ucar.nc2.NCdumpW Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset;
import ucar.nc2.ncml.NcMLWriter;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.nc2.util.Indent;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import ucar.nc2.write.CDLWriter;
* Print contents of an existing netCDF file, using a Writer.
* A difference with ncdump is that the nesting of multidimensional array data is represented by nested brackets,
* so the output is not legal CDL that can be used as input for ncgen. Also, the default is header only (-h)
* @author caron
* @since Nov 4, 2007
* @deprecated use ucar.nc2.write.Ncdump
public class NCdumpW {
private static String usage =
"usage: NCdumpW [-cdl | -ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName1;varName2;..] [-v varName(0:1,:,12)]\n";
/** @deprecated do not use */
public enum WantValues {
none, coordsOnly, all
* ncdump that parses a command string.
* @param command command string
* @param out send output here
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on write error
public static boolean print(String command, Writer out, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) throws IOException {
// pull out the filename from the command
String filename;
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(command);
if (stoke.hasMoreTokens())
filename = stoke.nextToken();
else {
return false;
try (NetcdfFile nc = NetcdfDataset.openFile(filename, ct)) {
// the rest of the command
int pos = command.indexOf(filename);
command = command.substring(pos + filename.length());
return print(nc, command, out, ct);
} catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
out.write("file not found= ");
return false;
} finally {
* ncdump, parsing command string, file already open.
* @param nc apply command to this file
* @param command : command string
* @param out send output here
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on write error
* @deprecated use Ncdump.ncdump(NetcdfFile nc, String command, Writer out, CancelTask ct)
public static boolean print(NetcdfFile nc, String command, Writer out, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct)
throws IOException {
WantValues showValues = WantValues.none;
boolean ncml = false;
boolean strict = false;
String varNames = null;
String trueDataset = null;
String fakeDataset = null;
if (command != null) {
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(command);
while (stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
String toke = stoke.nextToken();
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) {
return true;
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-vall"))
showValues = WantValues.all;
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-c") && (showValues == WantValues.none))
showValues = WantValues.coordsOnly;
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-ncml"))
ncml = true;
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-cdl") || toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-strict"))
strict = true;
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-v") && stoke.hasMoreTokens())
varNames = stoke.nextToken();
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("-datasetname") && stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
fakeDataset = stoke.nextToken();
if (fakeDataset.isEmpty())
fakeDataset = null;
if (fakeDataset != null) {
trueDataset = nc.getLocation();
boolean ok = print(nc, out, showValues, ncml, strict, varNames, ct);
if (trueDataset != null && fakeDataset != null)
return ok;
* ncdump-like print of netcdf file.
* @param filename NetcdfFile to open
* @param out print to this stream
* @param showAll dump all variable data
* @param showCoords only print header and coordinate variables
* @param ncml print NcML representation (other arguments are ignored)
* @param strict print strict CDL representation
* @param varNames semicolon delimited list of variables whose data should be printed
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on write error
public static boolean print(String filename, Writer out, boolean showAll, boolean showCoords, boolean ncml,
boolean strict, String varNames, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) throws IOException {
try (NetcdfFile nc = NetcdfDataset.openFile(filename, ct)) {
return print(nc, out, showAll, showCoords, ncml, strict, varNames, ct);
} catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) {
out.write("file not found= ");
return false;
* ncdump-like print of netcdf file.
* @param nc already opened NetcdfFile
* @param out print to this stream
* @param showAll dump all variable data
* @param showCoords only print header and coordinate variables
* @param ncml print NcML representation (other arguments are ignored)
* @param strict print strict CDL representation
* @param varNames semicolon delimited list of variables whose data should be printed. May have
* Fortran90 like selector: eg varName(1:2,*,2)
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on write error
public static boolean print(NetcdfFile nc, Writer out, boolean showAll, boolean showCoords, boolean ncml,
boolean strict, String varNames, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) throws IOException {
WantValues showValues = WantValues.none;
if (showAll)
showValues = WantValues.all;
else if (showCoords)
showValues = WantValues.coordsOnly;
return print(nc, out, showValues, ncml, strict, varNames, ct);
// heres where the work is done
* ncdump-like print of netcdf file.
* @param nc already opened NetcdfFile
* @param out print to this stream
* @param showValues do you want the variable values printed?
* @param ncml print NcML representation (other arguments are ignored)
* @param strict print strict CDL representation
* @param varNames semicolon delimited list of variables whose data should be printed. May have
* Fortran90 like selector: eg varName(1:2,*,2)
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return true if successful
* @throws IOException on write error
public static boolean print(NetcdfFile nc, Writer out, WantValues showValues, boolean ncml, boolean strict,
String varNames, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) throws IOException {
boolean headerOnly = (showValues == WantValues.none) && (varNames == null);
try {
if (ncml) {
writeNcML(nc, out, showValues, null); // output schema in NcML
} else if (headerOnly) {
CDLWriter.writeCDL(nc, out, strict);
} else {
PrintWriter ps = new PrintWriter(out);
nc.toStringStart(ps, strict);
Indent indent = new Indent(2);
ps.printf("%n%sdata:%n", indent);
if (showValues == WantValues.all) { // dump all data
for (Variable v : nc.getVariables()) {
printArray(v.read(), v.getFullName(), ps, indent, ct);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
return false;
} else if (showValues == WantValues.coordsOnly) { // dump coordVars
for (Variable v : nc.getVariables()) {
if (v.isCoordinateVariable())
printArray(v.read(), v.getFullName(), ps, indent, ct);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
return false;
if ((showValues != WantValues.all) && (varNames != null)) { // dump the list of variables
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(varNames, ";");
while (stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
String varSubset = stoke.nextToken(); // variable name and optionally a subset
if (varSubset.indexOf('(') >= 0) { // has a selector
Array data = nc.readSection(varSubset);
printArray(data, varSubset, ps, indent, ct);
} else { // do entire variable
Variable v = nc.findVariable(varSubset);
if (v == null) {
ps.print(" cant find variable: " + varSubset + "\n " + usage);
// dont print coord vars if they are already printed
if ((showValues != WantValues.coordsOnly) || v.isCoordinateVariable())
printArray(v.read(), v.getFullName(), ps, indent, ct);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
* Print all the data of the given Variable.
* @param v variable to print
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return String result
* @throws IOException on write error
public static String printVariableData(Variable v, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) throws IOException {
Array data = v.read();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(10000);
printArray(data, v.getFullName(), new PrintWriter(writer), new Indent(2), ct);
return writer.toString();
* Print a section of the data of the given Variable.
* @param v variable to print
* @param sectionSpec string specification
* @param ct allow task to be cancelled; may be null.
* @return String result formatted data ouptut
* @throws IOException on write error
* @throws InvalidRangeException is specified section doesnt match variable shape
public static String printVariableDataSection(Variable v, String sectionSpec, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Array data = v.read(sectionSpec);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(20000);
printArray(data, v.getFullName(), new PrintWriter(writer), new Indent(2), ct);
return writer.toString();
* Print named array to returned String.
* @deprecated use Ncdump.printArray(Array array, String name, CancelTask ct)
public static String toString(Array array, String name, CancelTask ct) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
printArray(array, name, null, pw, new Indent(2), ct, true);
return sw.toString();
private static void printArray(Array array, String name, PrintWriter out, Indent indent, CancelTask ct) {
printArray(array, name, null, out, indent, ct, true);
private static void printArray(Array array, String name, String units, PrintWriter out, Indent ilev, CancelTask ct,
boolean printSeq) { // throws IOException {
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
if (name != null)
out.print(ilev + name + " = ");
if (array == null) {
out.println("null array for " + name);
if ((array instanceof ArrayChar) && (array.getRank() > 0)) {
printStringArray(out, (ArrayChar) array, ilev, ct);
} else if (array.getElementType() == String.class) {
printStringArray(out, array, ilev, ct);
} else if (array instanceof ArraySequence) {
if (printSeq)
printSequence(out, (ArraySequence) array, ilev, ct);
} else if (array instanceof ArrayStructure) {
printStructureDataArray(out, (ArrayStructure) array, ilev, ct);
} else if (array.getElementType() == ByteBuffer.class) { // opaque type
while (array.hasNext()) {
printByteBuffer(out, (ByteBuffer) array.next(), ilev);
out.println(array.hasNext() ? "," : ";");// peek ahead
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
} else if (array instanceof ArrayObject) {
printVariableArray(out, (ArrayObject) array, ilev, ct);
} else {
printArray(array, out, ilev, ct);
if (units != null)
out.print(" " + units);
private static void printArray(Array ma, PrintWriter out, Indent indent, CancelTask ct) {
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
int rank = ma.getRank();
Index ima = ma.getIndex();
// scalar
if (rank == 0) {
Object value = ma.getObject(ima);
if (ma.isUnsigned()) {
assert value instanceof Number : "A data type being unsigned implies that it is numeric.";
// "value" is an unsigned number, but it will be treated as signed when we print it below, because Java only
// has signed types. If it's large enough ( >= 2^(BIT_WIDTH-1) ), its most-significant bit will be interpreted
// as the sign bit, which will result in an invalid (negative) value being printed. To prevent that, we're
// going to widen the number before printing it, but only if the unsigned number is being seen as negative.
value = DataType.widenNumberIfNegative((Number) value);
int[] dims = ma.getShape();
int last = dims[0];
out.print("\n" + indent + "{");
if ((rank == 1) && (ma.getElementType() != StructureData.class)) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < last; ii++) {
Object value = ma.getObject(ima.set(ii));
if (ma.isUnsigned()) {
assert value instanceof Number : "A data type being unsigned implies that it is numeric.";
value = DataType.widenNumberIfNegative((Number) value);
if (ii > 0)
out.print(", ");
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
for (int ii = 0; ii < last; ii++) {
Array slice = ma.slice(0, ii);
if (ii > 0)
printArray(slice, out, indent, ct);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
out.print("\n" + indent + "}");
static void printStringArray(PrintWriter out, ArrayChar ma, Indent indent, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) {
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
int rank = ma.getRank();
if (rank == 1) {
out.print(" \"" + ma.getString() + "\"");
if (rank == 2) {
boolean first = true;
ArrayChar.StringIterator iter = ma.getStringIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (!first)
out.print(", ");
out.print("\"" + iter.next() + "\"");
first = false;
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
int[] dims = ma.getShape();
int last = dims[0];
out.print("\n" + indent + "{");
for (int ii = 0; ii < last; ii++) {
ArrayChar slice = (ArrayChar) ma.slice(0, ii);
if (ii > 0)
printStringArray(out, slice, indent, ct);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
out.print("\n" + indent + "}");
private static void printByteBuffer(PrintWriter out, ByteBuffer bb, Indent indent) {
out.print(indent + "0x");
int last = bb.limit() - 1;
if (last < 0)
for (int i = bb.position(); i <= last; i++) {
out.printf("%02x", bb.get(i));
static void printStringArray(PrintWriter out, Array ma, Indent indent, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) {
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
int rank = ma.getRank();
Index ima = ma.getIndex();
if (rank == 0) {
out.print(" \"" + ma.getObject(ima) + "\"");
if (rank == 1) {
boolean first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < ma.getSize(); i++) {
if (!first)
out.print(", ");
out.print(" \"" + ma.getObject(ima.set(i)) + "\"");
first = false;
int[] dims = ma.getShape();
int last = dims[0];
out.print("\n" + indent + "{");
for (int ii = 0; ii < last; ii++) {
ArrayObject slice = (ArrayObject) ma.slice(0, ii);
if (ii > 0)
printStringArray(out, slice, indent, ct);
out.print("\n" + indent + "}");
private static void printStructureDataArray(PrintWriter out, ArrayStructure array, Indent indent,
ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask ct) {
try (StructureDataIterator sdataIter = array.getStructureDataIterator()) {
int count = 0;
while (sdataIter.hasNext()) {
StructureData sdata = sdataIter.next();
out.println("\n" + indent + "{");
printStructureData(out, sdata, indent, ct);
out.print(indent + "} " + sdata.getName() + "(" + count + ")");
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // shouldnt happen ?
private static void printVariableArray(PrintWriter out, ArrayObject array, Indent indent, CancelTask ct) {
out.print("\n" + indent + "{");
IndexIterator iter = array.getIndexIterator();
boolean first = true;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Array data = (Array) iter.next();
if (!first) {
out.print(", ");
printArray(data, out, indent, ct);
first = false;
out.print("\n" + indent + "}");
private static void printSequence(PrintWriter out, ArraySequence seq, Indent indent, CancelTask ct) {
try (StructureDataIterator iter = seq.getStructureDataIterator()) {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
StructureData sdata = iter.next();
out.println("\n" + indent + "{");
printStructureData(out, sdata, indent, ct);
out.print(indent + "} " + sdata.getName());
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // shouldnt happen ??
* Print contents of a StructureData.
* @param out send output here.
* @param sdata StructureData to print.
public static void printStructureData(PrintWriter out, StructureData sdata) {
printStructureData(out, sdata, new Indent(2), null);
private static void printStructureData(PrintWriter out, StructureData sdata, Indent indent, CancelTask ct) {
for (StructureMembers.Member m : sdata.getMembers()) {
Array sdataArray = sdata.getArray(m);
printArray(sdataArray, m.getName(), m.getUnitsString(), out, indent, ct, true);
if (ct != null && ct.isCancel())
/** Print StructureData to returned String. */
public static String toString(StructureData sdata) {
CharArrayWriter carray = new CharArrayWriter(1000);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(carray);
for (StructureMembers.Member m : sdata.getMembers()) {
Array memData = sdata.getArray(m);
if (memData instanceof ArrayChar)
pw.print(((ArrayChar) memData).getString());
printArray(memData, pw);
return carray.toString();
* Print array as undifferentiated sequence of values.
* @param ma any Array except ArrayStructure
* @param out print to here
public static void printArrayPlain(Array ma, PrintWriter out) {
while (ma.hasNext()) {
out.print(' ');
/** Print array to named PrintWriter */
public static void printArray(Array array, PrintWriter pw) {
printArray(array, null, null, pw, new Indent(2), null, true);
/** Print array to returned String. */
public static String toString(Array ma) {
return toString(ma, "", null);
// standard NCML writing.
* Write the NcML representation for a file.
* Note that ucar.nc2.dataset.NcMLWriter has a JDOM implementation, for complete NcML.
* This method implements only the "core" NcML for plain ole netcdf files.
* @param ncfile write NcML for this file
* @param writer write to this Writer. Must be using UTF-8 encoding (where applicable)
* @param showValues do you want the variable values printed?
* @param url use this for the url attribute; if null use getLocation(). // ??
* @throws IOException on write error
* @deprecated will move in ver 6
public static void writeNcML(NetcdfFile ncfile, Writer writer, WantValues showValues, String url) throws IOException {
Predicate writeVarsPred;
switch (showValues) {
case none:
writeVarsPred = NcMLWriter.writeNoVariablesPredicate;
case coordsOnly:
writeVarsPred = NcMLWriter.writeCoordinateVariablesPredicate;
case all:
writeVarsPred = NcMLWriter.writeAllVariablesPredicate;
String message =
String.format("CAN'T HAPPEN: showValues (%s) != null and checked all possible enum values.", showValues);
throw new AssertionError(message);
NcMLWriter ncmlWriter = new NcMLWriter();
Element netcdfElement = ncmlWriter.makeNetcdfElement(ncfile, url);
ncmlWriter.writeToWriter(netcdfElement, writer);
* Main program.
* ucar.nc2.NCdumpW filename [-cdl | -ncml] [-c | -vall] [-v varName1;varName2;..] [-v varName(0:1,:,12)]
* where:
* - filename : path of any CDM readable file
- cdl or ncml: output format is CDL or NcML
- -vall : dump all variable data
- -c : dump coordinate variable data
- -v varName1;varName2; : dump specified variable(s)
- -v varName(0:1,:,12) : dump specified variable section
* Default is to dump the header info only.
* @param args arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
// pull out the filename from the command
String filename = args[0];
try (Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
NetcdfFile nc = NetcdfDataset.openFile(filename, null)) {
// the rest of the command
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
command.append(" ");
print(nc, command.toString(), writer, null);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
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