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org.fuchss.objectcasket.tablemodule.impl.TableImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Object Casket is a simple O/R mapper that can be used together with the Java Persistence API (JPA). The aim is to provide a simple solution for small projects to store multi-related
entities in a simple manner.
package org.fuchss.objectcasket.tablemodule.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.common.CasketError.CE2;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.common.CasketError.CE3;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.common.CasketException;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.common.Util;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.DatabaseObserver;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.PreCompiledStatement;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.SqlArg;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.SqlDatabase;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.SqlObject;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.SqlObjectFactory;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.sqlconnector.port.TableAssignment;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.tablemodule.port.Row;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.tablemodule.port.Table;
import org.fuchss.objectcasket.tablemodule.port.TableObserver;
class TableImpl implements Table, DatabaseObserver {
private final SqlDatabase db;
private final SqlObjectFactory objFac;
private final TableAssignment dbTab;
private final TableAssignment pkTab;
private boolean closed;
private SqlArg pkArg;
private PreCompiledStatement newRowStmt;
private PreCompiledStatement deleteRowStmt;
private PreCompiledStatement selectAllPKsStmt;
private PreCompiledStatement selectRowByPkStmt;
private CasketException exc;
private final Map pkRowMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Map myRows = new HashMap<>();
private final Set observers = new HashSet<>();
private final Map> rowSignature = new HashMap<>();
private String pkName;
private Class extends Serializable> pkType;
private boolean isAutoIncrementedPK;
private final TableModuleImpl myModule;
protected TableImpl(TableModuleImpl module, TableAssignment dbTab, TableAssignment pkTab, SqlDatabase db, SqlObjectFactory objFac) {
this.myModule = module;
this.dbTab = dbTab;
this.pkTab = pkTab;
this.db = db;
this.objFac = objFac;
protected void initSignature(Map> signature, String pkName, boolean autoIncrement) throws CasketException {
this.pkName = pkName;
this.pkType = signature.get(pkName);
this.isAutoIncrementedPK = autoIncrement;
this.db.attach(this, this.pkTab);
private void init() throws CasketException {
HashSet pkArgSet = new HashSet<>();
this.pkArg = this.db.mkSqlArg(this.dbTab, this.pkName, SqlArg.CMP.EQUAL);
this.newRowStmt = this.db.mkNewRowStmt(this.dbTab);
this.deleteRowStmt = this.db.mkDeleteStmt(this.dbTab, pkArgSet, SqlArg.OP.AND);
this.selectAllPKsStmt = this.db.mkSelectStmt(this.pkTab, new HashSet<>(), SqlArg.OP.AND);
this.selectRowByPkStmt = this.db.mkSelectStmt(this.dbTab, pkArgSet, SqlArg.OP.AND);
public synchronized boolean register(TableObserver observer) {
return this.observers.add(observer);
public synchronized boolean deregister(TableObserver observer) {
return this.observers.remove(observer);
public synchronized void update(TableAssignment tabOrView, List changed, List deleted, List added) {
if (tabOrView != this.pkTab)
Set changedRows = this.updateChanged(changed);
Set deletedRows = this.updateDeleted(deleted);
Set addedRows = this.updateAdded(added);
if (changedRows.isEmpty() && deletedRows.isEmpty() && addedRows.isEmpty())
this.observers.forEach(obs -> obs.update(changedRows, deletedRows, addedRows));
private Set updateChanged(List changed) {
Set changedRows = new HashSet<>();
for (SqlObject obj : changed) {
RowImpl row = this.pkRowMap.get(obj.get(this.pkType));
if (row != null) {
return changedRows;
private Set updateDeleted(List deleted) {
Set deletedRows = new HashSet<>();
for (SqlObject obj : deleted) {
Object pk = obj.get(this.pkType);
RowImpl row = this.pkRowMap.get(pk);
if (row != null) {
return deletedRows;
private Set updateAdded(List added) {
Set addedRows = new HashSet<>();
for (SqlObject obj : added) {
Serializable pk = obj.get(this.pkType);
Map args = new HashMap<>();
try {
args.put(this.pkArg, this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(this.pkName), pk));
Map rowSqlValues =, args, null).get(0);
addedRows.add(this.updateMaps(this.mkRow(rowSqlValues, pk), pk, null));
} catch (Exception e) {
return addedRows;
protected void close() throws CasketException {
if (this.closed)
throw CE2.ALREADY_CLOSED.defaultBuild("table", this.getTableName());
this.closed = true;
this.db.detach(this, this.pkTab);
public synchronized Row createRow(Map values, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
this.checkArgs(values, voucher);
try {
Map sqlValues = this.javaToSql(values, false);
Serializable pk = this.db.newRow(this.newRowStmt, sqlValues, voucher).get(this.pkName).get(this.pkType);
RowImpl newRow = new RowImpl(this, values, pk);
this.pkRowMap.put(pk, newRow);
this.myRows.put(newRow, newRow);
this.myModule.add2created(this, newRow);
return newRow;
} catch (CasketException e) {
this.myModule.rollback(e, voucher);
return null; // never reached!
public synchronized void updateRow(Row row, Map values, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
RowImpl theRow = this.myRows.get(row);
this.checkArgs(theRow, values);
try {
Map sqlValues = this.javaToSql(values, true);
PreCompiledStatement updateRowStmt = this.db.mkUpdateRowStmt(this.dbTab, values.keySet());
this.db.updateRow(updateRowStmt, this.mkSqlObject(this.pkName, theRow.getPk(this.pkType)), sqlValues, voucher);
for (Entry entry : values.entrySet())
theRow.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
this.myModule.add2changed(this, theRow);
} catch (CasketException e) {
this.myModule.rollback(e, voucher);
public synchronized void deleteRow(Row row, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
RowImpl theRow = this.myRows.get(row);
try {
Map args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(this.pkArg, this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(this.pkName), theRow.getPk(this.pkType)));
List keys = this.db.delete(this.deleteRowStmt, args, voucher);
if ((keys == null) || (keys.size() != 1) || (this.pkRowMap.get(keys.get(0).get(this.pkType)) != theRow))
throw CE3.UNEXPECTED_DELETE.defaultBuild(this.getTableName(), row, theRow.getPk(this.pkType));
this.myModule.add2deleted(this, theRow);
} catch (CasketException e) {
this.myModule.rollback(e, voucher);
private List searchRows(HashSet argSet, Map args, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
PreCompiledStatement selectRowStmt = this.db.mkSelectStmt(this.dbTab, argSet, SqlArg.OP.AND);
List selectedRows = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map RowSqlValues :, args, voucher)) {
RowImpl row = this.mkRow(RowSqlValues, null);
Object pk = row.getPk(this.pkType);
selectedRows.add(this.updateMaps(row, pk, voucher));
return selectedRows;
public synchronized List allRows(Object voucher) throws CasketException {
List> allPks =, new HashMap<>(), voucher);
Set pkObjects = new HashSet<>();
allPks.forEach(pkPair -> pkObjects.add(pkPair.get(this.pkName).get(this.pkType)));
for (Serializable pk : pkObjects) {
Row row = this.pkRowMap.get(pk);
if ((row != null) && !row.isDirty())
Map args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(this.pkArg, this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(this.pkName), pk));
Map rowSqlValues =, args, voucher).get(0);
this.updateMaps(this.mkRow(rowSqlValues, pk), pk, voucher);
return new ArrayList<>(this.pkRowMap.values());
private RowImpl updateMaps(RowImpl row, Object pk, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
RowImpl oldRow = this.pkRowMap.get(pk);
if (oldRow == null) {
this.pkRowMap.put(pk, row);
this.myRows.put(row, row);
return row;
if ((voucher != null) && oldRow.isDirty())
this.reloadRow(oldRow, voucher);
return oldRow;
public synchronized List searchRows(Set cmpDef, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
HashSet argSet = new HashSet<>();
Map args = new HashMap<>();
for (Exp exp : cmpDef) {
CompareObjectImpl cmpObj = this.mkCmpObject(exp.columnName(), exp.value(), exp.op());
args.put(cmpObj.sqlArg, cmpObj.sqlObj);
return this.searchRows(argSet, args, voucher);
private CompareObjectImpl mkCmpObject(String column, T value, TabCMP op) throws CasketException {
Util.objectsNotNull(column, value, op);
SqlObject sqlObj = this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(column), value);
SqlArg sqlArg = this.db.mkSqlArg(this.dbTab, column,;
return new CompareObjectImpl(this, column, sqlArg, sqlObj);
private RowImpl mkRow(Map rowSqlValues, T pk) {
Map rowValues = new HashMap<>();
rowSqlValues.forEach((col, sqlObj) -> rowValues.put(col, sqlObj.get(this.getColumnType(col))));
return new RowImpl(this, rowValues, pk == null ? rowValues.get(this.pkName) : pk);
public void reloadRow(Row row, Object voucher) throws CasketException {
RowImpl theRow = this.myRows.get(row);
Map args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(this.pkArg, this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(this.pkName), row.getPk(this.pkType)));
Map rowSqlValues =, args, voucher).get(0);
for (Entry entry : rowSqlValues.entrySet()) {
String col = entry.getKey();
if (col.equals(this.pkName))
theRow.setValue(col, entry.getValue().get(this.getColumnType(col)));
protected Class extends Serializable> getColumnType(String column) {
return this.rowSignature.get(column);
protected Set allColumns() {
return this.rowSignature.keySet();
protected String pkName() {
return this.pkName;
private SqlObject mkSqlObject(String column, T value) {
try {
return this.objFac.mkSqlObject(this.dbTab.storageClass(column), value);
} catch (CasketException e) {
this.exc = e;
return null;
private void throwIfError() throws CasketException {
if (this.exc != null) {
CasketException e = this.exc;
this.exc = null;
throw e;
private void checkArgs(Object... args) throws CasketException {
if (this.closed)
throw CE2.ALREADY_CLOSED.defaultBuild("table", this.getTableName());
private Map javaToSql(Map values, boolean valuesOnly) throws CasketException {
Map sqlValues = new HashMap<>();
if (valuesOnly)
values.keySet().forEach(column -> sqlValues.put(column, this.mkSqlObject(column, values.get(column))));
this.dbTab.columnNames().forEach(column -> sqlValues.put(column, this.mkSqlObject(column, values.get(column))));
return sqlValues;
protected void rollback(Set rows) {
if (rows == null)
try {
for (Row row : rows) {
RowImpl theRow = this.myRows.remove(row);
Object pk = theRow == null ? null : theRow.getPk(this.pkType);
if (pk == null)
if (this.isAutoIncrementedPK)
} catch (Exception e) {
String getTableName() {
return this.dbTab.tableName();