ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft;
import thredds.client.catalog.tools.DataFactory;
import thredds.inventory.MFileCollectionManager;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset;
import ucar.nc2.ft.point.standard.PointDatasetStandardFactory;
import ucar.nc2.ft.point.collection.CompositeDatasetFactory;
import ucar.nc2.ft.radial.RadialDatasetStandardFactory;
import ucar.nc2.ft.remote.CdmrFeatureDataset;
import ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.CoverageDatasetFactory;
import ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.FeatureDatasetCoverage;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
* Manager of factories for FeatureDatasets opened as NetcdfDatasets.
* Grids, FMRC, Swaths are using GridDatasetStandardFactory
* Radial data uses RadialDatasetStandardFactory
* All point datasets are going through PointDatasetStandardFactory, which uses TableAnalyzer to deal
* with specific dataset conventions.
* @author caron
* @see FeatureDatasetFactory
* @since Mar 19, 2008
public class FeatureDatasetFactoryManager {
private static List factoryList = new ArrayList<>();
private static boolean userMode;
private static boolean debug;
// search in the order added
static {
// user can override
for (FeatureDatasetFactory csb : ServiceLoader.load(FeatureDatasetFactory.class)) {
registerFactory(FeatureType.ANY_POINT, PointDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.COVERAGE, GridDatasetStandardFactory.class); // LOOK - why not use FeatureType[]
// getFeatureType(
registerFactory(FeatureType.SWATH, GridDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.GRID, GridDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.FMRC, GridDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.CURVILINEAR, GridDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.RADIAL, RadialDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.STATION_RADIAL, RadialDatasetStandardFactory.class);
registerFactory(FeatureType.UGRID, "ucar.nc2.ft.ugrid.UGridDatasetStandardFactory");
registerFactory(FeatureType.SIMPLE_GEOMETRY, SimpleGeometryStandardFactory.class);
// further calls to registerFactory are by the user
userMode = true;
* Register a class that implements a FeatureDatasetFactory.
* @param datatype scientific data type
* @param className name of class that implements FeatureDatasetFactory.
* @return true if successfully loaded
public static boolean registerFactory(FeatureType datatype, String className) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(className);
registerFactory(datatype, c);
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// ok - these are optional
return false;
* Register a class that implements a FeatureDatasetFactory.
* @param datatype scientific data type
* @param c class that implements FeatureDatasetFactory.
public static void registerFactory(FeatureType datatype, Class c) {
if (!(FeatureDatasetFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(c)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + c.getName() + " must implement FeatureDatasetFactory");
// fail fast - get Instance
Object instance;
try {
instance = c.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Class " + c.getName()
+ " cannot instantiate, probably need default Constructor");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Class " + c.getName() + " is not accessible");
// user stuff gets put at top
if (userMode)
factoryList.add(0, new Factory(datatype, c, (FeatureDatasetFactory) instance));
factoryList.add(new Factory(datatype, c, (FeatureDatasetFactory) instance));
* Register a class that implements a FeatureDatasetFactory.
* @param className name of class that implements FeatureDatasetFactory.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if loading error
public static void registerFactory(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class c = Class.forName(className);
* Register a class that implements a FeatureDatasetFactory.
* Find out which type by calling getFeatureType().
* @param c class that implements FeatureDatasetFactory.
public static void registerFactory(Class c) {
if (!(FeatureDatasetFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(c)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + c.getName() + " must implement FeatureDatasetFactory");
// fail fast - get Instance
Object instance;
try {
instance = c.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Class " + c.getName()
+ " cannot instantiate, probably need default Constructor");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Class " + c.getName() + " is not accessible");
// find out what type of Features
try {
Method m = c.getMethod("getFeatureTypes");
FeatureType[] result = (FeatureType[]) m.invoke(instance, new Object[0]);
for (FeatureType ft : result) {
if (userMode)
factoryList.add(0, new Factory(ft, c, (FeatureDatasetFactory) instance));
factoryList.add(new Factory(ft, c, (FeatureDatasetFactory) instance));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"FeatureDatasetFactoryManager Class " + c.getName() + " failed invoking getFeatureType()", ex);
private static class Factory {
FeatureType featureType;
Class c;
FeatureDatasetFactory factory;
Factory(FeatureType featureType, Class c, FeatureDatasetFactory factory) {
this.featureType = featureType;
this.c = c;
this.factory = factory;
public String toString() {
return "featureType=" + featureType + ", factory=" + factory.getClass();
public static FeatureDataset open(String location) throws IOException {
return open(null, location, null, new Formatter());
* @deprecated use open(FeatureType wantFeatureType, String location, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Formatter errlog)
public static FeatureDataset open(FeatureType wantFeatureType, String location, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task)
throws IOException, NoFactoryFoundException {
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureDataset fd = FeatureDatasetFactoryManager.open(wantFeatureType, location, task, errlog);
if (fd == null) {
throw new NoFactoryFoundException(errlog.toString());
} else {
return fd;
* Open a dataset as a FeatureDataset.
* @param wantFeatureType open this kind of FeatureDataset; may be null, which means search all factories.
* If datatype is not null, only return correct FeatureDataset (eg PointFeatureDataset for DataType.POINT).
* @param location URL or file location of the dataset. This may be a
* - thredds catalog#dataset (with a thredds: prefix)
- cdmrFeature dataset (with a cdmrFeature: prefix)
- cdmremote dataset (with a cdmremote: prefix)
- collection dataset (with a collection: prefix)
- file location for a CDM dataset opened with NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset()
* @param task user may cancel
* @param errlog place errors here, may not be null
* @return a subclass of FeatureDataset, or null if no suitable factory was found, message in errlog
* @throws java.io.IOException on io error
public static FeatureDataset open(FeatureType wantFeatureType, String location, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task,
Formatter errlog) throws IOException {
// special processing for thredds: datasets
if (location.startsWith(DataFactory.SCHEME)) {
DataFactory.Result result = new DataFactory().openFeatureDataset(wantFeatureType, location, task);
errlog.format("%s", result.errLog);
if (!featureTypeOk(wantFeatureType, result.featureType)) {
errlog.format("wanted %s but dataset is of type %s%n", wantFeatureType, result.featureType);
return null;
return result.featureDataset;
// special processing for cdmrFeature: datasets
} else if (location.startsWith(CdmrFeatureDataset.SCHEME)) {
Optional opt = CdmrFeatureDataset.factory(wantFeatureType, location);
if (opt.isPresent())
return opt.get();
errlog.format("%s", opt.getErrorMessage());
return null;
// special processing for collection: datasets
} else if (location.startsWith(ucar.nc2.ft.point.collection.CompositeDatasetFactory.SCHEME)) {
String spec = location.substring(CompositeDatasetFactory.SCHEME.length());
MFileCollectionManager dcm = MFileCollectionManager.open(spec, spec, null, errlog); // LOOK we dont have a name
return CompositeDatasetFactory.factory(location, wantFeatureType, dcm, errlog);
DatasetUrl durl = DatasetUrl.findDatasetUrl(location); // Cache ServiceType so we don't have to keep figuring it out
if (durl.serviceType == null) { // skip GRIB check for anything not a plain ole file
// check if its GRIB, may not have to go through NetcdfDataset
Optional opt = CoverageDatasetFactory.openGrib(location);
if (opt.isPresent()) { // its a GRIB file
return opt.get();
} else if (!opt.getErrorMessage().startsWith(CoverageDatasetFactory.NOT_GRIB_FILE)
&& !opt.getErrorMessage().startsWith(CoverageDatasetFactory.NO_GRIB_CLASS)) {
errlog.format("%s%n", opt.getErrorMessage()); // its a GRIB file with an error
return null;
// otherwise open as NetcdfDataset and run it through the FeatureDatasetFactories
NetcdfDataset ncd = NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(durl, true, task);
FeatureDataset fd = wrap(wantFeatureType, ncd, task, errlog);
if (fd == null)
return fd;
* Wrap a NetcdfDataset as a FeatureDataset.
* @param wantFeatureType open this kind of FeatureDataset; may be null, which means search all factories.
* If datatype is not null, only return FeatureDataset with objects of that type
* @param ncd the NetcdfDataset to wrap as a FeatureDataset
* @param task user may cancel
* @param errlog place errors here, may not be null
* @return a subclass of FeatureDataset, or null if no suitable factory was found
* @throws java.io.IOException on io error
public static FeatureDataset wrap(FeatureType wantFeatureType, NetcdfDataset ncd, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task,
Formatter errlog) throws IOException {
if (debug)
System.out.println("wrap " + ncd.getLocation() + " want = " + wantFeatureType);
// the case where we dont know what type it is
if ((wantFeatureType == null) || (wantFeatureType == FeatureType.ANY)) {
return wrapUnknown(ncd, task, errlog);
// find a Factory that claims this dataset by passing back an "analysis result" object
Object analysis = null;
FeatureDatasetFactory useFactory = null;
for (Factory fac : factoryList) {
if (!featureTypeOk(wantFeatureType, fac.featureType))
if (debug)
System.out.println(" wrap try factory " + fac.factory.getClass().getName());
analysis = fac.factory.isMine(wantFeatureType, ncd, errlog);
if (analysis != null) {
useFactory = fac.factory;
if (useFactory == null) {
errlog.format("**Failed to find FeatureDatasetFactory for datatype=%s%n", wantFeatureType);
return null;
// this call must be thread safe - done by implementation
return useFactory.open(wantFeatureType, ncd, analysis, task, errlog);
private static FeatureDataset wrapUnknown(NetcdfDataset ncd, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Formatter errlog)
throws IOException {
FeatureType ft = findFeatureType(ncd);
if (ft != null)
return wrap(ft, ncd, task, errlog);
// find a Factory that claims this dataset
Object analysis = null;
FeatureDatasetFactory useFactory = null;
for (Factory fac : factoryList) {
if (debug)
System.out.println(" wrapUnknown try factory " + fac.factory.getClass().getName());
analysis = fac.factory.isMine(null, ncd, errlog);
if (null != analysis) {
useFactory = fac.factory;
// Fail
if (null == useFactory) {
errlog.format("Failed (wrapUnknown) to find Datatype Factory for= %s%n", ncd.getLocation());
return null;
// this call must be thread safe - done by implementation
return useFactory.open(null, ncd, analysis, task, errlog);
* Determine if factory type matches wanted feature type.
* @param want want this FeatureType
* @param facType factory is of this type
* @return true if match
public static boolean featureTypeOk(FeatureType want, FeatureType facType) {
if (want == null)
return true;
if (want == facType)
return true;
if (want == FeatureType.ANY_POINT) {
return facType.isPointFeatureType();
if (facType == FeatureType.ANY_POINT) {
return want.isPointFeatureType();
if (want == FeatureType.COVERAGE) {
return facType.isCoverageFeatureType();
if (want == FeatureType.GRID) { // for backwards compatibility
return facType.isCoverageFeatureType();
if (want == FeatureType.SIMPLE_GEOMETRY) {
return facType.isCoverageFeatureType();
if (want == FeatureType.UGRID) {
return facType.isUnstructuredGridFeatureType();
return false;
* Try to determine the feature type of the dataset, by examining its metadata.
* @param ncd the dataset
* @return FeatureType if found, else null
public static FeatureType findFeatureType(NetcdfFile ncd) {
// search for explicit featureType global attribute
String cdm_datatype = ncd.getRootGroup().findAttributeString(CF.FEATURE_TYPE, null);
if (cdm_datatype == null)
cdm_datatype = ncd.getRootGroup().findAttributeString("cdm_data_type", null);
if (cdm_datatype == null)
cdm_datatype = ncd.getRootGroup().findAttributeString("cdm_datatype", null);
if (cdm_datatype == null)
cdm_datatype = ncd.getRootGroup().findAttributeString("thredds_data_type", null);
if (cdm_datatype != null) {
for (FeatureType ft : FeatureType.values())
if (cdm_datatype.equalsIgnoreCase(ft.name())) {
if (debug)
System.out.println(" wrapUnknown found cdm_datatype " + cdm_datatype);
return ft;
CF.FeatureType cff = CF.FeatureType.getFeatureTypeFromGlobalAttribute(ncd);
if (cff != null)
return CF.FeatureType.convert(cff);
return null;