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package org.apache.flinkx.api
import org.apache.flinkx.api.async.{
import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.{AsyncDataStream => JavaAsyncDataStream}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.async.{
AsyncRetryStrategy => JavaAsyncRetryStrategy,
AsyncFunction => JavaAsyncFunction,
ResultFuture => JavaResultFuture
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions
import ScalaStreamOps._
import scala.concurrent.duration.TimeUnit
/** A helper class to apply [[AsyncFunction]] to a data stream.
* Example:
* {{{
* val input: DataStream[String] = ...
* val asyncFunction: (String, ResultFuture[String]) => Unit = ...
* AsyncDataStream.orderedWait(input, asyncFunction, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 100)
* }}}
object AsyncDataStream {
private val DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 100
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val javaAsyncFunction = wrapAsJavaAsyncFunction(asyncFunction)
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.unorderedWait[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, javaAsyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, capacity)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
unorderedWait(input, asyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](input: DataStream[IN], timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit, capacity: Int)(
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val cleanAsyncFunction = input.executionEnvironment.scalaClean(asyncFunction)
val func = new JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] {
override def asyncInvoke(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
cleanAsyncFunction(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
JavaAsyncDataStream.unorderedWait[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, func, timeout, timeUnit, capacity).returns(outType)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](input: DataStream[IN], timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit)(
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
unorderedWait(input, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)(asyncFunction)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val javaAsyncFunction = wrapAsJavaAsyncFunction(asyncFunction)
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.orderedWait[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, javaAsyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, capacity)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
orderedWait(input, asyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](input: DataStream[IN], timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit, capacity: Int)(
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val cleanAsyncFunction = input.executionEnvironment.scalaClean(asyncFunction)
val func = new JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] {
override def asyncInvoke(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
cleanAsyncFunction(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
JavaAsyncDataStream.orderedWait[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, func, timeout, timeUnit, capacity).returns(outType)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWait[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](input: DataStream[IN], timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit)(
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
orderedWait(input, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY)(asyncFunction)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val javaAsyncFunction = wrapAsJavaAsyncFunction(asyncFunction)
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT](
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
): DataStream[OUT] = {
unorderedWaitWithRetry(input, asyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY, asyncRetryStrategy)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val cleanAsyncFunction = input.executionEnvironment.scalaClean(asyncFunction)
val func = new JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] {
override def asyncInvoke(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
cleanAsyncFunction(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, func, timeout, timeUnit, capacity, asyncRetryStrategy)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is only maintained with respect to
* watermarks. Stream records which lie between the same two watermarks, can be re-ordered.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def unorderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
unorderedWaitWithRetry(input, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY, asyncRetryStrategy)(asyncFunction)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val javaAsyncFunction = wrapAsJavaAsyncFunction(asyncFunction)
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT](
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
): DataStream[OUT] = {
orderedWaitWithRetry(input, asyncFunction, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY, asyncRetryStrategy)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param capacity
* of the operator which is equivalent to the number of concurrent asynchronous operations
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
capacity: Int,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
val cleanAsyncFunction = input.executionEnvironment.scalaClean(asyncFunction)
val func = new JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] {
override def asyncInvoke(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
cleanAsyncFunction(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))
val outType: TypeInformation[OUT] = implicitly[TypeInformation[OUT]]
.orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT](input.javaStream, func, timeout, timeUnit, capacity, asyncRetryStrategy)
/** Apply an asynchronous function on the input data stream. The output order is the same as the input order of the
* elements.
* @param input
* to apply the async function on
* @param timeout
* for the asynchronous operation to complete
* @param timeUnit
* of the timeout
* @param asyncRetryStrategy
* The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered
* @param asyncFunction
* to use
* @tparam IN
* Type of the input record
* @tparam OUT
* Type of the output record
* @return
* the resulting stream containing the asynchronous results
def orderedWaitWithRetry[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
input: DataStream[IN],
timeout: Long,
timeUnit: TimeUnit,
asyncRetryStrategy: JavaAsyncRetryStrategy[OUT]
asyncFunction: (IN, ResultFuture[OUT]) => Unit
): DataStream[OUT] = {
orderedWaitWithRetry(input, timeout, timeUnit, DEFAULT_QUEUE_CAPACITY, asyncRetryStrategy)(asyncFunction)
private def wrapAsJavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT: TypeInformation](
asyncFunction: AsyncFunction[IN, OUT]
): JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] = asyncFunction match {
case richAsyncFunction: RichAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] =>
new ScalaRichAsyncFunctionWrapper[IN, OUT](richAsyncFunction)
case _ =>
new JavaAsyncFunction[IN, OUT] {
override def asyncInvoke(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
asyncFunction.asyncInvoke(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))
override def timeout(input: IN, resultFuture: JavaResultFuture[OUT]): Unit = {
asyncFunction.timeout(input, new JavaResultFutureWrapper[OUT](resultFuture))