DataStream[X] = javaStream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[_] =>
asScalaStream(stream.getSideOutput(tag: OutputTag[X]))
/** Sets an user provided hash for this operator. This will be used AS IS the create the JobVertexID. The user
* provided hash is an alternative to the generated hashes, that is considered when identifying an operator through
* the default hash mechanics fails (e.g. because of changes between Flink versions).
* Important: this should be used as a workaround or for trouble shooting. The provided hash
* needs to be unique per transformation and job. Otherwise, job submission will fail. Furthermore, you cannot assign
* user-specified hash to intermediate nodes in an operator chain and trying so will let your job fail.
* @param hash
* the user provided hash for this operator.
* @return
* The operator with the user provided hash.
def setUidHash(hash: String): DataStream[T] = javaStream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] =>
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Turns off chaining for this operator so thread co-location will not be used as an optimization.
Chaining can
* be turned off for the whole job by [[StreamExecutionEnvironment.disableOperatorChaining()]] however it is not
* advised for performance considerations.
def disableChaining(): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.disableChaining()
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Starts a new task chain beginning at this operator. This operator will not be chained (thread co-located for
* increased performance) to any previous tasks even if possible.
def startNewChain(): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.startNewChain()
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Sets the slot sharing group of this operation. Parallel instances of operations that are in the same slot sharing
* group will be co-located in the same TaskManager slot, if possible.
* Operations inherit the slot sharing group of input operations if all input operations are in the same slot sharing
* group and no slot sharing group was explicitly specified.
* Initially an operation is in the default slot sharing group. An operation can be put into the default group
* explicitly by setting the slot sharing group to `"default"`.
* @param slotSharingGroup
* The slot sharing group name.
def slotSharingGroup(slotSharingGroup: String): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.slotSharingGroup(slotSharingGroup)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Sets the slot sharing group of this operation. Parallel instances of operations that are in the same slot sharing
* group will be co-located in the same TaskManager slot, if possible.
* Operations inherit the slot sharing group of input operations if all input operations are in the same slot sharing
* group and no slot sharing group was explicitly specified.
* Initially an operation is in the default slot sharing group. An operation can be put into the default group
* explicitly by setting the slot sharing group to `"default"`.
* @param slotSharingGroup
* Which contains name and its resource spec.
def slotSharingGroup(slotSharingGroup: SlotSharingGroup): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.slotSharingGroup(slotSharingGroup)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
/** Sets the maximum time frequency (ms) for the flushing of the output buffer. By default the output buffers flush
* only when they are full.
* @param timeoutMillis
* The maximum time between two output flushes.
* @return
* The operator with buffer timeout set.
def setBufferTimeout(timeoutMillis: Long): DataStream[T] = {
stream match {
case ds: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => ds.setBufferTimeout(timeoutMillis)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream Transformations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Creates a new DataStream by merging DataStream outputs of the same type with each other. The DataStreams merged
* using this operator will be transformed simultaneously.
def union(dataStreams: DataStream[T]*): DataStream[T] =
asScalaStream(stream.union( _*))
/** Creates a new ConnectedStreams by connecting DataStream outputs of different type with each other. The DataStreams
* connected using this operators can be used with CoFunctions.
def connect[T2](dataStream: DataStream[T2]): ConnectedStreams[T, T2] =
/** Creates a new [[BroadcastConnectedStream]] by connecting the current [[DataStream]] or [[KeyedStream]] with a
* [[BroadcastStream]].
* The latter can be created using the [[broadcast(MapStateDescriptor[])]] method.
* The resulting stream can be further processed using the ``broadcastConnectedStream.process(myFunction)`` method,
* where ``myFunction`` can be either a [[]]
* or a [[]] depending on the current stream
* being a [[KeyedStream]] or not.
* @param broadcastStream
* The broadcast stream with the broadcast state to be connected with this stream.
* @return
* The [[BroadcastConnectedStream]].
def connect[R](broadcastStream: BroadcastStream[R]): BroadcastConnectedStream[T, R] =
/** Groups the elements of a DataStream by the given key positions (for tuple/array types) to be used with grouped
* operators like grouped reduce or grouped aggregations.
@deprecated("use [[DataStream.keyBy(KeySelector)]] instead")
def keyBy(fields: Int*): KeyedStream[T, JavaTuple] = asScalaStream(stream.keyBy(fields: _*))
/** Groups the elements of a DataStream by the given field expressions to be used with grouped operators like grouped
* reduce or grouped aggregations.
@deprecated("use [[DataStream.keyBy(KeySelector)]] instead")
def keyBy(firstField: String, otherFields: String*): KeyedStream[T, JavaTuple] =
asScalaStream(stream.keyBy(firstField +: otherFields.toArray: _*))
/** Groups the elements of a DataStream by the given K key to be used with grouped operators like grouped reduce or
* grouped aggregations.
def keyBy[K: TypeInformation](fun: T => K): KeyedStream[T, K] = {
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val keyType: TypeInformation[K] = implicitly[TypeInformation[K]]
val keyExtractor = new KeySelector[T, K] with ResultTypeQueryable[K] {
def getKey(in: T) = cleanFun(in)
override def getProducedType: TypeInformation[K] = keyType
asScalaStream(new JavaKeyedStream(stream, keyExtractor, keyType))
/** Groups the elements of a DataStream by the given K key to be used with grouped operators like grouped reduce or
* grouped aggregations.
def keyBy[K: TypeInformation](fun: KeySelector[T, K]): KeyedStream[T, K] = {
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val keyType: TypeInformation[K] = implicitly[TypeInformation[K]]
asScalaStream(new JavaKeyedStream(stream, cleanFun, keyType))
/** Partitions a tuple DataStream on the specified key fields using a custom partitioner. This method takes the key
* position to partition on, and a partitioner that accepts the key type.
* Note: This method works only on single field keys.
@deprecated("Use [[DataStream.partitionCustom(Partitioner, Function1)]] instead")
def partitionCustom[K: TypeInformation](partitioner: Partitioner[K], field: Int): DataStream[T] =
asScalaStream(stream.partitionCustom(partitioner, field))
/** Partitions a POJO DataStream on the specified key fields using a custom partitioner. This method takes the key
* expression to partition on, and a partitioner that accepts the key type.
* Note: This method works only on single field keys.
@deprecated("Use [[DataStream.partitionCustom(Partitioner, Function1)]] instead")
def partitionCustom[K: TypeInformation](partitioner: Partitioner[K], field: String): DataStream[T] =
asScalaStream(stream.partitionCustom(partitioner, field))
/** Partitions a DataStream on the key returned by the selector, using a custom partitioner. This method takes the key
* selector to get the key to partition on, and a partitioner that accepts the key type.
* Note: This method works only on single field keys, i.e. the selector cannot return tuples of fields.
def partitionCustom[K: TypeInformation](partitioner: Partitioner[K], fun: T => K): DataStream[T] = {
val keyType = implicitly[TypeInformation[K]]
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val keyExtractor = new KeySelector[T, K] with ResultTypeQueryable[K] {
def getKey(in: T) = cleanFun(in)
override def getProducedType(): TypeInformation[K] = keyType
asScalaStream(stream.partitionCustom(partitioner, keyExtractor))
/** Sets the partitioning of the DataStream so that the output tuples are broad casted to every parallel instance of
* the next component.
def broadcast: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(stream.broadcast())
/** Sets the partitioning of the [[DataStream]] so that the output elements are broadcasted to every parallel instance
* of the next operation. In addition, it implicitly creates as many
* [[org.apache.flink.api.common.state.BroadcastState broadcast states]] as the specified descriptors which can be
* used to store the element of the stream.
* @param broadcastStateDescriptors
* the descriptors of the broadcast states to create.
* @return
* A [[BroadcastStream]] which can be used in the [[DataStream.connect(BroadcastStream)]] to create a
* [[BroadcastConnectedStream]] for further processing of the elements.
def broadcast(broadcastStateDescriptors: MapStateDescriptor[_, _]*): BroadcastStream[T] = {
if (broadcastStateDescriptors == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("State Descriptors must not be null.")
javaStream.broadcast(broadcastStateDescriptors: _*)
/** Sets the partitioning of the DataStream so that the output values all go to the first instance of the next
* processing operator. Use this setting with care since it might cause a serious performance bottleneck in the
* application.
def global: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(
/** Sets the partitioning of the DataStream so that the output tuples are shuffled to the next component.
def shuffle: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(stream.shuffle())
/** Sets the partitioning of the DataStream so that the output tuples are forwarded to the local subtask of the next
* component (whenever possible).
def forward: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(stream.forward())
/** Sets the partitioning of the DataStream so that the output tuples are distributed evenly to the next component.
def rebalance: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(stream.rebalance())
/** Sets the partitioning of the [[DataStream]] so that the output tuples are distributed evenly to a subset of
* instances of the downstream operation.
* The subset of downstream operations to which the upstream operation sends elements depends on the degree of
* parallelism of both the upstream and downstream operation. For example, if the upstream operation has parallelism
* 2 and the downstream operation has parallelism 4, then one upstream operation would distribute elements to two
* downstream operations while the other upstream operation would distribute to the other two downstream operations.
* If, on the other hand, the downstream operation has parallelism 2 while the upstream operation has parallelism 4
* then two upstream operations will distribute to one downstream operation while the other two upstream operations
* will distribute to the other downstream operations.
* In cases where the different parallelisms are not multiples of each other one or several downstream operations
* will have a differing number of inputs from upstream operations.
def rescale: DataStream[T] = asScalaStream(stream.rescale())
/** Initiates an iterative part of the program that creates a loop by feeding back data streams. To create a streaming
* iteration the user needs to define a transformation that creates two DataStreams. The first one is the output that
* will be fed back to the start of the iteration and the second is the output stream of the iterative part.
* stepfunction: initialStream => (feedback, output)
* A common pattern is to use output splitting to create feedback and output DataStream. Please see the side outputs
* of [[ProcessFunction]] method of the DataStream
* By default a DataStream with iteration will never terminate, but the user can use the maxWaitTime parameter to set
* a max waiting time for the iteration head. If no data received in the set time the stream terminates.
* Parallelism of the feedback stream must match the parallelism of the original stream. Please refer to the
* [[setParallelism]] method for parallelism modification
def iterate[R](
stepFunction: DataStream[T] => (DataStream[T], DataStream[R]),
maxWaitTimeMillis: Long = 0
): DataStream[R] = {
val iterativeStream = stream.iterate(maxWaitTimeMillis)
val (feedback, output) = stepFunction(new DataStream[T](iterativeStream))
/** Initiates an iterative part of the program that creates a loop by feeding back data streams. To create a streaming
* iteration the user needs to define a transformation that creates two DataStreams. The first one is the output that
* will be fed back to the start of the iteration and the second is the output stream of the iterative part.
* The input stream of the iterate operator and the feedback stream will be treated as a ConnectedStreams where the
* input is connected with the feedback stream.
* This allows the user to distinguish standard input from feedback inputs.
* stepfunction: initialStream => (feedback, output)
* The user must set the max waiting time for the iteration head. If no data received in the set time the stream
* terminates. If this parameter is set to 0 then the iteration sources will indefinitely, so the job must be killed
* to stop.
def iterate[R, F: TypeInformation](
stepFunction: ConnectedStreams[T, F] => (DataStream[F], DataStream[R]),
maxWaitTimeMillis: Long
): DataStream[R] = {
val feedbackType: TypeInformation[F] = implicitly[TypeInformation[F]]
val connectedIterativeStream = stream.iterate(maxWaitTimeMillis).withFeedbackType(feedbackType)
val (feedback, output) = stepFunction(asScalaStream(connectedIterativeStream))
/** Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element of this DataStream.
def map[R: TypeInformation](fun: T => R): DataStream[R] = {
if (fun == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Map function must not be null.")
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val mapper = new MapFunction[T, R] {
def map(in: T): R = cleanFun(in)
/** Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element of this DataStream.
def map[R: TypeInformation](mapper: MapFunction[T, R]): DataStream[R] = {
if (mapper == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Map function must not be null.")
val outType: TypeInformation[R] = implicitly[TypeInformation[R]]
asScalaStream(, outType).asInstanceOf[JavaStream[R]])
/** Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element and flattening the results.
def flatMap[R: TypeInformation](flatMapper: FlatMapFunction[T, R]): DataStream[R] = {
if (flatMapper == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("FlatMap function must not be null.")
val outType: TypeInformation[R] = implicitly[TypeInformation[R]]
asScalaStream(stream.flatMap(flatMapper, outType).asInstanceOf[JavaStream[R]])
/** Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element and flattening the results.
def flatMap[R: TypeInformation](fun: (T, Collector[R]) => Unit): DataStream[R] = {
if (fun == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("FlatMap function must not be null.")
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val flatMapper = new FlatMapFunction[T, R] {
def flatMap(in: T, out: Collector[R]) = { cleanFun(in, out) }
/** Creates a new DataStream by applying the given function to every element and flattening the results.
def flatMap[R: TypeInformation](fun: T => TraversableOnce[R]): DataStream[R] = {
if (fun == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("FlatMap function must not be null.")
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val flatMapper = new FlatMapFunction[T, R] {
def flatMap(in: T, out: Collector[R]) = { cleanFun(in).foreach(out.collect _) }
/** Applies the given [[ProcessFunction]] on the input stream, thereby creating a transformed output stream.
* The function will be called for every element in the stream and can produce zero or more output.
* @param processFunction
* The [[ProcessFunction]] that is called for each element in the stream.
def process[R: TypeInformation](processFunction: ProcessFunction[T, R]): DataStream[R] = {
if (processFunction == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("ProcessFunction must not be null.")
asScalaStream(javaStream.process(processFunction, implicitly[TypeInformation[R]]))
/** Creates a new DataStream that contains only the elements satisfying the given filter predicate.
def filter(filter: FilterFunction[T]): DataStream[T] = {
if (filter == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Filter function must not be null.")
/** Creates a new DataStream that contains only the elements satisfying the given filter predicate.
def filter(fun: T => Boolean): DataStream[T] = {
if (fun == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Filter function must not be null.")
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val filterFun = new FilterFunction[T] {
def filter(in: T) = cleanFun(in)
/** Windows this [[DataStream]] into sliding count windows.
* Note: This operation can be inherently non-parallel since all elements have to pass through the same operator
* instance. (Only for special cases, such as aligned time windows is it possible to perform this operation in
* parallel).
* @param size
* The size of the windows in number of elements.
* @param slide
* The slide interval in number of elements.
def countWindowAll(size: Long, slide: Long): AllWindowedStream[T, GlobalWindow] = {
new AllWindowedStream(stream.countWindowAll(size, slide))
/** Windows this [[DataStream]] into tumbling count windows.
* Note: This operation can be inherently non-parallel since all elements have to pass through the same operator
* instance. (Only for special cases, such as aligned time windows is it possible to perform this operation in
* parallel).
* @param size
* The size of the windows in number of elements.
def countWindowAll(size: Long): AllWindowedStream[T, GlobalWindow] = {
new AllWindowedStream(stream.countWindowAll(size))
/** Windows this data stream to a [[AllWindowedStream]], which evaluates windows over a key grouped stream. Elements
* are put into windows by a [[WindowAssigner]]. The grouping of elements is done both by key and by window.
* A [[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.Trigger]] can be defined to specify when windows are
* evaluated. However, `WindowAssigner` have a default `Trigger` that is used if a `Trigger` is not specified.
* Note: This operation can be inherently non-parallel since all elements have to pass through the same operator
* instance. (Only for special cases, such as aligned time windows is it possible to perform this operation in
* parallel).
* @param assigner
* The `WindowAssigner` that assigns elements to windows.
* @return
* The trigger windows data stream.
def windowAll[W <: Window](assigner: WindowAssigner[_ >: T, W]): AllWindowedStream[T, W] = {
new AllWindowedStream[T, W](new JavaAllWindowedStream[T, W](stream, assigner))
/** Assigns timestamps to the elements in the data stream and generates watermarks to signal event time progress. The
* given [[WatermarkStrategy is used to create a [[TimestampAssigner]] and
* [[org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkGenerator]].
* For each event in the data stream, the [[TimestampAssigner#extractTimestamp(Object, long)]] method is called to
* assign an event timestamp.
* For each event in the data stream, the [[WatermarkGenerator#onEvent(Object, long, WatermarkOutput)]] will be
* called.
* Periodically (defined by the [[ExecutionConfig#getAutoWatermarkInterval()]]), the
* [[WatermarkGenerator#onPeriodicEmit(WatermarkOutput)]] method will be called.
* Common watermark generation patterns can be found as static methods in the
* [[org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkStrategy]] class.
def assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(watermarkStrategy: WatermarkStrategy[T]): DataStream[T] = {
val cleanedStrategy = clean(watermarkStrategy)
/** Assigns timestamps to the elements in the data stream and periodically creates watermarks to signal event time
* progress.
* This method is a shortcut for data streams where the element timestamp are known to be monotonously ascending
* within each parallel stream. In that case, the system can generate watermarks automatically and perfectly by
* tracking the ascending timestamps.
* For cases where the timestamps are not monotonously increasing, use the more general methods
* [[assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks)]] and
* [[assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks)]].
def assignAscendingTimestamps(extractor: T => Long): DataStream[T] = {
val cleanExtractor = clean(extractor)
val extractorFunction = new AscendingTimestampExtractor[T] {
def extractAscendingTimestamp(element: T): Long = {
/** Creates a co-group operation. See [[CoGroupedStreams]] for an example of how the keys and window can be specified.
def coGroup[T2](otherStream: DataStream[T2]): CoGroupedStreams[T, T2] = {
new CoGroupedStreams(this, otherStream)
/** Creates a join operation. See [[JoinedStreams]] for an example of how the keys and window can be specified.
def join[T2](otherStream: DataStream[T2]): JoinedStreams[T, T2] = {
new JoinedStreams(this, otherStream)
/** Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stdout). For each element of the DataStream the result of
* .toString is written.
def print(): DataStreamSink[T] = stream.print()
/** Writes a DataStream to the standard error stream (stderr).
* For each element of the DataStream the result of [[AnyRef.toString()]] is written.
* @return
* The closed DataStream.
def printToErr() = stream.printToErr()
/** Writes a DataStream to the standard output stream (stdout). For each element of the DataStream the result of
* [[AnyRef.toString()]] is written.
* @param sinkIdentifier
* The string to prefix the output with.
* @return
* The closed DataStream.
def print(sinkIdentifier: String): DataStreamSink[T] = stream.print(sinkIdentifier)
/** Writes a DataStream to the standard error stream (stderr).
* For each element of the DataStream the result of [[AnyRef.toString()]] is written.
* @param sinkIdentifier
* The string to prefix the output with.
* @return
* The closed DataStream.
def printToErr(sinkIdentifier: String) = stream.printToErr(sinkIdentifier)
/** Writes a DataStream using the given [[OutputFormat]].
def writeUsingOutputFormat(format: OutputFormat[T]): DataStreamSink[T] = {
/** Writes the DataStream to a socket as a byte array. The format of the output is specified by a
* [[SerializationSchema]].
def writeToSocket(hostname: String, port: Integer, schema: SerializationSchema[T]): DataStreamSink[T] = {
stream.writeToSocket(hostname, port, schema)
/** Adds the given sink to this DataStream. Only streams with sinks added will be executed once the
* StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute(...) method is called.
def addSink(sinkFunction: SinkFunction[T]): DataStreamSink[T] =
/** Adds the given sink to this DataStream. Only streams with sinks added will be executed once the
* StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute(...) method is called.
def addSink(fun: T => Unit): DataStreamSink[T] = {
if (fun == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Sink function must not be null.")
val cleanFun = clean(fun)
val sinkFunction = new SinkFunction[T] {
override def invoke(in: T) = cleanFun(in)
/** Adds the given sink to this DataStream. Only streams with sinks added will be executed once the
* StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute(...) method is called.
def sinkTo(sink: org.apache.flink.api.connector.sink.Sink[T, _, _, _]): DataStreamSink[T] =
/** Adds the given sink to this DataStream. Only streams with sinks added will be executed once the
* StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute(...) method is called.
def sinkTo(sink: Sink[T]): DataStreamSink[T] = stream.sinkTo(sink)
/** Triggers the distributed execution of the streaming dataflow and returns an iterator over the elements of the
* given DataStream.
* The DataStream application is executed in the regular distributed manner on the target environment, and the
* events from the stream are polled back to this application process and thread through Flink's REST API.
IMPORTANT The returned iterator must be closed to free all cluster resources.
def executeAndCollect(): CloseableIterator[T] =
/** Triggers the distributed execution of the streaming dataflow and returns an iterator over the elements of the
* given DataStream.
The DataStream application is executed in the regular distributed manner on the target environment, and the
* events from the stream are polled back to this application process and thread through Flink's REST API.
IMPORTANT The returned iterator must be closed to free all cluster resources.
def executeAndCollect(jobExecutionName: String): CloseableIterator[T] =
/** Triggers the distributed execution of the streaming dataflow and returns an iterator over the elements of the
* given DataStream.
The DataStream application is executed in the regular distributed manner on the target environment, and the
* events from the stream are polled back to this application process and thread through Flink's REST API.
def executeAndCollect(limit: Int): List[T] =
/** Triggers the distributed execution of the streaming dataflow and returns an iterator over the elements of the
* given DataStream.
The DataStream application is executed in the regular distributed manner on the target environment, and the
* events from the stream are polled back to this application process and thread through Flink's REST API.
def executeAndCollect(jobExecutionName: String, limit: Int): List[T] =
stream.executeAndCollect(jobExecutionName, limit).asScala.toList
/** Returns a "closure-cleaned" version of the given function. Cleans only if closure cleaning is not disabled in the
* [[org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig]].
private[flinkx] def clean[F <: AnyRef](f: F): F = {
new StreamExecutionEnvironment(stream.getExecutionEnvironment).scalaClean(f)
/** Transforms the [[DataStream]] by using a custom [[OneInputStreamOperator]].
* @param operatorName
* name of the operator, for logging purposes
* @param operator
* the object containing the transformation logic
* @tparam R
* the type of elements emitted by the operator
def transform[R: TypeInformation](operatorName: String, operator: OneInputStreamOperator[T, R]): DataStream[R] = {
asScalaStream(stream.transform(operatorName, implicitly[TypeInformation[R]], operator))
/** Sets the description of this data stream.
Description is used in json plan and web ui, but not in logging and metrics where only name is available.
* Description is expected to provide detailed information about this operation, while name is expected to be more
* simple, providing summary information only, so that we can have more user-friendly logging messages and metric
* tags without losing useful messages for debugging.
* @return
* The operator with new description
def setDescription(description: String): DataStream[T] = stream match {
case stream: SingleOutputStreamOperator[T] => asScalaStream(stream.setDescription(description))
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only supported for operators.")