org.eclipse.ui.internal.messages.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Show all versions of workbench Show documentation
This plug-in contains the bulk of the Workbench implementation, and depends on JFace, SWT, and Core Runtime. It cannot be used independently from org.eclipse.ui. Workbench client plug-ins should not depend directly on this plug-in.
The newest version!
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Sebastian Davids ([email protected])
# - Fix for Bug 57087
# - Fix for Bug 138034 [Preferences] Label decorations page - extra space
# - Fix for Bug 128529
# package: org.eclipse.ui
PlatformUI_NoWorkbench = Workbench has not been created yet.
Workbench_CreatingWorkbenchTwice = Workbench already exists and cannot be created again.
# ==============================================================================
# Workbench Actions
# ==============================================================================
# --- File Menu ---
NewWizardAction_text = &Other...
NewWizardAction_toolTip = New
CloseAllAction_text = C&lose All
CloseAllAction_toolTip = Close All
CloseOthersAction_text = Close O&thers
CloseOthersAction_toolTip = Close Others
CloseAllSavedAction_text = Cl&ose All Saved
CloseAllSavedAction_toolTip = Close All Saved
CloseEditorAction_text = &Close
CloseEditorAction_toolTip = Close
NewEditorAction_text=New &Editor
NewEditorAction_tooltip=New Editor
SaveAction_text = &Save
SaveAction_toolTip = Save
SaveAs_text = Save &As...
SaveAs_toolTip = Save As
SaveAll_text = Sav&e All
SaveAll_toolTip = Save All
Workbench_revert = Rever&t
Workbench_revertToolTip = Revert
Workbench_move = Mo&ve...
Workbench_moveToolTip = Move
Workbench_rename = Rena&me...
Workbench_renameToolTip = Rename
Workbench_refresh = Re&fresh
Workbench_refreshToolTip = Refresh
Workbench_properties = P&roperties
Workbench_propertiesToolTip = Properties
Workbench_print = &Print...
Workbench_printToolTip = Print
ExportResourcesAction_text = E&xport...
ExportResourcesAction_fileMenuText = Exp&ort...
ExportResourcesAction_toolTip = Export
ImportResourcesAction_text = &Import...
ImportResourcesAction_toolTip = Import
OpenRecent_errorTitle = Problems opening editor
OpenRecent_unableToOpen = Unable to open ''{0}''.
Exit_text = E&xit
Exit_toolTip = Exit Workbench
# --- Edit Menu ---
Workbench_undo = &Undo
Workbench_undoToolTip = Undo
Workbench_redo = &Redo
Workbench_redoToolTip = Redo
Workbench_cut = Cu&t
Workbench_cutToolTip = Cut
Workbench_copy = &Copy
Workbench_copyToolTip = Copy
Workbench_paste = &Paste
Workbench_pasteToolTip = Paste
Workbench_delete = &Delete
Workbench_deleteToolTip = Delete
Workbench_selectAll = Select &All
Workbench_selectAllToolTip = Select All
Workbench_findReplace = &Find/Replace...
Workbench_findReplaceToolTip = Find/Replace
# --- Navigate Menu ---
Workbench_goInto = Go &Into
Workbench_goIntoToolTip = Go Into
Workbench_back = &Back
Workbench_backToolTip = Back
Workbench_forward = &Forward
Workbench_forwardToolTip = Forward
Workbench_up = &Up One Level
Workbench_upToolTip = Up
Workbench_next = Ne&xt
Workbench_nextToolTip = Next
Workbench_previous = Pre&vious
Workbench_previousToolTip = Previous
NavigationHistoryAction_forward_toolTipName=Forward to {0}
NavigationHistoryAction_backward_toolTipName=Back to {0}
NavigationHistoryAction_locations = {0} ({1} locations)
Workbench_showInNoTargets =
Workbench_showInNoPerspectives =
Workbench_noApplicableItems =
OpenPreferences_text = &Preferences...
OpenPreferences_toolTip = Preferences
# --- Window Menu ---
PerspectiveMenu_otherItem = &Other...
SelectPerspective_shellTitle = Open Perspective
Workbench_showPerspectiveError = Problems opening perspective ''{0}''
ChangeToPerspectiveMenu_errorTitle = Problems Changing Perspective
ShowView_title = &Other...
ShowView_shellTitle = Show View
ShowView_errorTitle = Problems Showing View
ShowView_selectViewHelp = Use F2 to display the description for a selected view.
ShowView_noDesc = No description available.
ToggleEditor_hideEditors = Hide &Editors
ToggleEditor_showEditors = Show &Editors
ToggleEditor_toolTip = Hide/Show Editors
LockToolBarAction_text = Lock the &Toolbars
LockToolBarAction_toolTip = Lock the Toolbars
EditActionSetsAction_text = Customi&ze Perspective...
EditActionSetsAction_toolTip = Customize Perspective
ActionSetSelection_customize = Customize Perspective - {0}
ActionSetDialogInput_viewCategory = Show View
ActionSetDialogInput_perspectiveCategory = Open Perspective
ActionSetDialogInput_wizardCategory = New
ActionSetSelection_menuTab = Shortcuts
ActionSetSelection_actionSetsTab = Commands
ActionSetSelection_selectActionSetsLabel = Select the command groups that you want to see added to the current perspective ({0}). The details field identifies which menu items and/or toolbar items are added to the perspective by the selected command group.
ActionSetSelection_selectActionSetsHelp = Use F2 to display the description for a selected command item.
ActionSetSelection_availableActionSets = Available &command groups:
ActionSetSelection_menubarActions = &Menubar details:
ActionSetSelection_toolbarActions = &Toolbar details:
ActionSetSelection_selectMenusLabel = Select the shortcuts that you want to see added as cascade items to the following submenus. The selections made will only affect the current perspective ({0}).
ActionSetSelection_availableMenus = &Submenus:
ActionSetSelection_availableCategories = Shortcut &Categories:
ActionSetSelection_menuItems = S&hortcuts:
ActionSetSelection_descriptionColumnHeader = Description
ActionSetSelection_menuColumnHeader = Shortcut
ActionSetSelection_toolbarLocation = {0} toolbar
ActionSetSelection_menubarLocation = {0} menu
ActionSetSelection_noDesc = No description available.
SavePerspective_text = Save Perspective &As...
SavePerspective_toolTip = Save Perspective As
SavePerspective_shellTitle = Save Perspective As...
SavePerspectiveDialog_description = Enter or select a name to save the current\nperspective as.
SavePerspective_name = &Name:
SavePerspective_existing = &Existing Perspectives:
SavePerspective_overwriteTitle = Overwrite Perspective
SavePerspective_overwriteQuestion = A perspective with the name ''{0}'' already exists. Do you want to overwrite?
SavePerspective_singletonQuestion = The current perspective can only be opened once and cannot be saved using a new name. Do you want to overwrite?
SavePerspective_errorTitle = Cannot Save Perspective
SavePerspective_errorMessage = Invalid Perspective Descriptor
ResetPerspective_text = &Reset Perspective
ResetPerspective_toolTip = Reset Perspective
ResetPerspective_message = Do you want to reset the current {0} perspective to its defaults?
ResetPerspective_title = Reset Perspective
RevertPerspective_note=Reset takes effect the next time the perspective is opened
ClosePerspectiveAction_text = &Close Perspective
ClosePerspectiveAction_toolTip = Close Perspective
CloseAllPerspectivesAction_text = Close A&ll Perspectives
CloseAllPerspectivesAction_toolTip = Close All Perspectives
OpenInNewWindowAction_text = Open in &New Window
OpenInNewWindowAction_toolTip = Open in New Window
OpenInNewWindowAction_errorTitle = Problems Opening New Window
CycleEditorAction_next_text = Next &Editor
CycleEditorAction_next_toolTip = Next Editor
CycleEditorAction_prev_text = P&revious Editor
CycleEditorAction_prev_toolTip = Previous Editor
CyclePartAction_next_text = Next &View
CyclePartAction_next_toolTip = Next View
CyclePartAction_prev_text = Previ&ous View
CyclePartAction_prev_toolTip = Previous View
CyclePartAction_header = Views
CyclePartAction_editor = Editor
CyclePerspectiveAction_next_text = Next &Perspective
CyclePerspectiveAction_next_toolTip = Next Perspective
CyclePerspectiveAction_prev_text = Previo&us Perspective
CyclePerspectiveAction_prev_toolTip = Previous Perspective
ActivateEditorAction_text = &Activate Editor
ActivateEditorAction_toolTip = Activate Editor
MaximizePartAction_text = Ma&ximize Active View or Editor
MaximizePartAction_toolTip = Toggles Maximize/Restore State of Active View or Editor
MinimizePartAction_text = Mi&nimize Active View or Editor
MinimizePartAction_toolTip = Minimizes the Active View or Editor
# --- Help Menu ---
AboutAction_text = &About {0}
AboutAction_toolTip = About {0}
HelpContentsAction_text = &Help Contents
HelpContentsAction_toolTip= Help Contents
HelpSearchAction_text = S&earch
HelpSearchAction_toolTip= Search Help
DynamicHelpAction_text = &Dynamic Help
DynamicHelpAction_toolTip = Dynamic Help
AboutDialog_shellTitle = About {0}
AboutDialog_featureInfo = &Feature Details
AboutDialog_pluginInfo = &Plug-in Details
AboutDialog_systemInfo = &Configuration Details
AboutDialog_defaultProductName =
ProductInfoDialog_errorTitle = Problems Opening Link
ProductInfoDialog_unableToOpenWebBrowser = Unable to open web browser on {0}
AboutPluginsDialog_shellTitle = About {0} Plug-ins
AboutPluginsDialog_pluginName = Plug-in Name
AboutPluginsDialog_pluginId = Plug-in Id
AboutPluginsDialog_version = Version
AboutPluginsDialog_provider = Provider
AboutPluginsDialog_signed = Signed
AboutPluginsDialog_state_installed = Installed
AboutPluginsDialog_state_resolved = Resolved
AboutPluginsDialog_state_starting = Starting
AboutPluginsDialog_state_stopping = Stopping
AboutPluginsDialog_state_uninstalled = Uninstalled
AboutPluginsDialog_state_active = Active
AboutPluginsDialog_state_unknown = Unknown State
AboutPluginsDialog_moreInfo = &Legal Info
AboutPluginsDialog_signingInfo_show = &Show Signing Info
AboutPluginsDialog_signingInfo_hide = &Hide Signing Info
AboutPluginsDialog_errorTitle = Problems Opening File
AboutPluginsDialog_unableToOpenFile = Unable to find file {0} in plug-in {1}.
AboutFeaturesDialog_shellTitle = About {0} Features
AboutFeaturesDialog_featureName = Feature Name
AboutFeaturesDialog_featureId = Feature Id
AboutFeaturesDialog_version = Version
AboutFeaturesDialog_provider = Provider
AboutFeaturesDialog_signed = Signed
AboutFeaturesDialog_moreInfo = &License
AboutFeaturesDialog_pluginsInfo = &Plug-in Details
AboutFeaturesDialog_noInformation = No further information is available for this feature.
AboutFeaturesDialog_pluginInfoTitle = Feature Plug-ins
AboutFeaturesDialog_pluginInfoMessage = Plug-ins contributed by feature: {0}
AboutFeaturesDialog_noInfoTitle = No Further Information
AboutSystemDialog_browseErrorLogName = &View Error Log
AboutSystemDialog_copyToClipboardName = Copy &to Clipboard
AboutSystemDialog_noLogTitle = Error Log Not Found
AboutSystemDialog_noLogMessage = The error log was not found at {0}. No errors have been reported in this workspace.
# --- Shortcutbar ---
PerspectiveBarContributionItem_toolTip = {0} perspective
PerspectiveBarNewContributionItem_toolTip = Open Perspective
#--- Coolbar ---
WorkbenchWindow_FileToolbar = File
WorkbenchWindow_NavigateToolbar = Navigate
WorkbenchWindow_searchCombo_toolTip = Enter help search expression and press Enter
WorkbenchWindow_searchCombo_text = Search help
WorkbenchWindow_close = &Close
WorkbenchPage_PerspectiveFormat = {0} - {1}
WorkbenchPage_ErrorCreatingPerspective = Unable to create perspective ''{0}''. There is no corresponding perspective extension.
WorkbenchPage_UndefinedPerspective = Perspective ID is undefined
SelectWorkingSetAction_text= Select &Working Set...
SelectWorkingSetAction_toolTip= Select a working set
EditWorkingSetAction_text= &Edit Active Working Set...
EditWorkingSetAction_toolTip= Edit the active working set
EditWorkingSetAction_error_nowizard_title= Edit Working Set
EditWorkingSetAction_error_nowizard_message= Can not edit the active working set.
ClearWorkingSetAction_text= Deselect Wor&king Set
ClearWorkingSetAction_toolTip= Deselect the active working set
WindowWorkingSets= Window Working Sets
NoWorkingSet = No Working Sets
SelectedWorkingSets = Selected Working Sets
NoApplicableWorkingSets = No applicable working sets
# ==============================================================================
# Drill Actions
# ==============================================================================
GoHome_text = Go &Home
GoHome_toolTip = Home
GoBack_text = Go &Back
GoBack_toolTip = Back
GoInto_text = Go &Into
GoInto_toolTip = Go Into
ICategory_other = Other
# ==============================================================================
# Wizards
# ==============================================================================
NewWizard_title = New
NewWorkingSet=New Working Set
NewWizardNewPage_description = The following resource creation wizards are available.
NewWizardNewPage_wizardsLabel = &Wizards:
NewWizardNewPage_showAll = &Show All Wizards.
WizardList_description = The following wizards are available.
Select = Select
NewWizardSelectionPage_description = Select a wizard
NewWizardShortcutAction_errorTitle = Problem Opening Wizard
NewWizardShortcutAction_errorMessage = The selected wizard could not be started.
NewWizardsRegistryReader_otherCategory = Other
NewWizardDropDown_text = &New Wizards
WorkbenchWizard_errorMessage = The selected wizard could not be started.
WorkbenchWizard_errorTitle = Problem Opening Wizard
WizardTransferPage_selectAll = &Select All
WizardTransferPage_deselectAll = &Deselect All
TypesFiltering_title = Select Types
TypesFiltering_message = Reduce selection to only files of &type(s):
TypesFiltering_otherExtensions = &Other extensions:
TypesFiltering_typeDelimiter = ,
# --- Import/Export ---
ImportExportPage_chooseImportSource = Choose import source.
ImportExportPage_chooseExportDestination = Choose export destination.
# --- Import ---
ImportWizard_title = Import
ImportWizard_selectSource = &Select an import source:
# --- Export ---
ExportWizard_title = Export
ExportWizard_selectDestination = &Select an export destination:
# --- New Project ---
NewProject_title = New Project
# ==============================================================================
# Preference Pages
# ==============================================================================
PreferenceNode_errorTitle = Preference Page Creation Problems
PreferenceNode_errorMessage = Unable to create the selected preference page.
PreferenceNode_NotFound = {0} not found
Preference_note = Note:
# --- Workbench ---
WorkbenchPreference_showMultipleEditorTabsButton = Show &multiple editor tabs
WorkbenchPreference_useIPersistableEditorButton = Restore &editor state on startup
WorkbenchPreference_promptWhenStillOpenButton = Pr&ompt to save on close even if still open elsewhere
WorkbenchPreference_showTextOnPerspectiveBar = S&how text on the perspective bar
WorkbenchPreference_stickyCycleButton = Keep &next/previous editor, view and perspectives dialog open
WorkbenchPreference_RunInBackgroundButton=Always r&un in background
WorkbenchPreference_RunInBackgroundToolTip=Run long operations in the background where possible
WorkbenchPreference_HeapStatusButton = Sho&w heap status
WorkbenchPreference_HeapStatusButtonToolTip = Show the heap status area on the bottom of the window
# --- Appearance ---
ViewsPreference_currentPresentation = Current &presentation:
ViewsPreference_currentPresentationFormat = {0} (current)
ViewsPreference_presentationConfirm_title = Confirm Presentation Change
ViewsPreference_presentationConfirm_message =\
Changing the presentation settings will require restarting the workbench to complete the change. Restart now?
ViewsPreference_presentationConfirm_yes = Yes
ViewsPreference_presentationConfirm_no = No
ViewsPreference_editors = Editor tab positions
ViewsPreference_editors_top = &Top
ViewsPreference_editors_bottom = &Bottom
ViewsPreference_views = View tab positions
ViewsPreference_views_top = T&op
ViewsPreference_views_bottom = Botto&m
ViewsPreference_perspectiveBar = Perspective switcher positions
ViewsPreference_perspectiveBar_topRight = Top &Right
ViewsPreference_perspectiveBar_topLeft = Top L&eft
ViewsPreference_perspectiveBar_left = &Left
ViewsPreference_traditionalTabs = &Show traditional style tabs
ViewsPreference_currentTheme = &Current theme:
ViewsPreference_currentThemeDescription = Descr&iption:
ViewsPreference_override=O&verride presentation settings
ViewsPreference_currentThemeFormat = {0} (current)
ViewsPreference_enableAnimations = Enable a&nimations
ViewsPreference_restartRequestJobName = Restart Request
# --- File Editors ---
FileEditorPreference_fileTypes = File &types:
FileEditorPreference_add = &Add...
FileEditorPreference_remove = &Remove
FileEditorPreference_associatedEditors = Associated &editors:
FileEditorPreference_addEditor = A&dd...
FileEditorPreference_removeEditor = Re&move
FileEditorPreference_default = De&fault
FileEditorPreference_existsTitle = File Type Exists
FileEditorPreference_existsMessage = An entry already exists for that file type
FileEditorPreference_defaultLabel = (default)
FileEditorPreference_contentTypesRelatedLink = See ''{0}'' for content-type based file associations.
FileEditorPreference_isLocked = {0} (locked by ''{1}'' content type)
FileExtension_extensionEmptyMessage = The file extension cannot be empty
FileExtension_fileNameInvalidMessage = The file name cannot include the wild card character (*) in the current location
FilteredPreferenceDialog_PreferenceSaveFailed=Preferences save failed.
FileExtension_fileTypeMessage = Enter file type to add: (*.doc or report.doc for example)
FileExtension_fileTypeLabel = File &type:
FileExtension_shellTitle = New File Type
FileExtension_dialogTitle = Define a New File Type
Choose_the_editor_for_file = Choose the editor for files of type ({0})
EditorSelection_chooseAnEditor = Choose an editor:
EditorSelection_internal = &Internal Editors
EditorSelection_external = &External Programs
EditorSelection_browse = &Browse...
EditorSelection_title = Editor Selection
# --- Perspectives ---
OpenPerspectiveMode_optionsTitle = Open a new perspective
OpenPerspectiveMode_sameWindow = In the &same window
OpenPerspectiveMode_newWindow = In a &new window
OpenViewMode_title = Open a new view
OpenViewMode_embed = &Within the perspective
OpenViewMode_fast = As &fast view
PerspectivesPreference_MakeDefault = Ma&ke Default
PerspectivesPreference_MakeDefaultTip = Make the Current Selection the Default Perspective
PerspectivesPreference_Reset = &Reset
PerspectivesPreference_ResetTip = Reset the Current Selection to its Original Value
PerspectivesPreference_Delete = D&elete
PerspectivesPreference_DeleteTip = Delete a User Defined Perspective
PerspectivesPreference_available = Available &perspectives:
PerspectivesPreference_defaultLabel = {0} (default)
PerspectivesPreference_cannotdelete_title=Unable to delete perspective
PerspectivesPreference_cannotdelete_message=Unable to delete perspective ''{0}''. It has open instances.
PerspectiveLabelProvider_unknown = Unknown Element Type
OpenPerspectiveDialogAction_text=&Open Perspective...
OpenPerspectiveDialogAction_tooltip=Open Perspective
#---- General Preferences----
PreferencePage_noDescription = (No description available)
PreferencePageParameterValues_pageLabelSeparator = \ >\
# --- Workbench -----
WorkbenchPreference_openMode=Open mode
WorkbenchPreference_doubleClick=D&ouble click
WorkbenchPreference_singleClick=&Single click
WorkbenchPreference_singleClick_SelectOnHover=Select on &hover
WorkbenchPreference_singleClick_OpenAfterDelay=Open when using arrow &keys
WorkbenchPreference_noEffectOnAllViews=This preference may not take effect on all views
# --- Fonts ---
FontsPreference_useSystemFont=&Use System Font
# --- Decorators ---
DecoratorsPreferencePage_description = Descriptio&n:
DecoratorsPreferencePage_decoratorsLabel = Available &label decorations:
DecoratorsPreferencePage_explanation = Label decorations show extra information about an item on its label or icon.\nSelect which additional decorations should be displayed.
# --- Startup preferences ---
StartupPreferencePage_label=&Plug-ins activated on startup:
# ==============================================================================
# Property Pages
# ==============================================================================
PropertyDialog_text = P&roperties
PropertyDialog_toolTip = Open Properties Dialog
PropertyDialog_messageTitle = Property Pages
PropertyDialog_noPropertyMessage = No property pages for {0}.
PropertyDialog_propertyMessage = Properties for {0}
PropertyPageNode_errorTitle = Property Page Creation Problems
PropertyPageNode_errorMessage = Unable to create the selected property page.
SystemInPlaceDescription_name = &In-Place Editor
SystemEditorDescription_name = &System Editor
# ==============================================================================
# Dialogs
# ==============================================================================
Error = Error
Information = Information
ErrorPreferencePage_errorMessage = An error has occurred when creating this preference page.
ListSelection_title = Selection Needed
ListSelection_message = Select the items:
SelectionDialog_selectLabel = &Select All
SelectionDialog_deselectLabel = &Deselect All
ElementTreeSelectionDialog_nothing_available=No entries available.
CheckedTreeSelectionDialog_nothing_available=No entries available.
CheckedTreeSelectionDialog_select_all=Select &All
CheckedTreeSelectionDialog_deselect_all=&Deselect All
# ==============================================================================
# Editor Framework
# ==============================================================================
EditorManager_saveResourcesMessage = Select the &resources to save:
EditorManager_saveResourcesOptionallyMessage = The following resources have been modified, but are still open elsewhere with identical changes. Closing will not lose those changes. Select the &resources to save now anyway:
EditorManager_saveResourcesTitle = Save Resources
EditorManager_exceptionRestoringEditor = Internal error activating an Editor.
EditorManager_unableToCreateEditor = Error opening the editor.
EditorManager_systemEditorError = System editor can only open file base resources.
EditorManager_invalidDescriptor = Invalid editor descriptor, id={0}.
EditorManager_instantiationError = The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml.
EditorManager_errorInInit = An exception was thrown during initialization
EditorManager_siteIncorrect = Editor initialization failed: {0}. Site is incorrect.
EditorManager_unknownEditorIDMessage = Unable to open editor, unknown editor ID: {0}
EditorManager_errorOpeningExternalEditor = Unable to open external editor {0} ({1}).
EditorManager_unableToOpenExternalEditor = Unable to open external editor for {0}.
EditorManager_operationFailed = {0} Failed
EditorManager_saveChangesQuestion = ''{0}'' has been modified. Save changes?
EditorManager_saveChangesOptionallyQuestion = ''{0}'' has been modified, but is still open elsewhere with identical changes. Closing this will not lose those changes. Would you like to save now anyway?
EditorManager_closeWithoutPromptingOption = Do not prompt to save on close when still open elsewhere
EditorManager_no_in_place_support=Unable to restore in-place editor. In-place support is missing.
EditorManager_no_input_factory_ID=No input factory ID found for editor id={0} name={1}
EditorManager_bad_element_factory=Cannot instantiate input element factory {0} for editor id={1} name={2}
EditorManager_openNewEditorLabel=&Open New Editor
EditorManager_no_persisted_state=No saved state can be found for editor id={0} name={1}
EditorManager_reuseEditorDialogTitle=Close Editor Automatically
EditorManager_wrong_createElement_result=Factory {0} returned a result from createElement that is not an IEditorInput for editor id={1} name={2}
EditorManager_create_element_returned_null=Factory {0} returned null from createElement for editor id={1} name={2}
EditorManager_problemsRestoringEditors=Problems occurred restoring editors.
EditorManager_missing_editor_descriptor=No editor descriptor for id {0}
EditorManager_invalid_editor_descriptor=Invalid editor descriptor for id {0}
EditorManager_problemsSavingEditors=Problems occurred saving editors.
EditorManager_unableToSaveEditor=Unable to save editor: {0}.
EditorManager_backgroundSaveJobName=Saving {0}
EditorPane_pinEditor=&Pin Editor
ExternalEditor_errorMessage = Error opening external editor ({0}).
Save = Save
Save_Resource = Save Resource
Save_All = Save All
# ==============================================================================
# Perspective Framework
# ==============================================================================
OpenNewPageMenu_dialogTitle = Problems Opening Page
OpenNewPageMenu_unknownPageInput = Unknown Page Input
OpenNewWindowMenu_dialogTitle = Problems Opening Window
OpenNewWindowMenu_unknownInput = Unknown Window Input
OpenPerspectiveMenu_pageProblemsTitle = Problems Opening Perspective
OpenPerspectiveMenu_errorUnknownInput = Unknown Perspective Input
Perspective_oneError = An error has occurred while saving the workbench: See error log for more details.
Perspective_multipleErrors = Errors have occurred while saving the workbench: See error log for more details.
Perspective_problemRestoringTitle = Restoring Problems
Perspective_errorReadingState = Unable to read workbench state.
Perspective_problemLoadingTitle = Loading Problems
Perspective_errorLoadingState = Unable to load perspective.
WorkbenchPage_problemRestoringTitle = Restoring Problems
WorkbenchPage_errorReadingState = Unable to read workbench state.
Perspective_problemSavingTitle = Saving Problems
Perspective_problemSavingMessage = Unable to store layout state.
Perspective_unableToLoad = Unable to load perspective: {0}
Perspective_couldNotFind = Could not find view: {0}
# ==============================================================================
# Views Framework
# ==============================================================================
Menu = Menu
StandardSystemToolbar_Minimize = Minimize
StandardSystemToolbar_Maximize = Maximize
StandardSystemToolbar_Restore = Restore
EditorArea_Tooltip = Editor Area
ViewPane_fastView = &Fast View
ViewPane_minimizeView= Mi&nimize
ViewPane_moveFolder=&Tab Group
ViewLabel_unknown = Unknown
ViewFactory_initException = Error creating the view.
ViewFactory_siteException = View initialization failed: {0}. Site is incorrect.
ViewFactory_couldNotCreate = Could not create view: {0}
ViewFactory_noMultiple = View does not allow multiple instances: {0}
ViewFactory_couldNotSave = Could not save view: {0}
# ==============================================================================
# Workbench
# ==============================================================================
WorkbenchPage_UnknownLabel =
WorkbenchPage_editorAlreadyOpenedMsg = ''{0}'' is opened and has unsaved changes. Do you want to save it?
# These four keys are marked as unused by the NLS search, but they are indirectly used
# and should be removed.
PartPane_detach = &Detached
PartPane_restore = &Restore
PartPane_maximize = Ma&ximize
PartPane_close = &Close
PartPane_closeOthers=Close &Others
PartPane_closeAll=Close &All
PartPane_newEditor=New &Editor
PluginAction_operationNotAvailableMessage = The chosen operation is not currently available.
PluginAction_disabledMessage = The chosen operation is not enabled.
ActionDescriptor_invalidLabel = Unknown Label
XMLMemento_parserConfigError = Internal XML parser configuration error.
XMLMemento_ioError = Could not read content of XML file.
XMLMemento_formatError = Could not parse content of XML file.
XMLMemento_noElement = Could not find root element node of XML file.
StatusUtil_errorOccurred = An unexpected exception was thrown.
# --- Workbench Errors/Problems ---
WorkbenchWindow_exceptionMessage = Abnormal Workbench Condition
WorkbenchPage_AbnormalWorkbenchCondition = Abnormal Workbench Condition
WorkbenchPage_IllegalSecondaryId = Illegal secondary id (cannot be empty or contain a colon)
WorkbenchPage_IllegalViewMode = Illegal view mode
WorkbenchPart_AutoTitleFormat={0} ({1})
EditorPart_AutoTitleFormat={0} - {1}
Abnormal_Workbench_Conditi = Abnormal Workbench Condition
WorkbenchPage_ErrorActivatingView = An error has occurred when activating this view
DecoratorManager_ErrorActivatingDecorator = An error has occurred activating decorator {0}.
EditorRegistry_errorTitle = Load Problem
EditorRegistry_errorMessage = Unable to load editor associations.
ErrorClosing = An error has occurred when closing the workbench. See error log for more details.
ErrorClosingNoArg = An error has occurred. See error log for more details. Do you want to exit?
ErrorClosingOneArg = An error has occurred: {0}. See error log for more details. Do you want to exit?
ErrorReadingState = Unable to read workbench state. Workbench UI layout will be reset.
Invalid_workbench_state_ve = Invalid workbench state version. workbench.xml will be deleted
Workbench_incompatibleUIState = Cannot Preserve Layout
Workbench_incompatibleSavedStateVersion = \
The saved user interface layout is in an obsolete format and cannot be preserved.\n\n\
Your projects and files will not be affected.\n\n\
Press OK to convert to the new format.\n\
Press Cancel to exit with no changes.
ProblemSavingState = Unable to store workbench state.
SavingProblem = Saving Problems
Problems_Opening_Page = Problems Opening Page
Restoring_Problems = Restoring Problems
Startup_Loading=Loading {0}
Startup_Loading_Workbench=Loading Workbench
Workspace_problemsTitle = Problems
Workbench_problemsRestoringMsg=Could not restore workbench layout.
Workbench_problemsSavingMsg=Could not save workbench layout.
Workbench_problemsRestoring=Problems occurred restoring workbench.
Workbench_problemsSaving=Problems occurred saving workbench.
WorkbenchWindow_problemsRestoringWindow=Problems occurred restoring window.
WorkbenchWindow_problemsSavingWindow=Problems occurred saving window.
RootLayoutContainer_problemsRestoringPerspective=Problems occurred restoring perspective.
RootLayoutContainer_problemsSavingPerspective=Problems occurred saving perspective.
ViewFactory_problemsSavingViews=Problems occurred saving views.
Perspective_problemsRestoringPerspective=Problems occurred restoring perspective.
Perspective_problemsSavingPerspective=Problems occurred saving perspective.
Perspective_problemsRestoringViews=Problems occurred restoring views.
WorkbenchWindow_unableToRestorePerspective=Unable to restore perspective: {0}.
WorkbenchPage_unableToRestorePerspective=Unable to restore perspective: {0}.
WorkbenchPage_unableToSavePerspective=Unable to save perspective: {0}.
Perspective_unableToRestorePerspective=Unable to restore perspective: {0}.
PageLayout_missingRefPart=Referenced part does not exist yet: {0}.
PageLayout_duplicateRefPart=Part already exists in page layout: {0}.
PartStack_incorrectPartInFolder=Incorrect part {0} contained in a part stack.
# ==============================================================================
# Keys used in the reuse editor which is released as experimental.
# ==============================================================================
PinEditorAction_text=Pin Editor
PinEditorAction_toolTip=Pin Editor
WorkbenchPreference_reuseEditors=&Close editors automatically
WorkbenchPreference_reuseDirtyEditorGroupTitle=When all editors are dirty or pinned
WorkbenchPreference_promptToReuseEditor=&Prompt to save and reuse
WorkbenchPreference_openNewEditor=Open ne&w editor
WorkbenchPreference_reuseEditorsThreshold=Number of opened editors before closi&ng:
WorkbenchPreference_reuseEditorsThresholdError=The number of opened editors should be more than 0.
WorkbenchPreference_recentFiles=Size of &recently opened files list:
WorkbenchPreference_recentFilesError=The size of the recently opened files list should be between 0 and {0}.
WorkbenchEditorsAction_label=S&witch to Editor...
WorkbookEditorsAction_label=&Quick Switch Editor
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_title=Switch to Editor
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_label=Select an &editor to switch to:
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_closeSelected=&Close Selected Editors
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_saveSelected=&Save Selected Editors
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_selectClean=Se&lect Clean Editors
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_invertSelection=&Invert Selection
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_allSelection=Select &All
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_showAllPersp=Show editors from all &windows
WorkbenchEditorsDialog_activate=Ac&tivate Selected Editor
ShowPartPaneMenuAction_text=Show &System Menu
ShowPartPaneMenuAction_toolTip=Show System Menu
ShowViewMenuAction_text=Show View &Menu
ShowViewMenuAction_toolTip=Show View Menu
QuickAccessAction_text=&Quick Access
QuickAccessAction_toolTip=Quick Access
ToggleCoolbarVisibilityAction_show_text = Show &Toolbar
ToggleCoolbarVisibilityAction_hide_text = Hide &Toolbar
ToggleCoolbarVisibilityAction_toolTip = Toggle the visibility of the window toolbar and perspective switcher
# ==============================================================================
# Working Set Framework.
# ==============================================================================
ProblemSavingWorkingSetState_message = Unable to store working set state.
ProblemSavingWorkingSetState_title = Saving Problems
ProblemRestoringWorkingSetState_message = Unable to restore working set state.
ProblemRestoringWorkingSetState_title = Restoring Problems
WorkingSetEditWizard_title=Edit Working Set
WorkingSetNewWizard_title=New Working Set
WorkingSetTypePage_description=Select a working set type.
WorkingSetTypePage_typesLabel=&Working set type:
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_title= Select Working Set
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_title_multiSelect= Select Working Sets
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_message= &Select a working set:
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_message_multiSelect= &Select working sets:
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_detailsButton_label= &Edit...
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_newButton_label= &New...
WorkingSetSelectionDialog_removeButton_label= &Remove
WorkbenchPage_workingSet_default_label=Window Working Set
WorkbenchPage_workingSet_multi_label=Multiple Working Sets
# =================================================================
# System Summary
# =================================================================
SystemSummary_title = Configuration Details
SystemSummary_timeStamp= *** Date: {0}
SystemSummary_systemProperties= *** System properties:
SystemSummary_features= *** Features:
SystemSummary_pluginRegistry= *** Plug-in Registry:
SystemSummary_userPreferences= *** User Preferences:
SystemSummary_sectionTitle = *** {0}:
SystemSummary_sectionError = Could not write section, see error log.
# paramter 0 is the feature name, parameter 1 is the version and parameter 2 is the Id
SystemSummary_featureVersion= {0} ({1}) "{2}"
# parameter 0 is the description name, parameter 1 is the version and parameter 2 is the Id
SystemSummary_descriptorIdVersionState= {0} ({1}) "{2}" [{3}]
# =================================================================
# Editor List
# =================================================================
EditorList_selectClean_text=Select &Clean Editors
EditorList_selectClean_toolTip=Select Clean Editors
EditorList_invertSelection_text=&Invert Selection
EditorList_invertSelection_toolTip=Invert Selection
EditorList_selectAll_text=Select &All
EditorList_selectAll_toolTip=Select All
EditorList_FullName_text=Show Full &Name
EditorList_FullName_toolTip=Show Full Name
EditorList_SortBy_text=Sort &By
EditorList_SortByMostRecentlyUsed_text=&Most Recently Used
EditorList_SortByMostRecentlyUsed_toolTip=Most Recently Used
EditorList_ApplyTo_text=Show Editors &From
EditorList_DisplayAllWindows_text=&All Windows
EditorList_DisplayAllWindows_toolTip=Show Editors from All Windows
EditorList_DisplayAllPage_text=&Current Window
EditorList_DisplayAllPage_toolTip=Show Editors in Current Window
EditorList_DisplayTabGroup_text=&Tab Group
EditorList_DisplayTabGroup_toolTip=Show Editors in Tab Group
DecorationScheduler_UpdateJobName=Update for Decoration Completion
DecorationScheduler_CalculationJobName=Decoration Calculation
DecorationScheduler_CalculatingTask=Calculating Decorations
DecorationScheduler_ClearResultsJob=Clear Results
DecorationScheduler_DecoratingSubtask=Decorating {0}
PerspectiveBar_showText=Show &Text
PerspectiveBar_saveAs= Save &As...
PerspectiveBar_reset= &Reset
PerspectiveSwitcher_dockOn=&Dock On
PerspectiveSwitcher_topRight=Top Right
PerspectiveSwitcher_topLeft=Top Left
FastViewBar_show_view=&New Fast View
FastViewBar_0=Show View as a fast view
WorkbenchPlugin_extension=Cannot create extension
EventLoopProgressMonitor_OpenDialogJobName=Open Blocked Dialog
RectangleAnimation_Animating_Rectangle=Animating rectangle
FilteredList_UpdateJobName=Table Update
FilteredTree_FilterMessage=type filter text
FilteredTree_FilteredDialogTitle={0} (Filtered)
Workbench_restoreDisabled=This application does not save and restore previously saved state.
Workbench_noStateToRestore=No previously saved state to restore.
Workbench_noWindowsRestored=No windows restored.
Workbench_startingPlugins = Starting plug-ins
ScopedPreferenceStore_DefaultAddedError=Do not add the default to the search contexts
WorkbenchEncoding_invalidCharset = {0} is not a valid charset.
# Dynamic support
Dynamic_resetPerspectiveMessage=Changes to installed plug-ins have affected this perspective. Would you like to reset this perspective to accept these changes?
Dynamic_resetPerspectiveTitle=Reset Perspective?
# Undo/Redo Support
#Operations_undoCommand and Operations_redoCommand are
#used to concatenate the Undo or Redo command with a specific
#operation name such as Delete Resources, Typing, Add Bookmark, etc.
#to result in a string such as "Undo Typing".
#The commmand should include the mnemonic character somewhere in the
#string. {0} represents the operation to be undone or redone
Operations_undoCommand=&Undo {0}
Operations_redoCommand=&Redo {0}
#Operations_undoTooltipCommand and Operations_redoTooltipCommand are
#used to concatenate the Undo or Redo command with a specific
#operation name such as Delete Resources, Typing, Add Bookmark, etc.
#to result in a string such as "Undo Typing".
#The commmand should NOT include the mnemonic character.
Operations_undoTooltipCommand=Undo {0}
Operations_redoTooltipCommand=Redo {0}
#Operations_undoRedoCommandDisabled is used when no undo or redo
#operation is available. {0} represents "Undo" or "Redo"
Operations_undoRedoCommandDisabled=Can''t {0}
Operations_undoProblem=Undo Problem
Operations_redoProblem=Redo Problem
Operations_executeProblem=Problem Executing Operation
Operations_undoInfo=Undo Information
Operations_redoInfo=Redo Information
Operations_executeInfo=Operation Information
Operations_undoWarning=Undo Warning
Operations_redoWarning=Redo Warning
Operations_executeWarning=Operation Warning
Operations_linearUndoViolation=There have been local changes in "{0}" since "{1}" was performed. These changes must be undone before proceeding. Proceed anyway?
Operations_linearRedoViolation=Local changes in "{0}" have been undone since "{1}" was undone. They must be redone before proceeding. Continue with redoing "{1}"?
Operations_nonLocalUndoWarning=Undoing "{0}" affects elements outside of {1}. Continue with undoing "{0}"?
Operations_nonLocalRedoWarning=Redoing "{0}" affects elements outside of {1}. Continue with redoing "{0}"?
Operations_discardUndo=&Discard Undo
Operations_discardRedo=&Discard Redo
Operations_proceedWithNonOKUndoStatus={0}\nProceed with undoing "{1}" anyway?
Operations_proceedWithNonOKRedoStatus={0}\nProceed with redoing "{1}" anyway?
Operations_proceedWithNonOKExecuteStatus={0}\nProceed with executing "{1}" anyway?
Operations_stoppedOnUndoErrorStatus="{1}" cannot be undone. \nReason: {0}
Operations_stoppedOnRedoErrorStatus="{1}" cannot be redone. \nReason: {0}
Operations_stoppedOnExecuteErrorStatus="{1}" cannot be performed. \nReason: {0}
# Heap Status
HeapStatus_status={0} of {1}
HeapStatus_memoryToolTip= Heap size: {0} of total: {1} max: {2} mark: {3}
HeapStatus_meg= {0}M
HeapStatus_buttonToolTip= Run Garbage Collector
SetMarkAction_text=&Set Mark
ClearMarkAction_text=&Clear Mark
ShowMaxAction_text=Show &Max Heap
#ShowKyrsoftViewAction_text=Show &Kyrsoft Memory Monitor View
#ShowKyrsoftViewAction_KyrsoftNotInstalled=The Kyrsoft Memory Monitor plug-in is not installed.\n\
# For more info, visit:\n\
# http://www.kyrsoft.com/opentools/memmon.html\n\
# http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/plugin_details.jsp?id=205
#ShowKyrsoftViewAction_OpenPerspectiveFirst=Please open a perspective first.
#ShowKyrsoftViewAction_ErrorShowingKyrsoftView=Error showing Kyrsoft Memory Monitor view.
# Content Types
ContentTypes_lockedFormat = {0} (locked)
ContentTypes_characterSetLabel = Default &encoding:
ContentTypes_characterSetUpdateLabel = &Update
ContentTypes_fileAssociationsLabel = &File associations:
ContentTypes_fileAssociationsAddLabel = &Add...
ContentTypes_fileAssociationsRemoveLabel = &Remove
ContentTypes_contentTypesLabel = &Content types:
ContentTypes_errorDialogMessage = There was an error removing content type file association(s).
ContentTypes_FileEditorsRelatedLink=See ''{0}'' for associating editors with file types.
# =========================================================================
# Deprecated actions support
# =========================================================================
CommandService_AutogeneratedCategoryName = Uncategorized
CommandService_AutogeneratedCategoryDescription = Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category
LegacyActionPersistence_AutogeneratedCommandName = Legacy Action With No Label
# Trim Common UI
# Menu strings
TrimCommon_DockOn=&Dock On
# Trim Display Names
TrimCommon_Main_TrimName=&Main Toolbar
TrimCommon_PerspectiveSwitcher_TrimName=&Perspective Switcher
TrimCommon_FastView_TrimName=&Fast View Bar
TrimCommon_HeapStatus_TrimName=&Heap Status
TrimCommon_StatusLine_TrimName=&Status Line
# FilteredItemsSelectionDialog
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_menu = Menu
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_refreshJob = Dialog refresh
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_progressRefreshJob = Progress message refresh
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_cacheRefreshJob = Cache refresh
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_cacheRefreshJob_checkDuplicates = Checking for duplicates
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_cacheRefreshJob_getFilteredElements = Get filtered elements
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_cacheSearchJob_taskName = Searching in cache
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_patternLabel = &Select an item to open (? = any character, * = any string):
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_listLabel = &Matching items:
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_searchJob_taskName = Searching
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_toggleStatusAction = &Show Status Line
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_removeItemsFromHistoryAction = &Remove from History
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_separatorLabel = Workspace matches
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_nItemsSelected = {0} items selected
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_jobLabel=Items filtering
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_jobError=Items filtering failed
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_jobCancel=Items filtering canceled
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_storeError=Storing the dialog failed
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_restoreError=Restoring the dialog failed
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_taskProgressMessage={0} ({1}%)
FilteredItemsSelectionDialog_subtaskProgressMessage={0}: {1}
# Content Assist
# Content Assist cue strings
ContentAssist_Cue_Description_Key=Content Assist Available ({0})
WorkbenchLayoutSettings_Name=Workbench Layout;
WorkbenchSettings_CouldNotCreateDirectories = Could not create workspace directories
WorkbenchSettings_CouldNotFindLocation=Could not find workbench settings location
WorkingSets_Name=Working Sets
WorkingSets_CannotSave=Cannot save working sets
BundleSigningTray_Signing_Date=Signing Date:
BundleSigningTray_Signing_Certificate=Signing Certificate:
BundleSigningTray_Cant_Find_Service=Could not find certificate service.
BundleSigningTray_Determine_Signer_For=Determine Signer for {0}
BundleSigningTray_Unget_Signing_Service=Return Signing Service
# StatusDialog
StatusDialog_checkDetailsMessage=Check the details
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