ucar.nc2.FileWriter2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Utility class for copying a NetcdfFile object, or parts of one, to a netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 disk file.
* Uses NetcdfFileWriter.
* This handles the entire CDM model (groups, etc) if you are writing to netcdf-4.
* The fileIn may be an NcML file which has a referenced dataset in the location URL, the underlying data
* (modified by the NcML) is written to the new file. If the NcML does not have a referenced dataset,
* then the new file is filled with fill values, like ncgen.
* Use NetcdfFileWriter object for a lower level API.
* @deprecated use {@link ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfCopier} (library) or {@link ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy} (command line)
public class FileWriter2 {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileWriter2.class);
private static final long maxSize = 50 * 1000 * 1000; // 50 Mbytes
private static boolean debug, debugWrite, debugChunk;
* Set debugging flags
* @param debugFlags debug flags
public static void setDebugFlags(ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags debugFlags) {
debug = debugFlags.isSet("ncfileWriter2/debug");
debugWrite = debugFlags.isSet("ncfileWriter2/debugWrite");
debugChunk = debugFlags.isSet("ncfileWriter2/debugChunk");
private final NetcdfFile fileIn;
private final NetcdfFileWriter writer;
private final NetcdfFileWriter.Version version;
private final Map varMap = new HashMap<>(100); // oldVar, newVar
private final List varList = new ArrayList<>(100); // old Vars
private final Map gdimHash = new HashMap<>(33); // name, newDim : global dimensions (classic mode)
* Use this constructor to copy entire file. Use this.write() to do actual copy.
* @param fileIn copy this file
* @param fileOutName to this output file
* @param version output file version
* @param chunker chunking strategy (netcdf4 only)
* @throws IOException on read/write error
public FileWriter2(NetcdfFile fileIn, String fileOutName, NetcdfFileWriter.Version version, Nc4Chunking chunker)
throws IOException {
this.fileIn = fileIn;
this.writer = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(version, fileOutName, chunker);
this.version = version;
/** @deprecated do not use */
public enum N3StructureStrategy {
flatten, exclude
private N3StructureStrategy n3StructureStrategy;
public void setN3StructureStrategy(N3StructureStrategy n3StructureStrategy) {
this.n3StructureStrategy = n3StructureStrategy;
public NetcdfFileWriter getNetcdfFileWriter() {
return writer;
// might be better to push these next up into NetcdfCFWriter, but we want to use copyVarData
* Use this constructor to copy specific variables to new file.
* Only supports classic mode
* Use addVariable() to load in variables, then this.write().
* @param fileWriter this encapsolates new file.
public FileWriter2(NetcdfFileWriter fileWriter) {
this.fileIn = null;
this.writer = fileWriter;
this.version = fileWriter.getVersion();
* Specify which variable will get written
* @param oldVar add this variable, and all parent groups
* @return new Variable.
public Variable addVariable(Variable oldVar) {
List newDims = getNewDimensions(oldVar);
Variable newVar;
if ((oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) && (!version.isExtendedModel())) {
newVar = writer.addStringVariable(null, oldVar, newDims);
} else {
newVar = writer.addVariable(null, oldVar.getShortName(), oldVar.getDataType(), newDims);
varMap.put(oldVar, newVar);
for (Attribute orgAtt : oldVar.attributes())
writer.addVariableAttribute(newVar, convertAttribute(orgAtt));
return newVar;
private List getNewDimensions(Variable oldVar) {
List result = new ArrayList<>(oldVar.getRank());
// dimensions
for (Dimension oldD : oldVar.getDimensions()) {
Dimension newD = gdimHash.get(oldD.getShortName());
if (newD == null) {
newD = writer.addDimension(null, oldD.getShortName(), oldD.isUnlimited() ? 0 : oldD.getLength(),
oldD.isUnlimited(), oldD.isVariableLength());
gdimHash.put(oldD.getShortName(), newD);
if (debug)
System.out.println("add dim= " + newD);
return result;
public NetcdfFile write() throws IOException {
return write(null);
* Write the input file to the output file.
* @param cancel allow user to cancel; may be null.
* @return the open output file.
public NetcdfFile write(CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
try {
if (version.isExtendedModel())
addGroupExtended(null, fileIn.getRootGroup());
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
return null;
// create the file
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
return null;
double total = copyVarData(varList, null, cancel);
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
return null;
if (debug)
System.out.println("FileWriter done total bytes = " + total);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
writer.abort(); // clean up
throw ioe;
return writer.getNetcdfFile();
private void addGroupClassic() throws IOException {
if (!fileIn.getRootGroup().getGroups().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Input file has nested groups: cannot write to netcdf-3 format");
// attributes
for (Attribute orgAtt : fileIn.getGlobalAttributes()) {
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, convertAttribute(orgAtt));
// dimensions
Map dimHash = new HashMap<>();
for (Dimension oldD : fileIn.getDimensions()) {
Dimension newD = writer.addDimension(null, oldD.getShortName(), oldD.isUnlimited() ? 0 : oldD.getLength(),
oldD.isUnlimited(), oldD.isVariableLength());
dimHash.put(oldD.getShortName(), newD);
if (debug)
System.out.println("add dim= " + newD);
// Variables
int anonCount = 0;
for (Variable oldVar : fileIn.getVariables()) {
if (oldVar instanceof Structure)
continue; // ignore for the moment
List dims = new ArrayList<>();
for (Dimension oldD : oldVar.getDimensions()) {
if (!oldD.isShared()) { // netcdf3 dimensions must be shared
String anonName = "anon" + anonCount;
Dimension newD = writer.addDimension(null, anonName, oldD.getLength());
} else {
Dimension dim = dimHash.get(oldD.getShortName());
if (dim != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown dimension= " + oldD.getShortName());
DataType newType = oldVar.getDataType();
// convert STRING to CHAR
if (oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) {
Array data = oldVar.read();
IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
int max_len = 0;
while (ii.hasNext()) {
String s = (String) ii.getObjectNext();
max_len = Math.max(max_len, s.length());
// add last dimension
String useName = oldVar.getShortName() + "_strlen";
Dimension newD = writer.addDimension(null, useName, max_len);
newType = DataType.CHAR;
Variable v = writer.addVariable(null, oldVar.getShortName(), newType, dims);
if (debug)
System.out.println("add var= " + v.getNameAndDimensions());
varMap.put(oldVar, v);
// attributes
for (Attribute orgAtt : oldVar.attributes()) {
writer.addVariableAttribute(v, convertAttribute(orgAtt));
private void addGroupExtended(Group newParent, Group oldGroup) {
Group newGroup = writer.addGroup(newParent, oldGroup.getShortName());
// attributes
for (Attribute att : oldGroup.attributes()) {
writer.addGroupAttribute(newGroup, att); // atts are immutable
if (debug)
System.out.println("add gatt= " + att);
// typedefs
for (EnumTypedef td : oldGroup.getEnumTypedefs()) {
writer.addTypedef(newGroup, td); // td are immutable
if (debug)
System.out.println("add td= " + td);
// dimensions
Map dimHash = new HashMap<>();
for (Dimension oldD : oldGroup.getDimensions()) {
Dimension newD = writer.addDimension(newGroup, oldD.getShortName(), oldD.isUnlimited() ? 0 : oldD.getLength(),
oldD.isUnlimited(), oldD.isVariableLength());
dimHash.put(oldD.getShortName(), newD);
if (debug)
System.out.println("add dim= " + newD);
// Variables
for (Variable oldVar : oldGroup.getVariables()) {
List dims = new ArrayList<>();
for (Dimension oldD : oldVar.getDimensions()) {
// in case the name changed
Dimension newD = oldD.isShared() ? dimHash.get(oldD.getShortName()) : oldD;
if (newD == null)
newD = newParent.findDimension(oldD.getShortName());
if (newD == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant find dimension " + oldD.getShortName());
DataType newType = oldVar.getDataType();
Variable v;
if (newType == DataType.STRUCTURE) {
v = writer.addCopyOfStructure(newGroup, (Structure) oldVar, oldVar.getShortName(), dims);
} else if (newType.isEnum()) {
EnumTypedef en = oldVar.getEnumTypedef();
v = writer.addVariable(newGroup, oldVar.getShortName(), newType, dims);
} else {
v = writer.addVariable(newGroup, oldVar.getShortName(), newType, dims);
varMap.put(oldVar, v);
if (debug)
System.out.println("add var= " + v);
// attributes
for (Attribute att : oldVar.attributes())
writer.addVariableAttribute(v, att); // atts are immutable
// nested groups
for (Group nested : oldGroup.getGroups())
addGroupExtended(newGroup, nested);
// munge attribute if needed
private Attribute convertAttribute(Attribute org) {
if (version.isExtendedModel())
return org;
if (!org.getDataType().isUnsigned())
return org;
Array orgValues = org.getValues();
Array nc3Values = Array.makeFromJavaArray(orgValues.getStorage(), false);
return new Attribute(org.getShortName(), nc3Values);
* Write data from varList into new file. Read/Write a maximum of maxSize bytes at a time.
* When theres a record variable, its much more efficient to use it.
* @param oldVars list of variables from the original file, with data in them
* @param recordVar the record variable from the original file, or null means dont use record variables
* @param cancel allow user to cancel, may be null.
* @return total number of bytes written
* @throws IOException if I/O error
public double copyVarData(List oldVars, Structure recordVar, CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
boolean useRecordDimension = (recordVar != null);
// write non-record data
double total = 0;
int countVars = 0;
for (Variable oldVar : oldVars) {
if (useRecordDimension && oldVar.isUnlimited())
continue; // skip record variables
if (oldVar == recordVar)
if (debug)
"write var= " + oldVar.getShortName() + " size = " + oldVar.getSize() + " type=" + oldVar.getDataType());
if (cancel != null)
cancel.setProgress("writing " + oldVar.getShortName(), countVars++);
long size = oldVar.getSize() * oldVar.getElementSize();
total += size;
if (size <= maxSize) {
copyAll(oldVar, varMap.get(oldVar));
} else {
copySome(oldVar, varMap.get(oldVar), maxSize, cancel);
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
return total;
// write record data
if (useRecordDimension) {
int[] origin = {0};
int[] size = {1};
int nrecs = (int) recordVar.getSize();
int sdataSize = recordVar.getElementSize();
Variable recordVarNew = varMap.get(recordVar);
double totalRecordBytes = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < nrecs; count++) {
origin[0] = count;
try {
Array recordData = recordVar.read(origin, size);
writer.write(recordVarNew, origin, recordData); // rather magic here - only writes the ones in ncfile !!
if (debug && (count == 0))
System.out.println("write record size = " + sdataSize);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
totalRecordBytes += sdataSize;
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
return total;
total += totalRecordBytes;
totalRecordBytes /= 1000 * 1000;
if (debug)
System.out.println("write record var; total = " + totalRecordBytes + " Mbytes # recs=" + nrecs);
return total;
// copy all the data in oldVar to the newVar
void copyAll(Variable oldVar, Variable newVar) throws IOException {
Array data = oldVar.read();
try {
if (!version.isNetdf4format() && oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) {
data = convertToChar(newVar, data);
if (data.getSize() > 0) // zero when record dimension = 0
writer.write(newVar, data);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage() + " for Variable " + oldVar.getFullName());
* Copies data from {@code oldVar} to {@code newVar}. The writes are done in a series of chunks no larger than
* {@code maxChunkSize} bytes.
* @param oldVar a variable from the original file to copy data from.
* @param newVar a variable from the original file to copy data from.
* @param maxChunkSize the size, in bytes, of the largest chunk to write.
* @param cancel allow user to cancel, may be null.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void copySome(Variable oldVar, Variable newVar, long maxChunkSize, CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
long maxChunkElems = maxChunkSize / oldVar.getElementSize();
long byteWriteTotal = 0;
ChunkingIndex index = new ChunkingIndex(oldVar.getShape());
while (index.currentElement() < index.getSize()) {
try {
int[] chunkOrigin = index.getCurrentCounter();
int[] chunkShape = index.computeChunkShape(maxChunkElems);
if (cancel != null)
"Reading chunk " + new Section(chunkOrigin, chunkShape) + " from variable: " + oldVar.getShortName(), -1);
* writeProgressEvent.setWriteStatus("Reading chunk from variable: " + oldVar.getShortName());
* if (progressListeners != null) {
* for (FileWriterProgressListener listener : progressListeners) {
* listener.writeProgress(writeProgressEvent);
* }
* }
Array data = oldVar.read(chunkOrigin, chunkShape);
if (!version.isNetdf4format() && oldVar.getDataType() == DataType.STRING) {
data = convertToChar(newVar, data);
if (data.getSize() > 0) {// zero when record dimension = 0
if (cancel != null)
"Writing chunk " + new Section(chunkOrigin, chunkShape) + " from variable: " + oldVar.getShortName(),
writer.write(newVar, chunkOrigin, data);
if (debugWrite)
System.out.println(" write " + data.getSize() + " bytes at " + new Section(chunkOrigin, chunkShape));
byteWriteTotal += data.getSize();
index.setCurrentCounter(index.currentElement() + (int) Index.computeSize(chunkShape));
if (cancel != null && cancel.isCancel())
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
private Array convertToChar(Variable newVar, Array oldData) {
ArrayChar newData = (ArrayChar) Array.factory(DataType.CHAR, newVar.getShape());
Index ima = newData.getIndex();
IndexIterator ii = oldData.getIndexIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
String s = (String) ii.getObjectNext();
int[] c = ii.getCurrentCounter();
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
ima.setDim(i, c[i]);
newData.setString(ima, s);
return newData;
* private boolean hasRecordStructure(NetcdfFile file) {
* Variable v = file.findVariable("record");
* return (v != null) && (v.getDataType() == DataType.STRUCTURE);
* }
// contributed by [email protected] 4/12/2010
* An index that computes chunk shapes. It is intended to be used to compute the origins and shapes for a series
* of contiguous writes to a multidimensional array.
* It writes the first n elements (n < maxChunkElems), then the next, etc.
* @deprecated use ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
public static class ChunkingIndex extends Index {
public ChunkingIndex(int[] shape) {
* Computes the shape of the largest possible contiguous chunk, starting at {@link #getCurrentCounter()}
* and with {@code numElems <= maxChunkElems}.
* @param maxChunkElems the maximum number of elements in the chunk shape. The actual element count of the shape
* returned is likely to be different, and can be found with {@link Index#computeSize}.
* @return the shape of the largest possible contiguous chunk.
public int[] computeChunkShape(long maxChunkElems) {
int[] chunkShape = new int[rank];
for (int iDim = 0; iDim < rank; ++iDim) {
int size = (int) (maxChunkElems / stride[iDim]);
size = (size == 0) ? 1 : size;
size = Math.min(size, shape[iDim] - current[iDim]);
chunkShape[iDim] = size;
return chunkShape;
private static void usage() {
System.out.println("usage: ucar.nc2.FileWriter2 -in -out [-netcdf4]");
* ucar.nc2.FileWriter -in fileIn -out fileOut.
* where:
* - fileIn : path of any CDM readable file
- fileOut: local pathname where netdf-3 file will be written
* @param arg -in fileIn -out fileOut [-netcdf4]
* @throws IOException on read or write error
* @deprecated use ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy
public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException {
if (arg.length < 4) {
String datasetIn = null, datasetOut = null;
NetcdfFileWriter.Version version = NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3;
for (int i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
String s = arg[i];
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("-in"))
datasetIn = arg[i + 1];
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("-out"))
datasetOut = arg[i + 1];
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("-netcdf4"))
version = NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4;
if ((datasetIn == null) || (datasetOut == null)) {
System.out.printf("FileWriter2 copy %s to %s ", datasetIn, datasetOut);
CancelTask cancel = CancelTask.create();
NetcdfFile ncfileIn = ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.open(datasetIn, cancel);
if (cancel.isCancel())
FileWriter2 writer2 = new FileWriter2(ncfileIn, datasetOut, version, null); // currently only the default chunker
NetcdfFile ncfileOut = writer2.write(cancel);
if (ncfileOut != null)
System.out.printf("%s%n", cancel);
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