ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.CoordAxisHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2020 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage;
import com.google.common.math.DoubleMath;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Range;
import ucar.ma2.RangeIterator;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
* Helper class for CoverageCoordAxis1D for subsetting and searching.
* @author caron
* @since 7/13/2015
class CoordAxisHelper {
private final CoverageCoordAxis1D axis;
private static final int MULTIPLE_HITS = -2;
CoordAxisHelper(CoverageCoordAxis1D axis) {
this.axis = axis;
* Given a coordinate interval, find what grid element matches it.
* @param target interval in this coordinate system
* @param bounded if true, always return a valid index. otherwise can return < 0 or > n-1
* @return index of grid point containing it, or < 0 or > n-1 if outside grid area
int findCoordElement(double[] target, boolean bounded) {
switch (axis.getSpacing()) {
case regularInterval:
// can use midpoint
return findCoordElementRegular((target[0] + target[1]) / 2, bounded);
case contiguousInterval:
// can use midpoint
return findCoordElementContiguous((target[0] + target[1]) / 2, bounded);
case discontiguousInterval:
// cant use midpoint
return findCoordElementDiscontiguousInterval(target, bounded);
throw new IllegalStateException("unknown spacing" + axis.getSpacing());
* Given a coordinate position, find what grid element contains it.
* This means that
* edge[i] <= target < edge[i+1] (if values are ascending)
* edge[i] > target >= edge[i+1] (if values are descending)
* @param target position in this coordinate system
* @param bounded if true, always return a valid index. otherwise can return < 0 or > n-1
* @return index of grid point containing it, or < 0 or > n-1 if outside grid area
int findCoordElement(double target, boolean bounded) {
switch (axis.getSpacing()) {
case regularInterval:
case regularPoint:
return findCoordElementRegular(target, bounded);
case irregularPoint:
case contiguousInterval:
return findCoordElementContiguous(target, bounded);
case discontiguousInterval:
return findCoordElementDiscontiguousInterval(target, bounded);
throw new IllegalStateException("unknown spacing" + axis.getSpacing());
// same contract as findCoordElement()
private int findCoordElementRegular(double coordValue, boolean bounded) {
int n = axis.getNcoords();
if (n == 1 && bounded)
return 0;
double distance = coordValue - axis.getCoordEdge1(0);
double exactNumSteps = distance / axis.getResolution();
int index = (int) Math.floor(exactNumSteps); // truncate down
if (bounded && index < 0) {
return 0;
if (bounded && index >= n) {
return n - 1;
// check that found point is within interval
if (index >= 0 && index < n) {
double lower = axis.getCoordEdge1(index);
double upper = axis.getCoordEdge2(index);
if (axis.isAscending()) {
assert lower <= coordValue : lower + " should be <= " + coordValue;
assert upper >= coordValue : upper + " should be >= " + coordValue;
} else {
assert lower >= coordValue : lower + " should be >= " + coordValue;
assert upper <= coordValue : upper + " should be <= " + coordValue;
return index;
* Performs a binary search to find the index of the element of the array whose value is contained in the contiguous
* intervals.
* irregularPoint, // irregular spaced points (values, npts), edges halfway between coords
* contiguousInterval, // irregular contiguous spaced intervals (values, npts), values are the edges, and there are
* npts+1, coord halfway between edges
* same contract as findCoordElement()
private int findCoordElementContiguous(double target, boolean bounded) {
int n = axis.getNcoords();
// double resolution = (values[n-1] - values[0]) / (n - 1);
// int startGuess = (int) Math.round((target - values[0]) / resolution);
int low = 0;
int high = n - 1;
if (axis.isAscending()) {
// Check that the point is within range
if (target < axis.getCoordEdge1(0))
return bounded ? 0 : -1;
else if (target > axis.getCoordEdgeLast())
return bounded ? n - 1 : n;
// do a binary search to find the nearest index
int mid;
while (high > low + 1) {
mid = (low + high) / 2; // binary search
if (intervalContains(target, mid, true))
return mid;
else if (axis.getCoordEdge2(mid) < target)
low = mid;
high = mid;
return intervalContains(target, low, true) ? low : high;
} else { // descending
// Check that the point is within range
if (target > axis.getCoordEdge1(0))
return bounded ? 0 : -1;
else if (target < axis.getCoordEdgeLast())
return bounded ? n - 1 : n;
// do a binary search to find the nearest index
int mid;
while (high > low + 1) {
mid = (low + high) / 2; // binary search
if (intervalContains(target, mid, false))
return mid;
else if (axis.getCoordEdge2(mid) < target)
high = mid;
low = mid;
return intervalContains(target, low, false) ? low : high;
// same contract as findCoordElement(); in addition, -1 is returned when the target is not found
// will return immediately if an exact match is found (i.e. interval with edges equal to target)
// If bounded is true, then we will also look for the interval closest to the midpoint of the
// target
private int findCoordElementDiscontiguousInterval(double[] target, boolean bounded) {
// Check that the target is within range
int n = axis.getNcoords();
double upperIndex = target[1] > target[0] ? target[1] : target[0];
double lowerIndex = upperIndex == target[1] ? target[0] : target[1];
if (lowerIndex < axis.getCoordEdge1(0))
return bounded ? 0 : -1;
else if (upperIndex > axis.getCoordEdgeLast())
return bounded ? n - 1 : n;
// see if we can find an exact match
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < axis.getNcoords(); i++) {
double edge1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(i);
double edge2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(i);
if (DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(edge1, target[0], 1.0e-8) && DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(edge2, target[1], 1.0e-8))
return i;
// ok, give up on exact match, try to find interval closest to midpoint of the target
if (bounded) {
index = findCoordElementDiscontiguousInterval(lowerIndex + (upperIndex - lowerIndex) / 2, bounded);
return index;
// same contract as findCoordElement(); in addition, -1 is returned when the target is not contained in any interval
private int findCoordElementDiscontiguousInterval(double target, boolean bounded) {
int idx = findSingleHit(target);
// multiple hits = choose closest (definition of closest will be based on axis type)
if (idx == MULTIPLE_HITS) {
return findClosestDiscontiguousInterval(target);
if (bounded && (idx >= axis.getNcoords())) {
return -1;
return idx;
boolean intervalContains(double target, int coordIdx) {
// Target must be in the closed bounds defined by the discontiguous interval at index coordIdx.
double midVal1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(coordIdx);
double midVal2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(coordIdx);
boolean ascending = midVal1 < midVal2;
return intervalContains(target, coordIdx, ascending);
private boolean intervalContains(double target, int coordIdx, boolean ascending) {
// Target must be in the closed bounds defined by the discontiguous interval at index coordIdx.
double lowerVal = ascending ? axis.getCoordEdge1(coordIdx) : axis.getCoordEdge2(coordIdx);
double upperVal = ascending ? axis.getCoordEdge2(coordIdx) : axis.getCoordEdge1(coordIdx);
return lowerVal <= target && target <= upperVal;
// return index if only one match
// return MULTIPLE_HITS if in several
private int findSingleHit(double target) {
// edge cases: outside first interval
double firstCoord1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(0);
double firstCoord2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(0);
if ((axis.isAscending() && target < Math.min(firstCoord1, firstCoord2))
|| (!axis.isAscending() && target > Math.max(firstCoord1, firstCoord2))) {
return -1;
int idxFound = -1;
int n = axis.getNcoords();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (intervalContains(target, i)) {
if (idxFound >= 0) {
idxFound = i;
return idxFound > -1 ? idxFound : n;
// return index of closest value to target
// For Discontiguous Intervals, "closest" means:
// - time coordinate axis? Interval such that the end of the interval is closest to the target value
// - otherwise, interval midpoint closest to target
// If there are multiple matches for closest:
// - time coordinate axis? Use the interval with the smallest non-zero interval width
// - otherwise, use the one with the largest midpoint value
private int findClosestDiscontiguousInterval(double target) {
boolean isTemporal = axis.getAxisType().equals(AxisType.Time);
return isTemporal ? findClosestDiscontiguousTimeInterval(target) : findClosestDiscontiguousNonTimeInterval(target);
private int findClosestDiscontiguousTimeInterval(double target) {
double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double useValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
int idxFound = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < axis.getNcoords(); i++) {
// only check if target is in discontiguous interval i
if (intervalContains(target, i)) {
// find the end of the time interval
double coord = axis.getCoordEdge2(i);
// We want to make sure the interval includes our target point, and that means the end of the interval
// must be greater than or equal to the target.
if (coord >= target) {
// compute the width (in time) of the interval
double width = coord - axis.getCoordEdge1(i);
// we want to identify the interval with the end point closest to our target
// why? Because a statistic computed over a time window will only have meaning at the end
// of that interval, so the closer we can get to that the better.
double diff = Math.abs(coord - target);
// Here we minimize the difference between the end of an interval and our target value. If multiple
// intervals result in the same difference value, we will pick the one with the smallest non-zero
// width interval.
boolean tiebreaker = (diff == minDiff) && (width != 0) && (width < useValue);
if (diff < minDiff || tiebreaker) {
minDiff = diff;
idxFound = i;
useValue = width;
return idxFound;
private int findClosestDiscontiguousNonTimeInterval(double target) {
int idxFound = -1;
double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double useValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < axis.getNcoords(); i++) {
// only check if target is in discontiguous interval i
if (intervalContains(target, i)) {
// get midpoint of interval
double coord = axis.getCoordMidpoint(i);
// how close is the midpoint of this interval to our target value?
double diff = Math.abs(coord - target);
// Look for the interval with the minimum difference. If multiple intervals have the same
// difference between their midpoint and the target value, pick then one with the larger
// midpoint value
// LOOK - is maximum midpoint value the right tie breaker?
boolean tiebreaker = (diff == minDiff) && (coord > useValue);
if (diff < minDiff || tiebreaker) {
minDiff = diff;
idxFound = i;
useValue = coord;
return idxFound;
public Optional subset(double minValue, double maxValue, int stride) {
return subsetValues(minValue, maxValue, stride);
public CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetClosest(double want) {
return subsetValuesClosest(want);
public CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetLatest() {
return subsetValuesLatest();
public CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetClosest(CalendarDate date) {
double want = axis.convert(date);
return isDiscontiguousInterval() ? subsetClosestDiscontiguousInterval(date) : subsetValuesClosest(want);
private CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetClosestDiscontiguousInterval(CalendarDate date) {
// this is specific to dates
double target = axis.convert(date);
double maxDateToSearch = 0;
int intervals = 0;
// if there are multiple intervals that contain the target
// we want to find the maximum amount of time to subset based
// on the end of the widest interval
for (int i = 0; i < axis.getNcoords(); i++) {
if (intervalContains(target, i)) {
intervals += 1;
double bound1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(i);
double bound2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(i);
double intervalEnd = bound1 < bound2 ? bound2 : bound1;
if (intervalEnd > maxDateToSearch) {
maxDateToSearch = intervalEnd;
// if we found one or more intervals, try to handle that by subsetting over a range of time
Optional multipleIntervalBuilder = Optional.empty("");
if (intervals > 0) {
multipleIntervalBuilder = subset(target, maxDateToSearch, 1);
// if multipleIntervalBuilder exists, return it. Otherwise fallback to subsetValuesClosest.
return multipleIntervalBuilder.isPresent() ? multipleIntervalBuilder.get()
: subsetValuesClosest(axis.convert(date));
public CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetClosest(CalendarDate[] date) {
double[] want = new double[2];
want[0] = axis.convert(date[0]);
want[1] = axis.convert(date[1]);
return subsetValuesClosest(want);
public Optional subset(CalendarDateRange dateRange, int stride) {
double min = axis.convert(dateRange.getStart());
double max = axis.convert(dateRange.getEnd());
return subsetValues(min, max, stride);
// LOOK could specialize when only one point
private Optional subsetValues(double minValue, double maxValue, int stride) {
double lower = axis.isAscending() ? Math.min(minValue, maxValue) : Math.max(minValue, maxValue);
double upper = axis.isAscending() ? Math.max(minValue, maxValue) : Math.min(minValue, maxValue);
int minIndex = findCoordElement(lower, false);
int maxIndex = findCoordElement(upper, false);
if (minIndex >= axis.getNcoords()) {
return Optional.empty(String.format("no points in subset: lower %f > end %f", lower, axis.getEndValue()));
if (maxIndex < 0) {
return Optional.empty(String.format("no points in subset: upper %f < start %f", upper, axis.getStartValue()));
if (minIndex < 0) {
minIndex = 0;
if (maxIndex >= axis.getNcoords()) {
maxIndex = axis.getNcoords() - 1;
int count = maxIndex - minIndex + 1;
if (count <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no points in subset");
try {
return Optional.of(subsetByIndex(new Range(minIndex, maxIndex, stride)));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
return Optional.empty(e.getMessage());
public Optional makeRange(double minValue, double maxValue, int stride) {
double lower = axis.isAscending() ? Math.min(minValue, maxValue) : Math.max(minValue, maxValue);
double upper = axis.isAscending() ? Math.max(minValue, maxValue) : Math.min(minValue, maxValue);
int minIndex = findCoordElement(lower, false);
int maxIndex = findCoordElement(upper, false);
if (minIndex >= axis.getNcoords())
return Optional.empty(String.format("no points in subset: lower %f > end %f", lower, axis.getEndValue()));
if (maxIndex < 0)
return Optional.empty(String.format("no points in subset: upper %f < start %f", upper, axis.getStartValue()));
if (minIndex < 0)
minIndex = 0;
if (maxIndex >= axis.getNcoords())
maxIndex = axis.getNcoords() - 1;
int count = maxIndex - minIndex + 1;
if (count <= 0)
return Optional.empty("no points in subset");
try {
return Optional.of(new Range(minIndex, maxIndex, stride));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
return Optional.empty(e.getMessage());
// Range must be contained in this range
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetByIndex(Range range) throws InvalidRangeException {
int ncoords = range.length();
if (range.last() >= axis.getNcoords())
throw new InvalidRangeException("range.last() >= axis.getNcoords()");
double resolution = 0.0;
int count2 = 0;
double[] values = axis.getValues(); // will be null for regular
double[] subsetValues = null;
switch (axis.getSpacing()) {
case regularInterval:
case regularPoint:
resolution = range.stride() * axis.getResolution();
case irregularPoint:
subsetValues = new double[ncoords];
for (int i : range)
subsetValues[count2++] = values[i];
case contiguousInterval:
subsetValues = new double[ncoords + 1]; // need npts+1
for (int i : range)
subsetValues[count2++] = values[i];
subsetValues[count2] = values[range.last() + 1];
case discontiguousInterval:
subsetValues = new double[2 * ncoords]; // need 2*npts
for (int i : range) {
subsetValues[count2++] = values[2 * i];
subsetValues[count2++] = values[2 * i + 1];
// subset(int ncoords, double start, double end, double[] values)
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(axis);
builder.subset(ncoords, axis.getCoord(range.first()), axis.getCoord(range.last()), resolution, subsetValues);
return builder;
private CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetValuesClosest(double[] want) {
int closest_index = findCoordElement(want, true); // bounded, always valid index
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(axis);
if (axis.spacing == CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularInterval) {
double val1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(closest_index);
double val2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(closest_index);
builder.subset(1, val1, val2, val2 - val1, null);
} else {
builder.subset(1, 0, 0, 0.0, makeValues(closest_index));
try {
builder.setRange(new Range(closest_index, closest_index));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // cant happen
return builder;
private CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetValuesClosest(double want) {
int closest_index = findCoordElement(want, true); // bounded, always valid index
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(axis);
if (axis.spacing == CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularPoint) {
double val = axis.getCoordMidpoint(closest_index);
builder.subset(1, val, val, 0.0, null);
} else if (axis.spacing == CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularInterval) {
double val1 = axis.getCoordEdge1(closest_index);
double val2 = axis.getCoordEdge2(closest_index);
builder.subset(1, val1, val2, val2 - val1, null);
} else {
builder.subset(1, 0, 0, 0.0, makeValues(closest_index));
try {
builder.setRange(new Range(closest_index, closest_index));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // cant happen
return builder;
Optional subsetContaining(double want) {
int index = findCoordElement(want, false); // not bounded, may not be valid index
if (index < 0 || index >= axis.getNcoords())
return Optional.empty(String.format("value %f not in axis %s", want, axis.getName()));
double val = axis.getCoordMidpoint(index);
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(axis);
builder.subset(1, val, val, 0.0, makeValues(index));
try {
builder.setRange(new Range(index, index));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // cant happen
return Optional.of(builder);
private CoverageCoordAxisBuilder subsetValuesLatest() {
int last = axis.getNcoords() - 1;
double val = axis.getCoordMidpoint(last);
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(axis);
builder.subset(1, val, val, 0.0, makeValues(last));
try {
builder.setRange(new Range(last, last));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // cant happen
return builder;
private double[] makeValues(int index) {
double[] subsetValues = null; // null for regular
switch (axis.getSpacing()) {
case irregularPoint:
subsetValues = new double[1];
subsetValues[0] = axis.getCoordMidpoint(index);
case discontiguousInterval:
case contiguousInterval:
subsetValues = new double[2];
subsetValues[0] = axis.getCoordEdge1(index);
subsetValues[1] = axis.getCoordEdge2(index);
return subsetValues;
int search(double want) {
if (axis.getNcoords() == 1) {
return DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(want, axis.getStartValue(), 1.0e-8) ? 0 : -1;
if (axis.isRegular()) {
double fval = (want - axis.getStartValue()) / axis.getResolution();
double ival = Math.rint(fval);
return DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(fval, ival, 1.0e-8) ? (int) ival : (int) -ival - 1; // LOOK
// otherwise do a binary search
return Arrays.binarySearch(axis.getValues(), want);
private boolean isDiscontiguousInterval() {
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing spacing = axis.getSpacing();
if (spacing != null) {
return spacing.equals(CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.discontiguousInterval);
return false;