fj.test.Gen Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fj.test;
import static fj.Bottom.error;
import fj.Effect;
import fj.F;
import fj.Function;
import static fj.Function.flip;
import static fj.Function.curry;
import fj.P2;
import static fj.P2.__1;
import fj.Unit;
import fj.F2;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import fj.function.Effect1;
import static fj.Monoid.intAdditionMonoid;
import static fj.Ord.intOrd;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
* A generator for values of the type of the given type parameter (A
). Generation
* of a value accepts a general 'size' argument (integer), a {@link Rand random generator} and
* returns an {@link Option optional value} of the type parameter. Several generators are provided,
* allowing various forms of composition of generators.
A user typically creates an {@link
* Arbitrary arbitrary} to return a generator using the 'combinator methods' below. For example,
* suppose a class Person
class Person {
final int age;
final String name;
final boolean male;
Person(final int age, final String name, final boolean male) {
this.age = age; = name;
this.male = male;
* In a case like this one, a user may create a generator over Person
* invoking the {@link #bind(F)} methods — in this case, {@link #bind(Gen , Gen , F)} the one
* that takes two generator arguments}, since the class has one more than two fields (the bind
* method is invoked on a generator adding the extra one to the count as they are composed). The
* class fields are of types for which there exist generators (on {@link Arbitrary} so those can be
* used to compose a generator for Person
static Arbitrary<Person> personArbitrary() {
final Gen<Person> personGenerator = arbInteger.gen.bind(arbString().gen, arbBoolean().gen,
// compose the generators
{int age => {String name => {boolean male => new Person(age, name, male)}}};
return arbitrary(personGenerator);
* The example above uses Java 7 closure syntax. Here is the same example using objects instead:
static Arbitrary<Person> personArbitrary() {
final Gen<Person> personGenerator = arbInteger.gen.bind(arbString.gen, arbBoolean.gen,
// compose the generators
new F<Integer, F<String, F<Boolean, Person>>>() {
public F<String, F<Boolean, Person>> f(final Integer age) {
return new F<String, F<Boolean, Person>>() {
public F<Boolean, Person> f(final String name) {
return new F<Boolean, Person>() {
public Person f(final Boolean male) {
return new Person(age, name, male);
return arbitrary(personGenerator);
* @version %build.number%
public final class Gen {
private final F> f;
private Gen(final F> f) {
this.f = f;
* Applies the given size and random generator to produce a value.
* @param i The size to use to produce the value.
* @param r The random generator to use to produce the value..
* @return A generated value.
public A gen(final int i, final Rand r) {
return f.f(i).f(r);
* Maps the given function across this generator.
* @param f The function to map across this generator.
* @return A new generator after applying the mapping function.
public Gen map(final F f) {
return new Gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public B f(final Rand r) {
return f.f(gen(i, r));
* Returns a generator that produces values that meet the given predicate.
* @param f The predicate to meet for the values produced by the generator.
* @return A generator that produces values that meet the given predicate.
public Gen filter(final F f) {
return gen(curry((i, r) -> {
A a;
do {
a = gen(i, r);
} while(!f.f(a));
return a;
* Executes a side-effect for each generated result using the given arguments.
* @param i The size to generate the result to apply the side-effect to.
* @param r The random generator to generate the result to apply the side-effect to.
* @param f The side-effect to execute on the generated value.
* @return The unit value.
public Unit foreach(final Integer i, final Rand r, final F f) {
return f.f(this.f.f(i).f(r));
* Executes a side-effect for each generated result using the given arguments.
* @param i The size to generate the result to apply the side-effect to.
* @param r The random generator to generate the result to apply the side-effect to.
* @param f The side-effect to execute on the generated value.
public void foreachDoEffect(final Integer i, final Rand r, final Effect1 f) {
* Binds the given function across this generator to produce a new generator.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final F> f) {
return new Gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public B f(final Rand r) {
return f.f(gen(i, r)).f.f(i).f(r);
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generator to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generator.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final F> f) {
return gb.apply(map(f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final F>> f) {
return gc.apply(bind(gb, f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final Gen gd, final F>>> f) {
return gd.apply(bind(gb, gc, f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final Gen gd, final Gen ge, final F>>>> f) {
return ge.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final Gen gd, final Gen ge, final Gen gf, final F>>>>> f) {
return gf.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gg The seventh generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final Gen gd, final Gen ge, final Gen gf, final Gen gg, final F>>>>>> f) {
return gg.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, gf, f));
* Binds the given function across this generator and the given generators to produce a new
* generator.
* @param gb The second generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gc The third generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gd The fourth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param ge The fifth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gf The sixth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gg The seventh generator to bind the given function across.
* @param gh The eighth generator to bind the given function across.
* @param f The function to bind across this generator and the given generators.
* @return A new generator after binding the given function.
public Gen bind(final Gen gb, final Gen gc, final Gen gd, final Gen ge, final Gen gf, final Gen gg, final Gen gh, final F>>>>>>> f) {
return gh.apply(bind(gb, gc, gd, ge, gf, gg, f));
* Function application within this generator to produce a new generator.
* @param gf The generator over the function to apply to this generator.
* @return A new generator after function application.
public Gen apply(final Gen> gf) {
return gf.bind(new F, Gen>() {
public Gen f(final F f) {
return map(new F() {
public B f(final A a) {
return f.f(a);
* Resizes this generator with the given size.
* @param s The new size of the generator.
* @return A new generator that uses the given size.
public Gen resize(final int s) {
return new Gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public A f(final Rand r) {
return f.f(s).f(r);
* Returns a generator that uses the given function.
* @param f The function to use for this generator.
* @return A new generator that uses the given function.
public static Gen gen(final F> f) {
return new Gen(f);
* Sequence the given generators through a {@link #bind(F)} operation.
* @param gs The generators to sequence.
* @return A generator of lists after sequencing the given generators.
public static Gen> sequence(final List> gs) {
return gen(i -> r -> -> g.gen(i, r)));
* Sequences the given generator the given number of times through a {@link #bind(F)} operation.
* @param n The number of times to sequence the given generator.
* @param g The generator sequence.
* @return A generator of lists after sequencing the given generator.
public static Gen> sequenceN(final int n, final Gen g) {
return sequence(replicate(n, g));
* Constructs a generator that can access its construction arguments — size and random
* generator.
* @param f The function that constructs the generator with its arguments.
* @return A new generator.
public static Gen parameterised(final F>> f) {
return new Gen(curry((i, r) -> f.f(i).f(r).gen(i, r)));
* Constructs a generator that can access its size construction arguments.
* @param f The function that constructs the generator with its size argument.
* @return A new generator.
public static Gen sized(final F> f) {
return parameterised(flip(Function.>>constant(f)));
* Returns a generator that always produces the given value.
* @param a The value to always produce.
* @return A generator that always produces the given value.
public static Gen value(final A a) {
return new Gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public A f(final Rand r) {
return a;
* Returns a generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive).
* @param from The value for the generator to produce values from.
* @param to The value for the generator to produce values from.
* @return A generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive).
public static Gen choose(final int from, final int to) {
final int f = min(from, to);
final int t = max(from, to);
return parameterised(curry((i, r) -> value(r.choose(f, t))));
* Returns a generator that produces values between the given range (inclusive).
* @param from The value for the generator to produce values from.
* @param to The value for the generator to produce values from.
* @return A generator that produces v
public static Gen choose(final double from, final double to) {
final double f = min(from, to);
final double t = max(from, to);
return parameterised(new F>>() {
public F> f(final Integer i) {
return new F>() {
public Gen f(final Rand r) {
return value(r.choose(f, t));
* Returns a generator that never returns a value.
* @return A generator that never returns a value.
public static Gen fail() {
return new Gen(new F>() {
public F f(final Integer i) {
return new F() {
public A f(final Rand r) {
throw error("Failing generator");
* Joins the generator of generators through a {@link #bind(F)} operation.
* @param g The generator of generators to join.
* @return A new generator after joining the given generator.
public static Gen join(final Gen> g) {
return g.bind(Function.>identity());
* Returns a generator that uses values from the given frequency and generator pairs. The returned
* generator will produce values from the generator in a pair with a higher frequency than a lower
* frequency generator.
* @param gs The pairs of frequency and generator from which to return values in the returned
* generator.
* @return A new generator that uses the given pairs of frequency and generator.
public static Gen frequency(final List>> gs) {
final class Pick {
Gen pick(final int n, final List>> gs) {
return fail();
else {
final int k = gs.head()._1();
return n <= k ? gs.head()._2() : pick(n - k, gs.tail());
final F>, Integer> f = __1();
return choose(1, intAdditionMonoid.sumLeft( F>() {
public Gen f(final Integer i) {
return new Pick().pick(i, gs);
* Returns a generator that produces values from the given frequency and value pairs. The returned
* generator will produce the value with a higher frequency than a lower one.
* @param as The pairs of frequency and value from which to produce values.
* @return A new generator that uses the given pairs of frequency and value.
public static Gen elemFrequency(final List> as) {
return frequency( F, P2>>() {
public P2> f(final P2 p) {
return p.map2(new F>() {
public Gen f(final A a) {
return value(a);
* Returns a generator that produces values from the given arguments.
* @param as The values that the returned generator may produce.
* @return A generator that produces values from the given arguments.
public static Gen elements(final A... as) {
return array(as).isEmpty() ? : choose(0, as.length - 1).map(new F() {
public A f(final Integer i) {
return as[i];
* Returns a generator that produces values from one of the given generators on subsequent
* requests.
* @param gs The list of generators to produce a value from.
* @return A generator that produces values from one of the given generators on subsequent
* requests.
public static Gen oneOf(final List> gs) {
return gs.isEmpty() ? : choose(0, gs.length() - 1).bind(new F>() {
public Gen f(final Integer i) {
return gs.index(i);
* Returns a generator of lists whose values come from the given generator.
* @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator.
* @param x An adjuster of size to apply to the given generator when producing values.
* @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator.
public static Gen> listOf(final Gen g, final int x) {
return sized(size -> choose(x, max(x, size)).bind(n -> sequenceN(n, g)));
* Returns a generator of lists whose values come from the given generator.
* @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator.
* @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator.
public static Gen> listOf(final Gen g) {
return listOf(g, 0);
* Returns a generator of non empty lists whose values come from the given generator.
* @param g The generator to produce values from for the returned generator.
* @return A generator of lists whose values come from the given generator.
public static Gen> listOf1(final Gen g) {
return listOf(g, 1);
* Returns a generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list. If
* the given number is less than zero or greater than the length of the given list, then the
* returned generator will never produce a value.
* @param n The number of elements to pick from the given list.
* @param as The list from which to pick elements.
* @return A generator of lists that picks the given number of elements from the given list.
public static Gen> pick(final int n, final List as) {
return n < 0 || n > as.length() ? Gen.>fail() : sequenceN(n, choose(0, as.length() - 1)).map(new F, List>() {
public List f(final List is) {
List r = nil();
List iis = is.sort(intOrd);
List> aas = as.zipIndex();
//noinspection ForLoopWithMissingComponent
for(; iis.isNotEmpty() && aas.isNotEmpty(); aas = aas.tail())
iis = iis.tail();
r = r.snoc(aas.head()._1());
return r;
* Returns a generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list.
* @param as The list from which to pick values.
* @return A generator of lists that produces some of the values of the given list.
public static Gen> someOf(final List as) {
return choose(0, as.length()).bind(new F>>() {
public Gen> f(final Integer i) {
return pick(i, as);
* Promotes the given function to a generator for functions.
* @param f The function to promote to a generator of functions.
* @return A generator for functions.
public static Gen> promote(final F> f) {
return new Gen>(new F>>() {
public F> f(final Integer i) {
return new F>() {
public F f(final Rand r) {
return new F() {
public B f(final A a) {
return f.f(a).f.f(i).f(r);