com.apple.foundationdb.async.RangeSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* RangeSet.java
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2015-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.apple.foundationdb.async;
import com.apple.foundationdb.annotation.API;
import com.apple.foundationdb.KeyValue;
import com.apple.foundationdb.Range;
import com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransaction;
import com.apple.foundationdb.ReadTransactionContext;
import com.apple.foundationdb.TransactionContext;
import com.apple.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace;
import com.apple.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* RangeSet supports efficient adding of ranges of keys into the database to support marking
* work done elsewhere as completed as well as checking if specific keys are already completed.
* This is useful if one is going to be doing work that will carve out pieces from another
* subspace and work on those separately. The methods in here will allow for a (more-or-less)
* append only set that can be used to keep track of the progress that that job is making.
public class RangeSet {
@Nonnull private Subspace subspace;
@Nonnull private static final byte[] FIRST_KEY = new byte[]{(byte)0x00};
@Nonnull private static final byte[] FINAL_KEY = new byte[]{(byte)0xff};
* Value indicating that there should be no limit. This should
* be passed to {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) missingRanges}
* to indicate that the read should not limit the number of results it returns.
public static final int UNLIMITED = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Creates a new RangeSet that will write its data to the given subspace provided.
* The contents of this subspace should either be empty or contain the data
* used by another RangeSet object.
* @param subspace the subspace in which to write data
public RangeSet(@Nonnull Subspace subspace) {
this.subspace = subspace;
private static void checkKey(@Nonnull byte[] key) {
if (key.length == 0 || ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(key, FINAL_KEY) >= 0) {
// NOTE: Perhaps this should instead return a completable future completed in exceptional state...
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key " + ByteArrayUtil.printable(key) + " outside of accepted key range of [\\x00,\\xff)");
private static void checkRange(@Nonnull byte[] begin, @Nonnull byte[] end) {
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(begin, end) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inverted range; " + ByteArrayUtil.printable(begin) + " is greater than " + ByteArrayUtil.printable(end));
// This returns the next possible key after another key (i.e., a key that is greater than current key but
// every key greater than this key will be greater than or equal to the returned key).
private byte[] keyAfter(@Nonnull byte[] key) {
byte[] ret = new byte[key.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(key, 0, ret, 0, key.length);
ret[key.length] = (byte)0;
return ret;
* Determines if a single key is contained within the range set. If it is, this will return
* true
, and if it is not, it will return false
. In terms of isolation, this adds a read-
* conflict to the key corresponding to the key being checked but to nothing else even
* though it has to do a range read that might be larger. This means that updates to keys
* before this won't conflict unless they actually change whether this key is contained within
* the range set.
* @param tc transaction or database in which to run operation
* @param key the key to check presence in set
* @return a future that contains whether some range in the set contains the key
public CompletableFuture contains(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc, @Nonnull byte[] key) {
return tc.runAsync(tr -> {
// Add a read conflict to only the key being checked so that if this gets
// overwritten somewhere else, this causes a conflict.
byte[] frobnicated = subspace.pack(key);
AsyncIterator iterator = tr.snapshot().getRange(subspace.range().begin, keyAfter(frobnicated), 1, true).iterator();
return iterator.onHasNext().thenApply(hasNext -> {
if (!hasNext) {
return false;
} else {
byte[] endRange = iterator.next().getValue();
return ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(key, endRange) < 0;
* Inserts a range into the set. This behaves the same way as the four-parameter version of
* {@link RangeSet#insertRange(TransactionContext, byte[], byte[], boolean) RangeSet.insertRange} (including conflict
* settings), but it gets its begin and end from the given {@link Range} object and assumes that
* requiresEmpty
is false
, i.e., it is okay for there already to be data within the
* given range.
* @param tc the transaction or database in which to operate
* @param r the range to add to the set
* @return a future that is true
if there were any modifications to the database and false
public CompletableFuture insertRange(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc, @Nonnull Range r) {
return insertRange(tc, r.begin, r.end);
* Inserts a range into the set. This behaves the same way as the four-parmater version of
* {@link RangeSet#insertRange(TransactionContext, byte[], byte[], boolean) RangeSet.insertRange} (including conflict
* settings), but it gets its begin and end from the given {@link Range} object.
* @param tc the transaction or database in which to operate
* @param r the range to add to the set
* @param requireEmpty whether this should only be added if this range is initally empty
* @return a future that is true
if there were any modifications to the database and false
public CompletableFuture insertRange(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc, @Nonnull Range r, boolean requireEmpty) {
return insertRange(tc, r.begin, r.end, requireEmpty);
* Inserts a range into the set. This behaves the same way as the four-parameter version of
* {@link RangeSet#insertRange(TransactionContext, byte[], byte[], boolean) RangeSet.insertRange} (including conflict
* settings), but it assumes that requiresEmpty
is false
, i.e., it is okay for
* there already to be data within the given range.
* @param tc the transaction or database in which to operate
* @param begin the (inclusive) beginning of the range to add
* @param end the (exclusive) end of the range to add
* @return a future that is true
if there were any modifications to the database and false
public CompletableFuture insertRange(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end) {
return insertRange(tc, begin, end, false);
* Inserts a range into the set. The range inserted will begin at begin
(inclusive) and end at
* end
(exclusive). If the requireEmpty
is set, then this will only actually change the
* database in the case that the range being added is not yet included in the set. If this flag is set to
* false
, then this will "fill in the gaps" between ranges present so that the whole range is
* present following this transactions operation. The return value will (when ready) be equal to true
* if and only if there are changes (i.e., writes) to the database that need to be made, i.e., the range was not
* already included in the set. If the initial end point is less than the begin point, then this will
* throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} indicating that one has passed an inverted range. If begin
* and end
are equal, then this will immediately return a future that is set to false
* (corresponding to adding an empty range). If null
is set for either endpoint, this will insert
* a range all the way to the end of the total range.
* In terms of isolation, this method will add both read- and write-conflict ranges. It adds a read-conflict range
* corresponding to the range being added, i.e., for the keys within the range from begin
to end
* This is so that if this range is modified concurrently by another writer, this transaction will fail (as the exact
* writes done depend on these keys not being modified.) It will also a write-conflict ranges corresponding
* to all of the individual ranges added to the database. That means that if the range is initially empty,
* a write-conflict range corresponding to the keys from begin
to end
. This is done
* so that if another transaction checks to see if a key in the range we are writing is within the range set
* and finds that it is not, this write will then cause that transaction to fail if it is committed after this
* one. If the range is not empty initially, write conflict ranges are added for all of the "gaps" that have
* to be added. (So, if the range is already full, then no write conflict ranges are added at all.)
* @param tc the transaction or database in which to operate
* @param begin the (inclusive) beginning of the range to add
* @param end the (exclusive) end of the range to add
* @param requireEmpty whether this should only be added if this range is initially empty
* @return a future that is true
if there were any modifications to the database and false
public CompletableFuture insertRange(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end, boolean requireEmpty) {
byte[] beginNonNull = (begin == null) ? FIRST_KEY : begin;
byte[] endNonNull = (end == null) ? FINAL_KEY : end;
checkRange(beginNonNull, endNonNull);
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(beginNonNull, endNonNull) == 0) {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
return tc.runAsync(tr -> {
// Add a read range for the keys corresponding to the bounds of this range.
byte[] frobnicatedBegin = subspace.pack(beginNonNull);
byte[] frobnicatedEnd = subspace.pack(endNonNull);
tr.addReadConflictRange(frobnicatedBegin, frobnicatedEnd);
// Look to see what is already in this database to see what of this range is already present.
// Note: the two range reads are done in parallel, which essentially means we get the before read
// "for free".
byte[] keyAfterBegin = keyAfter(frobnicatedBegin);
ReadTransaction snapshot = tr.snapshot();
AsyncIterator beforeIterator = snapshot.getRange(subspace.range().begin, keyAfterBegin, 1, true).iterator();
AsyncIterator afterIterator = snapshot.getRange(keyAfterBegin, frobnicatedEnd,
(requireEmpty ? 1 : ReadTransaction.ROW_LIMIT_UNLIMITED), false).iterator();
return beforeIterator.onHasNext().thenCompose(hasBefore -> {
AtomicReference lastSeen = new AtomicReference<>(frobnicatedBegin);
KeyValue before = hasBefore ? beforeIterator.next() : null;
// If the before key is in some range, we don't have to update from before to the
// end of that range.
if (hasBefore) {
byte[] beforeEnd = before.getValue();
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(beginNonNull, beforeEnd) < 0) {
if (requireEmpty) {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
} else {
if (requireEmpty) {
// If we will only add on the empty case, then the after iterator has to be empty.
return afterIterator.onHasNext().thenApply(hasNext -> {
if (hasNext) {
return false;
} else {
if (before != null && ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(beginNonNull, before.getValue()) == 0) {
// This consolidation is done to make the simple case of a single writer
// going forward more space compact.
tr.set(before.getKey(), endNonNull);
} else {
tr.set(frobnicatedBegin, endNonNull);
tr.addWriteConflictRange(frobnicatedBegin, frobnicatedEnd);
return true;
} else {
AtomicBoolean changed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// If we are allowing non-empty ranges, then we just need to fill in the gaps.
return AsyncUtil.whileTrue(() -> {
byte[] lastSeenBytes = lastSeen.get();
if (MoreAsyncUtil.isCompletedNormally(afterIterator.onHasNext()) && afterIterator.hasNext()) {
KeyValue kv = afterIterator.next();
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(lastSeenBytes, kv.getKey()) < 0) {
tr.set(lastSeenBytes, subspace.unpack(kv.getKey()).getBytes(0));
tr.addWriteConflictRange(lastSeenBytes, kv.getKey());
return afterIterator.onHasNext();
}, tc.getExecutor()).thenApply(vignore -> {
byte[] lastSeenBytes = lastSeen.get();
// Get from lastSeen to the end (the last gap).
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(lastSeenBytes, frobnicatedEnd) < 0) {
tr.set(lastSeenBytes, endNonNull);
tr.addWriteConflictRange(lastSeenBytes, frobnicatedEnd);
return changed.get();
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within this set as list. See the three-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[]) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look from the beginning of the valid keys within this set to
* the end and find any gaps between ranges that need to be filled.
* @param tc transaction that will be used to access the database
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public CompletableFuture> missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransactionContext tc) {
return tc.readAsync(tr -> {
AsyncIterable ranges = missingRanges(tr);
return ranges.asList();
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within this set. See the three-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[]) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look from the beginning of the valid keys within this set to
* the end and find any gaps between ranges that need to be filled.
* @param tr transaction that will be used to access the database
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public AsyncIterable missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr) {
return missingRanges(tr, null, null);
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given range as a list. See the four-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look for ranges that aren't already within the set.
* @param tc transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param superRange the range within to search for additional ranges
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public CompletableFuture> missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransactionContext tc, @Nonnull Range superRange) {
return tc.readAsync(tr -> {
AsyncIterable ranges = missingRanges(tr, superRange);
return ranges.asList();
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given range. See the four-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look for ranges that aren't already within the set.
* @param tr transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param superRange the range within to search for additional ranges
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public AsyncIterable missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr, @Nonnull Range superRange) {
return missingRanges(tr, superRange.begin, superRange.end);
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list. See the four-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look for ranges that aren't already within the set.
* @param tc transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param begin the beginning (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param end the end (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public CompletableFuture> missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransactionContext tc, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end) {
return tc.readAsync(tr -> {
AsyncIterable ranges = missingRanges(tr, begin, end);
return ranges.asList();
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list. See the four-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look for ranges that aren't already within the set. It will not
* limit the number of results that it will return.
* @param tr transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param begin the beginning (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param end the end (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public AsyncIterable missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end) {
return missingRanges(tr, begin, end, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds as a list. See the four-parameter
* version of {@link RangeSet#missingRanges(ReadTransaction, byte[], byte[], int) RangeSet.missingRanges}
* for more details, but this will look for ranges that aren't already within the set. It will not
* limit the number of results that it will return.
* @param tc transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param begin the beginning (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param end the end (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param limit the maximum number of results to return
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public CompletableFuture> missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransactionContext tc, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end, int limit) {
return tc.readAsync(tr -> {
AsyncIterable ranges = missingRanges(tr, begin, end, limit);
return ranges.asList();
* Returns all of the ranges that are missing within a given set of bounds. In particular, this will look
* for "gaps" in the key-value pairs between begin (inclusive) and end (exclusive) so that at the end, we
* know what is missing. This takes in a read transaction (which could, theoretically, be a snapshot read
* if we so desired). If this transaction is committed before the iterator is cancelled or completes,
* this can cause problems.
* @param tr transaction that will be used to access the database
* @param begin the beginning (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param end the end (inclusive) of the range to look for gaps
* @param limit the maximum number of results to return
* @return an iterable that will produce all of the missing ranges
public AsyncIterable missingRanges(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr, @Nullable byte[] begin, @Nullable byte[] end, int limit) {
byte[] beginNonNull = (begin == null) ? FIRST_KEY : begin;
byte[] endNonNull = (end == null) ? FINAL_KEY : end;
checkRange(beginNonNull, endNonNull);
// Return an AsyncIterable with the pertinent information.
return new AsyncIterable() {
public AsyncIterator iterator() {
return new MissingRangeIterator(tr, beginNonNull, endNonNull, limit);
public CompletableFuture> asList() {
return AsyncUtil.collect(this);
// Iterator that computes the missing ranges. It will go through and find gaps within the
// range. It will stop after the limit has been acheived unless the limit is set
private class MissingRangeIterator implements CloseableAsyncIterator {
@Nonnull private final byte[] endNonNull;
@Nonnull private AsyncIterator before;
@Nonnull private AsyncIterator after;
@Nonnull private byte[] currBegin;
@Nullable private Range next;
private boolean found;
private int limit;
private int numFound;
private final Executor executor;
@Nonnull private CompletableFuture nextFuture;
public MissingRangeIterator(@Nonnull ReadTransaction tr, @Nonnull byte[] beginNonNull, @Nonnull byte[] endNonNull, int limit) {
this.endNonNull = endNonNull;
this.numFound = 0;
this.limit = limit;
byte[] frobnicatedBegin = subspace.pack(beginNonNull);
byte[] frobnicatedEnd = subspace.pack(endNonNull);
before = tr.getRange(subspace.range().begin, keyAfter(frobnicatedBegin), 1, true).iterator();
after = tr.getRange(keyAfter(frobnicatedBegin), frobnicatedEnd).iterator();
next = null;
currBegin = beginNonNull;
found = false;
executor = tr.getExecutor();
nextFuture = before.onHasNext().thenAccept(hasBefore -> {
if (hasBefore) {
byte[] lastEnd = before.next().getValue(); //subspace.unpack(before.next().getValue()).getBytes(0);
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(beginNonNull, lastEnd) < 0) {
currBegin = lastEnd;
}).thenCompose(vignore -> getNext());
private CompletableFuture getNext() {
return AsyncUtil.whileTrue(() -> {
if (MoreAsyncUtil.isCompletedNormally(after.onHasNext())) {
if (after.hasNext()) {
KeyValue kv = after.next();
byte[] currBeg = currBegin;
byte[] nextBeg = subspace.unpack(kv.getKey()).getBytes(0);
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(currBeg, nextBeg) < 0) {
next = new Range(currBeg, nextBeg);
found = true;
currBegin = kv.getValue();
if (found) {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE; // stop looping.
} else {
return after.onHasNext();
} else {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
} else {
return after.onHasNext();
}, executor).thenApply(vignore -> {
if (found) {
numFound += 1;
return true;
} else {
if (ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(currBegin, endNonNull) < 0) {
next = new Range(currBegin, endNonNull);
currBegin = endNonNull;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public CompletableFuture onHasNext() {
return nextFuture;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextFuture.join();
public Range next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Attempted to get next missing range when none were present");
Range ret = next;
found = false;
if (limit == UNLIMITED || numFound < limit) {
nextFuture = getNext();
} else {
nextFuture = AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
return ret;
public void close() {
* Clears the subspace used by this RangeSet instance. This will delete the records of any
* data used by this set.
* @param tc transaction or database in which to run operation
* @return a future that is completed when the range has been cleared
public CompletableFuture clear(@Nonnull TransactionContext tc) {
return tc.runAsync(tr -> {
return AsyncUtil.DONE;
public CompletableFuture rep(@Nonnull ReadTransactionContext tc) {
return tc.readAsync(tr -> {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
AsyncIterable iterable = tr.getRange(subspace.range());
return iterable.asList().thenApply((List list) -> {
for (KeyValue kv : list) {
byte[] key = subspace.unpack(kv.getKey()).getBytes(0);
byte[] value = kv.getValue();
sb.append(" -> ");
return sb.toString();