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org.fudaa.ebli.graphe.Graphe Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * @file
 * @creation     1999-07-29
 * @modification $Date: 2006-09-19 14:55:45 $
 * @license      GNU General Public License 2
 * @copyright    (c)1998-2001 CETMEF 2 bd Gambetta F-60231 Compiegne
 * @mail         [email protected]
package org.fudaa.ebli.graphe;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.fudaa.ctulu.CtuluLibMessage;
import org.fudaa.ctulu.CtuluLibString;

 * Graphe.
 * @version $Revision: 1.18 $ $Date: 2006-09-19 14:55:45 $ by $Author: deniger $
 * @author Guillaume Desnoix
public class Graphe {
  public String titre_;
  public String soustitre_;
  public boolean legende_;
  public boolean animation_;
  public int vitesse_;
  public Marges marges_;
  private Vector grComponents_;
  private Vector courbes_;
  private Vector axesVertical_;
  public Image fond_;
  private Axe hAxe_;
  private Axe firstAxe_;
  private Font ftLegend_;
  private Font ftTitre_;
  private Font ftSousTitre_;
  public boolean copyright_;
  public boolean visible_;

  public Graphe() {
    titre_ = CtuluLibString.EMPTY_STRING;
    soustitre_ = titre_;
    legende_ = true;
    animation_ = false;
    vitesse_ = 1000;
    marges_ = new Marges();
    grComponents_ = new Vector(10);
    axesVertical_ = new Vector(3);
    courbes_ = new Vector(20);
    hAxe_ = new Axe();
    fond_ = null;
    copyright_ = true;
    visible_ = true;
    final String type = "SansSerif";
    ftTitre_ = new Font(type, Font.BOLD, 14);
    ftSousTitre_ = new Font(type, Font.PLAIN, 12);
    ftLegend_ = new Font(type, Font.ITALIC, 10);

  public Vector getCourbes() {
    return courbes_;

  public Axe getHorizontalAxe() {
    return hAxe_;

  public double[] getMinMaxXY() {
    final double[] minMax = new double[4];
    boolean init = false;
    double xmin = 0;
    double xmax = 0;
    double ymin = 0;
    double ymax = 0;
    final List r = new ArrayList(grComponents_.size() + courbes_.size());
    for (int i = r.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (((GrapheComponent) r.get(i)).getMinMax(minMax)) {
        if (!init) {
          xmin = minMax[0];
          xmax = minMax[1];
          ymin = minMax[2];
          ymax = minMax[3];
          init = true;

        } else {

          if (minMax[0] < xmin) {
            xmin = minMax[0];
          if (minMax[1] > xmax) {
            xmax = minMax[1];
          if (minMax[2] < ymin) {
            ymin = minMax[2];
          if (minMax[3] > ymax) {
            ymax = minMax[3];
    minMax[0] = xmin;
    minMax[1] = xmax;
    minMax[2] = ymin;
    minMax[3] = ymax;
    return minMax;


  public boolean restaurer() {
    final double[] minMax = getMinMaxXY();
    boolean r = false;
    if (hAxe_.maximum_ != minMax[1]) {
      hAxe_.maximum_ = minMax[1];
      r = true;
    if (hAxe_.minimum_ != minMax[0]) {
      hAxe_.minimum_ = minMax[0];
      r = true;
    final Axe a = getFirstVerticalAxe();
    if (a.maximum_ != minMax[3]) {
      r = true;
      a.maximum_ = minMax[3];
    if (a.minimum_ != minMax[2]) {
      a.minimum_ = minMax[2];
      r = true;
    return r;

  public Axe getFirstVerticalAxe() {
    return firstAxe_;

  public static Graphe parse(final Lecteur _lin, final Applet _applet) {
    final Graphe r = new Graphe();
    String t = _lin.get();
    if (t.equals("graphe")) {
      t = _lin.get();
    if (!t.equals("{")) {
      System.err.println("Erreur de syntaxe: " + t);
    t = _lin.get();
    while (!t.equals("") && !t.equals("}")) {
      final String oui = "oui";
      if (t.equals("titre")) {
        r.titre_ = _lin.get();
      } else if (t.equals("sous-titre")) {
        r.soustitre_ = _lin.get();
      } else if (t.equals("legende")) {
        r.legende_ = _lin.get().equals(oui);
      } else if (t.equals("animation")) {
        r.animation_ = _lin.get().equals(oui);
      } else if (t.equals("copyright")) {
        r.copyright_ = _lin.get().equals(oui);
      } else if (t.equals("vitesse")) {
        r.vitesse_ = Integer.valueOf(_lin.get()).intValue();
      } else if (t.equals("fond")) {
      } else if (t.equals("marges")) {
        r.marges_ = Marges.parse(_lin);
      } else if (t.equals("axe")) {
      } else if (t.equals("courbe")) {
      } else if (t.equals("repartition")) {
      } else if (t.equals("contrainte")) {
      } else if (t.equals("visible")) {
        r.visible_ = _lin.get().equals(oui);
      } else {
        System.err.println("Erreur de syntaxe: " + t);
      t = _lin.get();
    return r;

  public static Graphe parseXY(final Lecteur _lin) {
    final Graphe r = new Graphe();
    final CourbeDefault c = CourbeDefault.parseXY(_lin);
    final Axe v = new Axe();
    v.vertical_ = true;
    v.minimum_ = c.getMinY();
    v.maximum_ = c.getMaxY();
    v.titre_ = "Y";
    final Axe h = new Axe();
    h.minimum_ = c.getMinX();
    h.titre_ = "X";
    h.maximum_ = c.getMaxX();
    return r;

  public final void ajouteComponent(final GrapheComponent _c) {
    if (!grComponents_.contains(_c)) {

  public final int getNbGrapheComponent() {
    return grComponents_.size();

  public final GrapheComponent getGrapheComponent(final int _i) {
    return (GrapheComponent) grComponents_.get(_i);

  public final boolean setAllVisible(final boolean _b) {
    boolean r = false;
    final int n = grComponents_.size() - 1;
    for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
      r |= ((GrapheComponent) grComponents_.get(i)).setVisible(_b);
    return r;

  public final boolean setOnlyOneVisible(final GrapheComponent _c) {
    boolean r = false;
    final int n = grComponents_.size() - 1;
    for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
      final GrapheComponent c = getGrapheComponent(i);
      r |= c.setVisible(c == _c);
    return r;

  public void ajoute(final Axe _a) {
    if (_a == null) {
    if (_a.vertical_) {
      if (!axesVertical_.contains(_a)) {
      if (firstAxe_ == null) {
        firstAxe_ = _a;
    } else {
      hAxe_ = _a;

  public void ajoute(final Courbe _c) {
    if (_c != null) {

  public void ajoute(final Repartition _c) {

  public void ajoute(final Contrainte _c) {

  public void ajoute(final Object _el) {
    if (_el instanceof Axe) {
      ajoute((Axe) _el);
    } else if (_el instanceof Courbe) {
      ajoute((Courbe) _el);
    } else if (_el instanceof GrapheComponent) {
      ajouteComponent((GrapheComponent) _el);
    } else {
      CtuluLibMessage.error("?l?ment " + _el.getClass().getName() + " inconnu");


  public void enleve(final Object _el) {
    if (!courbes_.remove(_el)) {
      if (!grComponents_.removeElement(_el)) {
        if (_el == firstAxe_) {
          firstAxe_ = null;


  public Object[] getElementsParType(final Class _c) {
    final List cs = new ArrayList();
    if (_c.equals(Axe.class)) {
      return cs.toArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < grComponents_.size(); i++) {
      if (grComponents_.get(i).getClass() == _c) {

    for (int i = 0; i < this.courbes_.size(); i++) {
      if (courbes_.get(i).getClass() == _c) {

    return cs.toArray();

  public void dessine(final Graphics _g, final int _x, final int _y, final int _w, final int _h, final int _nr, final ImageObserver _applet) {
    if (!visible_) {
    final Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) _g;
    if ((fond_ != null) && (fond_.getWidth(_applet) > 0)) {
      g2d.drawImage(fond_, _x, _y, _w, _h, _applet);
    } else {
      g2d.fillRect(_x, _y, _w, _h);
    Font f;
    FontMetrics fm;
    f = ftTitre_;
    fm = g2d.getFontMetrics();
    int legendeYShift = _y;
    g2d.drawString(titre_, _x + (_w - fm.stringWidth(titre_)) / 2, _y + (marges_.haut_ + f.getSize()) / 2);
    if ((titre_ != null) && (titre_.length() > 0)) {
      final int max = (_y + (marges_.haut_ + f.getSize()) / 2);
      if (max > legendeYShift) {
        legendeYShift = max;
    f = ftSousTitre_;
    fm = g2d.getFontMetrics();
    g2d.drawString(soustitre_, _x + (_w - fm.stringWidth(soustitre_)) / 2, _y + marges_.haut_ - 2);
    legendeYShift = printCopyright(_x, _y, _w, g2d, legendeYShift);
    f = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
    final int nbElement = grComponents_.size();
    final int nbCourbe = courbes_.size();
    final int nbAxe = axesVertical_.size();
    final int hMarge = _h - marges_.haut_ - marges_.bas_;
    final int wMarge = _w - marges_.gauche_ - marges_.droite_;
    final int xMarge = _x + marges_.gauche_;
    final int yMarge = _y + marges_.haut_;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbAxe; i++) {
      final Axe a = (Axe) axesVertical_.get(i);
      a.dessine(g2d, xMarge - i * a.ecart_, yMarge, wMarge + i * a.ecart_, hMarge);
    // dessine axe horizontal
    hAxe_.dessine(g2d, xMarge, yMarge + hMarge, wMarge, hMarge);
    Axe aayDefault = null;
    final Shape oldClip = g2d.getClip();
    g2d.clip(new Rectangle(xMarge, yMarge, wMarge, hMarge));
    aayDefault = dessineAxes(g2d, nbElement, hMarge, wMarge, xMarge, yMarge, aayDefault);
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCourbe; i++) {
      if (animation_ && (i != _nr)) {
      final Courbe o = (Courbe) courbes_.get(i);
      final int axe = o.getAxeId();
      Axe aay = null;
      if (axe >= 0) {
        if (axe >= axesVertical_.size()) {
          if (aayDefault == null) {
            aayDefault = new Axe();
          aay = aayDefault;
        } else {
          aay = (Axe) axesVertical_.get(axe);
      o.dessine(g2d, xMarge, yMarge, wMarge, hMarge, hAxe_, aay, true);

    dessineLegende(_x, _w, g2d, legendeYShift, nbElement, nbCourbe);

  private void dessineLegende(final int _x, final int _w, final Graphics2D _g2d, final int _legendeYShift, final int _nbElement, final int _nbCourbe) {
    Font f;
    FontMetrics fm;
    if (legende_ && !animation_) {
      f = ftLegend_;
      // on dessine a partir de 15 du haut.

      int maxWidthForLegend = 0;

      fm = _g2d.getFontMetrics();
      maxWidthForLegend = dessineLegendeComponents(_nbElement, fm, maxWidthForLegend);

      maxWidthForLegend = dessineLegendeCourbes(_nbCourbe, fm, maxWidthForLegend);
      if (maxWidthForLegend == 0) {
      final int wRect = 12;
      final int hRect = 4;
      final int wTrait = 11;
      final int hTrait = hRect / 2;
      final int xLeft = _x + _w - 15 - maxWidthForLegend - (marges_.droite_ / 2) - wRect;
      final int xTitre = xLeft + wRect + 15;
      int hLine = fm.getHeight();
      // Au cas ou la hauteur de ligne soit inferieur a la hauteur du carre.
      if (hLine < (hRect + 2)) {
        hLine = hRect + 2;
      int yl = _legendeYShift + 10 + hLine;
      final Color old = _g2d.getColor();
      for (int i = 0; i < _nbElement; i++) {
        final GrapheComponent c = (GrapheComponent) grComponents_.get(i);
        if (c.isLegendAvailable() && c.isVisible() && (c.getTitre() != null) && (c.getTitre().length() > 0)) {
          _g2d.fillRect(xLeft, yl - hRect, wRect, hRect);
          _g2d.fillRect(xLeft, yl - ((hRect - hTrait) / 2) - hTrait, wTrait, hTrait);
          _g2d.drawString(c.getTitre(), xTitre, yl);

        yl += hLine;
      for (int i = 0; i < _nbCourbe; i++) {
        final GrapheComponent c = (GrapheComponent) courbes_.get(i);
        if (c.isLegendAvailable() && c.isVisible() && (c.getTitre() != null) && (c.getTitre().length() > 0)) {
          _g2d.fillRect(xLeft, yl - hRect, wRect, hRect);
          _g2d.fillRect(xLeft, yl - ((hRect - hTrait) / 2) - hTrait, wTrait, hTrait);
          _g2d.drawString(c.getTitre(), xTitre, yl);

        yl += hLine;

  private int dessineLegendeCourbes(final int _nbCourbe, final FontMetrics _fm, final int _maxWidthForLegend) {
    int res = _maxWidthForLegend;
    for (int i = _nbCourbe - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      int temp;
      final GrapheComponent c = (GrapheComponent) courbes_.get(i);
      if (c.isLegendAvailable() && c.isVisible()) {
        temp = _fm.stringWidth(c.getTitre());
        if (temp > res) {
          res = temp;
    return res;

  private int dessineLegendeComponents(final int _nbElement, final FontMetrics _fm, final int _maxWidthForLegend) {
    int res = _maxWidthForLegend;
    for (int i = _nbElement - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      int temp;
      final GrapheComponent c = (GrapheComponent) grComponents_.get(i);
      if (c.isLegendAvailable() && c.isVisible()) {
        temp = _fm.stringWidth(c.getTitre());
        if (temp > res) {
          res = temp;
    return res;

  private Axe dessineAxes(final Graphics2D _g2d, final int _nbElement, final int _hMarge, final int _wMarge, final int _xMarge, final int _yMarge,
      final Axe _aayDefault) {
    Axe res = _aayDefault;
    for (int i = 0; i < _nbElement; i++) {
      final GrapheComponent o = (GrapheComponent) grComponents_.get(i);
      final int axe = o.getAxeId();
      Axe aay = null;
      if (axe >= 0) {
        if (axe >= axesVertical_.size()) {
          if (res == null) {
            res = new Axe();
          aay = res;
        } else {
          aay = (Axe) axesVertical_.get(axe);
      o.dessine(_g2d, _xMarge, _yMarge, _wMarge, _hMarge, hAxe_, aay, true);
    return res;

  private int printCopyright(final int _x, final int _y, final int _w, final Graphics2D _g2d, final int _legendeYShift) {
    Font f;
    FontMetrics fm;
    int res=_legendeYShift;
    if (copyright_) {
      f = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 8);
      final String t = "Ebli Graphique 1D - CETMEF 1997/2002";
      fm = _g2d.getFontMetrics();
      _g2d.drawString(t, _x + _w - 2 - fm.stringWidth(t), _y + f.getSize() + 5);
      final int max = _y + f.getSize() + 5;
      if (max > res) {
        res = max;
    return res;

  public Font getFtLegend() {
    return ftLegend_;

  public Font getFtSousTitre() {
    return ftSousTitre_;

  public Font getFtTitre() {
    return ftTitre_;

  public void setFtLegend(final Font _font) {
    ftLegend_ = _font;

  public void setFtSousTitre(final Font _font) {
    ftSousTitre_ = _font;
  public void setFtTitre(final Font _font) {
    ftTitre_ = _font;


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