fj.data.hamt.HashArrayMappedTrie Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fj.data.hamt;
import fj.Equal;
import fj.F2;
import fj.Hash;
import fj.Ord;
import fj.P2;
import fj.Show;
import fj.data.List;
import fj.data.Option;
import fj.data.Seq;
import fj.data.Stream;
import static fj.P.p;
import static fj.data.Option.none;
import static fj.data.Option.some;
import static fj.data.hamt.BitSet.longBitSet;
* A hash array mapped trie (HAMT) is an implementation of an associative
* array that combines the characteristics of a hash table and an array
* mapped trie. It is a refined version of the more general notion of
* a hash tree.
* @author Mark Perry
* Based on "Ideal Hash Trees" by Phil Bagwell, available from
* http://lampwww.epfl.ch/papers/idealhashtrees.pdf
public final class HashArrayMappedTrie {
private final Seq> seq;
private final BitSet bitSet;
private final Hash hash;
private final Equal equal;
public static final int BITS_IN_INDEX = 5;
public static final int SIZE = (int) StrictMath.pow(2, BITS_IN_INDEX);
public static final int MIN_INDEX = 0;
public static final int MAX_INDEX = SIZE - 1;
* Creates an empty trie for the bitset, sequence of nodes, equal and hash.
* @param bs - The set of bits to indicate which of the SIZE nodes in the sequence are used.
* @param s - The sequence of HAMT nodes - either a HAMT or a key-value pair.
* @param e - Equality instance for keys.
* @param h - Hash instance for keys.
private HashArrayMappedTrie(final BitSet bs, final Seq> s, final Equal e, final Hash h) {
bitSet = bs;
seq = s;
hash = h;
equal = e;
* Creates an empty trie.
public static HashArrayMappedTrie empty(final Equal e, final Hash h) {
return new HashArrayMappedTrie<>(BitSet.empty(), Seq.empty(), e, h);
* Create and empty trie keyed by integer.
public static HashArrayMappedTrie emptyKeyInteger() {
return empty(Equal.intEqual, Hash.intHash);
* Returns if the trie is empty.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return bitSet.isEmpty();
* Static constructor for a HAMT instance.
private static HashArrayMappedTrie hamt(final BitSet bs, final Seq> s, final Equal e, final Hash h) {
return new HashArrayMappedTrie<>(bs, s, e, h);
* Returns an optional value for the given key k.
public Option find(final K k) {
* Returns an optional value for the given key k for those nodes between
* lowIndex (inclusive) and highIndex (exclusive).
public Option find(final K k, final int lowIndex, final int highIndex) {
BitSet bs1 = longBitSet(hash.hash(k)).range(lowIndex, highIndex);
int i = (int) bs1.longValue();
boolean b = bitSet.isSet(i);
final int index = bitSet.bitsToRight(i);
if (!b) {
return none();
} else {
final Node oldNode = seq.index(index);
return oldNode.match(
n -> equal.eq(n._1(), k) ? some(n._2()) : none(),
hamt -> hamt.find(k, lowIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX, highIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX)
* Adds the key-value pair (k, v) to the trie.
public HashArrayMappedTrie set(final K k, final V v) {
return set(k, v, MIN_INDEX, MIN_INDEX + BITS_IN_INDEX);
* Adds the product of key-value (k, v) pairs to the trie.
public HashArrayMappedTrie set(final List> list) {
return list.foldLeft(h -> p -> h.set(p._1(), p._2()), this);
* Sets the key-value pair (k, v) for the bit range lowIndex (inclusive) to highIndex (exclusive).
private HashArrayMappedTrie set(final K k, final V v, final int lowIndex, final int highIndex) {
final BitSet bs1 = longBitSet(hash.hash(k)).range(lowIndex, highIndex);
final int i = (int) bs1.longValue();
final boolean b = bitSet.isSet(i);
final int index = bitSet.bitsToRight(i);
if (!b) {
// append new node
final Node sn1 = Node.p2Node(p(k, v));
return hamt(bitSet.set(i), seq.insert(index, sn1), equal, hash);
} else {
final Node oldNode = seq.index(index);
final Node newNode = oldNode.match(n -> {
if (equal.eq(n._1(), k)) {
return Node.p2Node(p(k, v));
} else {
final HashArrayMappedTrie e = HashArrayMappedTrie.empty(equal, hash);
final HashArrayMappedTrie h1 = e.set(n._1(), n._2(), lowIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX, highIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX);
final HashArrayMappedTrie h2 = h1.set(k, v, lowIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX, highIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX);
return Node.hamtNode(h2);
}, hamt -> Node.hamtNode(hamt.set(k, v, lowIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX, highIndex + BITS_IN_INDEX))
return hamt(bitSet, seq.update(index, newNode), equal, hash);
* Returns a stream of key-value pairs.
public Stream> toStream() {
return seq.toStream().bind(Node::toStream);
* Returns the list of key-value pairs, ordered by key.
public List> toList(Ord o) {
return toStream().sort(Ord.p2Ord1(o)).toList();
* Returns a list of key-value pairs.
public List> toList() {
return toStream().toList();
public String toString() {
return Show.hamtShow(Show.anyShow(), Show.anyShow()).showS(this);
* Performs a left-fold reduction across this trie.
public B foldLeftOnNode(F2, B> f, B b) {
return seq.foldLeft(f, b);
* Performs a left-fold reduction across this trie.
public B foldLeft(F2, B> f, F2, B> g, B b) {
return foldLeftOnNode((acc, n) -> n.match(p -> f.f(acc, p), h -> g.f(acc, h)), b);
* Performs a left-fold reduction across this trie.
public B foldLeft(F2, B> f, B b) {
return foldLeftOnNode((acc, n) -> n.match(p -> f.f(acc, p), h -> h.foldLeft(f, acc)), b);
public BitSet getBitSet() {
return bitSet;
public Seq> getSeq() {
return seq;
* Returns the number of elements in the trie.
public int length() {
return seq.foldLeft(
(acc, node) -> node.match(p2 -> acc + 1, hamt -> acc + hamt.length()), 0
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