ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1DTime Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2020 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.dataset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayChar;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayObject;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.Index;
import ucar.ma2.IndexIterator;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Range;
import ucar.nc2.Group;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateFormatter;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange;
import ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.util.NamedAnything;
import ucar.nc2.util.NamedObject;
import java.io.IOException;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateRange;
* A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis representing Calendar time.
* Its coordinate values can be represented as Dates.
* May use udunit dates, or ISO Strings.
* @author caron
public class CoordinateAxis1DTime extends CoordinateAxis1D {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CoordinateAxis1DTime.class);
public static CoordinateAxis1DTime factory(NetcdfDataset ncd, VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages)
throws IOException {
if (org instanceof CoordinateAxis1DTime)
return (CoordinateAxis1DTime) org;
if (org.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR)
return new CoordinateAxis1DTime(ncd, org, errMessages, org.getDimension(0).getShortName());
else if (org.getDataType() == DataType.STRING)
return new CoordinateAxis1DTime(ncd, org, errMessages, org.getDimensionsString());
return new CoordinateAxis1DTime(ncd, org, errMessages);
// for section and slice
/** @deprecated Use {@link #toBuilder()} */
protected CoordinateAxis1DTime copy() {
return new CoordinateAxis1DTime(this.ncd, this);
/** @deprecated Use CoordinateAxis1DTime.toBuilder() */
// copy constructor
private CoordinateAxis1DTime(NetcdfDataset ncd, CoordinateAxis1DTime org) {
super(ncd, org);
helper = org.helper;
this.cdates = org.cdates;
public CoordinateAxis1DTime section(Range r) throws InvalidRangeException {
CoordinateAxis1DTime s = (CoordinateAxis1DTime) super.section(r);
List cdates = getCalendarDates();
List cdateSection = new ArrayList<>(cdates.size());
for (int idx : r)
s.cdates = cdateSection;
return s;
* Get the the ith CalendarDate.
* @param idx index
* @return the ith CalendarDate
public CalendarDate getCalendarDate(int idx) {
List cdates = getCalendarDates(); // in case we want to lazily evaluate
return cdates.get(idx);
* Get calendar date range
* @return calendar date range
public CalendarDateRange getCalendarDateRange() {
List cd = getCalendarDates();
int last = cd.size();
return (last > 0) ? CalendarDateRange.of(cd.get(0), cd.get(last - 1)) : null;
public List getNames() {
List cdates = getCalendarDates();
List names = new ArrayList<>(cdates.size());
for (CalendarDate cd : cdates)
names.add(new NamedAnything(CalendarDateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(cd), getShortName())); // "calendar date"));
return names;
* only if isRegular() LOOK REDO
* @return time unit
* @throws Exception on bad unit string
public TimeUnit getTimeResolution() throws Exception {
String tUnits = getUnitsString();
StringTokenizer stoker = new StringTokenizer(tUnits);
double tResolution = getIncrement();
return new TimeUnit(tResolution, stoker.nextToken());
* Given a Date, find the corresponding time index on the time coordinate axis.
* Can only call this is hasDate() is true.
* This will return
* - i, if time(i) <= d < time(i+1).
- 0, if d < time(0)
- n-1, if d > time(n-1), where n is length of time coordinates
* @param d date to look for
* @return corresponding time index on the time coordinate axis
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException is no time axis or isDate() false
public int findTimeIndexFromCalendarDate(CalendarDate d) {
List cdates = getCalendarDates(); // LOOK linear search, switch to binary
int index = 0;
while (index < cdates.size()) {
if (d.compareTo(cdates.get(index)) < 0)
return Math.max(0, index - 1);
* See if the given CalendarDate appears as a coordinate
* @param date test this
* @return true if equals a coordinate
public boolean hasCalendarDate(CalendarDate date) {
List cdates = getCalendarDates();
for (CalendarDate cd : cdates) { // LOOK linear search, switch to binary
if (date.equals(cd))
return true;
return false;
* Get the list of datetimes in this coordinate as CalendarDate objects.
* @return list of CalendarDates.
public List getCalendarDates() {
return cdates;
public CalendarDate[] getCoordBoundsDate(int i) {
double[] intv = getCoordBounds(i);
CalendarDate[] e = new CalendarDate[2];
e[0] = helper.makeCalendarDateFromOffset(intv[0]);
e[1] = helper.makeCalendarDateFromOffset(intv[1]);
return e;
public CalendarDate getCoordBoundsMidpointDate(int i) {
double[] intv = getCoordBounds(i);
double midpoint = (intv[0] + intv[1]) / 2;
return helper.makeCalendarDateFromOffset(midpoint);
protected void readValues() {
// if orgVar DataType is not numeric (e.g. Char or String), read from the cdates array that was created when
// the axis was created by this classes factory.
if (this.orgDataType != null && !this.orgDataType.isNumeric()) {
this.coords = cdates.stream().mapToDouble(cdate -> (double) cdate.getDifferenceInMsecs(cdates.get(0))).toArray();
// make sure parent methods do not try to read from the orgVar again
this.wasRead = true;
} else {
* Constructor for CHAR or STRING variables.
* Must be ISO dates.
* @param ncd the containing dataset
* @param org the underlying Variable
* @param errMessages put error messages here; may be null
* @param dims list of dimensions
* @throws IOException on read error
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if cant convert coordinate values to a Date
* @deprecated Use CoordinateAxis1DTime.builder()
private CoordinateAxis1DTime(NetcdfDataset ncd, VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages, String dims)
throws IOException {
// Although we are dealing with a string or char variable, we're going to make a numeric valued time
// coordinate axis, as long as we can transform the string values into a UDUNITS time value (e.g.
// transform an ISO date/time string into something like "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
super(ncd, org.getParentGroupOrRoot(), org.getShortName(), DataType.DOUBLE, dims, org.getUnitsString(),
// Need to set the original var its DataType, that way we can treat this coordinate axis as numeric properly
// when we override the readValues() method and encounter a 1D time coordinate axis backing variable that is
// of type String.
this.orgVar = org;
this.orgDataType = org.getDataType();
this.orgName = org.orgName;
this.helper = new CoordinateAxisTimeHelper(getCalendarFromAttribute(), null);
if (org.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR)
cdates = makeTimesFromChar(org, errMessages);
cdates = makeTimesFromStrings(org, errMessages);
for (Attribute att : org.attributes()) {
// look for _CoordinateAxisType attribute and use it if it is time or runtime
Attribute coordAxisTypeAttr = org.attributes().findAttributeIgnoreCase(_Coordinate.AxisType);
String attributeTypeName = coordAxisTypeAttr != null ? coordAxisTypeAttr.getStringValue() : null;
if (attributeTypeName != null) {
if (attributeTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase(AxisType.Time.name())
|| attributeTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase(AxisType.RunTime.name())) {
this.axisType = AxisType.getType(attributeTypeName);
} else {
logger.info("Attribute {} on variable {} is not a recognized time axis type.", _Coordinate.AxisType,
this.setUnitsString("milliseconds since " + cdates.get(0).toString());
private List makeTimesFromChar(VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages) throws IOException {
int ncoords = (int) org.getSize();
int rank = org.getRank();
int strlen = org.getShape(rank - 1);
ncoords /= strlen;
List result = new ArrayList<>(ncoords);
ArrayChar data = (ArrayChar) org.read();
ArrayChar.StringIterator ii = data.getStringIterator();
ArrayObject.D1 sdata = (ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[] {ncoords});
for (int i = 0; i < ncoords; i++) {
String coordValue = ii.next();
CalendarDate cd = makeCalendarDateFromStringCoord(coordValue, org, errMessages);
sdata.set(i, coordValue);
setCachedData(sdata, true);
return result;
private List makeTimesFromStrings(VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages) throws IOException {
int ncoords = (int) org.getSize();
List result = new ArrayList<>(ncoords);
ArrayObject data = (ArrayObject) org.read();
IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
for (int i = 0; i < ncoords; i++) {
String coordValue = (String) ii.getObjectNext();
CalendarDate cd = makeCalendarDateFromStringCoord(coordValue, org, errMessages);
return result;
private CalendarDate makeCalendarDateFromStringCoord(String coordValue, VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages) {
CalendarDate cd = helper.makeCalendarDateFromOffset(coordValue);
if (cd == null) {
if (errMessages != null) {
errMessages.format("String time coordinate must be ISO formatted= %s%n", coordValue);
logger.info("Char time coordinate must be ISO formatted= {} file = {}", coordValue, org.getDatasetLocation());
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return cd;
* Constructor for numeric values - must have units
* @param ncd the containing dataset
* @param org the underlying Variable
* @throws IOException on read error
* @deprecated Use CoordinateAxis1DTime.builder()
private CoordinateAxis1DTime(NetcdfDataset ncd, VariableDS org, Formatter errMessages) throws IOException {
super(ncd, org);
this.helper = new CoordinateAxisTimeHelper(getCalendarFromAttribute(), getUnitsString());
// make the coordinates
int ncoords = (int) org.getSize();
List result = new ArrayList<>(ncoords);
if (org instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {
coords = ((CoordinateAxis1D) org).getCoordValues();
} else {
Array data = org.read();
coords = (double[]) data.get1DJavaArray(DataType.DOUBLE);
this.wasRead = true;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ncoords; i++) {
double val = coords[i];
if (Double.isNaN(val))
continue; // WTF ??
// if we encountered NaNs, shorten it up
if (count != ncoords) {
Dimension localDim = Dimension.builder(getShortName(), count).setIsShared(false).build();
setDimension(0, localDim);
// set the shortened values
Array shortData = Array.factory(org.getDataType(), new int[] {count});
Index ima = shortData.getIndex();
int count2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ncoords; i++) {
double val = coords[i];
if (Double.isNaN(val))
shortData.setDouble(ima.set0(count2), val);
// we have to decouple from the original variable
setCachedData(shortData, true);
cdates = result;
* Does not handle non-standard Calendars
* @deprecated use getCalendarDates() to correctly interpret calendars
public java.util.Date[] getTimeDates() {
List cdates = getCalendarDates();
Date[] timeDates = new Date[cdates.size()];
int index = 0;
for (CalendarDate cd : cdates)
timeDates[index++] = cd.toDate();
return timeDates;
* Does not handle non-standard Calendars
* @deprecated use getCalendarDate()
public java.util.Date getTimeDate(int idx) {
return getCalendarDate(idx).toDate();
* Does not handle non-standard Calendars
* @deprecated use getCalendarDateRange()
public DateRange getDateRange() {
CalendarDateRange cdr = getCalendarDateRange();
return cdr.toDateRange();
* Does not handle non-standard Calendars
* @deprecated use findTimeIndexFromCalendarDate
public int findTimeIndexFromDate(java.util.Date d) {
return findTimeIndexFromCalendarDate(CalendarDate.of(d));
* Does not handle non-standard Calendars
* @deprecated use hasCalendarDate
public boolean hasTime(Date date) {
List cdates = getCalendarDates();
for (CalendarDate cd : cdates) {
if (date.equals(cd.toDate()))
return true;
return false;
private CoordinateAxisTimeHelper helper;
private List cdates;
protected CoordinateAxis1DTime(Builder> builder, Group parentGroup) {
super(builder, parentGroup);
public Builder> toBuilder() {
return addLocalFieldsToBuilder(builder());
// Add local fields to the passed - in builder.
protected Builder> addLocalFieldsToBuilder(Builder extends Builder>> b) {
return (Builder>) super.addLocalFieldsToBuilder(b);
* Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
* @see "https://community.oracle.com/blogs/emcmanus/2010/10/24/using-builder-pattern-subclasses"
public static Builder> builder() {
return new Builder2();
private static class Builder2 extends Builder {
protected Builder2 self() {
return this;
public static abstract class Builder> extends CoordinateAxis1D.Builder {
private boolean built;
protected abstract T self();
public CoordinateAxis1DTime build(Group parentGroup) {
if (built)
throw new IllegalStateException("already built");
built = true;
return new CoordinateAxis1DTime(this, parentGroup);
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