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/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.activiti.cdi;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.enterprise.context.Conversation;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.activiti.cdi.annotation.BusinessProcessScoped;
import org.activiti.cdi.impl.context.ContextAssociationManager;
import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException;
import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException;
import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngine;
import org.activiti.engine.RuntimeService;
import org.activiti.engine.TaskService;
import org.activiti.engine.impl.context.Context;
import org.activiti.engine.repository.ProcessDefinition;
import org.activiti.engine.runtime.Execution;
import org.activiti.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance;
import org.activiti.engine.task.Task;
* Bean supporting contextual business process management. This allows us to
* implement a unit of work, in which a particular CDI scope (Conversation /
* Request / Thread) is associated with a particular Execution / ProcessInstance
* or Task.
* The protocol is that we associate the {@link BusinessProcess} bean
* with a particular Execution / Task, then perform some changes (retrieve / set process
* variables) and then end the unit of work. This bean makes sure that our changes are
* only "flushed" to the process engine when we successfully complete the unit of work.
* A typical usage scenario might look like this:
* 1st unit of work ("process instantiation"):
* conversation.begin();
* ...
* businessProcess.setVariable("billingId", "1"); // setting variables before starting the process
* businessProcess.startProcessByKey("billingProcess");
* conversation.end();
* 2nd unit of work ("perform a user task"):
* conversation.begin();
* businessProcess.startTask(id); // now we have associated a task with the current conversation
* ... // this allows us to retrieve and change process variables
* // and @BusinessProcessScoped beans
* businessProcess.setVariable("billingDetails", "someValue"); // these changes are cached in the conversation
* ...
* businessProcess.completeTask(); // now all changed process variables are flushed
* conversation.end();
* NOTE: in the absence of a conversation, (non faces request, i.e. when processing a JAX-RS,
* JAX-WS, JMS, remote EJB or plain Servlet requests), the {@link BusinessProcess} bean associates with the
* current Request (see {@link RequestScoped @RequestScoped}).
* NOTE: in the absence of a request, ie. when the activiti JobExecutor accesses
* {@link BusinessProcessScoped @BusinessProcessScoped} beans, the execution is associated with the
* current thread.
* @author Daniel Meyer
* @author Falko Menge
public class BusinessProcess implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Inject private ProcessEngine processEngine;
@Inject private ContextAssociationManager associationManager;
@Inject private Instance conversationInstance;
protected void validateValidUsage() {
if(Context.getCommandContext() != null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("Cannot use this method of the BusinessProcess bean within an activiti command.");
public ProcessInstance startProcessById(String processDefinitionId) {
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, getAndClearCachedVariables());
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessById(String processDefinitionId, String businessKey) {
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, businessKey, getAndClearCachedVariables());
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessById(String processDefinitionId, Map variables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, cachedVariables);
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessById(String processDefinitionId, String businessKey, Map variables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId, businessKey, cachedVariables);
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByKey(String key) {
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(key, getAndClearCachedVariables());
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByKey(String key, String businessKey) {
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(key, businessKey, getAndClearCachedVariables());
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByKey(String key, Map variables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(key, cachedVariables);
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByKey(String key, String businessKey, Map variables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(key, businessKey, cachedVariables);
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByMessage(String messageName) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByMessage(messageName, cachedVariables);
if(!processInstance.isEnded()) {
return processInstance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByMessage(String messageName, Map processVariables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByMessage(messageName, cachedVariables);
if(!processInstance.isEnded()) {
return processInstance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByMessage(String messageName, String businessKey, Map processVariables) {
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByMessage(messageName, businessKey, cachedVariables);
if(!processInstance.isEnded()) {
return processInstance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByName(String string) {
if(Context.getCommandContext() != null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("Cannot use startProcessByName in an activiti command.");
ProcessDefinition definition = processEngine.getRepositoryService().createProcessDefinitionQuery().processDefinitionName(string).singleResult();
if (definition == null) {
throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException("No process definition found for name: " + string, ProcessDefinition.class);
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(definition.getId(), getAndClearCachedVariables());
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
public ProcessInstance startProcessByName(String string, Map variables) {
if(Context.getCommandContext() != null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("Cannot use startProcessByName in an activiti command.");
ProcessDefinition definition = processEngine.getRepositoryService().createProcessDefinitionQuery().processDefinitionName(string).singleResult();
if (definition == null) {
throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException("No process definition found for name: " + string, ProcessDefinition.class);
Map cachedVariables = getAndClearCachedVariables();
ProcessInstance instance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(definition.getId(), cachedVariables);
if(!instance.isEnded()) {
return instance;
* Associate with the provided execution. This starts a unit of work.
* @param executionId
* the id of the execution to associate with.
* @throw ActivitiCdiException
* if no such execution exists
public void associateExecutionById(String executionId) {
Execution execution = processEngine.getRuntimeService()
if(execution == null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("Cannot associate execution by id: no execution with id '"+executionId+"' found.");
* returns true if an {@link Execution} is associated.
* @see #associateExecutionById(String)
public boolean isAssociated() {
return associationManager.getExecutionId() != null;
* Signals the current execution, see {@link RuntimeService#signal(String)}
* Ends the current unit of work (flushes changes to process variables set
* using {@link #setVariable(String, Object)} or made on
* {@link BusinessProcessScoped @BusinessProcessScoped} beans).
* @throws ActivitiCdiException
* if no execution is currently associated
* @throws ActivitiException
* if the activiti command fails
public void signalExecution() {
processEngine.getRuntimeService().signal(associationManager.getExecutionId(), getAndClearCachedVariables());
* @see #signalExecution()
* In addition, this method allows to end the current conversation
public void signalExecution(boolean endConversation) {
if(endConversation) {
// -------------------------------------
* Associates the task with the provided taskId with the current conversation.
* @param taskId
* the id of the task
* @return the resumed task
* @throws ActivitiCdiException
* if no such task is found
public Task startTask(String taskId) {
Task currentTask = associationManager.getTask();
if(currentTask != null && currentTask.getId().equals(taskId)) {
return currentTask;
Task task = processEngine.getTaskService().createTaskQuery().taskId(taskId).singleResult();
if(task == null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("Cannot resume task with id '"+taskId+"', no such task.");
return task;
* @see #startTask(String)
* this method allows to start a conversation if no conversation is active
public Task startTask(String taskId, boolean beginConversation) {
if(beginConversation) {
Conversation conversation = conversationInstance.get();
if(conversation.isTransient()) {
return startTask(taskId);
* Completes the current UserTask, see {@link TaskService#complete(String)}
* Ends the current unit of work (flushes changes to process variables set
* using {@link #setVariable(String, Object)} or made on
* {@link BusinessProcessScoped @BusinessProcessScoped} beans).
* @throws ActivitiCdiException
* if no task is currently associated
* @throws ActivitiException
* if the activiti command fails
public void completeTask() {
processEngine.getTaskService().complete(getTask().getId(), getAndClearCachedVariables());
* @see BusinessProcess#completeTask()
* In addition this allows to end the current conversation.
public void completeTask(boolean endConversation) {
if(endConversation) {
public boolean isTaskAssociated() {
return associationManager.getTask() != null;
// -------------------------------------------------
* @param variableName
* the name of the process variable for which the value is to be
* retrieved
* @return the value of the provided process variable or 'null' if no such
* variable is set
public T getVariable(String variableName) {
Object variable = associationManager.getVariable(variableName);
if(variable == null) {
return null;
} else {
return (T)variable;
* Set a value for a process variable.
* NOTE: If no execution is currently associated,
* the value is temporarily cached and flushed to the process instance
* at the end of the unit of work
* @param variableName
* the name of the process variable for which a value is to be set
* @param value
* the value to be set
public void setVariable(String variableName, Object value) {
associationManager.setVariable(variableName, value);
// ----------------------------------- Getters / Setters
* Note that Producers should go into {@link CurrentProcessInstance} in
* order to allow for specializing {@link BusinessProcess}.
* @see #startTask(String)
public void setTask(Task task) {
* @see #startTask(String)
public void setTaskId(String taskId) {
* @see #associateExecutionById(String)
public void setExecution(Execution execution) {
* @see #associateExecutionById(String)
protected void setExecutionId(String executionId) {
* Returns the id of the currently associated process instance or 'null'
public String getProcessInstanceId() {
Execution execution = associationManager.getExecution();
return execution != null ? execution.getProcessInstanceId() : null;
* Returns the id of the task associated with the current conversation or 'null'.
public String getTaskId() {
Task task = getTask();
return task != null ? task.getId() : null;
* Returns the currently associated {@link Task} or 'null'
* @throws ActivitiCdiException
* if no {@link Task} is associated. Use {@link #isTaskAssociated()}
* to check whether an association exists.
public Task getTask() {
return associationManager.getTask();
* Returns the currently associated execution or 'null'
public Execution getExecution() {
return associationManager.getExecution();
* @see #getExecution()
public String getExecutionId() {
Execution e = getExecution();
return e != null ? e.getId() : null;
* Returns the {@link ProcessInstance} currently associated or 'null'
* @throws ActivitiCdiException
* if no {@link Execution} is associated. Use
* {@link #isAssociated()} to check whether an association exists.
public ProcessInstance getProcessInstance() {
Execution execution = getExecution();
if(execution != null && !(execution.getProcessInstanceId().equals(execution.getId()))){
return processEngine
return (ProcessInstance) execution;
// internal implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected void assertAssociated() {
if (associationManager.getExecution() == null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("No execution associated. Call busniessProcess.associateExecutionById() or businessProcess.startTask() first.");
protected void assertTaskAssociated() {
if (associationManager.getTask() == null) {
throw new ActivitiCdiException("No task associated. Call businessProcess.startTask() first.");
protected Map getCachedVariables() {
return associationManager.getCachedVariables();
protected Map getAndClearCachedVariables() {
Map beanStore = getCachedVariables();
Map copy = new HashMap(beanStore);
return copy;