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ucar.nc2.dt.grid.CFGridWriter2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
 * See LICENSE for license information.

package ucar.nc2.dt.grid;

import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Range;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.*;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.*;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.transform.AbstractTransformBuilder;
import ucar.nc2.dt.GridCoordSystem;
import ucar.nc2.dt.GridDatatype;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.LatLonProjection;
import ucar.unidata.util.Parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Write CF compliant gridded data version 2.
 * @deprecated Convert to CoverageCollection and use {@link ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.writer.CFGridCoverageWriter}
public class CFGridWriter2 {
  private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(CFGridWriter2.class);

   * Compute the size of the file without writing
   * @param gds the GridDataset
   * @param gridList the list of variables to be written, or null for all
   * @param llbb the lat/lon bounding box, or null for all
   * @param projRect the projection bounding box, or null for all
   * @param horizStride the x and y stride
   * @param zRange the z stride
   * @param dateRange date range, or null for all
   * @param stride_time the time stride
   * @param addLatLon add 2D lat/lon coordinates if needed
   * @return total bytes written
  public static long makeSizeEstimate(ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, List gridList, LatLonRect llbb,
      ProjectionRect projRect, int horizStride, Range zRange, CalendarDateRange dateRange, int stride_time,
      boolean addLatLon) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    CFGridWriter2 writer2 = new CFGridWriter2();
    return writer2.writeOrTestSize(gds, gridList, llbb, projRect, horizStride, zRange, dateRange, stride_time,
        addLatLon, true, null);

   * Write a netcdf/CF file from a GridDataset
   * @param gds the GridDataset
   * @param gridList the list of variables to be written, or null for all
   * @param llbb the lat/lon bounding box, or null for all
   * @param projRect the projection bounding box, or null for all
   * @param horizStride the x and y stride
   * @param zRange the z stride
   * @param dateRange date range, or null for all
   * @param stride_time the time stride
   * @param addLatLon add 2D lat/lon coordinates if needed
   * @param writer this does the actual writing
   * @return total bytes written
  public static long writeFile(ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, List gridList, LatLonRect llbb,
      ProjectionRect projRect, int horizStride, Range zRange, CalendarDateRange dateRange, int stride_time,
      boolean addLatLon, NetcdfFileWriter writer) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    CFGridWriter2 writer2 = new CFGridWriter2();
    return writer2.writeOrTestSize(gds, gridList, llbb, projRect, horizStride, zRange, dateRange, stride_time,
        addLatLon, false, writer);

   * @param gds the GridDataset
   * @param gridList the list of variables to be written, or null for all
   * @param llbb the lat/lon bounding box, or null for all
   * @param projRect the projection bounding box, or null for all
   * @param horizStride the x and y stride
   * @param zRange the z stride
   * @param dateRange date range, or null for all
   * @param stride_time the time stride
   * @param addLatLon add 2D lat/lon coordinates if needed
   * @param testSizeOnly dont write, just return size
   * @param writer this does the actual writing
   * @return total bytes written
  private long writeOrTestSize(ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, List gridList, LatLonRect llbb,
      ProjectionRect projRect, int horizStride, Range zRange, CalendarDateRange dateRange, int stride_time,
      boolean addLatLon, boolean testSizeOnly, NetcdfFileWriter writer) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {

    NetcdfDataset ncd = (NetcdfDataset) gds.getNetcdfFile();

    List varList = new ArrayList<>(); // could make these Sets
    List varNameList = new ArrayList<>();
    List axisList = new ArrayList<>();

    if (gridList == null) { // want all of them
      gridList = new ArrayList<>();
      for (GridDatatype grid : gds.getGrids())

    LatLonRect resultBB = null;
    long total_size = 0;

    // add each desired Grid to the new file LOOK Might be better to group by coordSys
    for (String gridName : gridList) {
      if (varNameList.contains(gridName)) // already contains
      GridDatatype gridOrg = gds.findGridDatatype(gridName);
      if (gridOrg == null) {
        log.debug("writeOrTestSize cant find grid {} - skipping%n", gridName);

      GridCoordSystem gcsOrg = gridOrg.getCoordinateSystem();
      // boolean isGlobal = gcsOrg.isGlobalLon();

      // make subset as needed
      Range timeRange = makeTimeRange(dateRange, gcsOrg.getTimeAxis1D(), stride_time);
      Range zRangeUse = makeVerticalRange(zRange, gcsOrg.getVerticalAxis()); // LOOK no vert stride

      GridDatatype gridWant;
      List yxRanges = new ArrayList<>(2);
      if (projRect != null) {
        makeHorizRange(gcsOrg, projRect, horizStride, yxRanges);
        gridWant = gridOrg.makeSubset(null, null, timeRange, zRangeUse, yxRanges.get(0), yxRanges.get(1));

      } else {

        if (llbb == null) {
        } else {
          yxRanges = gcsOrg.getRangesFromLatLonRect(llbb);

        if ((null != timeRange) || (zRangeUse != null) || (llbb != null) || (horizStride > 1)) {
          gridWant = gridOrg.makeSubset(timeRange, zRangeUse, llbb, 1, horizStride, horizStride);
        } else
          gridWant = gridOrg;

      GridCoordSystem gcsWant = gridWant.getCoordinateSystem();
      LatLonRect gridBB = gcsWant.getLatLonBoundingBox();
      if (resultBB == null)
        resultBB = gridBB;

      Variable gridV = gridWant.getVariable(); // LOOK WTF ??
      total_size += gridV.getSize() * gridV.getElementSize();

      // add coordinate axes
      addCoordinateAxis(gcsWant, varNameList, varList, axisList);

      // add coordinate transform variables
      addCoordinateTransform(gcsWant, ncd, varNameList, varList);

      // Add Variables from the formula_terms
      total_size += processTransformationVars(varList, varNameList, ncd, gds, gridWant, timeRange, zRangeUse,
          yxRanges.get(0), yxRanges.get(1), horizStride, horizStride);

      // optional lat/lon
      if (addLatLon) {
        Projection proj = gcsWant.getProjection();
        if ((null != proj) && !(proj instanceof LatLonProjection)) {
          total_size += addLatLon2D(ncd, varList, proj, gcsWant.getXHorizAxis(), gcsWant.getYHorizAxis());
          addLatLon = false; // ??

    if (testSizeOnly)
      return total_size;

    // start writing here

    // check size is ok
    boolean isLargeFile = isLargeFile(total_size);
    if (resultBB != null)
      addGlobalAttributes(writer, gds, resultBB);

    // use fileWriter to copy the variables
    FileWriter2 fileWriter = new FileWriter2(writer);
    for (Variable v : varList)

    addCFAnnotations(writer, gds, gridList, ncd, axisList, addLatLon);


    // use fileWriter to copy the data
    fileWriter.copyVarData(varList, null, null);
    // updateGeospatialRanges(writer, llrect );

    // this writes the data to the new file.
    return total_size; // ok

  private boolean isLargeFile(long total_size) {
    boolean isLargeFile = false;
    long maxSize = 2 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000; // LOOK why not use exact
    if (total_size > maxSize) {
      log.debug("Request size = {} Mbytes", total_size / 1000 / 1000);
      isLargeFile = true;
    return isLargeFile;

  private void makeHorizRange(GridCoordSystem gcsOrg, ProjectionRect projRect, int horizStride, List yxRanges)
      throws InvalidRangeException {
    if (gcsOrg.getXHorizAxis().getRank() > 1 || gcsOrg.getYHorizAxis().getRank() > 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coordinate systems with 2D horizontal axis are not supported");

    CoordinateAxis1D xAxis = (CoordinateAxis1D) gcsOrg.getXHorizAxis();
    double[] xCoords = xAxis.getCoordValues();

    CoordinateAxis1D yAxis = (CoordinateAxis1D) gcsOrg.getYHorizAxis();
    double[] yCoords = yAxis.getCoordValues();

    ProjectionRect fullBB =
        new ProjectionRect(xCoords[0], yCoords[0], xCoords[xCoords.length - 1], yCoords[yCoords.length - 1]);

    if (!projRect.intersects(fullBB)) {
      throw new InvalidRangeException("BBOX must intersect grid BBOX, minx=" + xCoords[0] + ", miny=" + yCoords[0]
          + ", maxx=" + xCoords[xCoords.length - 1] + ", maxy=" + yCoords[yCoords.length - 1]);

    ProjectionRect.intersect(fullBB, projRect, projRect);

    ProjectionPoint lowerLeft = projRect.getLowerLeftPoint();
    ProjectionPoint upperRigth = projRect.getUpperRightPoint();
    double minX = lowerLeft.getX();
    double minY = lowerLeft.getY();
    double maxX = upperRigth.getX();
    double maxY = upperRigth.getY();

    int minY_idx = yAxis.findCoordElement(minY);
    int maxY_idx = yAxis.findCoordElement(maxY);

    // When yAxis is increasing, "minY_idx < maxY_idx == true".
    // When yAxis is decreasing, "minY_idx > maxY_idx == true".
    // To handle both cases, we need to use the min() and max() functions.
    Range yRange = new Range(Math.min(minY_idx, maxY_idx), Math.max(minY_idx, maxY_idx), horizStride);

    int minX_idx = xAxis.findCoordElement(minX);
    int maxX_idx = xAxis.findCoordElement(maxX);
    Range xRange = new Range(Math.min(minX_idx, maxX_idx), Math.max(minX_idx, maxX_idx), horizStride);

    yxRanges.add(0, yRange);
    yxRanges.add(1, xRange);

  private void addGlobalAttributes(NetcdfFileWriter writer, ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, LatLonRect llbb) {
    // global attributes
    for (Attribute att : gds.getGlobalAttributes()) {
      if (att.getShortName().equals(CDM.FILE_FORMAT))
      if (att.getShortName().equals(_Coordinate._CoordSysBuilder))
      writer.addGroupAttribute(null, att);

    Attribute att = gds.findGlobalAttributeIgnoreCase(CDM.CONVENTIONS);
    if (att == null || !att.getStringValue().startsWith("CF-")) // preserve previous version of CF Convention if it
                                                                // exists
      writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(CDM.CONVENTIONS, "CF-1.0"));

        new Attribute("History", "Translated to CF-1.0 Conventions by Netcdf-Java CDM (CFGridWriter2)\n"
            + "Original Dataset = " + gds.getLocation() + "; Translation Date = " + CalendarDate.present()));

    // this will replace any existing
    writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LAT_MIN, llbb.getLatMin()));
    writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LAT_MAX, llbb.getLatMax()));
    writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LON_MIN, llbb.getLonMin()));
    writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LON_MAX, llbb.getLonMax()));

  private void addCFAnnotations(NetcdfFileWriter writer, ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, List gridList,
      NetcdfDataset ncd, List axisList, boolean addLatLon) {

    // Group root = ncfile.getRootGroup();
    for (String gridName : gridList) {
      GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype(gridName);
      Variable newV = writer.findVariable(gridName);
      if (newV == null) {
        log.debug("NetcdfCFWriter cant find " + gridName + " in gds " + gds.getLocation());

      // annotate Variable for CF
      StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
      GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem();
      for (Variable axis : gcs.getCoordinateAxes()) {
        sbuff.append(axis.getFullName()).append(" ");
      if (addLatLon)
        sbuff.append("lat lon");
      newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.COORDINATES, sbuff.toString()));

      // looking for coordinate transform variables
      for (CoordinateTransform ct : gcs.getCoordinateTransforms()) {
        Variable v = ncd.findVariable(ct.getName());
        if (ct.getTransformType() == TransformType.Projection)
          newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.GRID_MAPPING, v.getFullName()));

    for (CoordinateAxis axis : axisList) {
      Variable newV = writer.findVariable(axis.getFullNameEscaped());
      if ((axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Height) || (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Pressure)
          || (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoZ)) {
        if (null != axis.getPositive())
          newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.POSITIVE, axis.getPositive()));
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lat) {
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "degrees_north"));
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "latitude"));
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lon) {
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "degrees_east"));
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "longitude"));
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoX) {
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "projection_x_coordinate"));
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoY) {
        newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "projection_y_coordinate"));

    // coordinate transform variables : must convert false easting, northing to km
    List ctvList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset.Gridset gridSet : gds.getGridsets()) {
      ucar.nc2.dt.GridCoordSystem gcs = gridSet.getGeoCoordSystem();
      ProjectionCT pct = gcs.getProjectionCT();
      if (pct != null) {
        Variable v = writer.findVariable(pct.getName()); // look for the ctv
        if ((v != null) && !ctvList.contains(v)) {
          convertProjectionCTV((NetcdfDataset) gds.getNetcdfFile(), v.attributes());

  private void convertProjectionCTV(NetcdfDataset ds, AttributeContainer ctv) {
    Attribute att = ctv.findAttribute(_Coordinate.TransformType);
    if ((null != att) && att.getStringValue().equals("Projection")) {
      Attribute east = ctv.findAttribute("false_easting");
      Attribute north = ctv.findAttribute("false_northing");
      if ((null != east) || (null != north)) {
        double scalef = AbstractTransformBuilder.getFalseEastingScaleFactor(ds, ctv);
        if (scalef != 1.0) {
          convertAttribute(ctv, east, scalef);
          convertAttribute(ctv, north, scalef);

  private void convertAttribute(AttributeContainer ctv, Attribute att, double scalef) {
    if (att == null)
    double val = scalef * att.getNumericValue().doubleValue();
    ctv.addAttribute(new Attribute(att.getShortName(), val));

  private long addLatLon2D(NetcdfFile ncfile, List varList, Projection proj, CoordinateAxis xaxis,
      CoordinateAxis yaxis) throws IOException {

    double[] xData = (double[]);
    double[] yData = (double[]);

    List dims = new ArrayList<>();

    Variable latVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lat");
    latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LAT_UNITS));
    latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "latitude coordinate"));
    latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "latitude"));
    latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lat.toString()));

    Variable lonVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lon");
    lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LON_UNITS));
    lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "longitude coordinate"));
    lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "longitude"));
    lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lon.toString()));

    int nx = xData.length;
    int ny = yData.length;

    // create the data
    double[] latData = new double[nx * ny];
    double[] lonData = new double[nx * ny];
    for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
        ProjectionPoint projPoint = ProjectionPoint.create(xData[j], yData[i]);
        LatLonPoint latlonPoint = proj.projToLatLon(projPoint);
        latData[i * nx + j] = latlonPoint.getLatitude();
        lonData[i * nx + j] = latlonPoint.getLongitude();
    Array latDataArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {ny, nx}, latData);
    latVar.setCachedData(latDataArray, false);

    Array lonDataArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {ny, nx}, lonData);
    lonVar.setCachedData(lonDataArray, false);


    long size = 0;
    size += latVar.getSize() * latVar.getElementSize();
    size += lonVar.getSize() * lonVar.getElementSize();
    return size;

  private Range makeVerticalRange(Range zRange, CoordinateAxis1D vertAxis) {
    return (zRange != null) && (vertAxis != null) && (vertAxis.getSize() > 1) ? zRange : null;

  private Range makeTimeRange(CalendarDateRange dateRange, CoordinateAxis1DTime timeAxis, int stride_time)
      throws InvalidRangeException {

    Range timeRange = null;
    if ((dateRange != null) && (timeAxis != null)) {
      int startIndex = timeAxis.findTimeIndexFromCalendarDate(dateRange.getStart());
      int endIndex = timeAxis.findTimeIndexFromCalendarDate(dateRange.getEnd());
      if (startIndex < 0)
        throw new InvalidRangeException(
            "start time=" + dateRange.getStart() + " must be >= " + timeAxis.getCalendarDate(0));
      if (endIndex < 0)
        throw new InvalidRangeException(
            "end time=" + dateRange.getEnd() + " must be >= " + timeAxis.getCalendarDate(0));
      if (stride_time <= 1)
        stride_time = 1;
      timeRange = new Range(startIndex, endIndex, stride_time);

    return timeRange;


  private void addCoordinateAxis(GridCoordSystem gcs, List varNameList, List varList,
      List axisList) {

    for (CoordinateAxis axis : gcs.getCoordinateAxes()) {
      if (!varNameList.contains(axis.getFullName())) {
        varList.add(axis); // LOOK axis hasnt been subset yet !!
        // if (timeAxis != null && timeAxis.isInterval()) {
        // LOOK gotta add the bounds !!!
        // }


  private void addCoordinateTransform(GridCoordSystem gcs, NetcdfFile ncd, List varNameList,
      List varList) {

    List coordTransformNames = new ArrayList<>();

    // look for variables detected as coordinate transforms
    for (CoordinateTransform ct : gcs.getCoordinateTransforms()) {

    // At the very least, LatLon_Projection will not show up in the coordinate transforms,
    // so inspect the variables in varNameList for a grid_mapping attribute, and make sure it
    // gets picked up as well
    // see
    for (String varName : varNameList) {
      Variable v = ncd.findVariable(varName);
      String gridMappingName = v.attributes().findAttributeString(CF.GRID_MAPPING, null);
      if (gridMappingName != null && (!coordTransformNames.contains(gridMappingName))) {

    // add the coordinate transforms that we found
    for (String ctVarName : coordTransformNames) {
      Variable v = ncd.findVariable(ctVarName);
      if (!varNameList.contains(ctVarName) && (null != v)) {

   * Process the coordinate transformations (formula_terms) and adds the variables needed for performing that
   * transformation.
   * Subsets the grids variables, if needed.
   * Return size of variables added
  private long processTransformationVars(List varList, List varNameList, NetcdfDataset ncd,
      ucar.nc2.dt.GridDataset gds, GridDatatype grid, Range timeRange, Range zRangeUse, Range yRange, Range xRange,
      int y_stride, int x_stride) throws InvalidRangeException {

    long varsSize = 0L;
    List cctt = grid.getCoordinateSystem().getCoordinateTransforms();
    for (CoordinateTransform ct : cctt) {
      Parameter param = ct.findParameterIgnoreCase(CF.FORMULA_TERMS);

      if (param != null) {
        String[] varStrings = param.getStringValue().split(" ");
        for (int i = 1; i < varStrings.length; i += 2) {
          Variable paramVar = ncd.findVariable(varStrings[i].trim());

          if (!varNameList.contains(varStrings[i]) && (null != paramVar)) {

            if (gds.findGridDatatype(paramVar.getFullName()) != null) {
              // Subset if needed
              if ((null != timeRange) || (zRangeUse != null) || (x_stride > 1 && y_stride > 1)
                  || (yRange != null || xRange != null)) {
                GridDatatype complementaryGrid = gds.findGridDatatype(paramVar.getFullName());
                complementaryGrid = complementaryGrid.makeSubset(null, null, timeRange, zRangeUse, yRange, xRange);
                paramVar = complementaryGrid.getVariable();
            } else {
              // Also have to subset the var if it is not a grid but has vertical dimension (the dimensionless vars in
              // the formula) and zRangeUse != null
              if (zRangeUse != null && paramVar.getRank() == 1) {
                List ranges = new ArrayList<>();
                paramVar = paramVar.section(ranges);
            varsSize += paramVar.getSize() * paramVar.getElementSize();


    return varsSize;

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