ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc.FmrcInv Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarPeriod;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import java.util.*;
* Inventory for a Forecast Model Run Collection = a series of Forecast Model Runs.
* Create rectangular representation of var(runtime, time) of data(ens, vert, x, y).
* For each Grid, the vert, time and ens coordinates are created as the union of the components.
* Make sure to share coordinates across grids where they are equivilent.
* We are thus making a rectangular array var(runtime, time, ens, level).
* So obviously we have to tolerate missing data.
* Keeps track of what inventory exists, and where it is.
* @author caron
* @since Jan 11, 2010
public class FmrcInv {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(FmrcInv.class);
* public static CalendarDate addHour(CalendarDate d, double hour) {
* long msecs = d.getTime();
* msecs += hour * 3600 * 1000;
* return new Date(msecs);
* }
private final String name; // name of ForecastModelRunCollection
// this is where the time coordinates are normalized and missing data may occur
private final List runSeqs = new ArrayList<>();
// list of unique EnsCoord
private final List ensCoords = new ArrayList<>();
// list of unique VertCoord
private final List vertCoords = new ArrayList<>();
// the list of runs
private final List fmrList;
// the list of grids
private final List uberGridList; // sorted list of UberGrid
// all run times
private final List runTimeList; // sorted list of Date: all run times
// track offsets and bounds
private final CalendarDate baseDate; // first runtime : offsetsAll calculated from here
// all forecast times
private final List forecastTimeList; // sorted list of Date : all forecast times
// use on motherlode to regularize the missing inventory
private final boolean regularize;
* Construct the inventory from a set of FmrInv, one for each model run.
* @param name name of collection
* @param fmrList the component runs FmrInv
* @param regularize regularize time coords based on offset from 0Z
FmrcInv(String name, List fmrList, boolean regularize) {
this.name = name;
this.regularize = regularize;
this.fmrList = new ArrayList<>(fmrList);
runTimeList = new ArrayList<>();
CalendarDate firstDate = null;
Map uvHash = new HashMap<>();
Set offsetHash = new HashSet<>();
Set intervalHash = new HashSet<>();
Set forecastTimeHash = new HashSet<>();
for (FmrInv fmrInv : fmrList) {
if (firstDate == null)
firstDate = fmrInv.getRunDate();
// hour of this runDate
int hour = fmrInv.getRunDate().getHourOfDay();
// for each GridVariable, add to the UberGrid
for (FmrInv.GridVariable fmrGrid : fmrInv.getGrids()) {
UberGrid uv = uvHash.get(fmrGrid.getName());
if (uv == null) {
uv = new UberGrid(fmrGrid.getName());
uvHash.put(fmrGrid.getName(), uv);
uv.addGridVariable(fmrGrid, hour);
// track overall list of times, offsets, and intervals
for (TimeCoord tc : fmrInv.getTimeCoords()) {
if (tc.isInterval()) {
double[] bounds1 = tc.getBound1();
double[] bounds2 = tc.getBound2();
for (int i = 0; i < bounds1.length; i++) {
CalendarDate date1 = fmrInv.getRunDate().add(bounds1[i], CalendarPeriod.Field.Hour);
CalendarDate date2 = fmrInv.getRunDate().add(bounds2[i], CalendarPeriod.Field.Hour);
forecastTimeHash.add(date2); // second is used as the forecast date
double b1 = getOffsetInHours(firstDate, date1);
double b2 = getOffsetInHours(firstDate, date2);
intervalHash.add(new TimeCoord.Tinv(b1, b2));
} else {
// regular single time offset - add to offsetHash
for (double offset : tc.getOffsetTimes()) {
CalendarDate fcDate = fmrInv.getRunDate().add(offset, CalendarPeriod.Field.Hour);
forecastTimeHash.add(fcDate); // track all forecast times
double d = getOffsetInHours(firstDate, fcDate);
offsetHash.add(d); // track all offset hours, calculated from baseDate
baseDate = firstDate;
// create the overall list of variables and coordinates
uberGridList = new ArrayList<>(uvHash.values());
for (UberGrid uv : uberGridList) {
// LOOK runSeqs is alwats empty, according to InteliJ!
// assign sequence ids
int seqno = 0;
for (RunSeq seq : runSeqs) {
seq.id = seqno++;
// create the overall list of forecast times
forecastTimeList = forecastTimeHash.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
// create the overall list of offsets - may be zero
List offsetsAll = offsetHash.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
int counto = 0;
double[] offs = new double[offsetsAll.size()];
for (double off : offsetsAll)
offs[counto++] = off;
tcOffAll = new TimeCoord(baseDate);
// create the overall list of offsets - may be zero
List intervalAll = intervalHash.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
tcIntAll = new TimeCoord(baseDate);
// not really needed
private final TimeCoord tcOffAll; // all offsets in this collection, relative to baseDate
private final TimeCoord tcIntAll; // all intervals in this collection, relative to baseDate
// public for debugging
public List getFmrList() {
return fmrList;
* private UberGrid findVar(String varName) {
* for (UberGrid uv : uberGridList) {
* if (uv.gridName.equals(varName))
* return uv;
* }
* return null;
* }
* public int findFmrIndex(Date runDate) {
* for (int i = 0; i < fmrList.size(); i++) {
* FmrInv fmr = fmrList.get(i);
* if (fmr.getRunDate().equals(runDate)) return i;
* }
* return -1;
* }
* public List getRunTimes() {
* return runTimeList;
* }
public String getName() {
return name;
public List getRunSeqs() {
return runSeqs;
public List getEnsCoords() {
return ensCoords;
// list of unique VertCoord for FmrcInv
public List getVertCoords() {
return vertCoords;
public List getUberGrids() {
return uberGridList;
public UberGrid findUberGrid(String name) {
for (UberGrid grid : uberGridList)
if (grid.getName().equals(name))
return grid;
return null;
public List getForecastTimes() {
return forecastTimeList;
public List getFmrInv() {
return fmrList;
public CalendarDate getBaseDate() {
return baseDate;
* public TimeCoord getTimeCoordsAll() {
* return tcAll;
* }
* Find the difference between two dates in hours
* @param base date1
* @param forecast date2
* @return (forecast minus base) difference in hours
public static double getOffsetInHours(CalendarDate base, CalendarDate forecast) {
long diff = forecast.getDifferenceInMsecs(base);
double result = diff / 1000.0 / 60.0 / 60.0; // LOOK why convert to double? precision may be lost ??
long testRoundoff = (long) (result * 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
if (diff != testRoundoff)
return result;
* Create a date from base and hour offset
* @param base base date
* @param offset hourss
* @return base + offset as a Date
public static CalendarDate makeOffsetDate(CalendarDate base, double offset) {
return base.add(offset, CalendarPeriod.Field.Hour);
// The collection of GridVariable for one variable, across all runs in the collection
// immutable after finish() is called.
public class UberGrid implements Comparable {
private final String gridName;
private final List runs = new ArrayList<>();
private VertCoord vertCoordUnion;
private RunSeq runSeq;
UberGrid(String name) {
this.gridName = name;
void addGridVariable(FmrInv.GridVariable grid, int hour) {
public String getName() {
return gridName;
public String toString() {
return gridName;
// the union of all offset hours, ignoring rundate
public TimeCoord getUnionTimeCoord() {
return runSeq.getUnionTimeCoord();
public boolean isInterval() {
return getUnionTimeCoord().isInterval();
public String getTimeCoordName() {
return runSeq.getName();
public String getVertCoordName() {
return (vertCoordUnion == null) ? "" : vertCoordUnion.getName();
public List getRuns() {
return runs;
public int compareTo(UberGrid o) {
return gridName.compareTo(o.gridName);
public int countTotal() {
int total = 0;
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs)
total += grid.countTotal();
return total;
public int countExpected() {
int nvert = (vertCoordUnion == null) ? 1 : vertCoordUnion.getSize();
int ntimes = 0;
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs) { // maybe should use the runseq ???
TimeCoord exp = grid.getTimeExpected();
ntimes += exp.getNCoords();
return ntimes * nvert;
void finish() {
if (runs.size() == 1) {
FmrInv.GridVariable grid = runs.get(0);
vertCoordUnion = VertCoord.findVertCoord(getVertCoords(), grid.vertCoordUnion);
// timeCoordUnion = TimeCoord.findTimeCoord(getTimeCoords(), grid.timeCoordUnion);
// timeCoordUnion.addGridVariable(this);
grid.timeExpected = grid.timeCoordUnion; // if only one, not much else to do
this.runSeq = findRunSeq(runs);
// run over all ensCoords and construct the union
List ensList = new ArrayList<>();
EnsCoord ec_union = null;
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs) {
EnsCoord ec = grid.ensCoordUnion;
if (ec == null)
if (ec_union == null)
ec_union = new EnsCoord(ec);
else if (!ec_union.equalsData(ec))
if (ec_union != null) {
if (!ensList.isEmpty())
EnsCoord.normalize(ec_union, ensList); // add the other coords
// run over all vertCoords and construct the union
List vertList = new ArrayList<>();
VertCoord vc_union = null;
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs) {
VertCoord vc = grid.vertCoordUnion;
if (vc == null)
if (vc_union == null)
vc_union = new VertCoord(vc);
else if (!vc_union.equalsData(vc)) {
// log.warn(name+" Grid "+ gridName +" has different vert coords in run " + grid.getRunDate());
if (vc_union != null) {
VertCoord.normalize(vc_union, vertList); // add the other coords
vertCoordUnion = VertCoord.findVertCoord(getVertCoords(), vc_union); // now find unique within collection
// optionally calculate expected inventory based on matching run hours
if (regularize) {
// create groups of runs with the same runtime hour (integer offset from 0Z)
Map hourMap = new HashMap<>();
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs) {
CalendarDate runDate = grid.getRunDate();
int hour = runDate.getHourOfDay();
HourGroup hg = hourMap.get(hour);
if (hg == null) {
hg = new HourGroup(hour);
hourMap.put(hour, hg);
// assume each hour group should have the same set of forecast time coords, as represented by their offset
for (HourGroup hg : hourMap.values()) {
// run over all timeCoords in this group and construct the union
List timeListExp = new ArrayList<>();
for (FmrInv.GridVariable run : hg.runs)
// note that in this case, the baseDates of the TimeCoords in timeListExp are not the same
// we are just using this routine to get the union of offset hours or intervals
hg.expected = TimeCoord.makeUnion(timeListExp, baseDate); // add the other coords
if (hg.expected.isInterval()) {
// we discard the resulting TimeCoord and just use the union of intervals.
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : hg.runs) {
grid.timeExpected = new TimeCoord(grid.getRunDate());
grid.timeExpected.setBounds(hg.expected.getBound1(), hg.expected.getBound2());
} else {
// we discard the resulting TimeCoord and just use the union of offsets
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : hg.runs)
grid.timeExpected = new TimeCoord(grid.getRunDate(), hg.expected.getOffsetTimes());
// now find the RunSeq, based on the timeExpected
this.runSeq = findRunSeq(runs);
} else {
// otherwise expected == actual
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs)
grid.timeExpected = grid.timeCoordUnion;
// now find the RunSeq, based on the timeExpected
this.runSeq = findRunSeq(runs);
* run over all timeCoords and construct the union
* List timeList = new ArrayList();
* for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs)
* timeList.add(grid.timeCoordUnion);
* TimeCoord tc_union = TimeCoord.makeUnion(timeList, baseDate); // create the union of all time coords used by
* this grid
* this.timeCoordUnion = TimeCoord.findTimeCoord(getRunSeqs(), tc_union); // track unique ones in the FmrcInv
} // end UberGrid
// immutable after UberGrid.finish() is called.
private static class HourGroup {
final int hour;
final List runs = new ArrayList<>();
private TimeCoord expected;
HourGroup(int hour) {
this.hour = hour;
private RunSeq findRunSeq(List runs) {
for (RunSeq seq : runSeqs) {
if (seq.equalsData(runs))
return seq;
// make a new one
RunSeq result = new RunSeq(runs);
return result;
* Represents a sequence of Runs, each run has a particular TimeCoord.
* this is where the time coordinates may be regularized
* keep track of all the Variables with the same RunSeq
// immutable after UberGrid.finish() is called.
public class RunSeq {
private final HashMap coordMap; // runDate, timeExpected
private final List vars = new ArrayList<>(); // list of UberGrid that use this
private int id;
private List timeList; // timeList has differing runDates
private TimeCoord timeCoordUnion; // union of all offset hours
private boolean isInterval;
RunSeq(List runs) {
this.coordMap = new HashMap<>(2 * runs.size());
// make sure every date has a slot
for (CalendarDate d : runTimeList)
this.coordMap.put(d, TimeCoord.EMPTY);
// overwrite with actual coords
boolean first = true;
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : runs) {
this.coordMap.put(grid.getRunDate(), grid.getTimeExpected()); // match on timeExpected
// check intervals are consistent
if (first)
isInterval = grid.getTimeCoord().isInterval();
else if (isInterval != grid.getTimeCoord().isInterval()) {
log.error("mixed intervals for grid " + grid.getName());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mixed intervals for grid " + grid.getName());
first = false;
public boolean isInterval() {
return isInterval;
public List getTimes() {
if (timeList == null)
return timeList;
public String getName() {
return id == 0 ? "time" : "time" + id;
public int getNTimeOffsets() {
int n = 0;
for (TimeCoord tc : coordMap.values())
n = Math.max(n, tc.getNCoords());
return n;
// the union of all offset hours, ignoring rundate, so its the rectangularization of the
// offsets for each run
// has the side effect of constructing timeList, the list of expected TimeCoords, one for each run
public TimeCoord getUnionTimeCoord() {
if (timeCoordUnion == null) { // deferred creation
// eliminate the empties
timeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (TimeCoord tc : coordMap.values()) {
if ((tc != null) && (tc != TimeCoord.EMPTY))
// sort by run Date
timeList.sort((o1, o2) -> {
if (o1 == null || o1.getRunDate() == null)
return -1;
if (o2 == null || o2.getRunDate() == null)
return 1;
return o1.getRunDate().compareTo(o2.getRunDate());
// here again the timeList has differing runDates
timeCoordUnion = TimeCoord.makeUnion(timeList, baseDate); // create the union of all offsets used by this grid
return timeCoordUnion;
* Decide if this RunSeq is equivalent to the list of Runs.
* @param oruns list of FmrInv.GridVariable, use their expected times to match
* @return true if it has an equivalent set of runs.
boolean equalsData(List oruns) {
List okAdd = null; // may need to fill in the gaps
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : oruns) {
TimeCoord run = coordMap.get(grid.getRunDate());
if (run == null) {
if (okAdd == null)
okAdd = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
TimeCoord orune = grid.getTimeExpected();
if (!run.equalsData(orune))
return false;
// everything else matches, ok to expand this runSeq with missing runs
if (okAdd != null)
for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : okAdd)
this.coordMap.put(grid.getRunDate(), grid.getTimeExpected());
return true;
// keep track of all the Variables that have this RunSeq
void addVariable(UberGrid uv) {
public List getUberGrids() {
return vars;
* debugging - Fmrc2 Panel
* public void showRuntimeOffsetMatrix(Formatter out) {
* out.format(" Forecast Time Offset %n");
* out.format(" RunTime ");
* for (double offsetHour : tcOffAll.getOffsetTimes()) {
* out.format("%10.0f", offsetHour);
* }
* out.format("%n");
* int count = 0;
* for (int i = 0; i < fmrList.size(); i++) {
* FmrInv fmr = fmrList.get(i);
* Date runDate = fmr.getRunDate();
* out.format("%2d %s ", i, dateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(runDate));
* for (double offsetHour : tcOffAll.getOffsetTimes()) {
* Inventory inv = getInventory(fmr, offsetHour);
* count += inv.showInventory( out);
* }
* out.format("%n");
* }
* out.format("%ntotal inventory count = %d%n", count);
* }
* // for a given offset hour and Fmr, find the expected and actual inventory over all grids
* private Inventory getInventory(FmrInv fmr, double hour) {
* int actual = 0, expected = 0;
* for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : fmr.getGrids()) {
* TimeCoord tExpect = grid.getTimeExpected();
* if (tExpect.findIndex(hour) >= 0)
* expected += grid.getNVerts();
* for (GridDatasetInv.Grid inv : grid.getInventory()) {
* TimeCoord tc = inv.getTimeCoord();
* if (tc.findIndex(hour) >= 0)
* actual += inv.getVertCoordLength();
* }
* }
* return new Inventory(actual, expected);
* }
* @Immutable
* public static class Inventory {
* public final int actual;
* public final int expected;
* public Inventory(int actual, int expected) {
* this.actual = actual;
* this.expected = expected;
* }
* public int showInventory(Formatter out) {
* if (actual != expected) {
* out.format("%10s", actual + "/" + expected);
* } else if (actual == 0)
* out.format(" "); // blank
* else
* out.format("%10d", actual);
* return actual;
* }
* }
* private class TimeInventory {
* final TimeCoord tc; // all the TimeCoords possible
* final FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid; // for this grid
* final FmrInv.GridVariable[] useGrid; // use this run and grid for ith offset
* final int[] runIndex; // the index of the run in the fmrList. ie findFmrIndex()
* TimeInventory(TimeCoord tc, FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
* this.tc = tc;
* this.ugrid = ugrid;
* this.useGrid = new FmrInv.GridVariable[tc.getNCoords()];
* this.runIndex = new int[tc.getNCoords()];
* }
* private void setOffset(double offsetHour, FmrInv.GridVariable grid, int runIndex) {
* int offsetIndex = tc.findIndex(offsetHour);
* if (offsetIndex < 0)
* throw new IllegalStateException("FmrSnapshot cant find hour " + offsetHour + " in " + tc);
* this.useGrid[offsetIndex] = grid;
* this.runIndex[offsetIndex] = runIndex;
* }
* }
* //////////////////////////////////////
* // 1D subsets
* public void showBest(Formatter out) {
* out.format("%nRun used in best dataset%n");
* out.format(" Forecast Time Offset %n");
* out.format("Grid ");
* for (double offsetHour : tcOffAll.getOffsetTimes())
* out.format("%4.0f ", offsetHour);
* out.format("%n");
* for (FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid : getUberGrids()) {
* TimeInventory inv = makeBestInventory(ugrid);
* String name = ugrid.getName();
* if (name.length() > 27) name = name.substring(0, 27);
* out.format(" %-27s ", name);
* showInv(inv, out);
* out.format("%n");
* }
* }
* public void showBest2(Formatter out) {
* out.format("%nRun used in best dataset by RunSeq%n");
* out.format("Seq Forecast Time Offset %n ");
* for (double offsetHour : tcOffAll.getOffsetTimes())
* out.format("%4.0f ", offsetHour);
* out.format("%n");
* int count = 0;
* for (RunSeq seq : getRunSeqs()) {
* out.format("%3d ", count++);
* List ugrids = seq.getUberGrids();
* TimeInventory inv = makeBestInventory(ugrids.get(0));
* showInv(inv, out);
* for (FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid : seq.getUberGrids()) {
* TimeInventory inv2 = makeBestInventory(ugrid);
* out.format(", %s ", ugrid.getName());
* if (!testInv(inv, inv2)) out.format("BAD ");
* }
* out.format("%n");
* }
* }
* // select best inventory for each forecast time
* private TimeInventory makeBestInventory(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
* return ugrid.isInterval() ? makeBestInventoryFromIntervals(ugrid) : makeBestInventoryFromOffsets( ugrid);
* }
* private TimeInventory makeBestInventoryFromIntervals(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
* TimeInventory inv = new TimeInventory(tcIntAll, ugrid);
* for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : ugrid.getRuns()) {
* double forecastOffset = getOffsetInHours(baseDate, grid.getRunDate());
* int runIndex = findFmrIndex(grid.getRunDate());
* TimeCoord tc = grid.getTimeCoord(); // forecast times for this run
* for (double offset : tc.getOffsetTimes()) {
* inv.setOffset(forecastOffset + offset, grid, runIndex); // later ones override
* }
* }
* return inv;
* }
* // select best inventory for each forecast time
* private TimeInventory makeBestInventoryFromOffsets(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
* TimeInventory inv = new TimeInventory(tcOffAll, ugrid);
* for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : ugrid.getRuns()) {
* double forecastOffset = getOffsetInHours(baseDate, grid.getRunDate());
* int runIndex = findFmrIndex(grid.getRunDate());
* TimeCoord tc = grid.getTimeCoord(); // forecast times for this run
* for (double offset : tc.getOffsetTimes()) {
* inv.setOffset(forecastOffset + offset, grid, runIndex); // later ones override
* }
* }
* return inv;
* }
* // select best inventory for each forecast time
* public void showBest(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid, Formatter out) {
* out.format("%nRun used in best dataset for grid %s %n", ugrid.getName());
* out.format(" Forecast Time Offset %n");
* out.format("Run ");
* for (double offsetHour : tcOffAll.getOffsetTimes()) {
* out.format("%3.0f ", offsetHour);
* }
* out.format("%n");
* TimeInventory inv = new TimeInventory(tcOffAll, ugrid);
* for (FmrInv.GridVariable grid : ugrid.getRuns()) {
* double forecastOffset = getOffsetInHours(baseDate, grid.getRunDate());
* int runIndex = findFmrIndex(grid.getRunDate());
* TimeCoord tc = grid.getTimeCoord(); // forecast times for this run
* TimeInventory invRun = new TimeInventory(tcOffAll, ugrid);
* for (double offset : tc.getOffsetTimes()) {
* inv.setOffset(forecastOffset + offset, grid, runIndex); // later ones override
* invRun.setOffset(forecastOffset + offset, grid, runIndex); // later ones override
* }
* out.format(" %-27s ", dateFormatter.toDateTimeString(grid.getRunDate()));
* showInv(invRun, out);
* out.format("%n");
* }
* String name = ugrid.getName();
* if (name.length() > 27) name = name.substring(0, 27);
* out.format(" %-27s ", "result");
* showInv(inv, out);
* out.format("%n");
* }
* private void showInv(TimeInventory tinv, Formatter out) {
* for (int i = 0; i < tinv.useGrid.length; i++) {
* FmrInv.GridVariable grid = tinv.useGrid[i];
* if (grid == null)
* out.format(" ");
* else
* out.format("%4d ", tinv.runIndex[i]);
* }
* }
* private boolean testInv(TimeInventory tinv1, TimeInventory tinv2) {
* if (tinv1.useGrid.length != tinv2.useGrid.length) return false;
* for (int i = 0; i < tinv1.useGrid.length; i++) {
* if (tinv1.runIndex[i] != tinv2.runIndex[i])
* return false;
* }
* return true;
* }
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