ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.dataset;
import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
import static java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType;
import thredds.inventory.MFile;
import thredds.inventory.MFiles;
import ucar.httpservices.HTTPFactory;
import ucar.httpservices.HTTPMethod;
import ucar.nc2.util.EscapeStrings;
import ucar.unidata.util.StringUtil2;
import ucar.unidata.util.Urlencoded;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
* Detection of the protocol from a location string.
* TODO: Review and refactor as needed. Perhaps BiMap\?
* @author caron
* @since 10/20/2015.
public class DatasetUrl {
private static final String alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private static final String slashalpha = "\\/" + alpha;
private static final String[] FRAGPROTOCOLS = {"dap4", "dap2", "dods", "cdmremote", "thredds", "ncml"};
private static final ServiceType[] FRAGPROTOSVCTYPE = {ServiceType.DAP4, ServiceType.OPENDAP, ServiceType.OPENDAP,
ServiceType.THREDDS, ServiceType.THREDDS, ServiceType.NCML};
* Return the set of leading protocols for a url; may be more than one.
* Watch out for Windows paths starting with a drive letter => protocol
* names must all have a length > 1.
* Watch out for '::'
* Each captured protocol is saved without trailing ':'
* Assume: the protocols MUST be terminated by the occurrence of '/'.
* @param url the url whose protocols to return
* @return list of leading protocols without the trailing :
public static List getProtocols(String url) {
List allprotocols = new ArrayList<>(); // all leading protocols upto path or host
// Note, we cannot use split because of the context sensitivity
// This code is quite ugly because of all the confounding cases
// (e.g. windows path, embedded colons, etc.).
// Specifically, the 'file:' protocol is a problem because
// it has so many non-standard forms such as file:x/y file://x/y file:///x/y.
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(url);
// If there are any leading protocols, then they must stop at the first '/'.
int slashpos = buf.indexOf("/");
// Check special cases of file: or cdms3: with no slashes after:
if (url.startsWith("file:") && "/\\".indexOf(url.charAt(5)) < 0) {
} else if (url.startsWith("cdms3:") && "/\\".indexOf(url.charAt(6)) < 0) {
} else if (slashpos >= 0) {
// Remove everything after the first slash
buf.delete(slashpos + 1, buf.length());
int index = buf.indexOf(":");
while (index > 0) {
// Validate protocol
if (!validateProtocol(buf, 0, index))
String protocol = buf.substring(0, index); // not including trailing ':'
buf.delete(0, index + 1); // remove the leading protocol
index = buf.indexOf(":");
return allprotocols;
// Eliminate windows drive letters.
// "protocol:" must be followed by alpha or "/"
private static boolean validateProtocol(StringBuilder buf, int startpos, int endpos) {
int len = endpos - startpos;
if (len == 0)
return false;
char cs = buf.charAt(startpos);
char ce1 = buf.charAt(endpos + 1);
String wtf = "/\\";
if (len == 1 && alpha.indexOf(cs) >= 0 && (ce1 == '/' || ce1 == '\\'))
return false; // looks like windows drive letter
// If trailing colon is not followed by alpha or /, then assume not url
return slashalpha.indexOf(ce1) >= 0;
public static DatasetUrl findDatasetUrl(String orgLocation) throws IOException {
ServiceType serviceType = null;
// Canonicalize the location
String location = StringUtil2.replace(orgLocation.trim(), '\\', "/");
List allProtocols = getProtocols(location);
String trueUrl = location;
String leadProtocol;
if (allProtocols.isEmpty()) {
leadProtocol = "file"; // The location has no leading protocols, assume file:
} else {
leadProtocol = allProtocols.get(0);
// Priority in deciding
// the service type is as follows.
// 1. "protocol" tag in fragment
// 2. specific protocol in fragment
// 3. leading protocol
// 4. path extension
// 5. contact the server (if defined)
// temporarily remove any trailing query or fragment
String fragment = null;
int pos = trueUrl.lastIndexOf('#');
if (pos >= 0) {
fragment = trueUrl.substring(pos + 1);
trueUrl = trueUrl.substring(0, pos);
pos = location.lastIndexOf('?');
String query = null;
if (pos >= 0 && !leadProtocol.equals("cdms3")) {
query = trueUrl.substring(pos + 1);
trueUrl = trueUrl.substring(0, pos);
if (fragment != null)
serviceType = searchFragment(fragment);
if (serviceType == null) // See if leading protocol tells us how to interpret
serviceType = decodeLeadProtocol(leadProtocol);
if (serviceType == null) // See if path tells us how to interpret
serviceType = searchPath(trueUrl);
if (serviceType == null) {
// There are several possibilities at this point; all of which
// require further info to disambiguate
// - we have file:// or file:; we need to see if
// the extension can help, otherwise, start defaulting.
// - we have a simple url: e.g. http://... ; contact the server
if (leadProtocol.equals("file") || leadProtocol.equals("cdms3")) {
serviceType = decodePathExtension(trueUrl); // look at the path extension
// If it's a S3 file, it is expensive to peak inside to check if it's ncml, so we will only check extension
if (serviceType == null && !leadProtocol.equals("cdms3") && checkIfNcml(new File(location))) {
serviceType = ServiceType.NCML;
} else {
serviceType = disambiguateHttp(trueUrl);
// special cases
if ((serviceType == null || serviceType == ServiceType.HTTPServer)) {
// ncml file being served over http?
if (checkIfRemoteNcml(trueUrl)) {
serviceType = ServiceType.NCML;
if (serviceType == ServiceType.NCML) { // ??
// If lead protocol was null, then pretend it was a file
// Note that technically, this should be 'file://'
trueUrl = (allProtocols.isEmpty() ? "file:" + trueUrl : trueUrl);
// Add back the query and fragment (if any)
if (query != null || fragment != null) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(trueUrl);
if (query != null) {
if (fragment != null) {
trueUrl = buf.toString();
return DatasetUrl.create(serviceType, trueUrl);
* Given a location, find markers indicated which protocol to use
* TODO: what use case is this handling ?
* @param fragment the fragment is to be examined
* @return The discovered ServiceType, or null
private static ServiceType searchFragment(String fragment) {
if (fragment.isEmpty())
return null;
Map map = parseFragment(fragment);
if (map == null)
return null;
String protocol = map.get("protocol");
if (protocol == null) {
for (String p : FRAGPROTOCOLS) {
if (map.get(p) != null) {
protocol = p;
if (protocol != null) {
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("dap") || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("dods"))
return ServiceType.OPENDAP;
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("dap4"))
return ServiceType.DAP4;
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("cdmremote"))
return ServiceType.CdmRemote;
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("thredds"))
return ServiceType.THREDDS;
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("ncml"))
return ServiceType.NCML;
return null;
* Given the fragment part of a url, see if it
* parses as name=value pairs separated by '&'
* (same as query part).
* @param fragment the fragment part of a url
* @return a map of the name value pairs (possibly empty),
* or null if the fragment does not parse.
private static Map parseFragment(String fragment) {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
if (fragment != null && fragment.length() >= 0) {
if (fragment.charAt(0) == '#')
fragment = fragment.substring(1);
String[] pairs = fragment.split("[ \t]*[&][ \t]*");
for (String pair : pairs) {
String[] pieces = pair.split("[ \t]*[=][ \t]*");
switch (pieces.length) {
case 1:
map.put(EscapeStrings.unescapeURL(pieces[0]).toLowerCase(), "true");
case 2:
return null; // does not parse
return map;
* Given a url, search the path to look for protocol indicators
* @param url the url is to be examined
* @return The discovered ServiceType, or null
private static ServiceType searchPath(String url) {
if (false) { // Disable for now
if (url == null || url.isEmpty())
return null;
url = url.toLowerCase(); // for matching purposes
for (int i = 0; i < FRAGPROTOCOLS.length; i++) {
String p = FRAGPROTOCOLS[i];
if (url.contains("/thredds/" + p.toLowerCase() + "/")) {
return null;
* Check path extension; assumes no query or fragment
* @param path the path to examine for extension
* @return ServiceType inferred from the extension or null
private static ServiceType decodePathExtension(String path) {
// Look at the path extensions
if (path.endsWith(".dds") || path.endsWith(".das") || path.endsWith(".dods"))
return ServiceType.OPENDAP;
if (path.matches("^.*[.](dmr|dap|dsr)([.](xml|html))?$"))
return ServiceType.DAP4;
// This has to be last so that DAP4 request are not mis-identified as NCML.
if (path.endsWith(".xml") || path.endsWith(".ncml"))
return ServiceType.NCML;
return null;
* Attempt to map a leading url protocol url to a service type (see thredds.catalog.ServiceType).
* Possible service types should include at least the following.
* - OPENDAP (DAP2 protocol)
- DAP4 (DAP4 protocol)
- CdmRemote (remote ncstream)
* @param protocol The leading protocol
* @return ServiceType indicating how to handle the url, or null.
private static ServiceType decodeLeadProtocol(String protocol) {
switch (protocol) {
case "dods":
return ServiceType.OPENDAP;
case "dap4":
return ServiceType.DAP4;
case "httpserver":
case "nodods":
return ServiceType.HTTPServer;
case "cdmremote":
return ServiceType.CdmRemote;
case "thredds":
return ServiceType.THREDDS;
return null;
* If the URL alone is not sufficient to disambiguate the location,
* then this method will attempt to do a specific kind of request on
* the server, typically a HEAD call using the URL.
* It finds the header "Content-Description"
* and uses it value (e.g. "ncstream" or "dods", etc)
* in order to disambiguate.
* @param location the url to disambiguate
* @return ServiceType indicating how to handle the url
private static ServiceType disambiguateHttp(String location) throws IOException {
boolean checkDap2 = false;
boolean checkDap4 = false;
boolean checkCdmr = false;
if (!location.startsWith("http")) {
return null;
// some TDS specific tests
if (location.contains("cdmremote")) {
ServiceType result = checkIfCdmr(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
checkCdmr = true;
if (location.contains("dodsC")) {
ServiceType result = checkIfDods(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
checkDap2 = true;
if (location.contains("dap4") || location.contains("d4ts")) {
ServiceType result = checkIfDap4(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
checkDap4 = true;
if (!checkDap2) {
ServiceType result = checkIfDods(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (!checkDap4) {
ServiceType result = checkIfDap4(location);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (!checkCdmr) {
ServiceType result = checkIfCdmr(location);
return result;
return null;
// cdmremote
private static ServiceType checkIfCdmr(String location) throws IOException {
try (HTTPMethod method = HTTPFactory.Head(location + "?req=header")) {
int statusCode = method.execute();
if (statusCode >= 300) {
if (statusCode == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
throw new IOException("Unauthorized to open dataset " + location);
throw new IOException(location + " is not a valid URL, return status=" + statusCode);
Optional value = method.getResponseHeaderValue("Content-Description");
return value.map(v -> v.equalsIgnoreCase("ncstream") ? ServiceType.CdmRemote : null).orElse(null);
// not sure what other opendap servers do, so fall back on check for dds
private static ServiceType checkIfDods(String location) throws IOException {
int len = location.length();
// Strip off any trailing .dds, .das, or .dods
if (location.endsWith(".dds"))
location = location.substring(0, len - ".dds".length());
if (location.endsWith(".das"))
location = location.substring(0, len - ".das".length());
if (location.endsWith(".dods"))
location = location.substring(0, len - ".dods".length());
// Opendap assumes that the caller has properly escaped the url
try (
// For some reason, the head method is not using credentials
// method = session.newMethodHead(location + ".dds");
HTTPMethod method = HTTPFactory.Get(location + ".dds")) {
int status = method.execute();
if (status == HTTP_OK) {
Optional value = method.getResponseHeaderValue("Content-Description");
if (value.isPresent()) {
String v = value.get();
if (v.equalsIgnoreCase("dods-dds") || v.equalsIgnoreCase("dods_dds"))
return ServiceType.OPENDAP;
throw new IOException("OPeNDAP Server Error= " + method.getResponseAsString());
if (status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
throw new IOException("Unauthorized to open dataset " + location);
// not dods
return null;
// check for dmr
private static ServiceType checkIfDap4(String location) throws IOException {
if (location.matches("^.*[.](dmr|dap|dsr)([.](xml|html))?$")) {
// Strip off any trailing DAP4 suffix(es)
if (location.endsWith(".xml"))
location = location.substring(0, location.length() - ".xml".length());
else if (location.endsWith(".html"))
location = location.substring(0, location.length() - ".html".length());
// location must end with dap, dmr, or dsr; strip it off
location = location.substring(0, location.length() - ".dxx".length());
location = location + ".dsr.xml"; // get known dap4 response
try (HTTPMethod method = HTTPFactory.Get(location)) {
int status = method.execute();
if (status == HTTP_OK) {
Optional value = method.getResponseHeaderValue("Content-Description");
if (value.isPresent()) {
if (value.get().contains("application/vnd.opendap.dap4"))
return ServiceType.DAP4;
// not dap4
return null;
// The first 128 bytes should contain enough info to tell if this looks like an actual ncml file or not.
// For example, here is an example 128 byte response:
// \n= 300) {
if (statusCode == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) {
throw new IOException("Unauthorized to open dataset " + location);
} else if (statusCode == HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE) {
String msg = location + " - this server does not support returning content without any encoding.";
msg = msg + " Please download the file locally. Return status=" + statusCode;
throw new IOException(msg);
} else {
throw new IOException(location + " is not a valid URL, return status=" + statusCode);
return checkIfNcml(method.getResponseAsString());
return false;
private static boolean checkIfNcml(File file) throws IOException {
if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory()) {
return false;
try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file), NUM_BYTES_TO_DETERMINE_NCML)) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[NUM_BYTES_TO_DETERMINE_NCML];
int bytesRead = in.read(bytes);
if (bytesRead <= 0) {
return false;
} else {
return checkIfNcml(new String(bytes, 0, bytesRead));
private static boolean checkIfNcml(String string) {
// Look for the ncml element as well as a reference to the ncml namespace URI.
return string.contains("
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