fj.data.hamt.BitSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fj.data.hamt;
import fj.Equal;
import fj.F2;
import fj.Monoid;
import fj.Show;
import fj.data.List;
import fj.data.Stream;
* A sequence of bits representing a value. The most significant bit (the
* bit with the highest value) is the leftmost bit and has the highest index.
* For example, the BitSet("1011") represents the decimal number 11 and has
* indices [3, 0] inclusive where the bit with the lowest value has the lowest
* index and is the rightmost bit.
* Created by maperr on 31/05/2016.
public final class BitSet {
public static final int TRUE_BIT = 1;
public static final int FALSE_BIT = 0;
public static final BitSet EMPTY = new BitSet(FALSE_BIT);
public static final long BASE_LONG = 1L;
public static final int MAX_BIT_SIZE = Long.SIZE;
public static final int MAX_BIT_INDEX = Long.SIZE - 1;
private final long value;
private BitSet(final long l) {
value = l;
public static BitSet empty() {
return EMPTY;
public static BitSet longBitSet(final long l) {
return new BitSet(l);
public static BitSet listBitSet(final List list) {
final int n = list.length();
if (n > MAX_BIT_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Does not support lists greater than " + MAX_BIT_SIZE + " bits, actual size is " + n);
long result = 0;
for (Boolean b: list) {
result = (result << 1) | toInt(b);
return longBitSet(result);
public static BitSet streamBitSet(final Stream s) {
return listBitSet(s.toList());
public static BitSet stringBitSet(final String s) {
return streamBitSet(Stream.fromString(s).map(BitSet::toBoolean));
public boolean isSet(final int index) {
return (value & (BASE_LONG << index)) != 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return value == 0;
public BitSet set(final int index) {
return longBitSet(value | (BASE_LONG << index));
public BitSet set(final int index, boolean b) {
return b ? set(index) : clear(index);
public BitSet clear(final int index) {
return longBitSet(value & ~(BASE_LONG << index));
public long longValue() {
return value;
public BitSet and(final BitSet bs) {
return longBitSet(value & bs.longValue());
public BitSet or(final BitSet bs) {
return longBitSet(value | bs.longValue());
public BitSet shiftRight(final int n) {
return longBitSet(value >> n);
public BitSet shiftLeft(final int n) {
return longBitSet(value << n);
public int bitsUsed() {
return toStream().length();
public int bitsOn() {
return toStream().foldLeft((acc, b) -> acc + (b ? 1 : 0), 0);
* Returns a stream of boolean where the head is the most significant bit
* (the bit with the largest value)
public Stream toStream() {
return Stream.fromString(Long.toBinaryString(value)).map(BitSet::toBoolean).dropWhile(b -> !b);
public String toString() {
return Show.bitSetShow.showS(this);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return Equal.equals0(BitSet.class, this, obj, Equal.bitSetSequal);
public int bitsToRight(final int index) {
if (index >= MAX_BIT_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Does not support an index " +
"greater than or equal to " + MAX_BIT_SIZE + " bits, actual argument is " + index);
int pos = index - 1;
long mask = BASE_LONG << (pos);
int result = 0;
while (pos >= 0) {
if ((mask & value) != 0) {
mask = mask >> 1;
return result;
public List toList() {
return toStream().toList();
public A foldRight(final F2 f, A acc) {
return toStream().foldRight(b -> p -> f.f(b, p._1()), acc);
public A foldLeft(final F2 f, A acc) {
return toStream().foldLeft(f, acc);
public BitSet xor(final BitSet bs) {
return longBitSet(value ^ bs.longValue());
public BitSet not() {
return longBitSet(~value);
public BitSet takeLower(final int n) {
return streamBitSet(toStream().reverse().take(n).reverse());
public BitSet takeUpper(final int n) {
String zero = Integer.toString(FALSE_BIT);
String current = asString();
String pad = Monoid.stringMonoid.sumLeft(List.replicate(MAX_BIT_SIZE - current.length(), zero));
return stringBitSet(pad + current.substring(0, Math.max(n - pad.length(), 0)));
* Returns the bit set from indices in the range from low (inclusive)
* to high(exclusive) from the least significant bit (on the right),
* e.g. "101101".range(1, 4) == "0110"
public BitSet range(final int highIndex, final int lowIndex) {
int max = Math.max(lowIndex, highIndex);
int min = Math.min(lowIndex, highIndex);
return new BitSet(max == min ? 0L : (value << (64 - max)) >>> (64 - max + min));
public static boolean toBoolean(final char c) {
return c != '0';
public static boolean toBoolean(final int i) {
return i != FALSE_BIT;
public static int toInt(final boolean b) {
return b ? TRUE_BIT : FALSE_BIT;
public String asString() {
return Long.toBinaryString(value);
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