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 * Copyright 2010-2016 Boxfuse GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.JdbcTemplate;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.Schema;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.Table;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.logging.Log;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.logging.LogFactory;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Oracle implementation of Schema.
public class OracleSchema extends Schema {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OracleSchema.class);

     * Creates a new Oracle schema.
     * @param jdbcTemplate The Jdbc Template for communicating with the DB.
     * @param dbSupport    The database-specific support.
     * @param name         The name of the schema.
    public OracleSchema(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, OracleDbSupport dbSupport, String name) {
        super(jdbcTemplate, dbSupport, name);

    protected boolean doExists() throws SQLException {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM all_users WHERE username=?", name) > 0;

    protected boolean doEmpty() throws SQLException {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT count(*) FROM all_objects WHERE owner = ?", name) == 0;

    protected void doCreate() throws SQLException {
        jdbcTemplate.execute("CREATE USER " + dbSupport.quote(name) + " IDENTIFIED BY flyway");
        jdbcTemplate.execute("GRANT RESOURCE TO " + dbSupport.quote(name));
        jdbcTemplate.execute("GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO " + dbSupport.quote(name));

    protected void doDrop() throws SQLException {
        jdbcTemplate.execute("DROP USER " + dbSupport.quote(name) + " CASCADE");

    protected void doClean() throws SQLException {
        if ("SYSTEM".equals(name.toUpperCase())) {
            throw new FlywayException("Clean not supported on Oracle for user 'SYSTEM'! You should NEVER add your own objects to the SYSTEM schema!");

        String user = dbSupport.doGetCurrentSchemaName();
        boolean defaultSchemaForUser = user.equalsIgnoreCase(name);

        if (!defaultSchemaForUser) {
            LOG.warn("Cleaning schema " + name + " by a different user (" + user + "): " +
                    "spatial extensions, queue tables, flashback tables and scheduled jobs will not be cleaned due to Oracle limitations");

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForSpatialExtensions(defaultSchemaForUser)) {

        if (defaultSchemaForUser) {
            for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForQueueTables()) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    if (e.getErrorCode() == 65040) {
                        //for dropping queue tables, a special grant is required:
                        //GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO flyway;
                        LOG.error("Missing required grant to clean queue tables: GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM");
                    throw e;

            if (flashbackAvailable()) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForScheduledJobs()) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("TRIGGER", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("SEQUENCE", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("FUNCTION", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("MATERIALIZED VIEW", "PRESERVE TABLE")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("PACKAGE", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("PROCEDURE", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("SYNONYM", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("VIEW", "CASCADE CONSTRAINTS")) {

        for (Table table : allTables()) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForXmlTables()) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("CLUSTER", "")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("TYPE", "FORCE")) {

        for (String statement : generateDropStatementsForObjectType("JAVA SOURCE", "")) {

        jdbcTemplate.execute("PURGE RECYCLEBIN");

     * Executes ALTER statements for all tables that have Flashback enabled.
     * Flashback is an asynchronous process so we need to wait until it completes, otherwise cleaning the
     * tables in schema will sometimes fail with ORA-55622 or ORA-55610 depending on the race between
     * Flashback and Java code
     * @throws SQLException when the statements could not be generated.
    private void executeAlterStatementsForFlashbackTables() throws SQLException {
        List tableNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList("SELECT table_name " +
                "FROM DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES WHERE owner_name = ?", name);
        for (String tableName : tableNames) {
            jdbcTemplate.execute("ALTER TABLE " + dbSupport.quote(name, tableName) + " NO FLASHBACK ARCHIVE");
            String queryForOracleTechnicalTables = "SELECT count(archive_table_name) " +
                    "FROM user_flashback_archive_tables " +
                    "WHERE table_name = ?";
            //wait until the tables disappear
            while (jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(queryForOracleTechnicalTables, tableName) > 0) {
                try {
                    LOG.debug("Actively waiting for Flashback cleanup on table: " + tableName);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new FlywayException("Waiting for Flashback cleanup interrupted", e);

     * Checks whether Oracle DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES are available or not.
     * @return {@code true} if they are available, {@code false} if not.
     * @throws SQLException when checking availability of the feature failed.
    private boolean flashbackAvailable() throws SQLException {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(*) " +
                "from all_objects " +
                "where object_name like 'DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES'") > 0;

     * Generates the drop statements for all xml tables.
     * @return The complete drop statements, ready to execute.
     * @throws SQLException when the drop statements could not be generated.
    private List generateDropStatementsForXmlTables() throws SQLException {
        List dropStatements = new ArrayList();

        if (!xmlDBExtensionsAvailable()) {
            LOG.debug("Oracle XML DB Extensions are not available. No cleaning of XML tables.");
            return dropStatements;

        List objectNames =
                jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList("SELECT table_name FROM all_xml_tables WHERE owner = ?", name);
        for (String objectName : objectNames) {
            dropStatements.add("DROP TABLE " + dbSupport.quote(name, objectName) + " PURGE");
        return dropStatements;

     * Checks whether Oracle XML DB extensions are available or not.
     * @return {@code true} if they are available, {@code false} if not.
     * @throws SQLException when checking availability of the extensions failed.
    private boolean xmlDBExtensionsAvailable() throws SQLException {
        return (jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM all_users WHERE username = 'XDB'") > 0)
                && (jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM all_views WHERE view_name = 'RESOURCE_VIEW'") > 0);

     * Generates the drop statements for all database objects of this type.
     * @param objectType     The type of database object to drop.
     * @param extraArguments The extra arguments to add to the drop statement.
     * @return The complete drop statements, ready to execute.
     * @throws SQLException when the drop statements could not be generated.
    private List generateDropStatementsForObjectType(String objectType, String extraArguments) throws SQLException {
        String query = "SELECT object_name FROM all_objects WHERE object_type = ? AND owner = ?"
                // Ignore Spatial Index Sequences as they get dropped automatically when the index gets dropped.
                + " AND object_name NOT LIKE 'MDRS_%$'"
                // Ignore Oracle 12 Identity Sequences as they get dropped automatically when the recycle bin gets purged.
                + " AND object_name NOT LIKE 'ISEQ$$_%'";

        List objectNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList(query, objectType, name);
        List dropStatements = new ArrayList();
        for (String objectName : objectNames) {
            dropStatements.add("DROP " + objectType + " " + dbSupport.quote(name, objectName) + " " + extraArguments);
        return dropStatements;

     * Generates the drop statements for Oracle Spatial Extensions-related database objects.
     * @param defaultSchemaForUser Whether we are currently cleaning the default schema for the logged in user.
     * @return The complete drop statements, ready to execute.
     * @throws SQLException when the drop statements could not be generated.
    private List generateDropStatementsForSpatialExtensions(boolean defaultSchemaForUser) throws SQLException {
        List statements = new ArrayList();

        if (!spatialExtensionsAvailable()) {
            LOG.debug("Oracle Spatial Extensions are not available. No cleaning of MDSYS tables and views.");
            return statements;
        if (!dbSupport.getCurrentSchemaName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
            int count = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM all_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE owner=?", name);
            count += jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM all_sdo_index_info WHERE sdo_index_owner=?", name);
            if (count > 0) {
                LOG.warn("Unable to clean Oracle Spatial objects for schema '" + name + "' as they do not belong to the default schema for this connection!");
            return statements;

        if (defaultSchemaForUser) {
            statements.add("DELETE FROM mdsys.user_sdo_geom_metadata");

            List indexNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList("select INDEX_NAME from USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO");
            for (String indexName : indexNames) {
                statements.add("DROP INDEX \"" + indexName + "\"");

        return statements;

     * Generates the drop statements for scheduled jobs.
     * @return The complete drop statements, ready to execute.
     * @throws SQLException when the drop statements could not be generated.
    private List generateDropStatementsForScheduledJobs() throws SQLException {
        List statements = new ArrayList();

        List jobNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList("select JOB_NAME from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS WHERE owner=?", name);
        for (String jobName : jobNames) {
            statements.add("begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB(job_name => '" + jobName + "', defer => false, force => true); end;");

        return statements;

     * Generates the drop statements for queue tables.
     * @return The complete drop statements, ready to execute.
     * @throws SQLException when the drop statements could not be generated.
    private List generateDropStatementsForQueueTables() throws SQLException {
        List statements = new ArrayList();

        List queueTblNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList("select QUEUE_TABLE from USER_QUEUE_TABLES");
        for (String queueTblName : queueTblNames) {
            statements.add("begin DBMS_AQADM.drop_queue_table (queue_table=> '" + queueTblName + "', FORCE => TRUE); end;");

        return statements;

     * Checks whether Oracle Spatial extensions are available or not.
     * @return {@code true} if they are available, {@code false} if not.
     * @throws SQLException when checking availability of the spatial extensions failed.
    private boolean spatialExtensionsAvailable() throws SQLException {
        return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM all_views WHERE owner = 'MDSYS' AND view_name = 'USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA'") > 0;

    protected Table[] doAllTables() throws SQLException {
        List tableNames = jdbcTemplate.queryForStringList(
                // For every table this query will count the number of references (including the transitive ones)
                // and order the result list using that value.
                " SELECT r FROM" +
                        "   (SELECT CONNECT_BY_ROOT t r FROM" +
                        "     (SELECT DISTINCT c1.table_name f, NVL(c2.table_name, at.table_name) t" +
                        "     FROM all_constraints c1" +
                        "       RIGHT JOIN all_constraints c2 ON c2.constraint_name = c1.r_constraint_name" +
                        "       RIGHT JOIN all_tables at ON at.table_name = c2.table_name" +
                        "     WHERE at.owner = ?" +
                        // Ignore Recycle bin objects
                        "       AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'BIN$%'" +
                        // Ignore Spatial Index Tables as they get dropped automatically when the index gets dropped.
                        "       AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'MDRT_%$'" +
                        // Ignore Materialized View Logs
                        "       AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'MLOG$%' AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'RUPD$%'" +
                        // Ignore Oracle Text Index Tables
                        "       AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'DR$%'" +
                        // Ignore Index Organized Tables
                        "       AND at.table_name NOT LIKE 'SYS_IOT_OVER_%'" +
                        // Ignore Nested Tables
                        "       AND at.nested != 'YES'" +
                        // Ignore Nested Tables
                        "       AND at.secondary != 'Y')" +
                        "   CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR f = t)" +
                        " GROUP BY r" +
                        " ORDER BY COUNT(*)", name);

        Table[] tables = new Table[tableNames.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.size(); i++) {
            tables[i] = new OracleTable(jdbcTemplate, dbSupport, this, tableNames.get(i));
        return tables;

    public Table getTable(String tableName) {
        return new OracleTable(jdbcTemplate, dbSupport, this, tableName);

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