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org.fusesource.scalate.RenderContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 the original author or authors.
 * See the file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.fusesource.scalate

import filter.FilterRequest
import introspector.Introspector
import support.RenderHelper
import util._
import util.Strings.isEmpty
import util.IOUtil._

import java.text.{DateFormat, NumberFormat}
import java.util.{Locale, Date}
import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, HashMap}
import xml.{Node, PCData, NodeSeq, NodeBuffer}

object RenderContext {
  val threadLocal = new ThreadLocal[RenderContext]

  def capture(body: => Unit) = apply().capture(body)

  def captureNodeSeq(body: => Unit) = apply().captureNodeSeq(body)

  def apply(): RenderContext = threadLocal.get

  @deprecated("Can leak thread local storage. Use the 'using' method instead.")
  def update(that: RenderContext) = threadLocal.set(that)
  def using[T](that: RenderContext)(func: =>T):T = {
    val previous = threadLocal.get
    try {
    } finally {
      if( previous!=null ) {
      } else {


 * Provides helper methods for rendering templates and values and for working with attributes.
 * @see DefaultRenderContext
 * @see org.fusesource.scalate.servlet.ServletRenderContext
trait RenderContext {
   * Default string used to output null values
  var nullString = ""

   * Default string used to output None values
  var noneString = ""

   * Whether or not markup sensitive characters for HTML/XML elements like & > < are escaped or not
  var escapeMarkup = true

  var currentTemplate: String = _

  var viewPrefixes = List("")
  var viewPostfixes = => "." + x).toList

  def engine: TemplateEngine

   * Renders the provided value and inserts it into the final rendered document without sanitizing the value.
  def <<(value: Any): Unit

   * Renders the provided value, sanitizes any XML special characters and inserts
   * it into the final rendered document.
  def <<<(value: Any): Unit

   * Returns the request URI
  def requestUri: String

   * Returns the Resource of the request
  def requestResource: Option[Resource]

   * Returns the file for the given request resource
  def requestFile: Option[File]

   * Returns a local link to the given file which should be within the [sourceDirectories]
  def uri(file: File): Option[String] = {
    for (s <- engine.sourceDirectories) {
      if (Files.isDescendant(s, file)) {
        return Some(uri("/" + Files.relativeUri(s, file)))

   * Allows conversion of an absolute URL starting with "/" to be converted using the prefix of a web application
  def uri(u: String): String = u

   * Access the attributes available in this context
  def attributes: AttributeMap[String, Any]

   * Sorted list of attribute keys
  def attributeKeys = attributes.keySet.toList.sortWith(_ < _)

   * Returns the attribute of the given type or a [[org.fussesource.scalate.NoValueSetException]] exception is thrown
  def attribute[T](name: String): T =
    attributeOrElse(name, throw new NoValueSetException(name))

   * Returns the attribute of the given name and type or the default value if it is not available
  def attributeOrElse[T](name: String, defaultValue: => T): T = {

  def setAttribute(name: String, value: Option[Any]) {
    value match {
      case Some(v) => attributes(name) = v
      case None => attributes.remove(name)

   * Sets the given attribute name to be the captured body of the template
  def captureAttribute(name: String)(body: => Unit): Unit = {
    val v = capture(body)
    attributes(name) = v

   * Creates an instance of the given given type using dependency injection to inject the necessary values into
   * the object
  def inject[T](implicit manifest: Manifest[T]): T = {
    val clazz = manifest.erasure
    Objects.tryInstantiate(clazz, List(this)) match {
      case Some(t) => t.asInstanceOf[T]
      case _ => throw new NoInjectionException(clazz)
  // Rendering API
  def value(any: Any, shouldSanitize: Boolean = escapeMarkup): Any = {
    def sanitize(text: String): Any = if (shouldSanitize) {Unescaped(RenderHelper.sanitize(text))} else {text}

    any match {
      case u: Unit => ""
      case null => sanitize(nullString)
      case None => sanitize(noneString)
      case Some(a) => value(a, shouldSanitize)
      case Unescaped(text) => text
      case f: Function0[_] => value(f(), shouldSanitize)
      case v: String => sanitize(v)
      case v: Date => sanitize(dateFormat.format(v))
      case n: Double if n.isNaN => "NaN"
      case n: Float if n.isNaN => "NaN"
      case v: Double => sanitize(numberFormat.format(v))
      case v: Float => sanitize(numberFormat.format(v))
      case v: Number => sanitize(numberFormat.format(v))
      case f: FilterRequest => {
        // NOTE assume a filter does the correct sanitizing
        var rc = filter(f.filter, f.content.toString)
      // No need to sanitize nodes as they are already sanitized
      case s: NodeBuffer =>
        // No need to sanitize nodes as they are already sanitized
        (s.foldLeft(new StringBuilder) {
          (rc, x) => x match {
            case cd: PCData => rc.append(
            case _ => rc.append(x)

      case n: Node => n.toString

      case x: Traversable[Any] =>, shouldSanitize)).mkString("")

      // TODO for any should we use the renderView?
      case v: Any => sanitize(v.toString)

  def valueEscaped(any: Any) = value(any, true)

  def valueUnescaped(any: Any) = value(any, false)

   * Ensures that the string value of the parameter is not markup escaped
  def unescape(v: Any): Unit = this << value(v, false)

   * Ensures that the string value of the parameter is always markup escaped
  def escape(v: Any): Unit = this << value(v, true)

  def filter(name: String, content: String): String = {
    val context = this
    engine.filter(name) match {
      case None => throw new NoSuchFilterException(name)
      case Some(f) => f.filter(context, content)

  def include(path: String): Unit = include(path, false)
  def include(path: String, layout: Boolean): Unit = include(path, layout, Nil)

   * Includes the given template path
   * @param layout if true then applying the layout the included template
  def include(path: String, layout: Boolean, extraBindings: List[Binding]): Unit = {
    val uri = resolveUri(path)

    withUri(uri) {
      val template = engine.load(uri, extraBindings)
      if (layout) {
        engine.layout(template, this);
      else {

  protected def blankString: String = ""

   * Renders a collection of model objects with an optional separator
  def collection(objects: Traversable[AnyRef], viewName: String = "index", separator: => Any = blankString): Unit = {
    var first = true
    for (model <- objects) {
      if (first) {
        first = false
      else {
        this << separator
      view(model, viewName)

   * Renders the view of the given model object, looking for the view in
   * packageName/className.viewName.ext
  def view(model: AnyRef, viewName: String = "index"): Unit = {
    if (model == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("No model object given!")

    val classSearchList = new ListBuffer[Class[_]]()

    def buildClassList(clazz: Class[_]): Unit = {
      if (clazz != null && clazz != classOf[Object] && !classSearchList.contains(clazz)) {
        for (i <- clazz.getInterfaces) {

    def viewForClass(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
      for (prefix <- viewPrefixes; postfix <- viewPostfixes) {
        val path = clazz.getName.replace('.', '/') + "." + viewName + postfix
        val fullPath = if (isEmpty(prefix)) {"/" + path} else {"/" + prefix + "/" + path}
        if (engine.resourceLoader.exists(fullPath)) {
          return fullPath

    def searchForView(): String = {
      for (i <- classSearchList) {
        val rc = viewForClass(i)
        if (rc != null) {
          return rc;

    val templateUri = searchForView()

    if (templateUri == null) {
      throw new NoSuchViewException(model, viewName)
    } else {
      using(model) {

   * Allows a symbol to be used with arguments to the   { @link render } or  { @link layout } method such as
   * render("foo.ssp", 'foo -> 123, 'bar -> 456)   {...}
  implicit def toStringPair(entry: (Symbol, Any)): (String, Any) = (, entry._2)

   * Renders the given template with optional attributes
  def render(path: String, attributeMap: Map[String, Any] = Map()): Unit = {
    // TODO should we call engine.layout() instead??

    val uri = resolveUri(path)
    val context = this

    withAttributes(attributeMap) {
      withUri(uri) {

   * Renders the given template with optional attributes passing the body block as the *body* attribute
   * so that it can be layered out using the template.
  def layout(path: String, attrMap: Map[String, Any] = Map())(body: => Unit): Unit = {
    val bodyText = capture(body)
    render(path, attrMap + ("body" -> bodyText))

   * Uses the new sets of attributes for the given block, then replace them all
   * (and remove any newly defined attributes)
  def withAttributes[T](attrMap: Map[String, Any])(block: => T): T = {
    val oldValues = new HashMap[String, Any]

    // lets replace attributes, saving the old values
    for ((key, value) <- attrMap) {
      val oldValue = attributes.get(key)
      if (oldValue.isDefined) {
        oldValues.put(key, oldValue.get)
      attributes(key) = value

    val answer = block

    // restore old values
    for (key <- attrMap.keysIterator) {
      val oldValue = oldValues.get(key)
      if (removeOldAttributes || oldValue.isDefined) {
        setAttribute(key, oldValue)


   * Should we remove attributes from the context after we've rendered a child request?
  protected def removeOldAttributes = true

  def withUri[T](uri: String)(block: => T): T = {
    val original = currentTemplate
    try {
      currentTemplate = uri

      // lets keep track of the templates
      attributes("scalateTemplates") = uri :: attributeOrElse[List[String]]("scalateTemplates", List()).distinct

    } finally {
      currentTemplate = original

  protected def resolveUri(path: String) = if (currentTemplate != null) {
    engine.resourceLoader.resolve(currentTemplate, path);
  } else {

  protected def using[T](model: AnyRef)(op: => T): T = {
    val original = attributes.get("it");
    try {
      attributes("it") = model
    } finally {
      setAttribute("it", original)

   * Evaluates the specified body capturing any output written to this context
   * during the evaluation
  def capture(body: => Unit): String

   * Evaluates the template capturing any output written to this page context during the body evaluation
  def capture(template: Template): String

   * Captures the text of the body and then parses it as markup
  def captureNodeSeq(body: => Unit): NodeSeq = XmlHelper.textToNodeSeq(capture(body))

   * Captures the text of the template rendering and then parses it as markup
  def captureNodeSeq(template: Template): NodeSeq = XmlHelper.textToNodeSeq(capture(template))

    Note due to the implicit conversions being applied to => Unit only taking the last
    statement of the block as per this discussion:

    then we can no longer support this approach which is a shame.

    So tags must take => Unit as a parameter - then either take Rendercontext as the first parameter block
    or use the RenderContext() to get the current active context for capturing.

    implicit def bodyToStringFunction(body: => Unit): () => String = {
      () => {
        println("capturing the body....")
        val answer = capture(body)
        println("captured body: " + answer)

    implicit def toBody(body: => Unit): Body = new Body(this, body)

  // introspection for dynamic templates or for archetype templates
  def introspect(aType: Class[_]) = Introspector(aType)

  // resource helpers/accessors

  private var resourceBeanAttribute = "it"

   * Returns the JAXRS resource bean of the given type or a  [[org.fusesource.scalate.NoValueSetException]]
   * exception is thrown
  def resource[T]: T = {

   * Returns the JAXRS resource bean of the given type or the default value if it is not available
  def resourceOrElse[T](defaultValue: T): T = {
    attributeOrElse(resourceBeanAttribute, defaultValue)

  // custom object rendering

  private var _numberFormat = new Lazy(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale))
  private var _percentFormat = new Lazy(NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale))
  private var _dateFormat = new Lazy(DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale))

   * Returns the formatted string using the locale of the users request or the default locale if not available
  def format(pattern: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
    String.format(locale, pattern, args: _*)

  def percent(number: Number) = percentFormat.format(number)

  // Locale based formatters
  // shame we can't use 'lazy var' for this cruft...
  def numberFormat: NumberFormat = _numberFormat()

  def numberFormat_=(value: NumberFormat): Unit = _numberFormat(value)

  def percentFormat: NumberFormat = _percentFormat()

  def percentFormat_=(value: NumberFormat): Unit = _percentFormat(value)

  def dateFormat: DateFormat = _dateFormat()

  def dateFormat_=(value: DateFormat): Unit = _dateFormat(value)

  def locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault

   * Used to represent some text which does not need escaping
  case class Unescaped(text: String) {
    override def toString = text

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