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org.fudaa.dodico.reflux.io.RefluxINPV5P0Version Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.fudaa.dodico.reflux.io;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.CtuluIOOperationSynthese;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.CtuluLibString;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.ProgressionInterface;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.fileformat.FileReadOperationAbstract;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.fileformat.FileWriteOperationAbstract;
import org.fudaa.dodico.dico.DicoEntite;
import org.fudaa.dodico.dico.DicoEntiteGenerate;
import org.fudaa.dodico.dico.DicoEntiteList;
import org.fudaa.dodico.dico.DicoLanguage;
import org.fudaa.dodico.ef.EfGridSource;
import org.fudaa.dodico.fichiers.FileFormatSoftware;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.reflux.H2dRefluxDicoModel;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.reflux.H2dRefluxDicoVersion;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.reflux.H2dRefluxNodalPropertiesMng;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.type.H2dBcType;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.type.H2dBoundaryType;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.type.H2dProjetType;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.type.H2dRefluxBoundaryType;
import org.fudaa.dodico.h2d.type.H2dVariableType;
* Derniere version.
* @author Fred Deniger
* @version $Id: RefluxINPV5P0Version.java,v 1.3 2007-06-29 15:19:38 deniger Exp $
public class RefluxINPV5P0Version extends H2dRefluxDicoVersion {
DicoEntite[] entiteContrib_;
* @param _version id version.
public RefluxINPV5P0Version(final String _version) {
super(INPFileFormat.getInstance(), _version, false);
protected RefluxINPV5P0Version(final String _version, boolean _containContribSrc) {
super(INPFileFormat.getInstance(), _version, _containContribSrc);
public H2dRefluxDicoModel getRefluxDico() {
return (H2dRefluxDicoModel) super.getDico();
private void buildListContribution() {
String rubrique = "Coefficients contribution";
if (DicoLanguage.getCurrentID() == DicoLanguage.ENGLISH_ID) {
rubrique = "Contribution coefficients";
final List l = new ArrayList(18);
DicoEntite ent;
final DicoEntiteList entites = getRefluxModel().getEntites();
for (final Iterator it = entites.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
ent = (DicoEntite) it.next();
if (rubrique.equals(ent.getRubrique())) {
Collections.sort(l, DicoEntiteGenerate.getComparatorIndex());
entiteContrib_ = new DicoEntite[l.size()];
public CLVReader createCLVReader() {
return CLTransitoireFileFormat.getInstance().createCLVReader();
* @return le writer
public CLVWriter createCLVWriter() {
return CLTransitoireFileFormat.getInstance().createCLVWriter();
* @return le reader inp.
public INPReaderAbstract createINPReader() {
return new INPReaderV5P0(this);
* @return le writer inp.
public INPWriterAbstract createINPWriter() {
return new INPWriterV5P0(this);
public final FileReadOperationAbstract createReader() {
return createINPReader();
public final FileWriteOperationAbstract createWriter() {
return createINPWriter();
* @return format
public int[] getBlocSimpleFormat() {
return new int[] { 5 };
* @param _id l'identifiant inp
* @return le type de bord correspondant.
public H2dBoundaryType getBordType(final int _id) {
if (_id == getCodeBordLiquide()) {
return H2dRefluxBoundaryType.LIQUIDE;
} else if (_id == getCodeBordLiquideDebit()) {
return H2dRefluxBoundaryType.LIQUIDE_DEBIT_IMPOSE;
} else if (_id == getCodeBordSolideFrottement()) {
return H2dRefluxBoundaryType.SOLIDE;
return null;
* @param _id le type du bord
* @return l'id inp
public int getBordTypeId(final H2dBoundaryType _id) {
if (_id == H2dRefluxBoundaryType.LIQUIDE_DEBIT_IMPOSE) {
return getCodeBordLiquideDebit();
} else if (_id.isLiquide()) {
return getCodeBordLiquide();
} else if ((_id == H2dRefluxBoundaryType.SOLIDE) || (_id == H2dRefluxBoundaryType.SOLIDE_FROTTEMENT)) {
return getCodeBordSolideFrottement();
return -1;
* @param _f le tableau a parcourir
* @return le fichier contant l'extension clv
public String getCLTransitoireFichier(final String[] _f) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getClTransitoireFileExtension());
* @return l'extension des fichiers cl transitoire utilises
public String getClTransitoireFileExtension() {
return "clv";
* @param _id l'identifiant inp
* @return type equivalent ou null si inconnu
public H2dBcType getClType(final int _id) {
if (_id == getCodeLibre()) {
return H2dBcType.LIBRE;
} else if (_id == getCodePermanent()) {
return H2dBcType.PERMANENT;
} else if (_id == getCodeTransitoire()) {
return H2dBcType.TRANSITOIRE;
return null;
* @param _t le type
* @return l'id inp correspondant.-1 si inconnu.
public int getCode(final H2dBcType _t) {
if (_t == H2dBcType.LIBRE) {
return getCodeLibre();
} else if (_t == H2dBcType.PERMANENT) {
return getCodePermanent();
} else if (_t == H2dBcType.TRANSITOIRE) {
return getCodeTransitoire();
return -1;
* @return format
public int getCodeBordLiquide() {
return 6;
* @return format
public int getCodeBordLiquideDebit() {
return 7;
* @return format
public int getCodeBordSolideFrottement() {
return 8;
* @return format
public int getCodeFin() {
return 0;
* @return format
public int getCodeFond() {
return 5;
* @return format
public int getCodeLibre() {
return 0;
* @return format
public int getCodePermanent() {
return 2;
* @return format
public int getCodeTransitoire() {
return 1;
* @param _index l'index demande.
* @return le mot-cle correspondant au coef de contribution
public DicoEntite getCoefContribution(final int _index) {
if (entiteContrib_ == null) {
if (_index < 0 || _index >= entiteContrib_.length) {
new Throwable("index must belong to the interval 0," + entiteContrib_.length).printStackTrace();
return null;
return entiteContrib_[_index];
* @return nb de coefficient de contribution.
public int getCoefContributionNb() {
if (entiteContrib_ == null) {
return entiteContrib_.length;
* @return format
public int[] getCoefficientContributionFormat() {
return new int[] { 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
* @return format
public String getCOND() {
return "COND";
* @return format
public int[] getCONDCodeFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 5, 5 };
* @return COOR
public String getCOOR() {
return "COOR";
* @return le format concernant la ligne declarant le bloc Coor.
public int[] getCOORFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 15, 5, 5 };
* @return format
public String getCRAD() {
return "BLOC: CRAD";
* @return format
public int[] getCRADFormat() {
return new int[] { 15, 5 };
* @return BLOC: DATA
public String getDATA() {
return "BLOC: DATA";
* @return format
public String getDLPN() {
return "DLPN";
* @return 3
public int getDLPNDllPointExtremite() {
return 3;
* @return 2
public int getDLPNDllPointMilieu() {
return 2;
* @return format
public int[] getDLPNFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 15, 5 };
* @return format
public String getELEM() {
return "ELEM";
* @return format
public int[] getELEMFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 15, 5, 5 };
* @return format
public int getELEMTailleBord() {
return 3;
* @return format
public int getELEMTailleFond() {
return 6;
* @return format
public int[] getELEMValeurFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
* @return sep entete
public String getEnteteSeparateur() {
return " ===============================================================================";
* @return entete start
public String getENTETEVersionLineStart() {
return "Cree par";
* @return REFLUX
public String getENTETEVersionPrefixe() {
return "REFLUX";
* @return format
public String getFICHIER() {
return "FICHIER:";
public String getFileExtensionForRadiation(final H2dProjetType _proj) {
return "crv";
public String getFileExtensionForVent(final H2dProjetType _proj) {
return "vtv";
* @return format
public String getFLUT() {
return "BLOC: FLUT";
public String getFLUTCoefficientContribution() {
* @return format
public int[] getFLUTFreqImpressionFormat() {
return new int[] { 15, 10 };
* @return IMPRESSION
public String getFLUTImpression() {
return "IMPRESSION";
* @return format flut methode
public int[] getFLUTMethodeResolutionFormat() {
return new int[] { 20, 10, 10, 10, 5 };
* @return format flut
public int[] getFLUTNbPasTemps() {
return new int[] { 10, 10 };
* @return format flut schema
public int[] getFLUTSchemaResolutionFormat() {
return new int[] { 20, 10, 10 };
public String getForceFileExtension(final H2dVariableType _v, final H2dProjetType _proj) {
if (_v == H2dRefluxNodalPropertiesMng.getVentVar()) {
return getFileExtensionForVent(_proj);
} else if (_v == H2dRefluxNodalPropertiesMng.getRadiationVar()) {
return getFileExtensionForRadiation(_proj);
return null;
* @return format
public int[] getHuitDoubleFormat() {
return new int[] { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
* @return format
public String getIMPRESSION() {
return "IMPRESSION:";
public int getNbDigitsForCRADFile() {
return H2dRefluxDicoVersion.getDoubleColSize();
* @return 10
public int getNbMaxFichiers() {
return 10;
* @param _f le tableau a parcourir
* @return le fichier contant l'extension pnv
public String getPnTransitoireFichier(final String[] _f) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getPnTransitoireFileExtension());
* @return "pnv"
public String getPnTransitoireFileExtension() {
return "pnv";
* @param _v la variable
* @return la position dans le tableau des cl du fichier inp.
public int getPositionForCond(final H2dVariableType _v) {
if (_v == H2dVariableType.VITESSE_U) {
return 0;
} else if (_v == H2dVariableType.VITESSE_V) {
return 1;
} else if (_v == H2dVariableType.COTE_EAU) {
return 2;
return -1;
* @return format
public String getPREL() {
return "PREL";
* @return format
public int[] getPRELFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 15, 5, 5 };
* @return les mot-cl?s impression
public DicoEntite[] getPrintEntite() {
return getEntitesForHeading(new String[] { "Impression", "Print" });
* @return format
public String getPRND() {
return "PRND";
* @return format
public int[] getPRNDFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 15, 5 };
public String getRadiation(final String[] _f, final H2dProjetType _proj) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getFileExtensionForRadiation(_proj));
* @return le modele des mot-cles.
public H2dRefluxDicoModel getRefluxModel() {
return (H2dRefluxDicoModel) super.getDico();
* @return format
public int[] getCONDNoeudIdxFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
public int[] getGroupElemCodeFormat() {
return new int[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
public FileFormatSoftware getSoftVersion() {
final FileFormatSoftware r = new FileFormatSoftware(FileFormatSoftware.REFLUX_IS);
r.soft_ = getCodeName();
r.language_ = super.getDico().getLanguage();
r.version_ = getDico().getVersion();
return r;
* @return format
public String getSOLR() {
return "BLOC: SOLR";
* @return format
public int[] getSOLRFormat() {
return new int[] { 15, 5 };
* @param _f le tableau de recherche
* @return l'element du tableau contenant la bonne extension
public String getSolution(final String[] _f) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getSolutionFileExtension());
* @return "sov"
public String getSolutionFileExtension() {
return "sov";
* @return "sfv"
public String getSolutionFinaleExtension() {
return "sfv";
* @return "siv"
public String getSolutionInitFileExtension() {
return "siv";
* @param _f le tableau de recherche
* @return l'element du tableau contenant la bonne extension
public String getSolutionInitiales(final String[] _f) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getSolutionInitFileExtension());
* @return format
public String getSTOP() {
return "STOP";
* @return format
public String getTPEL() {
return "TPEL";
* @return format
public String getTRANS() {
return "BLOC: TRANS";
public int[] getTypeProjetFormat() {
return new int[] { 15, 5, 5 };
* @return le format concernant les lignes declarant les coordonn?es.
public int[] getTroisDoubleFormat() {
return new int[] { 10, 10, 10 };
public String getVent(final String[] _f, final H2dProjetType _proj) {
return CtuluLibString.findStringEndWith(_f, getFileExtensionForVent(_proj));
* @return format
public String getVENT() {
return "BLOC: VENT";
* @return format
public int[] getVENTFormat() {
return new int[] { 15, 5 };
* Surcharge pour indique au lecteur de format INP de ne lire que le maillage.
public CtuluIOOperationSynthese readGrid(final File _f, final ProgressionInterface _prog) {
final INPReaderAbstract i = createINPReader();
final CtuluIOOperationSynthese r = i.read(_f, _prog);
return r;
public CtuluIOOperationSynthese readListPoint(final File _f, final ProgressionInterface _prog) {
final CtuluIOOperationSynthese s = read(_f, _prog);
s.setSource(((INPInterface) s.getSource()).getGrid());
return s;
* @param _f le fichier cible
* @param _inter la source
* @param _prog la barre de progression
* @return la synthese de l'operation
public CtuluIOOperationSynthese write(final File _f, final INPInterface _inter, final ProgressionInterface _prog) {
final INPWriterAbstract w = createINPWriter();
return w.write(_inter);
public CtuluIOOperationSynthese writeGrid(final File _f, final EfGridSource _m, final ProgressionInterface _prog) {
return null;
public boolean canReadGrid()
return true;
public boolean canWriteGrid()
return true;
public boolean hasBoundaryConditons()
// TODO Voir si correct
return false;
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