config.template.flavour.quarkus-3.README.ftl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Maven plugin to add Fugerit Venus Doc to a mavne project (fj-doc:generate)
# ${context.artifactId}
## Quickstart
Requirement :
* maven 3.9.x
* java ${context.javaRelease}+ (GraalVM for native version)
1. Verify the app
mvn verify
2. Start the app
mvn quarkus:dev
3. Try the app
Open the [swagger-ui](http://localhost:8080/q/swagger-ui/)
Test available paths (for instance : [/doc/example.md](http://localhost:8080/doc/example.md))
* Powered by Quarkus ${context.flavourVersion}
* Using Fugerit Venus Doc ${context.version} (extensions : ${context.extensions})
## Native version
If you picked only native modules, you should be able to build and run the AOT version (GraalVM 21+ needed).
Further documentation :
* [List of modules and native support](https://venusdocs.fugerit.org/guide/#available-extensions)
* [Fugerit Venus Doc native support introduction](https://venusdocs.fugerit.org/guide/#doc-native-support)
1. Build and verify
mvn package -Dnative
2. Start
## Overview
This project has been initialized using [fj-doc-maven-plugin init goal](https://venusdocs.fugerit.org/guide/#maven-plugin-goal-init).
The quarkus 3 structure is similar to running the quarkus create goal :
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:${context.flavourVersion}:create \
-DprojectGroupId=${context.groupId} \
-DprojectArtifactId=${context.artifactId} \
## Quarkus readme
From here on, this is the original quarkus readme.
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: .
## Running the application in dev mode
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
```shell script
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
> **_NOTE:_** Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at .
## Packaging and running the application
The application can be packaged using:
```shell script
./mvnw package
It produces the `quarkus-run.jar` file in the `target/quarkus-app/` directory.
Be aware that it’s not an _über-jar_ as the dependencies are copied into the `target/quarkus-app/lib/` directory.
The application is now runnable using `java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar`.
If you want to build an _über-jar_, execute the following command:
```shell script
./mvnw package -Dquarkus.package.jar.type=uber-jar
The application, packaged as an _über-jar_, is now runnable using `java -jar target/*-runner.jar`.
## Creating a native executable
You can create a native executable using:
```shell script
./mvnw package -Dnative
Or, if you don't have GraalVM installed, you can run the native executable build in a container using:
```shell script
./mvnw package -Dnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
You can then execute your native executable with: `./target/getting-started-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner`
If you want to learn more about building native executables, please consult .
## Related Guides
- REST ([guide](https://quarkus.io/guides/rest)): A Jakarta REST implementation utilizing build time processing and Vert.x. This extension is not compatible with the quarkus-resteasy extension, or any of the extensions that depend on it.
- REST Jackson ([guide](https://quarkus.io/guides/rest#json-serialisation)): Jackson serialization support for Quarkus REST. This extension is not compatible with the quarkus-resteasy extension, or any of the extensions that depend on it
- SmallRye OpenAPI ([guide](https://quarkus.io/guides/openapi-swaggerui)): Document your REST APIs with OpenAPI - comes with Swagger UI
- YAML Configuration ([guide](https://quarkus.io/guides/config-yaml)): Use YAML to configure your Quarkus application
## Provided Code
### YAML Config
Configure your application with YAML
[Related guide section...](https://quarkus.io/guides/config-reference#configuration-examples)
The Quarkus application configuration is located in `src/main/resources/application.yml`.
### REST
Easily start your REST Web Services
[Related guide section...](https://quarkus.io/guides/getting-started-reactive#reactive-jax-rs-resources)
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