ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1Convention Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2020 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.dataset.conv;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateUnit;
import ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.*;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.IndexIterator;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.IOException;
* CF-1 Convention. see http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/cf-metadata/index.html
* "The CF conventions for climate and forecast metadata are designed to promote the processing and sharing of files
* created with the netCDF
* API. The conventions define metadata that provide a definitive description of what the data in each variable
* represents, and of the
* spatial and temporal properties of the data. This enables users of data from different sources to decide which
* quantities are comparable,
* and facilitates building applications with powerful extraction, regridding, and display capabilities."
* @author caron
public class CF1Convention extends CSMConvention {
private static final String convName = "CF-1."; // start with
* Get which CF version this is, ie CF-1.x
* @param hasConvName extract from convention name or list of names
* @return version, or -1 if not CF
public static int getVersion(String hasConvName) {
int result = extractVersion(hasConvName);
if (result >= 0) {
return result;
List names = breakupConventionNames(hasConvName);
for (String name : names) {
result = extractVersion(name);
if (result >= 0) {
return result;
return -1;
private static int extractVersion(String hasConvName) {
if (!hasConvName.startsWith(convName)) {
return -1;
String versionS = hasConvName.substring(convName.length());
try {
return Integer.parseInt(versionS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return -1;
* Guess the value of ZisPositive based on z axis name and units
* @param zaxisName z coordinate axis name
* @param vertCoordUnits z coordinate axis name
public static String getZisPositive(String zaxisName, String vertCoordUnits) {
if (vertCoordUnits == null) {
if (vertCoordUnits.isEmpty()) {
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("millibar", vertCoordUnits)) {
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", vertCoordUnits)) {
// dunno - make it up
private static final String[] vertical_coords = {"atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate", "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate",
"atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate", "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate",
"atmosphere_sleve_coordinate", "ocean_sigma_coordinate", "ocean_s_coordinate", "ocean_sigma_z_coordinate",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate", "ocean_s_coordinate_g1", // -sachin 03/25/09
public CF1Convention() {
this.conventionName = "CF-1.X";
public void augmentDataset(NetcdfDataset ds, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
boolean got_grid_mapping = false;
// look for transforms
List vars = ds.getVariables();
for (Variable v : vars) {
// look for special standard_names
String sname = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, CF.STANDARD_NAME, null);
if (sname != null) {
sname = sname.trim();
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate)) { // LOOK why isnt this with other Transforms?
makeAtmLnCoordinate(ds, v);
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.TIME_REFERENCE)) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RunTime.toString()));
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.TIME_OFFSET)) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.TimeOffset.toString()));
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.TIME)) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString()));
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase("ensemble") || sname.equalsIgnoreCase("realization")) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Ensemble.toString()));
for (String vertical_coord : vertical_coords) {
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(vertical_coord)) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, TransformType.Vertical.toString()));
if (v.findAttribute(_Coordinate.Axes) == null) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, v.getFullName())); // LOOK: may also be time dependent
// look for time variables and check to see if they have a calendar attribute. if not, add the default
// look for horiz transforms. only ones that are referenced by another variable.
String grid_mapping = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, CF.GRID_MAPPING, null);
if (grid_mapping != null) {
Variable gridMap = ds.findVariable(grid_mapping);
if (gridMap == null) {
Group g = v.getParentGroupOrRoot(); // might be group relative - CF does not specify
gridMap = g.findVariableLocal(grid_mapping);
if (gridMap != null) {
gridMap.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, TransformType.Projection.toString()));
String grid_mapping_name = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(gridMap, CF.GRID_MAPPING_NAME, null);
if (CF.LATITUDE_LONGITUDE.equals(grid_mapping_name)) {
// "grid_mapping_name == latitude_longitude" is special in CF: it's applied to variables that describe
// properties of lat/lon CRSes.
gridMap.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisTypes, AxisType.Lat + " " + AxisType.Lon));
} else {
gridMap.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisTypes, AxisType.GeoX + " " + AxisType.GeoY));
// check for CF-ish GOES-16/17 grid mappings
Attribute productionLocation = ds.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase("production_location");
Attribute icdVersion = ds.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase("ICD_version");
if (productionLocation != null && icdVersion != null) {
// the fact that those two global attributes are not null means we should check to see
// if the grid mapping variable has attributes that need corrected.
correctGoes16(productionLocation, icdVersion, gridMap);
got_grid_mapping = true;
// simple geometry
if (ds.findGlobalAttribute(CF.CONVENTIONS) != null) {
if (getVersion(ds.findGlobalAttribute(CF.CONVENTIONS).getStringValue()) >= 8) // only acknowledge simple
// geometry standard extension if
// CF-1.8 or higher
if (v.findAttribute(CF.GEOMETRY) != null) {
Attribute container = v.findAttribute(CF.GEOMETRY);
Variable coordsvar = ds.findVariable(container.getStringValue());
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.GEOMETRY_TYPE, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.GEOMETRY_TYPE, "")));
// Only add attribute if present, sometimes optional
if (!ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODES, "").equals("")) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.NODES, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODES, "")));
// Only add attribute if present, sometimes optional
if (!ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODE_COUNT, "").equals("")) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.NODE_COUNT, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODE_COUNT, "")));
new Attribute(CF.NODE_COORDINATES, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODE_COORDINATES, "")));
new Attribute(CF.PART_NODE_COUNT, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.PART_NODE_COUNT, "")));
if (CF.POLYGON.equalsIgnoreCase(ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.GEOMETRY_TYPE, ""))) {
// Again, interior ring is not always required, but add it if it is present
if (!ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.INTERIOR_RING, "").equals("")) {
new Attribute(CF.INTERIOR_RING, ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.INTERIOR_RING, "")));
if (v.findAttribute(CF.NODE_COORDINATES) != null) {
String[] coords = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(coordsvar, CF.NODE_COORDINATES, "").split(" ");
String cds = "";
for (String coord : coords) {
Variable temp = ds.findVariable(coord);
if (temp != null) {
Attribute axis = temp.findAttribute(CF.AXIS);
if (axis != null) {
if ("x".equalsIgnoreCase(axis.getStringValue())) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.SimpleGeometryX.toString()));
if ("y".equalsIgnoreCase(axis.getStringValue())) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.SimpleGeometryY.toString()));
if ("z".equalsIgnoreCase(axis.getStringValue())) {
temp.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.SimpleGeometryZ.toString()));
cds += coord + " ";
List dims = v.getDimensions();
// Append any geometry dimensions as axis
String pre = "";
for (Dimension di : dims) {
if (!di.getShortName().equals("time")) {
if (ds.findVariable(di.getFullNameEscaped()) != null) {
.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.SimpleGeometryID.toString()));
// handle else case as malformed CF NetCDF
pre = di.getShortName() + " " + pre;
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, pre + cds.trim()));
if (!got_grid_mapping) { // see if there are any grid mappings anyway
for (Variable v : ds.getVariables()) {
String grid_mapping_name = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, CF.GRID_MAPPING_NAME, null);
if (grid_mapping_name != null) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, TransformType.Projection.toString()));
if (grid_mapping_name.equals(CF.LATITUDE_LONGITUDE)) {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisTypes, AxisType.Lat + " " + AxisType.Lon));
} else {
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisTypes, AxisType.GeoX + " " + AxisType.GeoY));
// make corrections for specific datasets
String src = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(null, "Source", "");
if (src.equals("NOAA/National Climatic Data Center")) {
String title = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(null, "title", "");
avhrr_oiv2 = title.indexOf("OI-V2") > 0;
private boolean avhrr_oiv2;
// this is here because it doesnt fit into the 3D array thing.
private void makeAtmLnCoordinate(NetcdfDataset ds, Variable v) {
// get the formula attribute
String formula = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(v, CF.formula_terms, null);
if (null == formula) {
String msg = " Need attribute 'formula_terms' on Variable " + v.getFullName() + "\n";
// parse the formula string
Variable p0Var = null, levelVar = null;
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(formula, " :");
while (stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
String toke = stoke.nextToken();
if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("p0")) {
String name = stoke.nextToken();
p0Var = ds.findVariable(name);
} else if (toke.equalsIgnoreCase("lev")) {
String name = stoke.nextToken();
levelVar = ds.findVariable(name);
if (null == p0Var) {
String msg = " Need p0:varName on Variable " + v.getFullName() + " formula_terms\n";
if (null == levelVar) {
String msg = " Need lev:varName on Variable " + v.getFullName() + " formula_terms\n";
String units = ds.findAttValueIgnoreCase(p0Var, CDM.UNITS, "hPa");
// create the data and the variable
try { // p(k) = p0 * exp(-lev(k))
double p0 = p0Var.readScalarDouble();
Array levelData = levelVar.read();
Array pressureData = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, levelData.getShape());
IndexIterator ii = levelData.getIndexIterator();
IndexIterator iip = pressureData.getIndexIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
double val = p0 * Math.exp(-1.0 * ii.getDoubleNext());
CoordinateAxis1D p = new CoordinateAxis1D(ds, null, v.getShortName() + "_pressure", DataType.DOUBLE,
levelVar.getDimensionsString(), units,
"Vertical Pressure coordinate synthesized from atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate formula");
p.setCachedData(pressureData, false);
p.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Pressure.toString()));
p.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AliasForDimension, p.getDimensionsString()));
ds.addVariable(null, p);
parseInfo.format(" added Vertical Pressure coordinate %s from CF-1 %s%n", p.getFullName(),
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = " Unable to read variables from " + v.getFullName() + " formula_terms\n";
* vertical coordinate will be identifiable by:
* 1. units of pressure; or
* 2. the presence of the positive attribute with a value of up or down (case insensitive).
* 3. Optionally, the vertical type may be indicated additionally by providing the standard_name attribute with an
* appropriate value, and/or the axis attribute with the value Z.
// we assume that coordinate axes get identified by
// 1) being coordinate variables or
// 2) being listed in coordinates attribute.
* Augment COARDS axis type identification with Standard names (including dimensionless vertical coordinates) and
* CF.AXIS attributes
protected AxisType getAxisType(NetcdfDataset ncDataset, VariableEnhanced v) {
// standard names for unitless vertical coords
String sname = ncDataset.findAttValueIgnoreCase((Variable) v, CF.STANDARD_NAME, null);
if (sname != null) {
sname = sname.trim();
for (String vertical_coord : vertical_coords) {
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(vertical_coord)) {
return AxisType.GeoZ;
// COARDS - check units
AxisType at = super.getAxisType(ncDataset, v);
if (at != null) {
return at;
// standard names for X, Y : bug in CDO putting wrong standard name, so check units first (!)
if (sname != null) {
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.ENSEMBLE)) {
return AxisType.Ensemble;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.LATITUDE)) {
return AxisType.Lat;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.LONGITUDE)) {
return AxisType.Lon;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.PROJECTION_X_COORDINATE) || sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.PROJECTION_X_ANG_COORDINATE)
|| sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.GRID_LONGITUDE) || sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.ROTATED_LONGITUDE)) {
return AxisType.GeoX;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.PROJECTION_Y_COORDINATE) || sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.PROJECTION_Y_ANG_COORDINATE)
|| sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.GRID_LATITUDE) || sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.ROTATED_LATITUDE)) {
return AxisType.GeoY;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.TIME_REFERENCE)) {
return AxisType.RunTime;
if (sname.equalsIgnoreCase(CF.TIME_OFFSET)) {
return AxisType.TimeOffset;
// check axis attribute - only for X, Y, Z
String axis = ncDataset.findAttValueIgnoreCase((Variable) v, CF.AXIS, null);
if (axis != null) {
axis = axis.trim();
String unit = v.getUnitsString();
if (axis.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", unit)) {
return AxisType.GeoX;
} else if (axis.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", unit)) {
return AxisType.GeoY;
} else if (axis.equalsIgnoreCase("Z")) {
if (unit == null) {
return AxisType.GeoZ;
if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", unit)) {
return AxisType.Height;
} else if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("mbar", unit)) {
return AxisType.Pressure;
} else {
return AxisType.GeoZ;
if (avhrr_oiv2) {
if (v.getShortName().equals("zlev")) {
return AxisType.Height;
try {
String units = v.getUnitsString();
CalendarDateUnit cd = CalendarDateUnit.of(null, units);
// parsed successfully, what could go wrong?
return AxisType.Time;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// ignore
// dunno
return null;
private void correctGoes16(Attribute productionLocation, Attribute icdVersion, Variable gridMappingVar) {
// Files with these global attributes might need corrected
// DOCUMENT (ICD) Revision B" ;
// :production_location = "WCDAS" ;
String prodLoc = productionLocation.getStringValue();
String icdVer = icdVersion.getStringValue();
if (prodLoc != null && icdVer != null) {
prodLoc = prodLoc.toLowerCase().trim();
icdVer = icdVer.toLowerCase().trim();
boolean mightNeedCorrected = prodLoc.contains("wcdas");
mightNeedCorrected = mightNeedCorrected && icdVer.contains("ground segment");
mightNeedCorrected = mightNeedCorrected && icdVer.contains("awips");
if (mightNeedCorrected) {
Map possibleCorrections =
ImmutableMap.of("semi_minor", CF.SEMI_MINOR_AXIS, "semi_major", CF.SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS);
possibleCorrections.forEach((incorrect, correct) -> {
Attribute attr = gridMappingVar.findAttributeIgnoreCase(incorrect);
if (attr != null) {
Array vals = attr.getValues();
if (vals != null) {
gridMappingVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(correct, vals));
log.debug("Renamed {} attribute {} to {}", gridMappingVar, incorrect, correct);
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