ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.ADASConvention Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.dataset.conv;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.*;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.transform.WRFEtaTransformBuilder;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.LambertConformal;
* ADAS netcdf files.
* @author caron
public class ADASConvention extends CoordSysBuilder {
public ADASConvention() {
this.conventionName = "ARPS/ADAS";
// private double originX = 0.0, originY = 0.0;
private ProjectionCT projCT;
private static final boolean debugProj = false;
* create a NetcdfDataset out of this NetcdfFile, adding coordinates etc.
public void augmentDataset(NetcdfDataset ds, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
if (null != ds.findVariable("x"))
return; // check if its already been done - aggregating enhanced datasets.
// old way
Attribute att = ds.findGlobalAttribute("MAPPROJ");
int projType = att.getNumericValue().intValue();
double lat1 = findAttributeDouble(ds, "TRUELAT1", Double.NaN);
double lat2 = findAttributeDouble(ds, "TRUELAT2", Double.NaN);
double lat_origin = lat1;
double lon_origin = findAttributeDouble(ds, "TRUELON", Double.NaN);
double false_easting = 0.0;
double false_northing = 0.0;
// new way
String projName = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(null, CF.GRID_MAPPING_NAME, null);
if (projName != null) {
projName = projName.trim();
lat_origin = findAttributeDouble(ds, "latitude_of_projection_origin", Double.NaN);
lon_origin = findAttributeDouble(ds, "longitude_of_central_meridian", Double.NaN);
false_easting = findAttributeDouble(ds, "false_easting", 0.0);
false_northing = findAttributeDouble(ds, "false_northing", 0.0);
Attribute att2 = ds.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase("standard_parallel");
if (att2 != null) {
lat1 = att2.getNumericValue().doubleValue();
lat2 = (att2.getLength() > 1) ? att2.getNumericValue(1).doubleValue() : lat1;
} else {
if (projType == 2)
projName = "lambert_conformal_conic";
Variable coord_var = ds.findVariable("x_stag");
if (!Double.isNaN(false_easting) || !Double.isNaN(false_northing)) {
String units = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coord_var, CDM.UNITS, null);
double scalef = 1.0;
try {
scalef = SimpleUnit.getConversionFactor(units, "km");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.error(units + " not convertible to km");
false_easting *= scalef;
false_northing *= scalef;
ProjectionImpl proj;
if ("lambert_conformal_conic".equalsIgnoreCase(projName)) {
proj = new LambertConformal(lat_origin, lon_origin, lat1, lat2, false_easting, false_northing);
projCT = new ProjectionCT("Projection", "FGDC", proj);
if (false_easting == 0.0)
calcCenterPoints(ds, proj); // old way
} else {
parseInfo.format("ERROR: unknown projection type = %s%n", projName);
if (debugProj && (proj != null)) {
System.out.println(" using LC " + proj.paramsToString());
double lat_check = findAttributeDouble(ds, "CTRLAT", Double.NaN);
double lon_check = findAttributeDouble(ds, "CTRLON", Double.NaN);
LatLonPoint lpt0 = LatLonPoint.create(lat_check, lon_check);
ProjectionPoint ppt0 = proj.latLonToProj(lpt0);
System.out.println("CTR lpt0= " + lpt0 + " ppt0=" + ppt0);
Variable xstag = ds.findVariable("x_stag");
ArrayFloat.D1 xstagData = (ArrayFloat.D1) xstag.read();
float center_x = xstagData.get((int) xstag.getSize() - 1);
Variable ystag = ds.findVariable("y_stag");
ArrayFloat.D1 ystagData = (ArrayFloat.D1) ystag.read();
float center_y = ystagData.get((int) ystag.getSize() - 1);
System.out.println("CTR should be x,y= " + center_x / 2000 + ", " + center_y / 2000);
lpt0 = LatLonPoint.create(lat_origin, lon_origin);
ppt0 = proj.latLonToProj(lpt0);
System.out.println("ORIGIN lpt0= " + lpt0 + " ppt0=" + ppt0);
lpt0 = LatLonPoint.create(lat_origin, lon_origin);
ppt0 = proj.latLonToProj(lpt0);
System.out.println("TRUE ORIGIN lpt0= " + lpt0 + " ppt0=" + ppt0);
if (projCT != null) {
VariableDS v = makeCoordinateTransformVariable(ds, projCT);
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisTypes, "GeoX GeoY"));
ds.addVariable(null, v);
if (ds.findVariable("x_stag") != null)
ds.addCoordinateAxis(makeCoordAxis(ds, "x"));
if (ds.findVariable("y_stag") != null)
ds.addCoordinateAxis(makeCoordAxis(ds, "y"));
if (ds.findVariable("z_stag") != null)
ds.addCoordinateAxis(makeCoordAxis(ds, "z"));
Variable zsoil = ds.findVariable("ZPSOIL");
if (zsoil != null)
zsoil.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.GeoZ.toString()));
// old
private void calcCenterPoints(NetcdfDataset ds, Projection proj) throws IOException {
double lat_check = findAttributeDouble(ds, "CTRLAT", Double.NaN);
double lon_check = findAttributeDouble(ds, "CTRLON", Double.NaN);
LatLonPoint lpt0 = LatLonPoint.create(lat_check, lon_check);
ProjectionPoint ppt0 = proj.latLonToProj(lpt0);
Variable xstag = ds.findVariable("x_stag");
int nxpts = (int) xstag.getSize();
ArrayFloat.D1 xstagData = (ArrayFloat.D1) xstag.read();
float center_x = xstagData.get(nxpts - 1);
double false_easting = center_x / 2000 - ppt0.getX() * 1000.0;
Variable ystag = ds.findVariable("y_stag");
int nypts = (int) ystag.getSize();
ArrayFloat.D1 ystagData = (ArrayFloat.D1) ystag.read();
float center_y = ystagData.get(nypts - 1);
double false_northing = center_y / 2000 - ppt0.getY() * 1000.0;
log.debug("false easting/northing= {} {} ", false_easting, false_northing);
double dx = findAttributeDouble(ds, "DX", Double.NaN);
double dy = findAttributeDouble(ds, "DY", Double.NaN);
double w = dx * (nxpts - 1);
double h = dy * (nypts - 1);
double startx = ppt0.getX() * 1000.0 - w / 2;
double starty = ppt0.getY() * 1000.0 - h / 2;
xstag.setValues(nxpts, startx, dx);
ystag.setValues(nypts, starty, dy);
protected void makeCoordinateTransforms(NetcdfDataset ds) {
if (projCT != null) {
VarProcess vp = findVarProcess(projCT.getName(), null);
vp.isCoordinateTransform = true;
vp.ct = projCT;
protected AxisType getAxisType(NetcdfDataset ds, VariableEnhanced ve) {
Variable v = (Variable) ve;
String vname = v.getShortName();
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("x") || vname.equalsIgnoreCase("x_stag"))
return AxisType.GeoX;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("lon"))
return AxisType.Lon;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || vname.equalsIgnoreCase("y_stag"))
return AxisType.GeoY;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("lat"))
return AxisType.Lat;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("z") || vname.equalsIgnoreCase("z_stag"))
return AxisType.GeoZ;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("Z"))
return AxisType.Height;
if (vname.equalsIgnoreCase("time"))
return AxisType.Time;
String unit = ve.getUnitsString();
if (unit != null) {
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("millibar", unit))
return AxisType.Pressure;
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", unit))
return AxisType.Height;
return null;
* Does increasing values of Z go vertical up?
* @param v for this axis
* @return "up" if this is a Vertical (z) coordinate axis which goes up as coords get bigger,
* else return "down"
public String getZisPositive(CoordinateAxis v) {
return "down"; // eta coords decrease upward
private CoordinateAxis makeCoordAxis(NetcdfDataset ds, String axisName) throws IOException {
Variable stagV = ds.findVariable(axisName + "_stag");
Array data_stag = stagV.read();
int n = (int) data_stag.getSize() - 1;
DataType dt = DataType.getType(data_stag);
Array data = Array.factory(dt, new int[] {n});
Index stagIndex = data_stag.getIndex();
Index dataIndex = data.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double val = data_stag.getDouble(stagIndex.set(i)) + data_stag.getDouble(stagIndex.set(i + 1));
data.setDouble(dataIndex.set(i), 0.5 * val);
DataType dtype = DataType.getType(data);
String units = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(stagV, CDM.UNITS, "m");
CoordinateAxis v = new CoordinateAxis1D(ds, null, axisName, dtype, axisName, units,
"synthesized non-staggered " + axisName + " coordinate");
v.setCachedData(data, true);
return v;
private double findAttributeDouble(NetcdfDataset ds, String attname, double defValue) {
Attribute att = ds.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase(attname);
if (att == null)
return defValue;
return att.getNumericValue().doubleValue();
* private VerticalCT makeWRFEtaVerticalCoordinateTransform(NetcdfDataset ds, CoordinateSystem cs) {
* if ((null == ds.findVariable("PH")) || (null == ds.findVariable("PHB")) ||
* (null == ds.findVariable("P")) || (null == ds.findVariable("PB")))
* return null;
* VerticalCT.Type type = VerticalCT.Type.WRFEta;
* VerticalCT ct = new VerticalCT(type.toString(), conventionName, type);
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("height formula", "height(x,y,z) = (PH(x,y,z) + PHB(x,y,z)) / 9.81"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("perturbation geopotential variable name", "PH"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("base state geopotential variable name", "PHB"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("pressure formula", "pressure(x,y,z) = P(x,y,z) + PB(x,y,z)"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("perturbation pressure variable name", "P"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("base state pressure variable name", "PB"));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("staggered x", ""+isStaggered(cs.getXaxis())));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("staggered y", ""+isStaggered(cs.getYaxis())));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("staggered z", ""+isStaggered(cs.getZaxis())));
* ct.addParameter(new Parameter("eta", ""+cs.getZaxis().getName()));
* parseInfo.append(" added vertical coordinate transform = "+type+"\n");
* return ct;
* }
* private boolean isStaggered(CoordinateAxis axis) {
* if (axis == null) return false;
* String name = axis.getName();
* if (name == null) return false;
* if (name.endsWith("stag")) return true;
* return false;
* }
* Assign CoordinateTransform objects to Coordinate Systems.
protected void assignCoordinateTransforms(NetcdfDataset ncDataset) {
// any cs whose got a vertical coordinate with no units
List csys = ncDataset.getCoordinateSystems();
for (CoordinateSystem cs : csys) {
if (cs.getZaxis() != null) {
String units = cs.getZaxis().getUnitsString();
if ((units == null) || (units.trim().isEmpty())) {
VerticalCT vct = makeWRFEtaVerticalCoordinateTransform(ncDataset, cs);
if (vct != null) {
parseInfo.format("***Added WRFEta verticalCoordinateTransform to %s%n", cs.getName());
private VerticalCT makeWRFEtaVerticalCoordinateTransform(NetcdfDataset ds, CoordinateSystem cs) {
if ((null == ds.findVariable("PH")) || (null == ds.findVariable("PHB")) || (null == ds.findVariable("P"))
|| (null == ds.findVariable("PB")))
return null;
WRFEtaTransformBuilder builder = new WRFEtaTransformBuilder(cs);
return builder.makeCoordinateTransform(ds, null);
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