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* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
class TupleUtil {
private static final byte nil = 0x00;
private static final Charset UTF8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
private static final BigInteger LONG_MIN_VALUE = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
private static final BigInteger LONG_MAX_VALUE = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final int UUID_BYTES = 2 * Long.BYTES;
private static final IterableComparator iterableComparator = new IterableComparator();
private static final byte BYTES_CODE = 0x01;
private static final byte STRING_CODE = 0x02;
private static final byte NESTED_CODE = 0x05;
private static final byte INT_ZERO_CODE = 0x14;
private static final byte POS_INT_END = 0x1d;
private static final byte NEG_INT_START = 0x0b;
private static final byte FLOAT_CODE = 0x20;
private static final byte DOUBLE_CODE = 0x21;
private static final byte FALSE_CODE = 0x26;
private static final byte TRUE_CODE = 0x27;
private static final byte UUID_CODE = 0x30;
private static final byte VERSIONSTAMP_CODE = 0x33;
private static final byte[] NULL_ARR = new byte[] {nil};
private static final byte[] NULL_ESCAPED_ARR = new byte[] {nil, (byte)0xFF};
static class DecodeState {
final List values;
int end;
int nullCount; // Basically a hack to allow findTerminator to return the terminator and null count
DecodeState() {
values = new ArrayList<>();
end = 0;
void add(Object value, int end) {
this.end = end;
int findNullTerminator(byte[] bytes, int from, int to) {
nullCount = 0;
int x = from;
while(x < to) {
if(bytes[x] == 0x00) {
if(x + 1 >= to || bytes[x + 1] != (byte)0xFF) {
return x;
else {
x += 2;
else {
x += 1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No terminator found for bytes starting at " + from);
static class EncodeState {
final ByteBuffer encodedBytes;
int totalLength;
int versionPos;
EncodeState(ByteBuffer dest) {
encodedBytes = dest;
totalLength = 0;
versionPos = -1;
EncodeState add(byte[] encoded, int versionPos) {
if(versionPos >= 0 && this.versionPos >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple incomplete Versionstamps included in Tuple");
totalLength += encoded.length;
this.versionPos = versionPos;
return this;
EncodeState add(byte[] encoded) {
totalLength += encoded.length;
return this;
EncodeState add(byte[] encoded, int offset, int length) {
encodedBytes.put(encoded, offset, length);
totalLength += length;
return this;
EncodeState addNullEscaped(byte[] encoded) {
int nullCount = ByteArrayUtil.nullCount(encoded);
if(nullCount == 0) {
else {
ByteArrayUtil.replace(encoded, 0, encoded.length, NULL_ARR, NULL_ESCAPED_ARR, encodedBytes);
totalLength += encoded.length + nullCount;
return this;
EncodeState add(byte b) {
return this;
EncodeState add(int i) {
totalLength += Integer.BYTES;
return this;
EncodeState add(long l) {
totalLength += Long.BYTES;
return this;
private static boolean useOldVersionOffsetFormat() {
return FDB.instance().getAPIVersion() < 520;
// These four functions are for adjusting the encoding of floating point numbers so
// that when their byte representation is written out in big-endian order, unsigned
// lexicographic byte comparison orders the values in the same way as the semantic
// ordering of the values. This means flipping all bits for negative values and flipping
// only the most-significant bit (i.e., the sign bit as all values in Java are signed)
// in the case that the number is positive. For these purposes, 0.0 is positive and -0.0
// is negative.
private static int encodeFloatBits(float f) {
int intBits = Float.floatToRawIntBits(f);
return (intBits < 0) ? (~intBits) : (intBits ^ Integer.MIN_VALUE);
private static long encodeDoubleBits(double d) {
long longBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d);
return (longBits < 0L) ? (~longBits) : (longBits ^ Long.MIN_VALUE);
private static float decodeFloatBits(int i) {
int origBits = (i >= 0) ? (~i) : (i ^ Integer.MIN_VALUE);
return Float.intBitsToFloat(origBits);
private static double decodeDoubleBits(long l) {
long origBits = (l >= 0) ? (~l) : (l ^ Long.MIN_VALUE);
return Double.longBitsToDouble(origBits);
// Get the minimal number of bytes in the representation of a long.
private static int minimalByteCount(long i) {
return (Long.SIZE + 7 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(i >= 0 ? i : -i)) / 8;
private static int minimalByteCount(BigInteger i) {
int bitLength = (i.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0) ? i.bitLength() : i.negate().bitLength();
return (bitLength + 7) / 8;
private static void adjustVersionPosition300(byte[] packed, int delta) {
int offsetOffset = packed.length - Short.BYTES;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(packed, offsetOffset, Short.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
int versionPosition = buffer.getShort() + delta;
if(versionPosition > 0xffff) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple has incomplete version at position " + versionPosition + " which is greater than the maximum " + 0xffff);
if(versionPosition < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple has an incomplete version at a negative position");
private static void adjustVersionPosition520(byte[] packed, int delta) {
int offsetOffset = packed.length - Integer.BYTES;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(packed, offsetOffset, Integer.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
int versionPosition = buffer.getInt() + delta;
if(versionPosition < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple has an incomplete version at a negative position");
static void adjustVersionPosition(byte[] packed, int delta) {
if(useOldVersionOffsetFormat()) {
adjustVersionPosition300(packed, delta);
else {
adjustVersionPosition520(packed, delta);
static int getCodeFor(Object o) {
if(o == null)
return nil;
if(o instanceof byte[])
return BYTES_CODE;
if(o instanceof String)
if(o instanceof Float)
return FLOAT_CODE;
if(o instanceof Double)
if(o instanceof Boolean)
return FALSE_CODE;
if(o instanceof UUID)
return UUID_CODE;
if(o instanceof Number)
if(o instanceof Versionstamp)
if(o instanceof List>)
if(o instanceof Tuple)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported data type: " + o.getClass().getName());
static void encode(EncodeState state, Object t, boolean nested) {
if(t == null) {
if(nested) {
else {
else if(t instanceof byte[])
encode(state, (byte[]) t);
else if(t instanceof String)
encode(state, (String)t);
else if(t instanceof Float)
encode(state, (Float)t);
else if(t instanceof Double)
encode(state, (Double)t);
else if(t instanceof Boolean)
encode(state, (Boolean)t);
else if(t instanceof UUID)
encode(state, (UUID)t);
else if(t instanceof BigInteger)
encode(state, (BigInteger)t);
else if(t instanceof Number)
encode(state, ((Number)t).longValue());
else if(t instanceof Versionstamp)
encode(state, (Versionstamp)t);
else if(t instanceof List>)
encode(state, (List>)t);
else if(t instanceof Tuple)
encode(state, (Tuple)t);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported data type: " + t.getClass().getName());
static void encode(EncodeState state, Object t) {
encode(state, t, false);
static void encode(EncodeState state, byte[] bytes) {
static void encode(EncodeState state, String s) {
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(UTF8);
static void encode(EncodeState state, BigInteger i) {
//System.out.println("Encoding integral " + i);
if(i.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
int n = minimalByteCount(i);
if(n > 0xff) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("BigInteger magnitude is too large (more than 255 bytes)");
if(i.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
byte[] bytes = i.toByteArray();
if(n > Long.BYTES) {
state.add(bytes, bytes.length - n, n);
else {
//System.out.println(" -- integral has 'n' of " + n + " and output bytes of " + bytes.length);
state.add((byte)(INT_ZERO_CODE + n));
state.add(bytes, bytes.length - n, n);
else {
byte[] bytes = i.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).toByteArray();
if(n > Long.BYTES) {
state.add((byte)(n ^ 0xff));
if(bytes.length >= n) {
state.add(bytes, bytes.length - n, n);
else {
for(int x = 0; x < n - bytes.length; x++) {
state.add(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
else {
state.add((byte)(INT_ZERO_CODE - n));
if(bytes.length >= n) {
state.add(bytes, bytes.length - n, n);
else {
for(int x = 0; x < n - bytes.length; x++) {
state.add(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
static void encode(EncodeState state, long i) {
if(i == 0L) {
int n = minimalByteCount(i);
// First byte encodes number of bytes (as difference from INT_ZERO_CODE)
state.add((byte)(INT_ZERO_CODE + (i >= 0 ? n : -n)));
// For positive integers, copy the bytes in big-endian order excluding leading 0x00 bytes.
// For negative integers, copy the bytes of the one's complement representation excluding
// the leading 0xff bytes. As Java stores negative values in two's complement, we subtract 1
// from negative values.
long val = Long.reverseBytes((i >= 0) ? i : (i - 1)) >> (Long.SIZE - 8 * n);
for(int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
state.add((byte)(val & 0xff));
val >>= 8;
static void encode(EncodeState state, Float f) {
static void encode(EncodeState state, Double d) {
static void encode(EncodeState state, Boolean b) {
state.add(b ? TRUE_CODE : FALSE_CODE);
static void encode(EncodeState state, UUID uuid) {
static void encode(EncodeState state, Versionstamp v) {
if(v.isComplete()) {
else {
state.add(v.getBytes(), state.totalLength);
static void encode(EncodeState state, List> value) {
for(Object t : value) {
encode(state, t, true);
static void encode(EncodeState state, Tuple value) {
encode(state, value.elements);
static void decode(DecodeState state, byte[] rep, int pos, int last) {
//System.out.println("Decoding '" + ArrayUtils.printable(rep) + "' at " + pos);
// SOMEDAY: codes over 127 will be a problem with the signed Java byte mess
int code = rep[pos];
int start = pos + 1;
if(code == nil) {
state.add(null, start);
else if(code == BYTES_CODE) {
int end = state.findNullTerminator(rep, start, last);
//System.out.println("End of byte string: " + end);
byte[] range;
if(state.nullCount == 0) {
range = Arrays.copyOfRange(rep, start, end);
else {
ByteBuffer dest = ByteBuffer.allocate(end - start - state.nullCount);
ByteArrayUtil.replace(rep, start, end - start, NULL_ESCAPED_ARR, NULL_ARR, dest);
range = dest.array();
//System.out.println(" -> byte string contents: '" + ArrayUtils.printable(range) + "'");
state.add(range, end + 1);
else if(code == STRING_CODE) {
int end = state.findNullTerminator(rep, start, last);
//System.out.println("End of UTF8 string: " + end);
String str;
ByteBuffer byteBuffer;
if(state.nullCount == 0) {
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rep, start, end - start);
else {
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(end - start - state.nullCount);
ByteArrayUtil.replace(rep, start, end - start, NULL_ESCAPED_ARR, NULL_ARR, byteBuffer);
try {
CharsetDecoder decoder = UTF8.newDecoder().onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT);
str = decoder.decode(byteBuffer).toString();
catch(CharacterCodingException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("malformed UTF-8 string", e);
//System.out.println(" -> UTF8 string contents: '" + str + "'");
state.add(str, end + 1);
else if(code == FLOAT_CODE) {
int rawFloatBits = ByteBuffer.wrap(rep, start, Float.BYTES).getInt();
float res = decodeFloatBits(rawFloatBits);
state.add(res, start + Float.BYTES);
else if(code == DOUBLE_CODE) {
long rawDoubleBits = ByteBuffer.wrap(rep, start, Double.BYTES).getLong();
double res = decodeDoubleBits(rawDoubleBits);
state.add(res, start + Double.BYTES);
else if(code == FALSE_CODE) {
state.add(false, start);
else if(code == TRUE_CODE) {
state.add(true, start);
else if(code == UUID_CODE) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(rep, start, UUID_BYTES).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
long msb = bb.getLong();
long lsb = bb.getLong();
state.add(new UUID(msb, lsb), start + UUID_BYTES);
else if(code == POS_INT_END) {
int n = rep[start] & 0xff;
byte[] intBytes = new byte[n + 1];
System.arraycopy(rep, start + 1, intBytes, 1, n);
BigInteger res = new BigInteger(intBytes);
state.add(res, start + n + 1);
else if(code == NEG_INT_START) {
int n = (rep[start] ^ 0xff) & 0xff;
byte[] intBytes = new byte[n + 1];
System.arraycopy(rep, start + 1, intBytes, 1, n);
BigInteger origValue = new BigInteger(intBytes);
BigInteger offset = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(n*8).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
state.add(origValue.subtract(offset), start + n + 1);
else if(code > NEG_INT_START && code < POS_INT_END) {
// decode a long
boolean positive = code >= INT_ZERO_CODE;
int n = positive ? code - INT_ZERO_CODE : INT_ZERO_CODE - code;
int end = start + n;
if(last < end) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tuple (possible truncation)");
if(positive && (n < Long.BYTES || rep[start] > 0)) {
long res = 0L;
for(int i = start; i < end; i++) {
res = (res << 8) | (rep[i] & 0xff);
state.add(res, end);
else if(!positive && (n < Long.BYTES || rep[start] < 0)) {
long res = ~0L;
for(int i = start; i < end; i++) {
res = (res << 8) | (rep[i] & 0xff);
state.add(res + 1, end);
else {
byte[] longBytes = new byte[9];
System.arraycopy(rep, start, longBytes, longBytes.length-n, n);
if (!positive)
for(int i=longBytes.length-n; i= 0 && val.compareTo(LONG_MAX_VALUE) <= 0) {
state.add(val.longValue(), end);
} else {
// This can occur if the thing can be represented with 8 bytes but requires using
// the most-significant bit as a normal bit instead of the sign bit.
state.add(val, end);
else if(code == VERSIONSTAMP_CODE) {
if(start + Versionstamp.LENGTH > last) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tuple (possible truncation)");
Versionstamp val = Versionstamp.fromBytes(Arrays.copyOfRange(rep, start, start + Versionstamp.LENGTH));
state.add(val, start + Versionstamp.LENGTH);
else if(code == NESTED_CODE) {
DecodeState subResult = new DecodeState();
int endPos = start;
boolean foundEnd = false;
while(endPos < last) {
if(rep[endPos] == nil) {
if(endPos + 1 < last && rep[endPos+1] == (byte)0xff) {
subResult.add(null, endPos + 2);
endPos += 2;
} else {
endPos += 1;
foundEnd = true;
} else {
decode(subResult, rep, endPos, last);
endPos = subResult.end;
if(!foundEnd) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No terminator found for nested tuple starting at " + start);
state.add(subResult.values, endPos);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tuple data type " + code + " at index " + pos);
static int compareItems(Object item1, Object item2) {
if(item1 == item2) {
// If we have pointer equality, just return 0 immediately.
return 0;
int code1 = TupleUtil.getCodeFor(item1);
int code2 = TupleUtil.getCodeFor(item2);
if(code1 != code2) {
return, code2);
if(code1 == nil) {
// All null's are equal. (Some may be more equal than others.)
return 0;
if(code1 == BYTES_CODE) {
return ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned((byte[])item1, (byte[])item2);
if(code1 == STRING_CODE) {
return StringUtil.compareUtf8((String)item1, (String)item2);
if(code1 == INT_ZERO_CODE) {
if(item1 instanceof Long && item2 instanceof Long) {
// This should be the common case, so it's probably worth including as a way out.
return, (Long)item2);
else {
BigInteger bi1;
if (item1 instanceof BigInteger) {
bi1 = (BigInteger) item1;
} else {
bi1 = BigInteger.valueOf(((Number) item1).longValue());
BigInteger bi2;
if (item2 instanceof BigInteger) {
bi2 = (BigInteger) item2;
} else {
bi2 = BigInteger.valueOf(((Number) item2).longValue());
return bi1.compareTo(bi2);
if(code1 == FLOAT_CODE) {
// This is done over vanilla float comparison basically to handle NaNs
// sorting correctly.
int fbits1 = encodeFloatBits((Float)item1);
int fbits2 = encodeFloatBits((Float)item2);
return Integer.compareUnsigned(fbits1, fbits2);
if(code1 == DOUBLE_CODE) {
// This is done over vanilla double comparison basically to handle NaNs
// sorting correctly.
long dbits1 = encodeDoubleBits((Double)item1);
long dbits2 = encodeDoubleBits((Double)item2);
return Long.compareUnsigned(dbits1, dbits2);
if(code1 == FALSE_CODE) {
return, (Boolean)item2);
if(code1 == UUID_CODE) {
// Java UUID.compareTo is signed, so we have to used the unsigned methods.
UUID uuid1 = (UUID)item1;
UUID uuid2 = (UUID)item2;
int cmp1 = Long.compareUnsigned(uuid1.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid2.getMostSignificantBits());
if(cmp1 != 0)
return cmp1;
return Long.compareUnsigned(uuid1.getLeastSignificantBits(), uuid2.getLeastSignificantBits());
if(code1 == VERSIONSTAMP_CODE) {
return ((Versionstamp)item1).compareTo((Versionstamp)item2);
if(code1 == NESTED_CODE) {
return>)item1, (Iterable>)item2);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tuple data type: " + item1.getClass());
static List unpack(byte[] bytes) {
try {
DecodeState decodeState = new DecodeState();
int pos = 0;
int end = bytes.length;
while (pos < end) {
decode(decodeState, bytes, pos, end);
pos = decodeState.end;
return decodeState.values;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException | BufferOverflowException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tuple (possible truncation)", e);
static void encodeAll(EncodeState state, List items) {
for(Object t : items) {
encode(state, t);
static void pack(ByteBuffer dest, List items) {
ByteOrder origOrder = dest.order();
EncodeState state = new EncodeState(dest);
encodeAll(state, items);
if(state.versionPos >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incomplete Versionstamp included in vanilla tuple pack");
static byte[] pack(List items, int expectedSize) {
ByteBuffer dest = ByteBuffer.allocate(expectedSize);
pack(dest, items);
return dest.array();
static byte[] packWithVersionstamp(List items, int expectedSize) {
ByteBuffer dest = ByteBuffer.allocate(expectedSize);
EncodeState state = new EncodeState(dest);
encodeAll(state, items);
if(state.versionPos < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No incomplete Versionstamp included in tuple packInternal with versionstamp");
else {
if(useOldVersionOffsetFormat() && state.versionPos > 0xffff) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple has incomplete version at position " + state.versionPos + " which is greater than the maximum " + 0xffff);
if (useOldVersionOffsetFormat()) {
} else {
return dest.array();
static int getPackedSize(List> items, boolean nested) {
int packedSize = 0;
for(Object item : items) {
if(item == null)
packedSize += nested ? 2 : 1;
else if(item instanceof byte[]) {
byte[] bytes = (byte[])item;
packedSize += 2 + bytes.length + ByteArrayUtil.nullCount((byte[])item);
else if(item instanceof String) {
int strPackedSize = StringUtil.packedSize((String)item);
packedSize += 2 + strPackedSize;
else if(item instanceof Float)
packedSize += 1 + Float.BYTES;
else if(item instanceof Double)
packedSize += 1 + Double.BYTES;
else if(item instanceof Boolean)
packedSize += 1;
else if(item instanceof UUID)
packedSize += 1 + UUID_BYTES;
else if(item instanceof BigInteger) {
BigInteger bigInt = (BigInteger)item;
int byteCount = minimalByteCount(bigInt);
// If byteCount <= 8, then the encoding uses 1 byte for both the size
// and type code. If byteCount > 8, then there is 1 byte for the type code
// and 1 byte for the length. In both cases, the value is followed by
// the byte count.
packedSize += byteCount + ((byteCount <= 8) ? 1 : 2);
else if(item instanceof Number)
packedSize += 1 + minimalByteCount(((Number)item).longValue());
else if(item instanceof Versionstamp) {
packedSize += 1 + Versionstamp.LENGTH;
Versionstamp versionstamp = (Versionstamp)item;
if(!versionstamp.isComplete()) {
int suffixSize = useOldVersionOffsetFormat() ? Short.BYTES : Integer.BYTES;
packedSize += suffixSize;
else if(item instanceof List>)
packedSize += 2 + getPackedSize((List>)item, true);
else if(item instanceof Tuple)
packedSize += 2 + ((Tuple)item).getPackedSize(true);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type " + item.getClass() + " for tuple packing");
return packedSize;
static boolean hasIncompleteVersionstamp(Stream> items) {
return items.anyMatch(item -> {
if(item == null) {
return false;
else if(item instanceof Versionstamp) {
return !((Versionstamp) item).isComplete();
else if(item instanceof Tuple) {
return hasIncompleteVersionstamp(((Tuple) item).stream());
else if(item instanceof Collection>) {
return hasIncompleteVersionstamp(((Collection) item).stream());
else {
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
byte[] bytes = pack(Collections.singletonList(4), 2);
DecodeState result = new DecodeState();
decode(result, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
int val = ((Number)result.values.get(0)).intValue();
assert 4 == val;
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
try {
byte[] bytes = pack(Collections.singletonList("\u021Aest \u0218tring"), 15);
DecodeState result = new DecodeState();
decode(result, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
String string = (String)result.values.get(0);
System.out.println("contents -> " + string);
assert "\u021Aest \u0218tring".equals(string);
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
/*Object[] a = new Object[] { "\u0000a", -2, "b\u0001", 12345, ""};
List o = Arrays.asList(a);
byte[] packed = packInternal( o, null );
System.out.println("packed length: " + packed.length);
o = unpack( packed, 0, packed.length );
System.out.println("unpacked elements: " + o);
for(Object obj : o)
System.out.println(" -> type: " + obj.getClass().getName());*/
private TupleUtil() {}