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import static;
import static;
import fj.Equal;
import fj.F;
import fj.F2;
import fj.P2;
import static fj.Function.curry;
import static fj.Function.identity;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * A wrapper for Iterable that equips it with some useful functions.
public final class IterableW implements Iterable {

  private final Iterable i;

  private IterableW(final Iterable i) {
    this.i = i;

   * Wraps the given iterable.
   * @param a The iterable to wrap.
   * @return An iterable equipped with some useful functions.
  public static  IterableW wrap(final Iterable a) {
    return new IterableW<>(a);

   * Provides a function that wraps the given iterable.
   * @return A function that returns the given iterable, wrapped.
  public static > F> wrap() {
    return IterableW::wrap;

   * Returns an Iterable that completely preserves the argument. The unit function for Iterables.
   * @param a A value to preserve in an Iterable.
   * @return An Iterable that yields the argument when iterated over.
  public static  IterableW iterable(final A a) {
    return wrap(some(a));

   * Wraps a given function's return value in a Iterable.
   * The Kleisli arrow for Iterables.
   * @param f The function whose return value to wrap in a Iterable.
   * @return The equivalent function whose return value is iterable.
  public static  F> iterable(final F f) {
    return a -> iterable(f.f(a));

   * Provides a transformation from a function to a Iterable-valued function that is equivalent to it.
   * The first-class Kleisli arrow for Iterables.
   * @return A transformation from a function to the equivalent Iterable-valued function.
  public static  F, F>> arrow() {
    return IterableW::iterable;

   * Binds the given function across the wrapped Iterable with a final join.
   * @param f A function to bind across the Iterable.
   * @return an iterable result of binding the given function over the wrapped Iterable.
  public > IterableW bind(final F f) {
    return wrap(iterableStream(this).bind(a -> iterableStream(f.f(a))));

   * Performs function application within an iterable (applicative functor pattern).
   * @param f The iterable function to apply.
   * @return A new iterable after applying the given iterable function to the wrapped iterable.
  public  IterableW apply(final Iterable> f) {
    return wrap(f).bind(this::map);

   * Binds the given function to the values in the given iterables with a final join.
   * @param a A given iterable to bind the given function with.
   * @param b A given iterable to bind the given function with.
   * @param f The function to apply to the values in the given iterables.
   * @return A new iterable after performing the map, then final join.
  public static  IterableW bind(final Iterable a, final Iterable b, final F> f) {
    return wrap(b).apply(wrap(a).map(f));

   * Promotes a function of arity-2 to a function on iterables.
   * @param f The function to promote.
   * @return A function of arity-2 promoted to map over iterables.
  public static  F, F, IterableW>> liftM2(final F> f) {
    return curry((ca, cb) -> bind(ca, cb, f));

   * Performs a bind across each element of all iterables of an iterable, collecting the values in an iterable.
   * This implementation is strict and requires O(n) stack space.
   * @param as The iterable of iterables to transform.
   * @return A iterable of iterables containing the results of the bind operations across all given iterables.
  public static > IterableW> sequence(final Iterable as) {
    final Stream ts = iterableStream(as);
    return ts.isEmpty() ?
        iterable(wrap(Option.none())) :
        wrap(ts.head()).bind(a ->
            sequence(ts.tail().map(IterableW.wrap())._1()).bind(as2 ->
                iterable(wrap(Stream.cons(a, () -> iterableStream(as2))))

   * The first-class bind function over Iterable.
   * Returns a function that binds a given function across a given iterable.
   * @return a function that binds a given function across a given iterable.
  public static > F, F, IterableW>> bind() {
    return a -> a::bind;

   * Joins an Iterable of Iterables into a single Iterable.
   * @param as An Iterable of Iterables to join.
   * @return the joined Iterable.
  public static > IterableW join(final Iterable as) {
    final F id = identity();
    return wrap(as).bind(id);

   * Returns a function that joins an Iterable of Iterables into a single Iterable.
   * @return a function that joins an Iterable of Iterables into a single Iterable.
  public static > F, IterableW> join() {
    return IterableW::join;

   * Maps a given function across the wrapped Iterable.
   * @param f A function to map across the wrapped Iterable.
   * @return An Iterable of the results of mapping the given function across the wrapped Iterable.
  public  IterableW map(final F f) {
    return bind(iterable(f));

   * Returns a function that promotes any function so that it operates on Iterables.
   * @return a function that promotes any function so that it operates on Iterables.
  public static  F, F, IterableW>> map() {
    return f -> a ->;

   * The catamorphism for Iterables, implemented as a left fold.
   * @param f The function with which to fold the wrapped iterable.
   * @param z The base case value of the destination type, applied first (leftmost) to the fold.
   * @return The result of the catamorphism.
  public  B foldLeft(final F> f, final B z) {
    B p = z;
    for (final A x : this) {
      p = f.f(p).f(x);
    return p;

   * Takes the first 2 elements of the iterable and applies the function to them,
   * then applies the function to the result and the third element and so on.
   * @param f The function to apply on each element of the iterable.
   * @return The final result after the left-fold reduction.
  public A foldLeft1(final F2 f) {
    return foldLeft1(curry(f));

   * Takes the first 2 elements of the iterable and applies the function to them,
   * then applies the function to the result and the third element and so on.
   * @param f The function to apply on each element of the iterable.
   * @return The final result after the left-fold reduction.
  public A foldLeft1(final F> f) {
    return iterableStream(this).foldLeft1(f);

   * The catamorphism for Iterables, implemented as a right fold.
   * @param f The function with which to fold the wrapped iterable.
   * @param z The base case value of the destination type, applied last (rightmost) to the fold.
   * @return The result of the catamorphism.
  public  B foldRight(final F2 f, final B z) {
    final F id = identity();
    return foldLeft(curry((k, a, b) -> k.f(f.f(a, b))), id).f(z);

   * Returns an iterator for this iterable.
   * @return an iterator for this iterable.
  public Iterator iterator() {
    return i.iterator();

   * Zips this iterable with the given iterable of functions, applying each function in turn to the
   * corresponding element in this iterable to produce a new iterable. The iteration is normalised
   * so that it ends when one of the iterators is exhausted.
   * @param fs The iterable of functions to apply to this iterable.
   * @return A new iterable with the results of applying the functions to this iterable.
  public  IterableW zapp(final Iterable> fs) {
    return wrap(iterableStream(this).zapp(iterableStream(fs)));

   * Zips this iterable with the given iterable using the given function to produce a new iterable. If
   * this iterable and the given iterable have different lengths, then the longer iterable is normalised
   * so this function never fails.
   * @param bs The iterable to zip this iterable with.
   * @param f  The function to zip this iterable and the given iterable with.
   * @return A new iterable with a length the same as the shortest of this iterable and the given
   *         iterable.
  public  Iterable zipWith(final Iterable bs, final F> f) {
    return wrap(iterableStream(this).zipWith(iterableStream(bs), f));

   * Zips this iterable with the given iterable using the given function to produce a new iterable. If
   * this iterable and the given iterable have different lengths, then the longer iterable is normalised
   * so this function never fails.
   * @param bs The iterable to zip this iterable with.
   * @param f  The function to zip this iterable and the given iterable with.
   * @return A new iterable with a length the same as the shortest of this iterable and the given
   *         iterable.
  public  Iterable zipWith(final Iterable bs, final F2 f) {
    return zipWith(bs, curry(f));

   * Zips this iterable with the given iterable to produce a iterable of pairs. If this iterable and the
   * given iterable have different lengths, then the longer iterable is normalised so this function
   * never fails.
   * @param bs The iterable to zip this iterable with.
   * @return A new iterable with a length the same as the shortest of this iterable and the given
   *         iterable.
  public  Iterable> zip(final Iterable bs) {
    return wrap(iterableStream(this).zip(iterableStream(bs)));

   * Zips this iterable with the index of its element as a pair.
   * @return A new iterable with the same length as this iterable.
  public Iterable> zipIndex() {
    return wrap(iterableStream(this).zipIndex());

   * Returns a java.util.List implementation for this iterable.
   * The returned list cannot be modified.
   * @return An immutable implementation of java.util.List for this iterable.
  public List toStandardList() {
    return new List() {

      public int size() {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).length();

      public boolean isEmpty() {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).isEmpty();

      public boolean contains(final Object o) {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).exists(Equal.anyEqual().eq((A) o));

      public Iterator iterator() {
        return IterableW.this.iterator();

      public Object[] toArray() {
        return Array.iterableArray(iterableStream(IterableW.this)).array();

      public  T[] toArray(final T[] a) {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).toCollection().toArray(a);

      public boolean add(final A a) {
        return false;

      public boolean remove(final Object o) {
        return false;

      public boolean containsAll(final Collection c) {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).toCollection().containsAll(c);

      public boolean addAll(final Collection c) {
        return false;

      public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection c) {
        return false;

      public boolean removeAll(final Collection c) {
        return false;

      public boolean retainAll(final Collection c) {
        return false;

      public void clear() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Modifying an immutable List.");

      public A get(final int index) {
        return iterableStream(IterableW.this).index(index);

      public A set(final int index, final A element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Modifying an immutable List.");

      public void add(final int index, final A element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Modifying an immutable List.");

      public A remove(final int index) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Modifying an immutable List.");

      public int indexOf(final Object o) {
        int i = -1;
        for (final A a : IterableW.this) {
          if (a.equals(o))
            return i;
        return i;

      public int lastIndexOf(final Object o) {
        int i = -1;
        int last = -1;
        for (final A a : IterableW.this) {
          if (a.equals(o))
            last = i;
        return last;

      public ListIterator listIterator() {
        return toListIterator(toZipper());

      public ListIterator listIterator(final int index) {
        return toListIterator(toZipper().bind(Zipper.move().f(index)));

      public List subList(final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) {
        return wrap(iterableStream(IterableW.this).drop(fromIndex).take(toIndex - fromIndex)).toStandardList();

      private ListIterator toListIterator(final Option> z) {
        return new ListIterator() {

          private Option> pz = z;

          public boolean hasNext() {
            return pz.isSome() && !pz.some().atEnd();

          public A next() {
            if (pz.isSome())
              pz = pz.some().next();
            else throw new NoSuchElementException();
            if (pz.isSome())
              return pz.some().focus();
            else throw new NoSuchElementException();

          public boolean hasPrevious() {
            return pz.isSome() && !pz.some().atStart();

          public A previous() {
            pz = pz.some().previous();
            return pz.some().focus();

          public int nextIndex() {
            return pz.some().index() + (pz.some().atEnd() ? 0 : 1);

          public int previousIndex() {
            return pz.some().index() - (pz.some().atStart() ? 0 : 1);

          public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove on immutable ListIterator");

          public void set(final A a) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Set on immutable ListIterator");

          public void add(final A a) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Add on immutable ListIterator");


  public Option> toZipper() {
    return Zipper.fromStream(iterableStream(this));