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korolev.Context.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017-2020 Aleksey Fomkin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package korolev
import{Bytes, BytesLike}
import korolev.effect.{Effect, Queue, Reporter, Scheduler, Stream}
import korolev.internal.{ComponentInstance, EventRegistry, Frontend}
import korolev.state.{StateDeserializer, StateManager, StateSerializer}
import korolev.util.{JsCode, Lens}
import korolev.web.{FormData, MimeTypes}
import levsha.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
* Provides DSLs and effects for application or component
* @since 0.6.0
final class Context[F[_], S, M] extends Context.Scope[F, S, S, M] {
type AccessType = S
protected val accessScope: Context.Access[F, S, M] => Context.Access[F, S, M] = identity
object Context {
* Creates new global context
* @tparam F Control monad
* @tparam S Type of application state
* @tparam M Type of events
def apply[F[_], S, M] =
new Context[F, S, M]()
sealed abstract class Scope[F[_], S, AccessType, M] {
type Binding = Context.Binding[F, S, M]
type Event = Context.Event[F, S, M]
type EventFactory[T] = T => Event
type Transition = korolev.Transition[S]
type Render = PartialFunction[S, Document.Node[Binding]]
type ElementId = Context.ElementId
type Access = Context.Access[F, AccessType, M]
type UnscopedAccess = Context.Access[F, S, M]
type EventResult = F[Unit]
type Document = levsha.Document[Binding]
type Node = levsha.Document.Node[Binding]
type Attr = levsha.Document.Attr[Binding]
protected val accessScope: Context.Access[F, S, M] => Access
def scope[S2](lens: Lens[S, S2]): Scope[F, S, S2, M] =
scope(, lens.write)
def scope[S2](read: PartialFunction[S, S2], write: PartialFunction[(S, S2), S]): Scope[F, S, S2, M] =
new Scope[F, S, S2, M] {
protected val accessScope: Context.Access[F, S, M] => Access =
access => access.imap(read, write)
implicit class JsCodeHelper(sc: StringContext) {
def js(args: Any*): JsCode =
JsCode(, args.toList)
def elementId(name: Option[String] = None): ElementId = new Context.ElementId(name)
* Schedules the transition with delay. For example it can be useful
* when you want to hide something after timeout.
@deprecated("Delays often is using for hacks", "0.18.0")
def delay(duration: FiniteDuration)(effect: Access => F[Unit]): Delay[F, S, M] = {
Delay(duration, accessScope.andThen(effect))
def event(name: String, stopPropagation: Boolean = false, phase: EventPhase = EventPhase.Bubbling)(
effect: Access => F[Unit]): Event =
Event(name, phase, stopPropagation, accessScope.andThen(effect))
def eventUnscoped(name: String, stopPropagation: Boolean = false, phase: EventPhase = EventPhase.Bubbling)(
effect: UnscopedAccess => F[Unit]): Event =
Event(name, phase, stopPropagation, effect)
val emptyTransition: PartialFunction[S, S] = { case x => x }
implicit final class ComponentDsl[CS: StateSerializer: StateDeserializer, P, E](component: Component[F, CS, P, E])
(implicit _e: Effect[F],
_css: StateSerializer[S],
_csd: StateDeserializer[S]) {
final class ComponentEntryWithEventHandlerDsl(p: P) extends ComponentEntry[F, S, M, CS, P, E](component, p, (_, _) => Effect[F].unit) {
def apply(f: (Access, E) => F[Unit]): ComponentEntry[F, S, M, CS, P, E] =
copy(eventHandler = (a: Context.Access[F, S, M], e: E) => f(accessScope(a), e))
def apply(parameters: P): ComponentEntryWithEventHandlerDsl =
new ComponentEntryWithEventHandlerDsl(parameters)
@deprecated("Just apply", "1.16.0")
def silent(parameters: P): ComponentEntry[F, S, M, CS, P, E] =
ComponentEntry(component, parameters, (_, _) => Effect[F].unit)
trait BaseAccess[F[_], S, M] {
def imap[S2](lens: Lens[S, S2]): Access[F, S2, M]
def imap[S2](map: PartialFunction[S, S2], contramap: PartialFunction[(S, S2), S]): Access[F, S2, M] =
imap(Lens(map, contramap))
* Extracts property of element from client-side DOM.
* @see [[Scope.elementId]]
* @since 0.6.0
* @example
* {{{
* event('click) { access =>
* for {
* request <-'value)
* result <-
* _ <- access.transition {
* case state: State.Awesome =>
* state.copy(list = searchResult)
* }
* } yield ()
* }
* }}}
def property(id: ElementId): PropertyHandler[F]
* Shortcut for `property(id).get(propName)`.
* @since 0.6.0
@deprecated("""Use "propertyName" instead of 'propertyName""", "0.13.0")
final def property(id: ElementId, propName: Symbol): F[String] = property(id).get(propName)
* Shortcut for `property(id).get(propName)`.
* @since 0.13.0
final def property(id: ElementId, propName: String): F[String] = property(id).get(propName)
* Shortcut for `property(id).get('value)`.
* @since 0.6.0
final def valueOf(id: ElementId): F[String] = property(id, "value")
* Makes focus on the element
def focus(id: ElementId): F[Unit]
* Publish message to environment.
def publish(message: M): F[Unit]
* Downloads form from the client. Useful when when you
* want to read big amount of fields. Do not use this
* method for downloading files, however it is possible.
* {{{
* event(submit) { access =>
* access
* .downloadFormData(myForm)
* .flatMap { formData =>
* val picture = data.file("picture") // Array[Byte]
* val title = data.text("title") // String
* access.transition {
* // ... transtion
* }
* }
* }
* }}}
* @param id form elementId
* @return
def downloadFormData(id: ElementId): F[FormData]
* Download the selected file list from input appropriate
* to given element id. Use this method carefully because
* all files are saving to RAM.
def downloadFiles(id: ElementId): F[List[(FileHandler, Bytes)]]
* Same as [[downloadFiles]] but for stream mode. The method is useful
* when user want to upload very large files list which is problematic
* to keep in memory (especially when count of users is more than one).
def downloadFilesAsStream(id: ElementId): F[List[(FileHandler, Stream[F, Bytes])]]
* Download file from the client side by file handler
def downloadFileAsStream(handler: FileHandler): F[Stream[F, Bytes]]
* Get only file list for input
def listFiles(id: ElementId): F[List[FileHandler]]
* Upload stream to the client side with selected name, size and mimeType
def uploadFile(name: String,
stream: Stream[F, Bytes],
size: Option[Long],
mimeType: String = MimeTypes.`application/octet-stream`): F[Unit]
* Purge inputs in given form.
* @param id form element id binding
def resetForm(id: ElementId): F[Unit]
* Gives current state.
def state: F[S]
def stateFocus[B](lens: Lens[S, B]): F[B]
* Applies transition to current state.
def transition(f: Transition[S]): F[Unit]
def transition[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit]
* Applies asynchronous transition to current state. All transitions
* will wait until this transition will executed.
* NOTE: Do not use this method id you work with effects
* which take lot of time for execution. It's may lead to hanging
* of your app.
* @return
def transitionAsync(f: TransitionAsync[F, S]): F[Unit]
def transitionAsync[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit]
* Applies transition to current state and awaits render.
def transitionForce(f: Transition[S]): F[Unit]
def transitionForce[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit]
* @see [[transitionForce]]
* @see [[transitionAsync]]
def transitionForceAsync(f: TransitionAsync[F, S]): F[Unit]
def transitionForceAsync[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit]
@deprecated("Use transitionForce instead", since = "1.5.0")
def syncTransition(f: Transition[S]): F[Unit] = transitionForce(f)
// TODO maybeTransitionAsync, maybeTransitionForceAsync
* Applies transition to current state.
final def maybeTransition(f: PartialFunction[S, S]): F[Unit] =
transition(s => f.applyOrElse(s, identity[S]))
* Gives current session id.
def sessionId: F[Qsid]
* Execute arbitrary JavaScript code on client and get stringified JSON back.
* {{{
* for {
* _ <- access.evalJs("new Date().getTimezoneOffset()").map(offset => ...)
* _ <- access.evalJs(js"$myForm.submit()").map(offset => ...)
* } yield ()
* }}}
def evalJs(code: JsCode): F[String]
def evalJs(code: String): F[String] =
* Register callback that could be invoked from the client side.
* {{{
* // Scala
* access.registerCallback("myCallback") { myArg =>
* Future(println(myArg))
* }
* // JavaScript
* Korolev.invokeCallback('myCallback', 'myArgValue');
* }}}
def registerCallback(name: String)(f: String => F[Unit]): F[Unit]
trait EventAccess[F[_], S, M] {
* Gives json with string, number and boolean fields of
* object of the event happened in current render phase.
* Note that is expensive operation which requires
* network round trip.
def eventData: F[String]
* Provides access to make side effects
trait Access[F[_], S, M] extends BaseAccess[F, S, M] with EventAccess[F, S, M]
private[korolev] abstract class BaseAccessDefault[F[_]: Effect, S, M] extends Access[F, S, M] {
import korolev.effect.syntax._
def imap[S2](lens: Lens[S, S2]): Access[F, S2, M] = new MappedAccess[F, S, S2, M](this, lens)
def stateFocus[B](lens: Lens[S, B]): F[B] =
def transitionAsync[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit] =
transitionAsync(transitionAsyncWithLens(lens, f))
def transitionForceAsync[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit] =
transitionForceAsync(transitionAsyncWithLens(lens, f))
def transition[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit] =
transition(x => lens.modify(x)(f))
def transitionForce[B](lens: Lens[S, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit] =
transitionForce(x => lens.modify(x)(f))
private def transitionAsyncWithLens[B](lens: Lens[S, B], f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): TransitionAsync[F, S] = a =>
lens.get(a).fold(Effect[F].pure(a)) { b =>
f(b).map(b2 => lens.modify(a)(_ => b2))
class MappedAccess[F[_]: Effect, S1, SN, E](self: Access[F, S1, E], lens: Lens[S1, SN]) extends Access[F, SN, E] { mapped =>
private final val read =
private final val write = lens.write
def imap[S2](lens: Lens[SN, S2]): Access[F, S2, E] = new MappedAccess[F, SN, S2, E](this, lens)
def eventData: F[String] = self.eventData
def property(id: Context.ElementId): PropertyHandler[F] =
def focus(id: Context.ElementId): F[Unit] = self.focus(id)
def publish(message: E): F[Unit] = self.publish(message)
def downloadFormData(id: Context.ElementId): F[FormData] = self.downloadFormData(id)
def downloadFiles(id: Context.ElementId): F[List[(FileHandler, Bytes)]] = self.downloadFiles(id)
def downloadFilesAsStream(id: Context.ElementId): F[List[(FileHandler, Stream[F, Bytes])]] = self.downloadFilesAsStream(id)
def downloadFileAsStream(handler: FileHandler): F[Stream[F, Bytes]] = self.downloadFileAsStream(handler)
def listFiles(id: Context.ElementId): F[List[FileHandler]] = self.listFiles(id)
def uploadFile(name: String, stream: Stream[F, Bytes], size: Option[Long], mimeType: String): F[Unit] = self.uploadFile(name, stream, size, mimeType)
def resetForm(id: Context.ElementId): F[Unit] = self.resetForm(id)
def state: F[SN] = Effect[F].map(self.state)(read)
def stateFocus[B](lens: Lens[SN, B]): F[B] = self.stateFocus(this.lens ++ lens)
def transition(f: korolev.Transition[SN]): F[Unit] = self.transition(this.lens)(f)
def transition[B](lens: Lens[SN, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit] = self.transition(this.lens ++ lens)(f)
def transitionAsync(f: TransitionAsync[F, SN]): F[Unit] = self.transitionAsync(this.lens)(f)
def transitionAsync[B](lens: Lens[SN, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit] = self.transitionAsync(this.lens ++ lens)(f)
def transitionForce(f: Transition[SN]): F[Unit] = self.transitionForce(this.lens)(f)
def transitionForce[B](lens: Lens[SN, B])(f: Transition[B]): F[Unit] = self.transitionForce(this.lens ++ lens)(f)
def transitionForceAsync(f: TransitionAsync[F, SN]): F[Unit] = self.transitionForceAsync(this.lens)(f)
def transitionForceAsync[B](lens: Lens[SN, B])(f: TransitionAsync[F, B]): F[Unit] = self.transitionForceAsync(this.lens ++ lens)(f)
def sessionId: F[Qsid] = self.sessionId
def evalJs(code: JsCode): F[String] = self.evalJs(code)
def registerCallback(name: String)(f: String => F[Unit]): F[Unit] = self.registerCallback(name)(f)
sealed trait Binding[+F[_], +S, +M]
abstract class PropertyHandler[F[_]: Effect] {
@deprecated("""Use "propertyName" instead of 'propertyName""", "0.13.0")
def get(propName: Symbol): F[String] = get(
@deprecated("""Use "propertyName" instead of 'propertyName""", "0.13.0")
def set(propName: Symbol, value: Any): F[Unit] = set(, value)
def get(propName: String): F[String]
def set(propName: String, value: Any): F[Unit]
final case class FileHandler(fileName: String, size: Long)(private[korolev] val elementId: ElementId)
sealed case class ComponentEntry
F[_]: Effect,
AS: StateSerializer: StateDeserializer, M,
CS: StateSerializer: StateDeserializer, P, E
component: Component[F, CS, P, E],
parameters: P,
eventHandler: (Access[F, AS, M], E) => F[Unit]
extends Binding[F, AS, M] {
def createInstance(node: Id,
sessionId: Qsid,
frontend: Frontend[F],
eventRegistry: EventRegistry[F],
stateManager: StateManager[F],
stateQueue: Queue[F, (Id, Any, Option[Effect.Promise[Unit]])],
scheduler: Scheduler[F],
reporter: Reporter,
recovery: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]]): ComponentInstance[F, AS, M, CS, P, E] = {
new ComponentInstance(
node, sessionId, frontend, eventRegistry, stateManager, component, stateQueue,
createMiscProxy = (rc, k) => new StatefulRenderContext[Binding[F, CS, E]] {
def currentContainerId: Id = rc.currentContainerId
def currentId: Id = rc.currentId
def subsequentId: Id = rc.subsequentId
def openNode(xmlns: XmlNs, name: String): Unit = rc.openNode(xmlns, name)
def closeNode(name: String): Unit = rc.closeNode(name)
def setAttr(xmlNs: XmlNs, name: String, value: String): Unit = rc.setAttr(xmlNs, name, value)
def setStyle(name: String, value: String): Unit = rc.setStyle(name, value)
def addTextNode(text: String): Unit = rc.addTextNode(text)
def addMisc(misc: Binding[F, CS, E]): Unit = k(this, misc)
scheduler, reporter, recovery
final case class Event[F[_], S, M](
`type`: String,
phase: EventPhase,
stopPropagation: Boolean,
effect: Access[F, S, M] => F[Unit]) extends Binding[F, S, M]
final case class Delay[F[_], S, M](
duration: FiniteDuration,
effect: Access[F, S, M] => F[Unit]) extends Binding[F, S, M]
final class ElementId (val name: Option[String]) extends Binding[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] {
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case other: ElementId => if (name.isDefined) name == else super.equals(other)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = name match {
case Some(x) => s"ElementId($x)"
case None => super.toString
override def hashCode(): Int = if (name.isDefined) name.hashCode() else super.hashCode()