fj.test.Property Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fj.test;
import static fj.Function.curry;
import static fj.Function.compose2;
import static fj.P.p;
import fj.*;
import static fj.P2.__2;
import static;
import static fj.test.Arg.arg;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.exhausted;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.falsified;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.genException;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.passed;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.propException;
import static fj.test.CheckResult.proven;
import static fj.test.Result.noResult;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
* Represents an algebraic property about a program that may be {@link #check(Rand, int, int, int,
* int) checked} for its truth value. For example, it is true that "for all integers (call it x) and
* for all integers (call it y), then x + y is equivalent to y + x". This statement is a (algebraic)
* property, proposition or theorem that, when checked, will at least (depending on arguments) fail
* to be falsified — since there does not exist a counter-example to this statement.
* @version %build.number%
public final class Property {
private final F> f;
private Property(final F> f) {
this.f = f;
* Returns the result of applying the given size and random generator.
* @param i The size to use to obtain a result.
* @param r The random generator to use to obtain a result.
* @return The result of applying the given size and random generator.
public Result prop(final int i, final Rand r) {
return f.f(i).f(r);
* Returns a generator of results from this property.
* @return A generator of results from this property.
public Gen gen() {
return Gen.gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Rand r) {
return f.f(i).f(r);
* Performs a conjunction of this property with the given property.
* @param p The property to perform the conjunction with.
* @return A conjunction of this property with the given property.
public Property and(final Property p) {
return fromGen(gen().bind(p.gen(), new F>() {
public F f(final Result res1) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Result res2) {
return res1.isException() || res1.isFalsified() ? res1 : res2.isException() || res2.isFalsified() ? res2 : res1.isProven() || res1.isUnfalsified() ? res2 : res2.isProven() || res2.isUnfalsified() ? res1 : noResult();
* Performs a disjunction of this property with the given property.
* @param p The property to perform the disjunction with.
* @return A disjunction of this property with the given property.
public Property or(final Property p) {
return fromGen(gen().bind(p.gen(), new F>() {
public F f(final Result res1) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Result res2) {
return res1.isException() || res1.isFalsified() ? res1 : res2.isException() || res2.isFalsified() ? res2 : res1.isProven() || res1.isUnfalsified() ? res1 : res2.isProven() || res2.isUnfalsified() ? res2 : noResult();
* Performs a sequence of this property with the given property. The returned property holds if
* and only if this property and the given property also hold. If one property does not hold, but
* the other does, then the returned property will produce the same result and the property that
* holds.
* @param p The property to sequence this property with.
* @return A sequence of this property with the given property.
public Property sequence(final Property p) {
return fromGen(gen().bind(p.gen(), new F>() {
public F f(final Result res1) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Result res2) {
return res1.isException() || res1.isProven() || res1.isUnfalsified() ? res1 : res2.isException() || res2.isProven() || res2.isUnfalsified() ? res2 : res1.isFalsified() ? res2 : res2.isFalsified() ? res1 : noResult();
* Checks this property using the given arguments and produces a result.
* @param r The random generator to use for checking.
* @param minSuccessful The minimum number of successful tests before a result is reached.
* @param maxDiscarded The maximum number of tests discarded because they did not satisfy
* pre-conditions (i.e. {@link #implies(boolean, F0)}).
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check(final Rand r,
final int minSuccessful,
final int maxDiscarded,
final int minSize,
final int maxSize) {
int s = 0;
int d = 0;
float sz = minSize;
CheckResult res;
while (true) {
final float size = s == 0 && d == 0 ? minSize : sz + (maxSize - sz) / (minSuccessful - s);
try {
final Result x = f.f(round(size)).f(r);
if (x.isNoResult())
if (d + 1 >= maxDiscarded) {
res = exhausted(s, d + 1);
} else {
sz = size;
else if (x.isProven()) {
res = proven(x.args().some(), s + 1, d);
} else if (x.isUnfalsified())
if (s + 1 >= minSuccessful) {
res = passed(s + 1, d);
} else {
sz = size;
else if (x.isFalsified()) {
res = falsified(x.args().some(), s, d);
} else if (x.isException()) {
res = propException(x.args().some(), x.exception().some(), s, d);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
res = genException(t, s, d);
return res;
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator} and the given
* arguments to produce a result.
* @param minSuccessful The minimum number of successful tests before a result is reached.
* @param maxDiscarded The maximum number of tests discarded because they did not satisfy
* pre-conditions (i.e. {@link #implies(boolean, F0)}).
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check(final int minSuccessful,
final int maxDiscarded,
final int minSize,
final int maxSize) {
return check(Rand.standard, minSuccessful, maxDiscarded, minSize, maxSize);
* Checks this property using the given random generator, 100 minimum successful checks, 500
* maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @param r The random generator.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check(final Rand r) {
return check(r, 100, 500, 0, 100);
* Checks this property using the given random generator, 100 minimum successful checks, 500
* maximum discarded tests, the given minimum size and the given maximum size.
* @param r The random generator.
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check(final Rand r, final int minSize, final int maxSize) {
return check(r, 100, 500, minSize, maxSize);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests and the given arguments to produce a result.
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check(final int minSize,
final int maxSize) {
return check(100, 500, minSize, maxSize);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult check() {
return check(0, 100);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, the given minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @param minSuccessful The minimum number of successful tests before a result is reached.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult minSuccessful(final int minSuccessful) {
return check(minSuccessful, 500, 0, 100);
* Checks this property using the given random generator, the given minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @param r The random generator.
* @param minSuccessful The minimum number of successful tests before a result is reached.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult minSuccessful(final Rand r, final int minSuccessful) {
return check(r, minSuccessful, 500, 0, 100);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, the given maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @param maxDiscarded The maximum number of tests discarded because they did not satisfy
* pre-conditions (i.e. {@link #implies(boolean, F0)}).
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult maxDiscarded(final int maxDiscarded) {
return check(100, maxDiscarded, 0, 100);
* Checks this property using a the given random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, the given maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, maximum size of 100.
* @param r The random generator.
* @param maxDiscarded The maximum number of tests discarded because they did not satisfy
* pre-conditions (i.e. {@link #implies(boolean, F0)}).
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult maxDiscarded(final Rand r, final int maxDiscarded) {
return check(r, 100, maxDiscarded, 0, 100);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, the given minimum size, maximum size of 100.
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult minSize(final int minSize) {
return check(100, 500, minSize, 100);
* Checks this property using the given random generator, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, the given minimum size, maximum size of 100.
* @param r The random generator.
* @param minSize The minimum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult minSize(final Rand r, final int minSize) {
return check(r, 100, 500, minSize, 100);
* Checks this property using a {@link Rand#Rand(F, F) standard random generator}, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, the given maximum size.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult maxSize(final int maxSize) {
return check(100, 500, 0, maxSize);
* Checks this property using the given random generator, 100 minimum
* successful checks, 500 maximum discarded tests, minimum size of 0, the given maximum size.
* @param r The random generator.
* @param maxSize The maximum size to use for checking.
* @return A result after checking this property.
public CheckResult maxSize(final Rand r, final int maxSize) {
return check(r, 100, 500, 0, maxSize);
* Returns a property that produces a result only if the given condition satisfies. The result
* will be taken from the given property.
* @param b The condition that, if satisfied, produces the given property.
* @param p The property to return if the condition satisfies.
* @return A property that produces a result only if the given condition satisfies.
public static Property implies(final boolean b, final F0 p) {
return b ? p.f() : new Property(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Rand r) {
return noResult();
* Returns a property from the given function.
* @param f The function to construct the returned property with.
* @return A property from the given function.
public static Property prop(final F> f) {
return new Property(f);
* Returns a property that always has the given result.
* @param r The result of the returned property.
* @return A property that always has the given result.
public static Property prop(final Result r) {
return new Property(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer integer) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Rand x) {
return r;
* Returns a property that is either proven (the given condition satsifies) or falsified
* otherwise.
* @param b The condition that, if satisfied, returns a property that is proven; otherwise, the
* property is falsified.
* @return A property that is either proven (the given condition satsifies) or falsified
* otherwise.
public static Property prop(final boolean b) {
return b ? prop(Result.proven(List.>nil())) : prop(Result.falsified(List.>nil()));
* Constructs a property from a generator of results.
* @param g The generator of results to constructor a property with.
* @return A property from a generator of results.
public static Property fromGen(final Gen g) {
return prop(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Rand r) {
return g.gen(i, r);
* Returns a property where its result is derived from universal quantification across the
* application of its arguments.
* @param g The generator to produces values from to produce the property with.
* @param shrink The shrink strategy to use upon falsification.
* @param f The function to produce properties with results.
* @return A property where its result is derived from universal quantification across the
* application of its arguments.
public static Property forall(final Gen g, final Shrink shrink, final F> f) {
return prop(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public Result f(final Rand r) {
final class Util {
Option> first(final Stream as, final int shrinks) {
final Stream