org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 the original author or authors.
* See the file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.fusesource.scalate
import filter._
import layout.{NullLayoutStrategy, LayoutStrategy}
import mustache.MustacheCodeGenerator
import scaml.ScamlCodeGenerator
import ssp.SspCodeGenerator
import jade.JadeCodeGenerator
import support._
import util._
import scala.util.parsing.input.{OffsetPosition, Position}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.util.control.Exception
import scala.compat.Platform
import{StringWriter, PrintWriter, FileWriter, File}
import xml.NodeSeq
import collection.generic.TraversableForwarder
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object TemplateEngine {
val log = Log(getClass); import log._
def apply(sourceDirectories: Traversable[File], mode: String): TemplateEngine = {
new TemplateEngine(sourceDirectories, mode)
* The default template types available in Scalate
val templateTypes: List[String] = List("mustache", "ssp", "scaml", "jade")
* A TemplateEngine is used to compile and load Scalate templates.
* The TemplateEngine takes care of setting up the Scala compiler
* and caching compiled templates for quicker subsequent loads
* of a requested template.
* The TemplateEngine uses a ''workingDirectory'' to store the generated scala source code and the bytecode. By default
* this uses a dynamically generated directory. You can configure this yourself to use whatever directory you wish.
* Or you can use the ''scalate.workdir'' system property to specify the workingDirectory
* @author Hiram Chirino
class TemplateEngine(var sourceDirectories: Traversable[File] = None, var mode: String = System.getProperty("scalate.mode", "production")) {
import TemplateEngine.log._
private case class CacheEntry(template: Template, dependencies: Set[String], timestamp: Long) {
def isStale() = timestamp!=0 && dependencies.exists {
resourceLoader.lastModified(_) > timestamp
* Whether or not markup sensitive characters for HTML/XML elements like & > < are escaped or not
var escapeMarkup = true
* Set to false if you don't want the template engine to ever cache any of the compiled templates.
* If not explicitly configured this property can be configured using the ''scalate.allowCaching'' system property
var allowCaching = "true" == System.getProperty("scalate.allowCaching", "true")
* If true, then the template engine will check to see if the template has been updated since last compiled
* so that it can be reloaded. Defaults to true. YOu should set to false in production environments since
* the templates should not be changing.
* If not explicitly configured this property can be configured using the ''scalate.allowReload'' system property
var allowReload = "true" == System.getProperty("scalate.allowReload", "true")
private var compilerInstalled = true
* Whether a custom classpath should be combined with the deduced classpath
var combinedClassPath = false
* Sets the import statements used in each generated template class
var importStatements: List[String] = List("import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._",
* Loads resources such as the templates based on URIs
var resourceLoader: ResourceLoader = new FileResourceLoader(sourceDirectoriesForwarder)
* A list of directories which are searched to load requested templates.
var templateDirectories = List("")
var packagePrefix = ""
var bootClassName = "scalate.Boot"
var bootInjections: List[AnyRef] = List(this)
private var booted = new AtomicBoolean()
def boot: Unit = {
if(booted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if( allowReload ) {
// Is the Scala compiler on the class path?
try {
} catch {
case e:Throwable =>
// if it's not, then disable class reloading..
debug("Scala compiler not found on the class path. Template reloading disabled.")
allowReload = false
compilerInstalled = false
ClassLoaders.findClass(bootClassName, List(classLoader, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)) match {
case Some(clazz) =>
Boots.invokeBoot(clazz, bootInjections)
case _ =>
info("No bootstrap class " + bootClassName + " found on classloader: " + classLoader)
* A forwarder so we can refer to whatever the current latest value of sourceDirectories is even if the value
* is mutated after the TemplateEngine is constructed
protected def sourceDirectoriesForwarder = {
val engine = this
new TraversableForwarder[File] {
protected def underlying = engine.sourceDirectories
* The supported template engines and their default extensions
var codeGenerators: Map[String, CodeGenerator] = Map("ssp" -> new SspCodeGenerator, "scaml" -> new ScamlCodeGenerator,
"mustache" -> new MustacheCodeGenerator, "jade" -> new JadeCodeGenerator)
var filters: Map[String, Filter] = Map()
def filter(name:String) = codeGenerators.get(name).map( gen =>
new Filter() {
def filter(context: RenderContext, content: String) = {
context.capture(compileText(name, content))
var pipelines: Map[String, List[Filter]] = Map()
* Maps file extensions to possible template extensions for custom mappins such as for
* Map("js" -> Set("coffee"), "css" => Set("sass", "scss"))
var extensionToTemplateExtension: collection.mutable.Map[String, collection.mutable.Set[String]] = collection.mutable.Map()
* Returns the mutable set of template extensions which are mapped to the given URI extension.
def templateExtensionsFor(extension: String): collection.mutable.Set[String] = {
extensionToTemplateExtension.getOrElseUpdate(extension, collection.mutable.Set())
private val attempt = Exception.ignoring(classOf[Throwable])
* Returns the file extensions understood by Scalate; all the template engines and pipelines including
* the wiki markup languages.
def extensions: Set[String] = (codeGenerators.keySet ++ pipelines.keySet).toSet
// Attempt to load all the built in filters.. Some may not load do to missing classpath
// dependencies.
attempt(filters += "plain" -> PlainFilter)
attempt(filters += "javascript" -> JavascriptFilter)
attempt(filters += "coffeescript" -> CoffeeScriptFilter)
attempt(filters += "css" -> CssFilter)
attempt(filters += "cdata" -> CdataFilter)
attempt(filters += "escaped" -> EscapedFilter)
var layoutStrategy: LayoutStrategy = NullLayoutStrategy
lazy val compiler = createCompiler
* Factory method to create a compiler for this TemplateEngine.
* Override if you wish to contorl the compilation in a different way
* such as in side SBT or something.
protected def createCompiler: Compiler = {
def sourceDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "src")
def bytecodeDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "classes")
def libraryDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "lib")
def tmpDirectory = new File(workingDirectory, "tmp")
var classpath: String = null
private var _workingDirectory: File = null
var classLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
* By default lets bind the context so we get to reuse its methods in a template
var bindings = Binding("context", "_root_."+classOf[RenderContext].getName, true, None, "val", false) :: Nil
val finderCache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]
private val templateCache = new HashMap[String, CacheEntry]
private var _cacheHits = 0
private var _cacheMisses = 0
// Discover bits that can enhance the default template engine configuration. (like filters)
ClassFinder.discoverCommands[TemplateEngineAddOn]("META-INF/services/org.fusesource.scalate/addon.index").foreach{ addOn =>
debug("Installing Scalate add on " + addOn.getClass)
override def toString = getClass.getSimpleName + "(sourceDirectories: " + sourceDirectories + ")"
* Returns true if this template engine is being used in development mode.
def isDevelopmentMode = mode != null && mode.toLowerCase.startsWith("d")
* If not explicitly configured this will default to using the ''scalate.workdir'' system property to specify the
* directory used for generating the scala source code and compiled bytecode - otherwise a temporary directory is used
def workingDirectory: File = {
// Use a temp working directory if none is configured.
if( _workingDirectory == null ) {
val value = System.getProperty("scalate.workdir", "")
if (value != null && value.length > 0) {
_workingDirectory = new File(value)
else {
val f = File.createTempFile("scalate-", "-workdir")
// now lets delete the file so we can make a new directory there instead
if (f.mkdirs) {
_workingDirectory = f
else {
warn("Could not delete file %s so we could create a temp directory", f)
_workingDirectory = new File(new File(System.getProperty("")), "_scalate");
def workingDirectory_=(value:File) = {
this._workingDirectory = value
* Compiles the given Moustache template text and returns the template
def compileMoustache(text: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil):Template = {
compileText("mustache", text, extraBindings)
* Compiles the given SSP template text and returns the template
def compileSsp(text: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil):Template = {
compileText("ssp", text, extraBindings)
* Compiles the given SSP template text and returns the template
def compileScaml(text: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil):Template = {
compileText("scaml", text, extraBindings)
* Compiles the given text using the given extension (such as ssp or scaml for example to denote what parser to use)
* and return the template
def compileText(extension: String, text: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil):Template = {
val file = File.createTempFile("_scalate_tmp_", "." + extension, tmpDirectory)
IOUtil.writeText(file, text)
val loader = new FileResourceLoader(List(tmpDirectory))
compile(TemplateSource.fromUri(file.getName, loader), extraBindings)
* Compiles a template source without placing it in the template cache. Useful for temporary
* templates or dynamically created template
def compile(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil):Template = {
compileAndLoad(source, extraBindings, 0)._1
* Generates the Scala code for a template. Useful for generating scala code that
* will then be compiled into the application as part of a build process.
def generateScala(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil) = {
source.engine = this
generator(source).generate(this, source, bindings ++ extraBindings)
* Generates the Scala code for a template. Useful for generating scala code that
* will then be compiled into the application as part of a build process.
def generateScala(uri: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]): Code = {
generateScala(uriToSource(uri), extraBindings)
* Generates the Scala code for a template. Useful for generating scala code that
* will then be compiled into the application as part of a build process.
def generateScala(uri: String): Code = {
* The number of times a template load request was serviced from the cache.
def cacheHits = templateCache.synchronized { _cacheHits }
* The number of times a template load request could not be serviced from the cache
* and was loaded from disk.
def cacheMisses = templateCache.synchronized { _cacheMisses }
* Compiles and then caches the specified template. If the template
* was previously cached, the previously compiled template instance
* is returned. The cache entry in invalidated and then template
* is re-compiled if the template file has been updated since
* it was last compiled.
def load(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]= Nil): Template = {
source.engine = this
templateCache.synchronized {
// on the first load request, check to see if the INVALIDATE_CACHE JVM option is enabled
if ( _cacheHits==0 && _cacheMisses==0 && java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("org.fusesource.scalate.INVALIDATE_CACHE") ) {
// this deletes generated scala and class files.
// Determine whether to build/rebuild the template, load existing .class files from the file system,
// or reuse an existing template that we've already loaded
templateCache.get(source.uri) match {
// Not in the cache..
case None =>
_cacheMisses += 1
try {
// Try to load a pre-compiled template from the classpath
cache(source, loadPrecompiledEntry(source, extraBindings))
} catch {
case _: Throwable =>
// It was not pre-compiled... compile and load it.
cache(source, compileAndLoadEntry(source, extraBindings))
// It was in the cache..
case Some(entry) =>
// check for staleness
if (allowReload && entry.isStale) {
// Cache entry is stale, re-compile it
_cacheMisses += 1
cache(source, compileAndLoadEntry(source, extraBindings))
} else {
// Cache entry is valid
_cacheHits += 1
* Compiles and then caches the specified template. If the template
* was previously cached, the previously compiled template instance
* is returned. The cache entry in invalidated and then template
* is re-compiled if the template file has been updated since
* it was last compiled.
def load(file: File, extraBindings: Traversable[Binding]): Template = {
load(TemplateSource.fromFile(file), extraBindings)
* Compiles and then caches the specified template. If the template
* was previously cached, the previously compiled template instance
* is returned. The cache entry in invalidated and then template
* is re-compiled if the template file has been updated since
* it was last compiled.
def load(file: File): Template = {
* Compiles and then caches the specified template. If the template
* was previously cached, the previously compiled template instance
* is returned. The cache entry in invalidated and then template
* is re-compiled if the template file has been updated since
* it was last compiled.
def load(uri: String, extraBindings: Traversable[Binding]): Template = {
load(uriToSource(uri), extraBindings)
* Compiles and then caches the specified template. If the template
* was previously cached, the previously compiled template instance
* is returned. The cache entry in invalidated and then template
* is re-compiled if the template file has been updated since
* it was last compiled.
def load(uri: String): Template = {
* Returns a template source for the given URI and current resourceLoader
def source(uri: String): TemplateSource = TemplateSource.fromUri(uri, resourceLoader)
* Returns a template source of the given type of template for the given URI and current resourceLoader
def source(uri: String, templateType: String): TemplateSource = source(uri).templateType(templateType)
* Returns true if the URI can be loaded as a template
def canLoad(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]= Nil): Boolean = {
try {
load(source, extraBindings) != null
} catch {
case e: ResourceNotFoundException => false
* Returns true if the URI can be loaded as a template
def canLoad(uri: String): Boolean = {
* Returns true if the URI can be loaded as a template
def canLoad(uri: String, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]): Boolean = {
canLoad(uriToSource(uri), extraBindings)
* Invalidates all cached Templates.
def invalidateCachedTemplates() = {
templateCache.synchronized {
// Layout as text methods
* Renders the given template URI using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(uri: String, context: RenderContext, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]): Unit = {
val template = load(uri, extraBindings)
layout(template, context)
* Renders the given template using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(template: Template, context: RenderContext): Unit = {
RenderContext.using(context) {
val source = template.source
if (source != null && source.uri != null) {
context.withUri(source.uri) {
layoutStrategy.layout(template, context)
else {
layoutStrategy.layout(template, context)
* Renders the given template URI returning the output
def layout(uri: String, attributes: Map[String,Any] = Map(), extraBindings: Traversable[Binding] = Nil): String = {
val template = load(uri, extraBindings)
layout(uri, template, attributes)
def layout(uri: String, out: PrintWriter, attributes: Map[String, Any]) {
val template = load(uri)
layout(uri, template, out, attributes)
protected def layout(uri: String, template: Template, out: PrintWriter, attributes: Map[String, Any]) {
val context = createRenderContext(uri, out)
for ((key, value) <- attributes) {
context.attributes(key) = value
layout(template, context)
* Renders the given template returning the output
def layout(uri: String, template: Template, attributes: Map[String,Any]): String = {
val buffer = new StringWriter()
val out = new PrintWriter(buffer)
layout(uri, template, out, attributes)
// can't use multiple methods with default arguments so lets manually expand them here...
def layout(uri: String, context: RenderContext): Unit = layout(uri, context, Nil)
def layout(uri: String, template: Template): String = layout(uri, template, Map[String,Any]())
* Renders the given template source using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(source: TemplateSource): String = layout(source, Map[String,Any]())
* Renders the given template source using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(source: TemplateSource, attributes: Map[String,Any]): String = {
val template = load(source)
layout(source.uri, template, attributes)
* Renders the given template source using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(source: TemplateSource, context: RenderContext, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]): Unit = {
val template = load(source, extraBindings)
layout(template, context)
* Renders the given template source using the current layoutStrategy
def layout(source: TemplateSource, context: RenderContext): Unit = {
val template = load(source)
layout(template, context)
// Layout as markup methods
* Renders the given template URI returning the output
def layoutAsNodes(uri: String, attributes: Map[String,Any] = Map(), extraBindings:Traversable[Binding] = Nil): NodeSeq = {
val template = load(uri, extraBindings)
layoutAsNodes(uri, template, attributes)
* Renders the given template returning the output
def layoutAsNodes(uri: String, template: Template, attributes: Map[String,Any]): NodeSeq = {
// TODO there is a much better way of doing this by adding native NodeSeq
// support into the generated templates - especially for Scaml!
// for now lets do it a crappy way...
val buffer = new StringWriter()
val out = new PrintWriter(buffer)
val context = createRenderContext(uri, out)
for ((key, value) <- attributes) {
context.attributes(key) = value
//layout(template, context)
// can't use multiple methods with default arguments so lets manually expand them here...
def layoutAsNodes(uri: String, template: Template): NodeSeq = layoutAsNodes(uri, template, Map[String,Any]())
* Factory method used by the layout helper methods that should be overloaded by template engine implementations
* if they wish to customize the render context implementation
protected def createRenderContext(uri: String, out: PrintWriter): RenderContext = new DefaultRenderContext(uri, this, out)
private def loadPrecompiledEntry(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]) = {
source.engine = this
val uri = source.uri
val className = source.className
val template = loadCompiledTemplate(className, allowCaching);
template.source = source
if( allowCaching && allowReload && resourceLoader.exists(source.uri) ) {
// Even though the template was pre-compiled, it may go or is stale
// We still need to parse the template to figure out it's dependencies..
val code = generateScala(source, extraBindings);
val entry = CacheEntry(template, code.dependencies, lastModified(template.getClass))
if( entry.isStale ) {
// Throw an exception since we should not load stale pre-compiled classes.
throw new StaleCacheEntryException(source)
// Yay the template is not stale. Lets use it.
} else {
// If we are not going to be cache reloading.. then we
// don't need to do the extra work.
CacheEntry(template, Set(), 0)
private def compileAndLoadEntry(source:TemplateSource, extraBindings:Traversable[Binding]) = {
val (template, dependencies) = compileAndLoad(source, extraBindings, 0)
CacheEntry(template, dependencies, Platform.currentTime)
private def cache(source: TemplateSource, ce:CacheEntry) :Template = {
if( allowCaching ) {
templateCache += (source.uri -> ce)
val answer = ce.template
debug("Loaded uri: " + source.uri + " template: " + answer)
* Returns the source file of the template URI
protected def sourceFileName(uri: String) = {
// Write the source code to file..
// to avoid paths like foo/bar/C:/whatnot on windows lets mangle the ':' character
new File(sourceDirectory, uri.replace(':', '_') + ".scala")
protected def classFileName(uri: String) = {
// Write the source code to file..
// to avoid paths like foo/bar/C:/whatnot on windows lets mangle the ':' character
new File(sourceDirectory, uri.replace(':', '_') + ".scala")
protected val sourceMapLog = Log(getClass, "SourceMap")
private def compileAndLoad(source: TemplateSource, extraBindings: Traversable[Binding], attempt: Int): (Template, Set[String]) = {
source.engine = this
var code: Code = null
try {
val uri = source.uri
val text = source.text
// Can we use a pipeline to process the request?
pipeline(source) match {
case Some(p)=>
val template = new PipelineTemplate(p, text)
template.source = source
return (template, Set(uri))
case None=>
if( !compilerInstalled ) {
throw new TemplateException("Scala compiler not on the classpath. You must either add it to the classpath or precompile all the templates")
val g = generator(source);
// Generate the scala source code from the template
code = g.generate(this, source, bindings ++ extraBindings)
val sourceFile = sourceFileName(uri)
IOUtil.writeBinaryFile(sourceFile, code.source.getBytes("UTF-8"))
// Compile the generated scala code
// Write the source map information to the class file
val sourceMap = buildSourceMap(g.stratumName, uri, sourceFile, code.positions)
sourceMapLog.debug("installing:" + sourceMap)
storeSourceMap(new File(bytecodeDirectory, code.className.replace('.', '/')+".class"), sourceMap)
storeSourceMap(new File(bytecodeDirectory, code.className.replace('.', '/')+"$.class"), sourceMap)
// Load the compiled class and instantiate the template object
val template = loadCompiledTemplate(code.className)
template.source = source
(template, code.dependencies)
} catch {
// TODO: figure out why we sometimes get these InstantiationException errors that
// go away if you redo
case e: InstantiationException =>
if (attempt == 0) {
compileAndLoad(source, extraBindings, 1)
} else {
throw new TemplateException(e.getMessage, e)
case e: CompilerException =>
// TODO: figure out why sometimes returns
// false compile errors that go away if you redo
if (attempt == 0) {
compileAndLoad(source, extraBindings, 1)
} else {
// Translate the scala error location info
// to the template locations..
def template_pos(pos:Position) = {
pos match {
case p:OffsetPosition => {
val filtered = code.positions.filterKeys(,p) <= 0 )
if( filtered.isEmpty ) {
} else {
val (key,value) = filtered.last
// TODO: handle the case where the line is different too.
val colChange = pos.column - key.column
if( colChange >=0 ) {
OffsetPosition(value.source, value.offset+colChange)
} else {
case _=> null
var newmessage = "Compilation failed:\n"
val errors = {
(olderror) =>
val uri = source.uri
val pos = template_pos(olderror.pos)
if( pos==null ) {
newmessage += ":"+olderror.pos+" "+olderror.message+"\n"
newmessage += olderror.pos.longString+"\n"
} else {
newmessage += uri+":"+pos+" "+olderror.message+"\n"
newmessage += pos.longString+"\n"
// TODO should we pass the source?
CompilerError(uri, olderror.message, pos, olderror)
if (e.errors.isEmpty) {
throw e
else {
throw new CompilerException(newmessage, errors)
case e: InvalidSyntaxException =>
e.source = source
throw e
case e: TemplateException => throw e
case e: ResourceNotFoundException => throw e
case e: Throwable => throw new TemplateException(e.getMessage, e)
* Gets a pipeline to use for the give uri string by looking up the uri's extension
* in the the pipelines map.
protected def pipeline(source: TemplateSource):Option[List[Filter]] = {
//sort the extensions so we match the longest first.
for( ext<- pipelines.keys.toList.sortWith{ case(x,y)=> if(x.length==y.length) x.compareTo(y)<0 else x.length > y.length } if source.uri.endsWith("."+ext) ) {
return pipelines.get(ext)
* Gets the code generator to use for the give uri string by looking up the uri's extension
* in the the codeGenerators map.
protected def generator(source: TemplateSource): CodeGenerator = {
extension(source) match {
case Some(ext)=>
case None=>
throw new TemplateException("Template file extension missing. Cannot determine which template processor to use.")
* Extracts the extension from the source's uri though derived engines could override this behaviour to
* auto default missing extensions or performing custom mappings etc.
protected def extension(source: TemplateSource): Option[String] = source.templateType
* Returns the code generator for the given file extension
protected def generatorForExtension(extension: String) = codeGenerators.get(extension) match {
case None =>
val extensions = pipelines.keySet.toList ::: codeGenerators.keySet.toList
throw new TemplateException("Not a template file extension (" + extensions.mkString(" | ") + "), you requested: " + extension);
case Some(generator) => generator
private def loadCompiledTemplate(className:String, from_cache:Boolean=true):Template = {
val cl = if(from_cache) {
new URLClassLoader(Array(bytecodeDirectory.toURI.toURL), classLoader)
} else {
val clazz = try {
} catch {
case e:ClassNotFoundException =>
if( packagePrefix=="" ){
throw e
} else {
// Try without the package prefix.
try {
} catch {
case _ => throw e
return clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[Template]].newInstance
* Figures out the modification time of the class.
private def lastModified(clazz:Class[_]):Long = {
val codeSource = clazz.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource;
if( codeSource !=null && codeSource.getLocation.getProtocol == "file") {
val location = new File(codeSource.getLocation.getPath)
if( location.isDirectory ) {
val classFile = new File(location, clazz.getName.replace('.', '/')+".class")
if( classFile.exists ) {
return classFile.lastModified
} else {
// class is inside an archive.. just use the modification time of the jar
return location.lastModified
// Bail out
return 0
protected def buildSourceMap(stratumName:String, uri:String, scalaFile:File, positions:TreeMap[OffsetPosition,OffsetPosition]) = {
val shortName = uri.split("/").last
val longName = uri.stripPrefix("/")
val stratum: SourceMapStratum = new SourceMapStratum(stratumName)
val fileId = stratum.addFile(shortName, longName)
// build a map of input-line -> List( output-line )
var smap = new TreeMap[Int,List[Int]]()
positions.foreach {
case (out,in)=>
var outs = out.line :: smap.getOrElse(in.line, Nil)
smap += in.line -> outs
// sort the output lines..
smap = smap.transform { (x,y)=> y.sortWith(_<_) }
case (in, outs)=>
outs.foreach {
stratum.addLine(in, fileId, 1, out, 1)
var sourceMap: SourceMap = new SourceMap
sourceMap.addStratum(stratum, true)
protected def storeSourceMap(classFile:File, sourceMap:String) = {, sourceMap)
* Creates a [[org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateSource]] from a URI
protected def uriToSource(uri: String) = TemplateSource.fromUri(uri, resourceLoader)
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