knockoff.TextWriter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
The utility of plain text is mostly to get the text without any markup, useful
in cases where you're doing something like pulling the header into a title
field, etc.
**TODO** HTML is currently bypassed, we should parse it and strip out the text.
package knockoff
import{ StringWriter, Writer }
trait TextWriter {
/** Creates a Group representation of the document. */
def toText( blocks : collection.Seq[Block] ) : String = {
implicit val writer = new StringWriter
blocksToText( blocks )
def blocksToText( blocks : collection.Seq[Block] )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit =
blocks.foreach( blockToText )
def blockToText( block : Block )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
block match {
case Paragraph( spans, _ ) => spans.foreach( spanToText )
case Header( _, spans, _ ) => spans.foreach( spanToText )
case LinkDefinition( _, _, _, _ ) => {}
case Blockquote( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToText )
case CodeBlock( text, _ ) => writer.write( text.content )
case HorizontalRule( _ ) => {}
case OrderedItem( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToText )
case UnorderedItem( children, _ ) => children.foreach( blockToText )
case OrderedList( items ) => items.foreach( blockToText )
case UnorderedList( items ) => items.foreach( blockToText )
writer.write(" ")
def spanToText( span : Span )( implicit writer : Writer ) : Unit = {
span match {
case Text( content ) => writer.write( content )
case HTMLSpan( html ) => {}
case CodeSpan( code ) => writer.write( code )
case Strong( children ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
case Emphasis( children ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
case Link( children, url, title ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
case IndirectLink( children, definition ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
case ImageLink( children, url, title ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
case IndirectImageLink( children, definition ) => children.foreach( spanToText )
writer.write( " " )