ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.dataset;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* An "enhanced" Structure.
* @author john caron
* @see NetcdfDataset
public class StructureDS extends ucar.nc2.Structure implements VariableEnhanced {
/** @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder() */
protected StructureDS(NetcdfFile ncfile, Group group, String shortName) {
super(ncfile, group, null, shortName);
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this);
* Constructor when theres no underlying variable. You better set the values too!
* @param ds the containing NetcdfDataset.
* @param group the containing group; if null, use rootGroup
* @param parentStructure parent Structure, may be null
* @param shortName variable shortName, must be unique within the Group
* @param dims list of dimension names, space delimited
* @param units unit string (may be null)
* @param desc description (may be null)
* @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder()
public StructureDS(NetcdfDataset ds, Group group, Structure parentStructure, String shortName, String dims,
String units, String desc) {
super(ds, group, parentStructure, shortName);
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this, units, desc);
if (units != null)
addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, units));
if (desc != null)
addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, desc));
* Create a StructureDS that wraps a Structure
* @param g parent group
* @param orgVar original Structure
* @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder()
public StructureDS(Group g, ucar.nc2.Structure orgVar) {
this.orgVar = orgVar;
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this);
// dont share cache, iosp : all IO is delegated
this.ncfile = null;
this.spiObject = null;
if (orgVar instanceof StructureDS)
// all member variables must be wrapped, reparented
List newList = new ArrayList<>(members.size());
for (Variable v : members) {
Variable newVar = convertVariable(g, v);
private Variable convertVariable(Group g, Variable v) {
Variable newVar;
if (v instanceof Sequence) {
newVar = new SequenceDS(g, (Sequence) v);
} else if (v instanceof Structure) {
newVar = new StructureDS(g, (Structure) v);
} else {
newVar = new VariableDS(g, v, false); // enhancement done later
return newVar;
* Wrap the given Structure, making it into a StructureDS.
* Delegate data reading to the original variable.
* Does not share cache, iosp.
* This is for NcML explicit mode
* @param ds the containing NetcdfDataset.
* @param group the containing group; may not be null
* @param parent parent Structure, may be null
* @param shortName variable shortName, must be unique within the Group
* @param orgVar the original Structure to wrap.
* @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder()
public StructureDS(NetcdfDataset ds, Group group, Structure parent, String shortName, Structure orgVar) {
super(ds, group, parent, shortName);
// dont share cache, iosp : all IO is delegated
// this.ncfile = null;
this.spiObject = null;
this.orgVar = orgVar;
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this);
// for section and slice and select
/** @deprecated Use {@link #toBuilder()} */
protected StructureDS copy() {
return new StructureDS(getParentGroupOrRoot(), this);
// copy() doesnt work because convert gets called twice
public Structure select(List memberNames) {
StructureDS result = new StructureDS(getParentGroupOrRoot(), orgVar);
List members = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : memberNames) {
Variable m = findVariable(name);
if (null != m)
result.isSubset = true;
return result;
* A StructureDS may wrap another Structure.
* @return original Structure or null
public ucar.nc2.Variable getOriginalVariable() {
return orgVar;
* Set the Structure to wrap.
* @param orgVar original Variable, must be a Structure
* @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder()
public void setOriginalVariable(ucar.nc2.Variable orgVar) {
if (!(orgVar instanceof Structure))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("StructureDS must wrap a Structure; name=" + orgVar.getFullName());
this.orgVar = (Structure) orgVar;
* When this wraps another Variable, get the original Variable's DataType.
* @return original Variable's DataType
public DataType getOriginalDataType() {
return DataType.STRUCTURE;
* When this wraps another Variable, get the original Variable's DataType.
* @return original Variable's DataType
public String getOriginalName() {
return orgName;
/** @deprecated use builder */
public String setName(String newName) {
this.orgName = getShortName();
return newName;
// regular Variables.
public Array reallyRead(Variable client, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
Array result;
if (hasCachedData())
result = super.reallyRead(client, cancelTask);
else if (orgVar != null)
result = orgVar.read();
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("StructureDS has no way to get data");
// Object data = smProxy.getFillValue(getDataType());
// return Array.factoryConstant(dataType.getPrimitiveClassType(), getShape(), data);
return convert(result, null);
// section of regular Variable
public Array reallyRead(Variable client, Section section, CancelTask cancelTask)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
if (section.computeSize() == getSize())
return _read();
Array result;
if (hasCachedData())
result = super.reallyRead(client, section, cancelTask);
else if (orgVar != null)
result = orgVar.read(section);
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("StructureDS has no way to get data");
// Object data = smProxy.getFillValue(getDataType());
// return Array.factoryConstant(dataType.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), data);
// do any needed conversions (enum/scale/offset/missing/unsigned, etc)
return convert(result, section);
// is conversion needed?
private boolean convertNeeded(StructureMembers smData) {
for (Variable v : getVariables()) {
if (v instanceof VariableDS) {
VariableDS vds = (VariableDS) v;
if (vds.needConvert())
return true;
} else if (v instanceof StructureDS) {
StructureDS nested = (StructureDS) v;
if (nested.convertNeeded(null))
return true;
// a variable with no data in the underlying smData
if ((smData != null) && !varHasData(v, smData))
return true;
return false;
// possible things needed:
// 1) enum/scale/offset/missing/unsigned conversion
// 2) name, info change
// 3) variable with cached data added to StructureDS through NcML
protected ArrayStructure convert(Array data, Section section) throws IOException {
ArrayStructure orgAS = (ArrayStructure) data;
if (!convertNeeded(orgAS.getStructureMembers())) {
// name, info change only
return orgAS;
// LOOK! converting to ArrayStructureMA
// do any enum/scale/offset/missing/unsigned conversions
ArrayStructure newAS = ArrayStructureMA.factoryMA(orgAS);
for (StructureMembers.Member m : newAS.getMembers()) {
VariableEnhanced v2 = (VariableEnhanced) findVariable(m.getName());
if ((v2 == null) && (orgVar != null)) // these are from orgVar - may have been renamed
v2 = findVariableFromOrgName(m.getName());
if (v2 == null)
if (v2 instanceof VariableDS) {
VariableDS vds = (VariableDS) v2;
if (vds.needConvert()) {
Array mdata = newAS.extractMemberArray(m);
// mdata has not yet been enhanced, but vds would *think* that it has been if we used the 1-arg version of
// VariableDS.convert(). So, we use the 2-arg version to explicitly request enhancement.
mdata = vds.convert(mdata, vds.getEnhanceMode());
newAS.setMemberArray(m, mdata);
} else if (v2 instanceof StructureDS) {
StructureDS innerStruct = (StructureDS) v2;
if (innerStruct.convertNeeded(null)) {
if (innerStruct.getDataType() == DataType.SEQUENCE) {
ArrayObject.D1 seqArray = (ArrayObject.D1) newAS.extractMemberArray(m);
ArrayObject.D1 newSeq =
(ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.SEQUENCE, new int[] {(int) seqArray.getSize()});
m.setDataArray(newSeq); // put back into member array
// wrap each Sequence
for (int i = 0; i < seqArray.getSize(); i++) {
ArraySequence innerSeq = (ArraySequence) seqArray.get(i); // get old ArraySequence
newSeq.set(i, new SequenceConverter(innerStruct, innerSeq)); // wrap in converter
// non-Sequence Structures
} else {
Array mdata = newAS.extractMemberArray(m);
mdata = innerStruct.convert(mdata, null);
newAS.setMemberArray(m, mdata);
// always convert the inner StructureMembers
StructureMembers sm = newAS.getStructureMembers();
// check for variables that have been added by NcML
for (Variable v : getVariables()) {
if (!varHasData(v, sm)) {
try {
Variable completeVar = getParentGroupOrRoot().findVariableLocal(v.getShortName()); // LOOK BAD
Array mdata = completeVar.read(section);
StructureMembers.Member m =
sm.addMember(v.getShortName(), v.getDescription(), v.getUnitsString(), v.getDataType(), v.getShape());
newAS.setMemberArray(m, mdata);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
return newAS;
/* convert original structureData to one that conforms to this Structure */
protected StructureData convert(StructureData orgData, int recno) throws IOException {
if (!convertNeeded(orgData.getStructureMembers())) {
// name, info change only
return orgData;
// otherwise we create a new StructureData and convert to it. expensive
StructureMembers smResult = orgData.getStructureMembers().toBuilder(false).build();
StructureDataW result = new StructureDataW(smResult);
for (StructureMembers.Member m : orgData.getMembers()) {
VariableEnhanced v2 = (VariableEnhanced) findVariable(m.getName());
if ((v2 == null) && (orgVar != null)) // why ?
v2 = findVariableFromOrgName(m.getName());
if (v2 == null) {
findVariableFromOrgName(m.getName()); // debug
// log.warn("StructureDataDS.convert Cant find member " + m.getName());
StructureMembers.Member mResult = smResult.findMember(m.getName());
if (v2 instanceof VariableDS) {
VariableDS vds = (VariableDS) v2;
Array mdata = orgData.getArray(m);
if (vds.needConvert())
// mdata has not yet been enhanced, but vds would *think* that it has been if we used the 1-arg version of
// VariableDS.convert(). So, we use the 2-arg version to explicitly request enhancement.
mdata = vds.convert(mdata, vds.getEnhanceMode());
result.setMemberData(mResult, mdata);
// recurse into sub-structures
if (v2 instanceof StructureDS) {
StructureDS innerStruct = (StructureDS) v2;
// if (innerStruct.convertNeeded(null)) {
if (innerStruct.getDataType() == DataType.SEQUENCE) {
Array a = orgData.getArray(m);
if (a instanceof ArrayObject.D1) { // LOOK when does this happen vs ArraySequence?
ArrayObject.D1 seqArray = (ArrayObject.D1) a;
ArrayObject.D1 newSeq =
(ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.SEQUENCE, new int[] {(int) seqArray.getSize()});
mResult.setDataArray(newSeq); // put into result member array
for (int i = 0; i < seqArray.getSize(); i++) {
ArraySequence innerSeq = (ArraySequence) seqArray.get(i); // get old ArraySequence
newSeq.set(i, new SequenceConverter(innerStruct, innerSeq)); // wrap in converter
} else {
ArraySequence seqArray = (ArraySequence) a;
result.setMemberData(mResult, new SequenceConverter(innerStruct, seqArray)); // wrap in converter
// non-Sequence Structures
} else {
Array mdata = orgData.getArray(m);
mdata = innerStruct.convert(mdata, null);
result.setMemberData(mResult, mdata);
// }
// always convert the inner StructureMembers
StructureMembers sm = result.getStructureMembers();
// check for variables that have been added by NcML
for (Variable v : getVariables()) {
if (!varHasData(v, sm)) {
try {
Variable completeVar = getParentGroupOrRoot().findVariableLocal(v.getShortName()); // LOOK BAD
Array mdata = completeVar.read(Section.builder().appendRange(recno, recno).build());
StructureMembers.Member m =
sm.addMember(v.getShortName(), v.getDescription(), v.getUnitsString(), v.getDataType(), v.getShape());
result.setMemberData(m, mdata);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
return result;
// the wrapper StructureMembers must be converted to correspond to the wrapper Structure
private void convertMemberInfo(StructureMembers wrapperSm) {
for (StructureMembers.Member m : wrapperSm.getMembers()) {
Variable v = findVariable(m.getName());
if ((v == null) && (orgVar != null)) // may have been renamed
v = (Variable) findVariableFromOrgName(m.getName());
if (v != null) { // a section will have missing variables LOOK wrapperSm probably wrong in that case
// log.error("Cant find " + m.getName());
// else
m.setVariableInfo(v.getShortName(), v.getDescription(), v.getUnitsString(), v.getDataType());
// nested structures
if (v instanceof StructureDS) {
StructureDS innerStruct = (StructureDS) v;
// look for the top variable that has an orgVar with the wanted orgName
private VariableEnhanced findVariableFromOrgName(String orgName) {
for (Variable vTop : getVariables()) {
Variable v = vTop;
while (v instanceof VariableEnhanced) {
VariableEnhanced ve = (VariableEnhanced) v;
if ((ve.getOriginalName() != null) && (ve.getOriginalName().equals(orgName)))
return (VariableEnhanced) vTop;
v = ve.getOriginalVariable();
return null;
// verify that the variable has data in the data array
private boolean varHasData(Variable v, StructureMembers sm) {
if (sm.findMember(v.getShortName()) != null)
return true;
while (v instanceof VariableEnhanced) {
VariableEnhanced ve = (VariableEnhanced) v;
if (sm.findMember(ve.getOriginalName()) != null)
return true;
v = ve.getOriginalVariable();
return false;
private static class SequenceConverter extends ArraySequence {
StructureDS orgStruct;
ArraySequence orgSeq;
SequenceConverter(StructureDS orgStruct, ArraySequence orgSeq) {
super(orgSeq.getStructureMembers(), orgSeq.getShape());
this.orgStruct = orgStruct;
this.orgSeq = orgSeq;
this.nelems = orgSeq.getStructureDataCount();
// copy and convert the members
members = orgSeq.getStructureMembers().toBuilder(false).build();
public StructureDataIterator getStructureDataIterator() { // throws java.io.IOException {
return new StructureDataConverter(orgStruct, orgSeq.getStructureDataIterator());
private static class StructureDataConverter implements StructureDataIterator {
private StructureDataIterator orgIter;
private StructureDS newStruct;
private int count;
StructureDataConverter(StructureDS newStruct, StructureDataIterator orgIter) {
this.newStruct = newStruct;
this.orgIter = orgIter;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
return orgIter.hasNext();
public StructureData next() throws IOException {
StructureData sdata = orgIter.next();
return newStruct.convert(sdata, count++);
public void setBufferSize(int bytes) {
public StructureDataIterator reset() {
orgIter = orgIter.reset();
return (orgIter == null) ? null : this;
public int getCurrentRecno() {
return orgIter.getCurrentRecno();
public void close() {
* DO NOT USE DIRECTLY. public by accident.
* recalc any enhancement info
* @deprecated do not use
public void enhance(Set mode) {
for (Variable v : getVariables()) {
VariableEnhanced ve = (VariableEnhanced) v;
/** @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder() */
public void clearCoordinateSystems() {
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this, getUnitsString(), getDescription());
/** @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder() */
public void addCoordinateSystem(ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem p0) {
/** @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder() */
public void removeCoordinateSystem(ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem p0) {
public ImmutableList getCoordinateSystems() {
return proxy.getCoordinateSystems();
public java.lang.String getDescription() {
return proxy.getDescription();
public java.lang.String getUnitsString() {
return proxy.getUnitsString();
/** @deprecated Use StructureDS.builder() */
public void setUnitsString(String units) {
protected EnhancementsImpl proxy; // API relies that this cant be null
protected Structure orgVar; // wrap this Variable
protected String orgName; // in case Variable was renamed, and we need the original name for aggregation
protected StructureDS(Builder> builder, Group parentGroup) {
super(builder, parentGroup);
this.orgVar = builder.orgVar;
this.orgName = builder.orgName;
this.proxy = new EnhancementsImpl(this, builder.units, builder.desc);
public Builder> toBuilder() {
return addLocalFieldsToBuilder(builder());
// Add local fields to the passed - in builder.
protected Builder> addLocalFieldsToBuilder(Builder extends Builder>> b) {
return (Builder>) super.addLocalFieldsToBuilder(b);
public static Builder> builder() {
return new Builder2();
private static class Builder2 extends Builder {
protected Builder2 self() {
return this;
public static abstract class Builder> extends Structure.Builder {
private Structure orgVar; // wrap this Variable
protected String orgName; // in case Variable was renamed, and we need the original name for aggregation
protected String units;
protected String desc;
private boolean built;
public T setOriginalVariable(Structure orgVar) {
this.orgVar = orgVar;
return self();
public T setOriginalName(String orgName) {
this.orgName = orgName;
return self();
public T setUnits(String units) {
this.units = units;
if (units != null) {
addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, units));
return self();
public T setDesc(String desc) {
this.desc = desc;
if (desc != null) {
addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, desc));
return self();
/** Copy metadata from orgVar. */
public T copyFrom(Structure orgVar) {
for (Variable v : orgVar.getVariables()) {
Variable.Builder> newVar;
if (v instanceof Sequence) {
newVar = SequenceDS.builder().copyFrom((Sequence) v);
} else if (v instanceof Structure) {
newVar = StructureDS.builder().copyFrom((Structure) v);
} else {
newVar = VariableDS.builder().copyFrom(v);
return self();
/** Normally this is called by Group.build() */
public StructureDS build(Group parentGroup) {
if (built)
throw new IllegalStateException("already built");
built = true;
return new StructureDS(this, parentGroup);
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