ucar.ma2.ArrayChar Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.ma2;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for chars.
* Data storage is with 1D java array of chars.
* issues: what should we do if a conversion loses accuracy? nothing ? Exception ?
* @author caron
* @see Array
public class ArrayChar extends Array implements Iterable {
* package private. use Array.factory()
static ArrayChar factory(Index index) {
return ArrayChar.factory(index, null);
* create new ArrayChar with given indexImpl and backing store.
* Should be private.
* @param index use this Index
* @param stor. use this storage. if null, allocate.
* @return. new ArrayDouble.D or ArrayDouble object.
static ArrayChar factory(Index index, char[] storage) {
if (index instanceof Index0D) {
return new ArrayChar.D0(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index1D) {
return new ArrayChar.D1(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index2D) {
return new ArrayChar.D2(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index3D) {
return new ArrayChar.D3(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index4D) {
return new ArrayChar.D4(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index5D) {
return new ArrayChar.D5(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index6D) {
return new ArrayChar.D6(index, storage);
} else if (index instanceof Index7D) {
return new ArrayChar.D7(index, storage);
} else {
return new ArrayChar(index, storage);
protected char[] storage;
* Create a new Array of type char and the given shape.
* dimensions.length determines the rank of the new Array.
* @param dimensions the shape of the Array.
public ArrayChar(int[] dimensions) {
super(DataType.CHAR, dimensions);
storage = new char[(int) indexCalc.getSize()];
* Create a new Array using the given IndexArray and backing store.
* used for sections. Trusted package private.
* @param ima use this IndexArray as the index
* @param data use this as the backing store
ArrayChar(Index ima, char[] data) {
super(DataType.CHAR, ima);
* replace by something better
* if (ima.getSize() != data.length)
* throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad data length");
if (data != null)
storage = data;
storage = new char[(int) ima.getSize()];
public ArrayChar(String s) {
super(DataType.CHAR, new int[] {s.length()});
storage = new char[s.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
storage[i] = s.charAt(i);
* create new Array with given indexImpl and same backing store
protected Array createView(Index index) {
return ArrayChar.factory(index, storage);
// used only by copyTo1DJavaArray
public Object getStorage() {
return storage;
// copy from javaArray to storage using the iterator: used by factory( Object);
protected void copyFrom1DJavaArray(IndexIterator iter, Object javaArray) {
char[] ja = (char[]) javaArray;
for (char aJa : ja)
// copy to javaArray from storage using the iterator: used by copyToNDJavaArray;
protected void copyTo1DJavaArray(IndexIterator iter, Object javaArray) {
char[] ja = (char[]) javaArray;
for (int i = 0; i < ja.length; i++)
ja[i] = iter.getCharNext();
* Trasfer data to a ByteBuffer.
* Note we cast char to byte, discarding top byte, if any.
* This is because CDM char is really a byte, not a java char.
* @return data in a ByteBuffer
public ByteBuffer getDataAsByteBuffer() {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) getSize());
while (hasNext())
return bb;
* Return the element class type
public Class getElementType() {
return char.class;
* get the value at the specified index.
public char get(Index i) {
return storage[i.currentElement()];
* set the value at the sepcified index.
public void set(Index i, char value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = value;
public double getDouble(Index i) {
return (double) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setDouble(Index i, double value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public float getFloat(Index i) {
return (float) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setFloat(Index i, float value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public long getLong(Index i) {
return (long) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setLong(Index i, long value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public int getInt(Index i) {
return (int) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setInt(Index i, int value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public short getShort(Index i) {
return (short) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setShort(Index i, short value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public byte getByte(Index i) {
return (byte) storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setByte(Index i, byte value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (char) value;
public char getChar(Index i) {
return storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setChar(Index i, char value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = value;
* not legal, throw ForbiddenConversionException
public boolean getBoolean(Index i) {
throw new ForbiddenConversionException();
* not legal, throw ForbiddenConversionException
public void setBoolean(Index i, boolean value) {
throw new ForbiddenConversionException();
public Object getObject(Index i) {
return storage[i.currentElement()];
public void setObject(Index i, Object value) {
storage[i.currentElement()] = (Character) value;
* Create a String out of this rank one ArrayChar object.
* If there is a null (0) value in the ArrayChar array, the String will end there.
* The null is not returned as part of the String.
* @return String value of CharArray
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if rank != 1
public String getString() {
int rank = getRank();
if (rank == 0) {
return new String(storage);
if (rank != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ArayChar.getString rank must be 1");
int strLen = indexCalc.getShape(0);
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < strLen; k++) {
if (0 == storage[k])
return new String(storage, 0, count);
* Create a String out of this rank two ArrayChar object.
* This treats the ArrayChar as a 1D array of Strings.
* If there is a null (0) value in the ArrayChar array, the String will end there.
* The null is not returned as part of the String.
* @param index index into 1D String array, must be < getShape(0).
* @return String value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if rank != 2
public String getString(int index) {
Index ima = getIndex();
return getString(ima.set(index));
* Create a String out of this ArrayChar object. The rank must be 1 or greater.
* If there is a null (0) value in the ArrayChar array, the String will end there.
* The null is not returned as part of the String.
* If rank=1, then this will make a string out of the entire CharArray, ignoring ima.
* If rank is greater than 1, then make a String out of the characters of the last dimension,
* indexed by ima. This method treats the CharArray like an array of Strings, and
* allows you to iterate over them, eg for a 2D ArrayChar:
* ArrayChar ca;
* Index ima = ca.getIndex();
* for (int i=0; i
* @param ima the Index of where in the Array to start.
* @return String value of CharArray
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if rank != 1
public String getString(Index ima) {
int rank = getRank();
if (rank == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ArayChar.getString rank must not be 0");
if (rank == 1)
return getString();
int strLen = indexCalc.getShape(rank - 1);
char[] carray = new char[strLen];
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < strLen; k++) {
ima.setDim(rank - 1, k);
carray[k] = getChar(ima);
if (0 == carray[k])
return new String(carray, 0, count);
* Set the ArrayChar values from the characters in the String. Rank must be 1.
* If String longer than ArrayChar, ignore extra chars; if shorter, fill with 0.
* @param val set characters from this String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if rank != 2
public void setString(String val) {
int rank = getRank();
if (rank != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ArayChar.setString rank must be 1");
int arrayLen = indexCalc.getShape(0);
int strLen = Math.min(val.length(), arrayLen);
for (int k = 0; k < strLen; k++)
storage[k] = val.charAt(k);
char c = 0;
for (int k = strLen; k < arrayLen; k++)
storage[k] = c;
* Set the ArrayChar values from the characters in the String. Rank must be 2.
* This treats the ArrayChar as a 1D array of Strings.
* If String val longer than ArrayChar, ignore extra chars; if shorter, fill with 0.
* String[] val = new String[n];
* ArrayChar ca;
* Index ima = ca.getIndex();
* for (int i=0; i
* @param index index into 1D String array, must be < getShape(0).
* @param val set chars from this sString
public void setString(int index, String val) {
int rank = getRank();
if (rank != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ArrayChar.setString rank must be 2");
Index ima = getIndex();
setString(ima.set(index), val);
* Set the ArrayChar values from the characters in the String. Rank must be 1 or greater.
* If String longer than ArrayChar, ignore extra chars; if shorter, fill with 0.
* If rank 1, set entire ArrayChar, ignoring ima.
* If rank > 1, treat the ArrayChar like an array of Strings of rank-1, and set the
* row indexed by ima. For example, rank 3:
* String[][] val;
* ArrayChar ca;
* Index ima = ca.getIndex();
* int rank0 = ca.getShape()[0];
* int rank1 = ca.getShape()[1];
* for (int i=0; i
* @param ima the Index of where in the Array to start.
* @param val set to this value
public void setString(Index ima, String val) {
int rank = getRank();
if (rank == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ArrayChar.setString rank must not be 0");
int arrayLen = indexCalc.getShape(rank - 1);
int strLen = Math.min(val.length(), arrayLen);
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < strLen; k++) {
ima.setDim(rank - 1, k);
setChar(ima, val.charAt(k));
char c = 0;
for (int k = count; k < arrayLen; k++) {
ima.setDim(rank - 1, k);
setChar(ima, c);
// package private : mostly for iterators
public double getDouble(int index) {
return (double) storage[index];
public void setDouble(int index, double value) {
storage[index] = (char) value;
public float getFloat(int index) {
return storage[index];
public void setFloat(int index, float value) {
storage[index] = (char) value;
public long getLong(int index) {
return (long) storage[index];
public void setLong(int index, long value) {
storage[index] = (char) value;
public int getInt(int index) {
return (int) storage[index];
public void setInt(int index, int value) {
storage[index] = (char) value;
public short getShort(int index) {
return (short) storage[index];
public void setShort(int index, short value) {
storage[index] = (char) value;
public byte getByte(int index) {
return (byte) storage[index];
public void setByte(int index, byte value) {
storage[index] = (char) (value & 0xFF);
public char getChar(int index) {
return storage[index];
public void setChar(int index, char value) {
storage[index] = value;
public boolean getBoolean(int index) {
throw new ForbiddenConversionException();
public void setBoolean(int index, boolean value) {
throw new ForbiddenConversionException();
public Object getObject(int index) {
return getChar(index);
public void setObject(int index, Object value) {
storage[index] = (Character) value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 0.
public static class D0 extends ArrayChar {
private Index0D ix;
* Constructor.
public D0() {
super(new int[] {});
ix = (Index0D) indexCalc;
private D0(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index0D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get() {
return storage[ix.currentElement()];
* set the value.
public void set(char value) {
storage[ix.currentElement()] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 1.
public static class D1 extends ArrayChar {
private Index1D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0}.
public D1(int len0) {
super(new int[] {len0});
ix = (Index1D) indexCalc;
private D1(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index1D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 2.
public static class D2 extends ArrayChar {
private Index2D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1}.
public D2(int len0, int len1) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1});
ix = (Index2D) indexCalc;
private D2(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index2D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 3.
public static class D3 extends ArrayChar {
private Index3D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1,len2}.
public D3(int len0, int len1, int len2) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1, len2});
ix = (Index3D) indexCalc;
private D3(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index3D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j, int k) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, int k, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 4.
public static class D4 extends ArrayChar {
private Index4D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1,len2,len3}.
public D4(int len0, int len1, int len2, int len3) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1, len2, len3});
ix = (Index4D) indexCalc;
private D4(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index4D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j, int k, int l) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, int k, int l, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 5.
public static class D5 extends ArrayChar {
private Index5D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1,len2,len3,len4}.
public D5(int len0, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1, len2, len3, len4});
ix = (Index5D) indexCalc;
private D5(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index5D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 6.
public static class D6 extends ArrayChar {
private Index6D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1,len2,len3,len4,len5,}.
public D6(int len0, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, int len5) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1, len2, len3, len4, len5});
ix = (Index6D) indexCalc;
private D6(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index6D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m, n)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m, n)] = value;
* Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 7.
public static class D7 extends ArrayChar {
private Index7D ix;
* Constructor for array of shape {len0,len1,len2,len3,len4,len5,len6}.
public D7(int len0, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, int len5, int len6) {
super(new int[] {len0, len1, len2, len3, len4, len5, len6});
ix = (Index7D) indexCalc;
private D7(Index i, char[] store) {
super(i, store);
ix = (Index7D) indexCalc;
* get the value.
public char get(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o) {
return storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m, n, o)];
* set the value.
public void set(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o, char value) {
storage[ix.setDirect(i, j, k, l, m, n, o)] = value;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
StringIterator ii = getStringIterator();
int count = 0;
while (ii.hasNext()) {
if (count > 0)
String data = ii.next();
return sbuff.toString();
* Treat this Variable as an array of Strings, and iterate over all the strings in the array.
* If rank == 0, will make single String of length 1.
* @return Iterator over Strings.
public StringIterator getStringIterator() {
return new StringIterator();
public Iterator iterator() {
return new StringIterator();
* rank must be > 0
public class StringIterator implements Iterator {
private IndexIterator ii = getIndexIterator();
private int strLen;
private char[] carray;
StringIterator() {
if (rank == 0)
strLen = 1;
strLen = indexCalc.getShape(rank - 1);
carray = new char[strLen];
public int getNumElems() {
return (int) getSize() / strLen;
public boolean hasNext() {
return ii.hasNext();
public String next() {
int stop = strLen;
for (int k = 0; k < strLen; k++) {
carray[k] = ii.getCharNext();
if (0 == carray[k] && stop == strLen) // catch zero termination
stop = k;
return new String(carray, 0, stop);
* Make this into the equivilent 1D ArrayObject of Strings.
* @return 1D ArrayObject of Strings
public ArrayObject make1DStringArray() {
int nelems = (getRank() == 0) ? 1 : (int) getSize() / indexCalc.getShape(getRank() - 1);
Array sarr = Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[] {nelems});
IndexIterator newsiter = sarr.getIndexIterator();
ArrayChar.StringIterator siter = getStringIterator();
while (siter.hasNext()) {
return (ArrayObject) sarr;
* Create an ArrayChar from a String
* @param s String
* @param max maximum length
* @return equivilent ArrayChar
public static ArrayChar makeFromString(String s, int max) {
ArrayChar result = new ArrayChar.D1(max);
for (int i = 0; i < max && i < s.length(); i++)
result.setChar(i, s.charAt(i));
return result;
* Create an ArrayChar from an ArrayObject of Strings.
* @param values ArrayObject of String
* @return equivilent ArrayChar, using maximum length of String. Unused are zero filled.
public static ArrayChar makeFromStringArray(ArrayObject values) {
// find longest string
IndexIterator ii = values.getIndexIterator();
int strlen = 0;
while (ii.hasNext()) {
String s = (String) ii.next();
strlen = Math.max(s.length(), strlen);
return makeFromStringArray(values, strlen);
* Create an ArrayChar from an ArrayObject of Strings.
* Inverse of make1DStringArray. Copies the data.
* @param values ArrayObject of String
* @param strlen string length dimension size
* @return equivilent ArrayChar. Unused are zero filled.
public static ArrayChar makeFromStringArray(ArrayObject values, int strlen) {
// create shape for equivilent charArray
Section section = Section.builder().appendRanges(values.getShape()).appendRange(strlen).build();
int[] shape = section.getShape();
long size = section.computeSize();
// populate char array
char[] cdata = new char[(int) size];
int start = 0;
IndexIterator ii = values.getIndexIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
String s = (String) ii.next();
for (int k = 0; k < s.length() && k < strlen; k++)
cdata[start + k] = s.charAt(k);
start += strlen;
// ready to create the char Array
Array carr = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR, shape, cdata);
return (ArrayChar) carr;