ucar.nc2.Group Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles.reservedFullName;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.util.EscapeStrings;
import ucar.nc2.util.Indent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
* A logical collection of Variables, Attributes, and Dimensions.
* The Groups in a Dataset form a hierarchical tree, like directories on a disk.
* A Group has a name and optionally a set of Attributes.
* There is always at least one Group in a dataset, the root Group, whose name is the empty string.
* Immutable if setImmutable() was called.
* TODO Group will be immutable in 6.
* TODO Group will not implement AttributeContainer in 6, use Group.attributes().
* TODO Group will not extend CDMNode in 6.
* @author caron
public class Group extends CDMNode implements AttributeContainer {
static List collectPath(Group g) {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
while (g != null) {
list.add(0, g);
g = g.getParentGroup();
return list;
* Is this the root group?
* @return true if root group
public boolean isRoot() {
return getParentGroup() == null;
* Get the Variables contained directly in this group.
* @return List of type Variable; may be empty, not null.
* TODO return ImmutableList
public List getVariables() {
return variables;
/** @deprecated use findVariableLocal() */
public Variable findVariable(String varShortName) {
return findVariableLocal(varShortName);
* Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group.
* @param varShortName short name of Variable within this group.
* @return the Variable, or null if not found
public Variable findVariableLocal(String varShortName) {
if (varShortName == null)
return null;
for (Variable v : variables) {
if (varShortName.equals(v.getShortName()))
return v;
return null;
* Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group or a parent group.
* @param varShortName short name of Variable.
* @return the Variable, or null if not found
public Variable findVariableOrInParent(String varShortName) {
if (varShortName == null)
return null;
Variable v = findVariableLocal(varShortName);
Group parent = getParentGroup();
if ((v == null) && (parent != null))
v = parent.findVariableOrInParent(varShortName);
return v;
* Look in this Group and in its nested Groups for a Variable with a String valued Attribute with the given name
* and value.
* @param attName look for an Attribuite with this name.
* @param attValue look for an Attribuite with this value.
* @return the first Variable that matches, or null if none match.
public Variable findVariableByAttribute(String attName, String attValue) {
for (Variable v : getVariables()) {
for (Attribute att : v.attributes())
if (attName.equals(att.getShortName()) && attValue.equals(att.getStringValue()))
return v;
for (Group nested : getGroups()) {
Variable v = nested.findVariableByAttribute(attName, attValue);
if (v != null)
return v;
return null;
* Get the parent Group, or null if its the root group.
* Not deprecated.
public Group getParentGroup() {
return this.group;
* Get the full name of this object.
* Certain characters are backslash escaped (see NetcdfFiles.getFullName(Group))
* Not deprecated.
* @return full name with backslash escapes
public String getFullName() {
return NetcdfFiles.makeFullName(this);
* Get the Groups contained directly in this Group.
* @return List of type Group; may be empty, not null.
public ImmutableList getGroups() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(groups);
/** Get the owning NetcdfFile */
public NetcdfFile getNetcdfFile() {
return ncfile;
* Retrieve the Group with the specified (short) name.
* @param groupShortName short name of the nested group you are looking for.
* @return the Group, or null if not found
public Group findGroupLocal(String groupShortName) {
if (groupShortName == null)
return null;
// groupShortName = NetcdfFile.makeNameUnescaped(groupShortName);
for (Group group : groups) {
if (groupShortName.equals(group.getShortName()))
return group;
return null;
/** @deprecated use findGroupLocal() */
public Group findGroup(String groupShortName) {
return findGroupLocal(groupShortName);
* Get the shared Dimensions contained directly in this group.
* @return List of type Dimension; may be empty, not null.
* TODO return ImmutableList
public List getDimensions() {
return dimensions;
* Create a dimension list using dimension names. The dimension is searched for recursively in the parent groups.
* @param dimString : whitespace separated list of dimension names, or '*' for Dimension.UNKNOWN, or number for anon
* dimension. null or empty String is a scalar.
* @return list of dimensions, will return ImmutableList<> in version 6
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if cant find dimension or parse error.
public ImmutableList makeDimensionsList(String dimString) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return Dimensions.makeDimensionsList(this::findDimension, dimString);
* Get the enumerations contained directly in this group.
* @return List of type EnumTypedef; may be empty, not null.
public ImmutableList getEnumTypedefs() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(enumTypedefs);
* Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, matching on short name.
* @param name Dimension name.
* @return the Dimension, or null if not found
public Dimension findDimension(String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
// name = NetcdfFile.makeNameUnescaped(name);
Dimension d = findDimensionLocal(name);
if (d != null)
return d;
Group parent = getParentGroup();
if (parent != null)
return parent.findDimension(name);
return null;
* Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, using equals.
* @param dim Dimension .
* @return the Dimension, or null if not found
public Dimension findDimension(Dimension dim) {
if (dim == null) {
return null;
for (Dimension d : dimensions) {
if (d.equals(dim)) {
return d;
Group parent = getParentGroup();
if (parent != null) {
return parent.findDimension(dim);
return null;
* Find a Dimension using its (short) name, in this group only
* @param shortName Dimension name.
* @return the Dimension, or null if not found
public Dimension findDimensionLocal(String shortName) {
if (shortName == null)
return null;
for (Dimension d : dimensions) {
if (shortName.equals(d.getShortName()))
return d;
return null;
// Attributes
/** The attributes contained by this Group. */
public AttributeContainer attributes() {
return attributes;
/** Find the attribute by name, return null if not exist */
public Attribute findAttribute(String name) {
return attributes.findAttribute(name);
* Find a String-valued Attribute by name (ignore case), return the String value of the Attribute.
* @return the attribute value, or defaultValue if not found
public String findAttributeString(String attName, String defaultValue) {
return attributes.findAttributeString(attName, defaultValue);
/** @deprecated Use attributes() */
public java.util.List getAttributes() {
return AttributeContainer.filter(attributes, CDM.SPECIALS).getAttributes();
/** @deprecated Use attributes() */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return attributes.isEmpty();
/** @deprecated Use findAttributeString() */
public Attribute findAttributeIgnoreCase(String name) {
return attributes.findAttributeIgnoreCase(name);
/** @deprecated Use attributes().findAttributeDouble() */
public double findAttributeDouble(String attName, double defaultValue) {
return attributes.findAttributeDouble(attName, defaultValue);
/** @deprecated Use attributes().findAttributeInteger() */
public int findAttributeInteger(String attName, int defaultValue) {
return attributes.findAttributeInteger(attName, defaultValue);
/** @deprecated Use Group.builder() */
public Attribute addAttribute(Attribute att) {
return attributes.addAttribute(att);
/** @deprecated Use Group.builder() */
public void addAll(Iterable atts) {
/** @deprecated Use Group.builder() */
public boolean remove(Attribute a) {
return attributes.remove(a);
/** @deprecated Use Group.builder() */
public boolean removeAttribute(String attName) {
return attributes.removeAttribute(attName);
/** @deprecated Use Group.builder() */
public boolean removeAttributeIgnoreCase(String attName) {
return attributes.removeAttributeIgnoreCase(attName);
/** Find a Enumeration in this Group, using its short name. */
public EnumTypedef findEnumeration(String name) {
return findEnumeration(name, false); // Keep the old behavior
/** Find a Enumeration in this or optionally the parent Groups, using its short name. */
public EnumTypedef findEnumeration(String name, boolean searchup) {
if (name == null)
return null;
// name = NetcdfFile.makeNameUnescaped(name);
// search this group's EnumTypedefs
for (EnumTypedef d : this.getEnumTypedefs()) {
if (name.equals(d.getShortName()))
return d;
if (searchup) {
Group parent = getParentGroup();
if (parent != null)
return parent.findEnumeration(name, searchup);
return null;
* Locate an enum type definition that is structurally
* similar to the template type def. The Enum names are ignored.
* @param template match this enum type def
* @param searchup if true, then search this group and then parent groups.
public EnumTypedef findSimilarEnumTypedef(EnumTypedef template, boolean searchup) {
assert (template != null);
// search this group builders's EnumTypedefs but with constraint on name
EnumTypedef ed = enumTypedefs.stream().filter(e -> e.equalsMapOnly(template)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (ed != null)
return ed;
// Optionally search parents
if (searchup) {
Group gb = getParentGroup();
if (gb != null)
ed = gb.findSimilarEnumTypedef(template, searchup);
return ed;
return null;
* Get the common parent of this and the other group.
* Cant fail, since the root group is always a parent of any 2 groups.
* @param other the other group
* @return common parent of this and the other group
public Group commonParent(Group other) {
if (isParent(other))
return this;
if (other.isParent(this))
return other;
while (!other.isParent(this))
other = other.getParentGroup();
return other;
* Is this a parent of the other Group?
* @param other another Group
* @return true is it is equal or a parent
public boolean isParent(Group other) {
while ((other != this) && (other.getParentGroup() != null))
other = other.getParentGroup();
return (other == this);
* Get String with name and attributes. Used in short descriptions like tooltips.
* @return name and attributes String.
public String getNameAndAttributes() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append("Group ");
for (Attribute att : attributes) {
sbuff.append(" ").append(getShortName()).append(":");
return sbuff.toString();
* CDL representation.
* @param strict if true, write in strict adherence to CDL definition.
* @return CDL representation.
* @deprecated use CDLWriter
public String writeCDL(boolean strict) {
Formatter buf = new Formatter();
writeCDL(buf, new Indent(2), strict);
return buf.toString();
/** @deprecated use CDLWriter */
void writeCDL(Formatter out, Indent indent, boolean strict) {
boolean hasE = (!enumTypedefs.isEmpty());
boolean hasD = (!dimensions.isEmpty());
boolean hasV = (!variables.isEmpty());
// boolean hasG = (groups.size() > 0);
boolean hasA = (!Iterables.isEmpty(attributes));
if (hasE) {
out.format("%stypes:%n", indent);
for (EnumTypedef e : enumTypedefs) {
e.writeCDL(out, indent, strict);
if (hasD) {
out.format("%sdimensions:%n", indent);
for (Dimension myd : dimensions) {
myd.writeCDL(out, indent, strict);
if (hasV) {
out.format("%svariables:%n", indent);
for (Variable v : variables) {
v.writeCDL(out, indent, false, strict);
for (Group g : groups) {
String gname = strict ? NetcdfFiles.makeValidCDLName(g.getShortName()) : g.getShortName();
out.format("%sgroup: %s {%n", indent, gname);
g.writeCDL(out, indent, strict);
out.format("%s}%n%n", indent);
// if (hasA && (hasE || hasD || hasV || hasG))
// out.format("%n");
if (hasA) {
if (isRoot())
out.format("%s// global attributes:%n", indent);
out.format("%s// group attributes:%n", indent);
for (Attribute att : attributes) {
// String name = strict ? NetcdfFile.escapeNameCDL(getShortName()) : getShortName();
if (!CDM.isspecial(att)) {
out.format("%s", indent);
att.writeCDL(out, strict, null);
if (!strict && (att.getDataType() != DataType.STRING))
out.format(" // %s", att.getDataType());
* Constructor
* @param ncfile NetcdfFile owns this Group
* @param parent parent of Group. If null, this is the root Group.
* @param shortName short name of Group.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public Group(NetcdfFile ncfile, Group parent, String shortName) {
this.ncfile = ncfile;
this.attributes = new AttributeContainerMutable(shortName);
setParentGroup(parent == null ? ncfile.getRootGroup() : parent);
* Set the Group's parent Group
* @param parent parent group.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public void setParentGroup(Group parent) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
super.setParentGroup(parent == null ? ncfile.getRootGroup() : parent);
* Set the short name, converting to valid CDM object name if needed.
* @param shortName set to this value
* @return valid CDM object name
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public String setName(String shortName) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
return getShortName();
* Adds the specified shared dimension to this group.
* @param dim the dimension to add.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this dimension is {@link #setImmutable() immutable}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code dim} isn't shared or a dimension with {@code dim}'s name already
* exists within the group.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public void addDimension(Dimension dim) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
if (!dim.isShared()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimensions added to a group must be shared.");
if (findDimensionLocal(dim.getShortName()) != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Dimension name (" + dim.getShortName() + ") must be unique within Group " + getShortName());
* Adds the specified shared dimension to this group, but only if another dimension with the same name doesn't
* already exist.
* @param dim the dimension to add.
* @return {@code true} if {@code dim} was successfully added to the group. Otherwise, {@code false} will be returned,
* meaning that a dimension with {@code dim}'s name already exists within the group.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this dimension is {@link #setImmutable() immutable}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code dim} isn't shared.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean addDimensionIfNotExists(Dimension dim) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
if (!dim.isShared()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimensions added to a group must be shared.");
if (findDimensionLocal(dim.getShortName()) != null)
return false;
return true;
* Add a nested Group
* @param g add this Group.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public void addGroup(Group g) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
if (findGroupLocal(g.getShortName()) != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Group name (" + g.getShortName() + ") must be unique within Group " + getShortName());
g.setParentGroup(this); // groups are a tree - only one parent
* Add an Enumeration
* @param e add this Enumeration.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public void addEnumeration(EnumTypedef e) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
if (e == null)
* Add a Variable
* @param v add this Variable.
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public void addVariable(Variable v) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
if (v == null)
if (findVariableLocal(v.getShortName()) != null) {
// Variable other = findVariable(v.getShortName()); // debug
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Variable name (" + v.getShortName() + ") must be unique within Group " + getShortName());
v.setParentGroup(this); // variable can only be in one group
* Remove an Dimension : uses the dimension hashCode to find it.
* @param d remove this Dimension.
* @return true if was found and removed
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean remove(Dimension d) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
return d != null && dimensions.remove(d);
* Remove an Attribute : uses the Group hashCode to find it.
* @param g remove this Group.
* @return true if was found and removed
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean remove(Group g) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
return g != null && groups.remove(g);
* Remove a Variable : uses the variable hashCode to find it.
* @param v remove this Variable.
* @return true if was found and removed
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean remove(Variable v) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
return v != null && variables.remove(v);
* remove a Dimension using its name, in this group only
* @param dimName Dimension name.
* @return true if dimension found and removed
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean removeDimension(String dimName) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++) {
Dimension d = dimensions.get(i);
if (dimName.equals(d.getShortName())) {
return true;
return false;
* remove a Variable using its (short) name, in this group only
* @param shortName Variable name.
* @return true if Variable found and removed
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public boolean removeVariable(String shortName) {
if (immutable)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant modify");
for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) {
Variable v = variables.get(i);
if (shortName.equals(v.getShortName())) {
return true;
return false;
* Make this immutable.
* @return this
* @deprecated Use Group.builder()
public Group setImmutable() {
variables = Collections.unmodifiableList(variables);
dimensions = Collections.unmodifiableList(dimensions);
groups = Collections.unmodifiableList(groups);
return this;
public String toString() {
return writeCDL(false);
* Instances which have same name and parent are equal.
public boolean equals(Object oo) {
if (this == oo)
return true;
if (!(oo instanceof Group))
return false;
Group og = (Group) oo;
if (!getShortName().equals(og.getShortName()))
return false;
return !((getParentGroup() != null) && !getParentGroup().equals(og.getParentGroup()));
* Override Object.hashCode() to implement equals.
public int hashCode() {
if (hashCode == 0) {
int result = 17;
result = 37 * result + getShortName().hashCode();
if (getParentGroup() != null)
result = 37 * result + getParentGroup().hashCode();
hashCode = result;
return hashCode;
* Create groups to ensure path is defined
* @param ncf the containing netcdf file object
* @param path the path to the desired group
* @param ignorelast true => ignore last element in the path
* @return the Group, or null if not found
* @deprecated will move to dap2 in ver6
public Group makeRelativeGroup(NetcdfFile ncf, String path, boolean ignorelast) {
path = path.trim();
path = path.replace("//", "/");
boolean isabsolute = (path.charAt(0) == '/');
if (isabsolute)
path = path.substring(1);
// iteratively create path
String[] pieces = path.split("/");
if (ignorelast)
pieces[pieces.length - 1] = null;
Group current = (isabsolute ? ncfile.getRootGroup() : this);
for (String name : pieces) {
if (name == null)
String clearname = NetcdfFile.makeNameUnescaped(name); // ??
Group next = current.findGroupLocal(clearname);
if (next == null) {
next = new Group(ncf, current, clearname);
current = next;
return current;
// TODO make private final and immutable in 6
protected NetcdfFile ncfile;
protected List variables = new ArrayList<>();
protected List dimensions = new ArrayList<>();
protected List groups = new ArrayList<>();
protected AttributeContainer attributes;
protected List enumTypedefs = new ArrayList<>();
private int hashCode;
private Group(Builder builder, @Nullable Group parent) {
this.group = parent;
this.ncfile = builder.ncfile;
builder.dimensions.forEach(d -> d.setGroup(this)); // LOOK remove in 6
this.dimensions = new ArrayList<>(builder.dimensions);
this.enumTypedefs = new ArrayList<>(builder.enumTypedefs);
// only the root group build() should be called, the rest get called recursively
this.groups =
builder.gbuilders.stream().map(g -> g.setNcfile(this.ncfile).build(this)).collect(Collectors.toList());
builder.vbuilders.forEach(vb -> {
// dont override ncfile if its been set.
if (vb.ncfile == null) {
for (Variable.Builder> vb : builder.vbuilders) {
Variable var = vb.build(this);
this.attributes = builder.attributes;
// This needs to go away in 6.
this.dimensions.forEach(d -> d.setParentGroup(this));
this.enumTypedefs.forEach(e -> e.setParentGroup(this));
/** Turn into a mutable Builder. Can use toBuilder().build() to copy. */
public Builder toBuilder() {
Builder builder = builder().setName(this.shortName).setNcfile(this.ncfile).addAttributes(this.attributes)
this.groups.forEach(g -> builder.addGroup(g.toBuilder()));
this.variables.forEach(v -> builder.addVariable(v.toBuilder()));
return builder;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
/** A builder of Groups. */
public static class Builder {
static private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Builder.class);
private @Nullable Group.Builder parentGroup; // null for root group; ignored during build()
public List gbuilders = new ArrayList<>();
public List> vbuilders = new ArrayList<>();
public String shortName = "";
private NetcdfFile ncfile; // set by NetcdfFile.build()
private AttributeContainerMutable attributes = new AttributeContainerMutable("");
private List dimensions = new ArrayList<>();
public List enumTypedefs = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean built;
public Builder setParentGroup(@Nullable Group.Builder parentGroup) {
this.parentGroup = parentGroup;
return this;
public @Nullable Group.Builder getParentGroup() {
return this.parentGroup;
public Builder addAttribute(Attribute att) {
return this;
public Builder addAttributes(Iterable atts) {
return this;
public AttributeContainerMutable getAttributeContainer() {
return attributes;
/** Add Dimension with error if it already exists */
public Builder addDimension(Dimension dim) {
findDimensionLocal(dim.shortName).ifPresent(d -> {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension '" + d.shortName + "' already exists");
return this;
/** Add Dimension if it doesnt already exist */
public boolean addDimensionIfNotExists(Dimension dim) {
if (!findDimensionLocal(dim.shortName).isPresent()) {
return true;
return false;
/** Add Dimensions with error if any already exist */
public Builder addDimensions(Collection dims) {
return this;
* Replace dimension if it exists, else just add it.
* @return true if there was an existing dimension of that name
public boolean replaceDimension(Dimension dim) {
Optional want = findDimensionLocal(dim.shortName);
want.ifPresent(d -> dimensions.remove(d));
return want.isPresent();
* Remove dimension, if it exists.
* @return true if there was an existing dimension of that name
public boolean removeDimension(String name) {
Optional want = findDimensionLocal(name);
want.ifPresent(d -> dimensions.remove(d));
return want.isPresent();
/** Find Dimension local to this Group */
public Optional findDimensionLocal(String name) {
return dimensions.stream().filter(d -> d.shortName.equals(name)).findFirst();
/** Is the Dimension contained within this Group or a parent Group */
public boolean contains(Dimension want) {
Dimension have = dimensions.stream().filter(d -> d.equals(want)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (have != null) {
return true;
if (this.parentGroup != null) {
return this.parentGroup.contains(want);
return false;
/** Find Dimension in this Group or a parent Group */
public Optional findDimension(String name) {
if (name == null) {
return Optional.empty();
Optional dopt = findDimensionLocal(name);
if (dopt.isPresent()) {
return dopt;
if (this.parentGroup != null)
return this.parentGroup.findDimension(name);
return Optional.empty();
public Iterable getDimensions() {
return dimensions;
/** Add a nested Group. */
public Builder addGroup(Group.Builder nested) {
this.findGroupLocal(nested.shortName).ifPresent(g -> {
throw new IllegalStateException("Nested group already exists " + nested.shortName);
return this;
public Builder addGroups(Collection groups) {
return this;
* Remove group, if it exists.
* @return true if there was an existing group of that name
public boolean removeGroup(String name) {
Optional want = findGroupLocal(name);
want.ifPresent(v -> gbuilders.remove(v));
return want.isPresent();
public Optional findGroupLocal(String shortName) {
return this.gbuilders.stream().filter(g -> g.shortName.equals(shortName)).findFirst();
* Find a subgroup of this Group, with the specified relative name.
* An embedded "/" separates group names.
* Can have a leading "/" only if this is the root group.
* @param relativeName eg "group/subgroup/wantGroup".
* @return Group or empty if not found.
public Optional findGroupNested(String relativeName) {
if (relativeName == null || relativeName.isEmpty()) {
return (this.getParentGroup() == null) ? Optional.of(this) : Optional.empty();
Group.Builder g = this;
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(relativeName, "/");
while (stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
String groupName = NetcdfFiles.makeNameUnescaped(stoke.nextToken());
Optional sub = g.findGroupLocal(groupName);
if (!sub.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
g = sub.get();
return Optional.of(g);
/** Is this group a parent of the other group ? */
public boolean isParent(Group.Builder other) {
while ((other != this) && (other.parentGroup != null))
other = other.parentGroup;
return (other == this);
/** Find the common parent with the other group ? */
public Group.Builder commonParent(Group.Builder other) {
if (isParent(other))
return this;
if (other.isParent(this))
return other;
while (!other.isParent(this))
other = other.parentGroup;
return other;
* Locate an enum type definition that is structurally
* similar to the template type def. The Enum names are ignored.
* @param template match this enum type def
* @param searchup if true, then search this group and then parent groups.
public Optional findSimilarEnumTypedef(EnumTypedef template, boolean searchup) {
Optional ed = Optional.empty();
assert (template != null);
// search this group builders's EnumTypedefs but with constraint on name
ed = this.enumTypedefs.stream().filter(e -> (e.equalsMapOnly(template))).findFirst();
if (ed.isPresent())
return ed;
// Optionally search parents
if (searchup) {
Group.Builder gb = getParentGroup();
if (gb != null)
ed = gb.findSimilarEnumTypedef(template, searchup);
if (ed.isPresent())
return ed;
return Optional.empty();
/** Find a Enumeration in this Group Builder, using its short name. */
public Optional findEnumTypedef(String name) {
// Keep the old behavior
return findEnumTypedef(name, false);
* Find a Enumeration in this or a parent Group Builder, using its short name.
* @param name for which to search
* @param searchup if true, then search this group and then parent groups.
public Optional findEnumTypedef(String name, boolean searchup) {
if (name == null)
return Optional.empty();
// search this group builders's EnumTypedefs
Optional ed = this.enumTypedefs.stream().filter(e -> e.shortName.equals(name)).findFirst();
if (ed.isPresent())
return ed;
// Optionally search parents
if (searchup) {
Group.Builder gb = getParentGroup();
if (gb != null)
ed = gb.findEnumTypedef(name, searchup);
if (ed.isPresent())
return ed;
return Optional.empty();
public Builder addEnumTypedef(EnumTypedef typedef) {
return this;
public Builder addEnumTypedefs(Collection typedefs) {
return this;
* Add a EnumTypedef if it does not already exist.
* Return new or existing.
public EnumTypedef findOrAddEnumTypedef(String name, Map map) {
Optional opt = findEnumTypedef(name); // Find in this group
if (opt.isPresent()) {
return opt.get();
} else {
EnumTypedef enumTypedef = new EnumTypedef(name, map);
return enumTypedef;
/** Add a Variable, throw error if one of the same name if it exists. */
public Builder addVariable(Variable.Builder> variable) {
findVariableLocal(variable.shortName).ifPresent(v -> {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable '" + v.shortName + "' already exists");
return this;
/** Add Variables, throw error if one of the same name if it exists. */
public Builder addVariables(Collection> vars) {
return this;
* Replace variable of same name, if it exists, else just add it.
* @return true if there was an existing variable of that name
public boolean replaceVariable(Variable.Builder> vb) {
Optional> want = findVariableLocal(vb.shortName);
want.ifPresent(v -> vbuilders.remove(v));
return want.isPresent();
* Remove variable, if it exists.
* @return true if there was an existing variable of that name
public boolean removeVariable(String name) {
Optional> want = findVariableLocal(name);
want.ifPresent(v -> vbuilders.remove(v));
return want.isPresent();
public Optional> findVariableLocal(String name) {
return vbuilders.stream().filter(v -> v.shortName.equals(name)).findFirst();
* Find a Variable, with the specified relative name. No structure members.
* @param relativeName eg "group/subgroup/varname".
public Optional> findVariableNested(String relativeName) {
if (relativeName == null || relativeName.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
// break into groupNames and varName
Group.Builder group = this;
String varName = relativeName;
int pos = relativeName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos >= 0) {
String groupNames = relativeName.substring(0, pos);
varName = relativeName.substring(pos + 1);
group = findGroupNested(groupNames).orElse(null);
return group == null ? Optional.empty() : group.findVariableLocal(varName);
* Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group or a parent group.
* @param varShortName short name of Variable.
* @return the Variable or empty.
public Optional> findVariableOrInParent(String varShortName) {
if (varShortName == null)
return Optional.empty();
Optional> vopt = findVariableLocal(varShortName);
Group.Builder parent = getParentGroup();
if (!vopt.isPresent() && (parent != null)) {
vopt = parent.findVariableOrInParent(varShortName);
return vopt;
// Generally ncfile is set in NetcdfFile.build()
public Builder setNcfile(NetcdfFile ncfile) {
this.ncfile = ncfile;
return this;
public Builder setName(String shortName) {
this.shortName = NetcdfFiles.makeValidCdmObjectName(shortName);
return this;
public NetcdfFile getNcfile() {
return this.ncfile;
/** Make list of dimensions by looking in this Group or parent groups */
public ImmutableList makeDimensionsList(String dimString) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return Dimensions.makeDimensionsList(dimName -> this.findDimension(dimName).orElse(null), dimString);
* Make the full name of the this group.
* TODO In light of CF groups, we may have to start full names with '/'
public String makeFullName() {
if (parentGroup == null) {
return "";
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
appendGroupName(sbuff, this);
return sbuff.toString();
private void appendGroupName(StringBuilder sbuff, Group.Builder g) {
if (g == null || g.getParentGroup() == null) {
appendGroupName(sbuff, g.getParentGroup());
sbuff.append(EscapeStrings.backslashEscape(g.shortName, reservedFullName));
/** Remove the given dimension from this group and any subgroups */
public void removeDimensionFromAllGroups(Group.Builder group, Dimension remove) {
group.dimensions.removeIf(dim -> dim.equals(remove));
group.gbuilders.forEach(g -> removeDimensionFromAllGroups(g, remove));
/** Make a multimap of Dimensions and all the variables that reference them, in this group and its nested groups. */
public void makeDimensionMap(Group.Builder parent, Multimap> dimUsedMap) {
for (Variable.Builder> v : parent.vbuilders) {
for (Dimension d : getDimensionsFor(parent, v)) {
if (d.isShared()) {
dimUsedMap.put(d, v);
for (Group.Builder g : parent.gbuilders) {
makeDimensionMap(g, dimUsedMap);
private List getDimensionsFor(Group.Builder gb, Variable.Builder> vb) {
// TODO: In 6.0 remove group field in dimensions, just use equals() to match.
List dims = new ArrayList<>();
for (Dimension dim : vb.getDimensions()) {
if (dim.isShared()) {
Dimension sharedDim = gb.findDimension(dim.getShortName()).orElse(null);
if (sharedDim == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Shared Dimension %s does not exist in a parent group", dim));
} else {
} else {
return dims;
/** Build the root group, with parent = null. */
public Group build() {
return build(null);
/** Normally this is called by NetcdfFile.build() */
Group build(@Nullable Group parent) {
if (built)
throw new IllegalStateException("Group was already built " + this.shortName);
built = true;
return new Group(this, parent);
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